Papers by Faishal Akbar P

Unram Medical Journal
Background: As a way to prevent cardiovascular disease, peanut shell has been develop to be an al... more Background: As a way to prevent cardiovascular disease, peanut shell has been develop to be an alternative way. The present bioactive compound, luteolin, acts as antioxidant and can also influence trygliceride metabolism. The purpose of this study is to find out the effect of the peanut shell extract (Arachis hypogaea) ontriglyceride level in rats (Rattus norvegicus) induced by high fat diet. Method: Present research is an experimental research with post test control group only. The rats divided into 5 groups. They are negative control group induced by daily diet, positive control induced by simvastatin 0,9 mg/kgBB/daily, and three treatment groups induced by three different dosage of peanutshell extract (Arachis hypogaea). Three different dosage consist of 300mg/kgBB/daily (P1), 600 mg/kgBB/daily (P2), and 1200/kgBB/daily (P3) orally. Before the treatment start, we induced the rats with high fat diet 10mg/daily for 6 weeks to make hypertrygliceride state. Result: Based on the exper...

Research Journal of Life Science
Leaf blight Phytophthora colocasiae is one of the main diseases in taro plants which can reduce p... more Leaf blight Phytophthora colocasiae is one of the main diseases in taro plants which can reduce production yield significantly. Weather is one of the main factors supporting the epidemic of leaf blight. Weather changes will affect the development of pathogens and affect the development of disease in the field. This research aimed to find out the effect of weather elements (air temperature, humidity, sunlight intensity, rainfall, number of rainy days) on the intensity of the taro leaf blight attack. The results showed that weather elements had a significant correlation with the intensity of taro leaf blight disease. Air temperature and sunlight intensity showed negative correlations while air humidity, rainfall and the number of rainy days were positively correlated with the disease intensity. The results of this path analysis showed that air humidity had the most significant effect of the weather elements on the intensity of taro leaf blight both directly and indirectly.
Jurnal sport science, Sep 12, 2018
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memprediksi tingkat kapasitas oksigen maksimal (VO 2 Maks) pemain ... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memprediksi tingkat kapasitas oksigen maksimal (VO 2 Maks) pemain bola voli klub Panama Kota Malang, dikarenakan berdasarkan observasi awal diketahui bahwa tidak terdapat data VO 2 Maks. Penelitian menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif dengan pendekatan survei. Subjek penelitian berjumlah 40 orang dan instrumen yang digunakan adalah tes lari multitahap yang hasilnya dikonversikan dan dikategorikan dengan tabel nilai prediksi VO 2 Maks. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebanyak 2.5% pemain berkategori baik, 25% berkategori sedang, 35% berkategori buruk, 37.5% berkategori buruk sekali dan 0% berkategori baik sekali dan superior. Hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwa tingkat VO 2 Maks pemain bola voli klub Panama Kota Malang masih jauh dibawah rata-rata standard pemain bola voli.
NDC E-JOURNAL, Dec 30, 2015

Indonesian Journal of Pharmacy, 2021
Cell death (apoptosis) in the hippocampus is related to impaired memory functions. Gotu kola (Cen... more Cell death (apoptosis) in the hippocampus is related to impaired memory functions. Gotu kola (Centella asiatica) contains asiatic acid and asiaticoside, which act as antioxidants and improve memory function. This study was intended to determine the effects of gotu kola extracts on Bcl-2 gene expression and spatial memory in rats with impaired memory functions due to trimethyltin (TMT) injection. The rats were subdivided into six groups, each group consisting of 10. The normal group was given sodium carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC-Na); the TMT group was given CMC-Na; the positive group was given 200 mg/kg bw citicoline; the extract groups were given a variation of gotu kola extract at 100 (P100), 200 (P200), and 400 mg/kg bw (P400) doses, respectively. These treatments were conducted for 35 days. TMT was injected intraperitoneally on Day 8 of treatment at a dose of 8 mg/kg bw in all groups except the normal group. On Days 29-35, the Morris water maze (MWM) spatial memory test was conduc...

Laju perkembangan bidang teknologi, khususnya teknologi informasi dan komunikasi membawa perubaha... more Laju perkembangan bidang teknologi, khususnya teknologi informasi dan komunikasi membawa perubahan besar di bidang kehidupan termasuk bidang pendidikan. Pengembangan multimedia tentunya akan sangat bermanfaat untuk mengurangi keterbatasan sumber belajar dan menambah variasi belajar, terutama bagi siswa SMPLB/B Tunarungu. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan multimedia materi luas bangun datar dan mengetahui pemahaman matematis serta sikap siswa setelah memperoleh pembelajaran dengan multimedia. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan menggunakan metode Research and Development (R&D). Data yang diambil dalam penelitian adalah data validitas multimedia oleh ahli materi dan media, data tanggapan sikap siswa mengenai pembelajaran dengan multimedia, serta hasil belajar siswa SMPLB/B Tunarungu kelas VII materi luas bangun datar untuk mengatahui capaian pemahaman matematis. validitas multimedia oleh ahli dan tanggapan siswa terhadap multimedia, masing-masing diambil dengan menggunakan lemb...

Horticultural commodities in the future will play an increasingly important, both in the business... more Horticultural commodities in the future will play an increasingly important, both in the business community nutrition improvement and development of processing industries. This commodity is also one of reliable export commodities besides oil and natural gas (non-oil). Exports of Indonesian fruits tended to increase from year to year, but the types and amounts are still very limited. This is caused by a variety of constraints include: lack of quality in accordance with demand and productivity is still low. Therefore, the Government tried to continue to develop and improve the quality and production of fruits and provide various support facilities . The purpose of this study was to determine the diseases that caused by fungi on apple, orange, strawberry and guava. This research was conducted by a direct observation in the apple, orange, strawberry and guava plantations. To sample the plant was done by two methods, i.e a systematic confirmation and confirmation of information officers. Systematic confirmation was to make observations on the systematic sample plot which had been determined systematically. Observations were made on the same plot once a week. Confirmation of information officers was to check to the plot of the disease which was found before the experiment by the field officers. From the survey was known there were two diseases on strawberry plants i.e fusarium wilt (Fusarium oxysporum) and fruit rot (Fusarium sp.). Four diseases that attacked the apple plants were cancer (Botryosphaeria ribis), marssonina leaf blotch (Marssonina coronaria), fire blight (bacteria) and fruit rot (Gloeosporium fructigenum). Three diseases that attacked the guava plants were antraknosa (Gloeosporium fructigenum), algae (Cephaleuros sp.) and fruit rot (Fusarium sp.). And there was citrus leaf blotch (Mycosphaerella citri) that found in citrus plant.

International Journal of Social Science and Humanity, 2016
The Web 2.0 Era has influenced the dynamics of politics and democracy, both global and local leve... more The Web 2.0 Era has influenced the dynamics of politics and democracy, both global and local level nowadays. At the local level, the rise of technology, communication, and information affects the political communication between the government and the citizen. One of the interesting phenomena about this is happening in Bandung city. Ridwan Kamil, the current Mayor of Bandung City, has brought the social media effect since the regional election 2013 until now. As the mayor city, he uses social media not only to create more public-friendly communication with the citizen but also to create more effective and efficient procedure of public service. The using of social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube has managed to make huge mobilization of Bandung Citizen to be involved in government's activities and programs. There are two cases that this paper analyzes as the effect of the web 2.0 Era on political life in Bandung. First, the regional election in 2013, it was a huge success of creative campaign by using social media instead of using traditional one as political communication to promote Ridwan Kamil and to attract citizen to choose him. Second, the use of social media and websites to inform, report, and promote government's programs and activities to engage citizen to involve as a volunteer or participant in government's programs. Furthermore, this phenomenon has led the government of Bandung to develop Bandung to be a 'smart' city. This paper gives critical analysis about how media social as a public sphere in web 2.0 era impact on political communication between government and citizen in Bandung.

Abstrak Kawa merupakan salah satu brand bisnis baru yang bergerak dibidang sepatu. Untuk dapat be... more Abstrak Kawa merupakan salah satu brand bisnis baru yang bergerak dibidang sepatu. Untuk dapat bersaing dalam segi pemasaran, sepatu Kawa juga akan dipasarkan secara online melalui sosial media instagram dan juga website. Karena fenomena belanja online tidak hanya berkembang pesat di dunia, namun juga di kalangan bisnis lokal Indonesia. Melihat peluang tersebut, Kawa tercetus sebagai ide bisnis fashion berplatform online. Kawa memiliki produk yaitu sepatu boots yang dibuat oleh pengrajin lokal dan menggunakan bahan - bahan yang berkualitas serta dengan model-model mengikuti trend terbaru. Dikarenakan bisnis ini baru akan didirikan maka dari itu dilakukan studi kelayakan bisnis untuk mengetahui apakah bisnis ini layak atau tidak untuk dijalankan. Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui kelayakan usaha yang ditunjau dari aspek analisis kelayakan, aspek pasar, aspek teknis dan aspek finansial. Untuk mengetahui analisis aspek pasar data didapatkan dari penyebaran kuesioner yang kemu...
Papers by Faishal Akbar P