Papers by Fafit Rahmat Aji
Edubiotik : Jurnal Pendidikan, Biologi dan Terapan
The Sapen Nusantara Conservation forest park is agroforestry that has certain vegetation. The veg... more The Sapen Nusantara Conservation forest park is agroforestry that has certain vegetation. The vegetation in Sapen Nusantara Protected forest park seems to support the existence of birds as wildlife that need a living habitat. The existence of bird species in Sapen Nusantara Protected forest park is very important in supporting agroforestry vegetation. However, until now the diversity of bird species there has not been identified and recorded properly. The forest is one of the buffer forests of Mount Arjuno protection forest, so the ecosystem must be maintained. This study aims to analyze the diversity of bird species in the agroforest forest area in Sapen Nusantara Conservation forest park, Ledug Village, Pasuruan. The research was conducted in July 2021 using the direct observation method (point count) on ecotourism routes by calculating and recording the trails traversed using GPS, sampling by observing walking along the path/road accompanied by predetermined observation points, i...
Soeropati: Journal of Community Service
Pesanggem Taman Kehati Sapen Nusantara (TKSN) is a farming community in the Sapen Forest Area of ... more Pesanggem Taman Kehati Sapen Nusantara (TKSN) is a farming community in the Sapen Forest Area of Mount Arjuno, Pasuruan. Coffee agroforestry is the main commodity for forest farmers in the TKSN area. For pest prevention, they have been using chemical pesticides to prevent the Coffee Fruit Borer. Through the Community Based Research approach, the companion team together with the community have succeeded in innovating vegetable pesticides coffee by utilizing Brugmansia Suaveolens Bercht. & J. Presl and Swietenia macrophylla King. as the main ingredients that are easily found in Taman Kehati Sapen Nusantara into environmentally friendly coffee pesticide products.
Jatiarjo village has tourism potential well known to many people; moreover, this village is one o... more Jatiarjo village has tourism potential well known to many people; moreover, this village is one of the buffer villages or recharge area areas in Pasuruan district. Besides tourism, the business in Jatiarjo village is coffee agribusiness. Each business actor runs his own business, and there is no institutional link between them, even though the activities they carry out are functionally interrelated. Such a business structure is not conducive to developing a sustainable coffee agribusiness business due to the absence of a harmonious and harmonious functional relationship between agribusiness actors, so market dynamics cannot always be responded to efficiently. The purpose of this assistance is to increase the income of coffee farmers, which quality and productivity can still be improved. The implementation of this service activity is carried out through Participatory Action Research, emphasizing community empowerment of coffee farmer groups as partners. The results of this mentoring ...
At-Tajdid: Jurnal Ilmu Tarbiyah, 2016
PT. Tirta Investama-Pandaan Factory (TIV-Pandaan Factory) is one of the companies engaged in bott... more PT. Tirta Investama-Pandaan Factory (TIV-Pandaan Factory) is one of the companies engaged in bottled water, developing programs Corporate Social Responsibily (CSR) through the empowerment of the people concentrated in the region of the village of Jatianom Karangjati Pandaan District of Pasuruan. The form of empowerment by using an integrated community development (ICD) approach, between economic empowerment, environment, and education. One form of activities in the field of education is the development of environmentally sound early childhood. The result of this activity is developed through programs of early childhood environmental Pro-scaling (Smart School, Care and cultured environment) is already integrated with the Wanjati garbage bank. In its development, early childhood environmental concept located in the hamlet Jatianom Karangjati Pandaan Pasuruan become a pilot early childhood education in the district of Pasuruan.
Agromix, 2016
kajian ini menunjukkan bahwa beberapa daerah di Kawasan Gunung Arjuna, tersebut memiliki tingkat ... more kajian ini menunjukkan bahwa beberapa daerah di Kawasan Gunung Arjuna, tersebut memiliki tingkat keragaman dalam penanganan hayati. Belum semua desa memiliki dasar-dasar pengembangan agroforestry yang baik. Melalui program KEHATi dalam program CSR PT. TIV, komunitas petani yang tersebar di Kawasan Gunung Arjuna Prigen di dorong untuk mengembangkan kopi dan pengolahannya berbasis agroforestry dengan baik.
Agromix, 2017
Penelitian keanekaragaman tumbuhan bawah dilakukan di Hutan Lindung Blok Sapen Kecamatan Prigen, ... more Penelitian keanekaragaman tumbuhan bawah dilakukan di Hutan Lindung Blok Sapen Kecamatan Prigen, Kabupaten Pasuruan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh jenis tegakan terhadap komposisi dan keanekaragaman tumbuhan bawah di Hutan Sapen. Terdapat tiga stasiun pengambilan sampel berdasarkan jenis tegakan yang ada, yaitu stasiun 1 (dibawah tegakan mahoni), stasiun 2 (dibawah tegakan pinus), dan stasiun 3 (tanpa tegakan). Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode line transect. Dalam setiap stasiun pengamatan terdapat 70 plot pengamatan seluas 2x2 m 2 sepanjang jalur line transect. Jumlah total spesies yang ditemukan di tiga stasiun pengamatan adalah 137 spesies dari 43 famili. Keanekaragaman tumbuhan bawah di hutan Blok Sapen bedasarkan indeks keanekaragaman (H') tertinggi ada pada stasiun 1 (3,6518), kemudian stasiun 3 (tanpa tegakan) (3,54775), dan stasiun 2 (2,988). Struktur dan komposisi tumbuhan bawah Berdasarkan INP, pada stasiun 1 lima urutan teratas tumbuhan bawah yang mendominasi adalah Paspalum conjugatum, Athyrium sp, Pasphalum commersonii, Centrocema pubescens, dan Adiantum sp. Pada stasiun 2 adalah Pasphalum commersonii, Imperata cylindrica, Centrocema pubescens, Pennisetum purpureum, dan Axonopus enapositus, dan pada stasiun 3 adalah Desmodium triflorum, Imperata cylindrica, Axonopus sp, Juwawutan, dan Mimosa pudica. Jenis tegakan yang berbeda mempengaruhi iklim mikro yang berbeda pada lantai hutan, menyebabkan kondisi lingkungan (pH, suhu, kelembapan tanah, kelembapan udara, dan intensitas cahaya) berbeda. Selain itu zat alelopati dan kecepatan dekomposisi serasah, juga berperan serta dalam menentukan komposisi dan keanekaragaman tumbuhan bawah. Kata kunci : Hutan Sapen, jenis tegakan, komposisi dan keanekaragaman tumbuhan bawah.
Engagement : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 1970
Waste is still a problem in Indonesia. Because of waste, especially organic waste, contributes gr... more Waste is still a problem in Indonesia. Because of waste, especially organic waste, contributes greatly to climate change due to greenhouse gases. In the management of waste that is generally open damping, particularly in Pasuruan, until now is still a problem that has not been unsolved. Therefore, the author will be presented in the study of implementation of integrated waste management based on IT and obstacles faced during the mentoring process. This mentoring activity was carried out at four Waste Banks based on community, schools, and youth in Pasuruan Regency with Community-Based Research (CBR) approach. The results showed that the various activities of Waste Bank application management mentoring based on IT gained widespread acceptance and appreciation from the Manager of Waste Bank in Pasuruan Regency. However, in the process of transition from Waste Bank management from manual-based until there was a change by utilizing IT required a process, time as well as the willingness ...
Engagement : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 2017
Permasalahan lingkungan hidup terus berkembang, isu pemanasan global menjadi perhatian dunia, seh... more Permasalahan lingkungan hidup terus berkembang, isu pemanasan global menjadi perhatian dunia, sehingga program konservasi dan kehati terus digalakkan. Program Ngeramut Wareh Sapenmerupakan salah satu bentuk konservasi dan kehati berbasis pemberdayaan masyarakat sekitar hutan Arjuno ini diinisiasi oleh Yayasan Satu Daun dan PT. Tirta Investama Pabrik Pandaan bekerjasama dengan Perhutani, Pemerintah Desa Jatiarjo, LMDH Bumi Lestari, Universitas Yudharta, serta beberapa stakeholders lainnya. Hasil implementasi program Ngeramut Wareh Sapen diantaranya dilakukan pembibitan, penanaman pohon, inisiasi pendidikan lingkungan hidup berkelanjutan dengan mendirikan laboratorium tanaman langka, kandang sangkar hewan endemik, serta pondok latih. Selain itu, pemantauan dan evaluasi yang holistik terus dikembangkan untuk mengetahui perkembangan program Ngeramut Wareh Sapen ini, diantaranya melakukan data base pohon online, pemantauan hutan berbasis drone, studi lingkungan hidup yang berkelanjutan, ...
Borneo Journal of Biology Education (BJBE)
AbstrakKeberadaan serangga dapat dijadikan sebagai indikator keseimbangan ekosistem. Spesies sera... more AbstrakKeberadaan serangga dapat dijadikan sebagai indikator keseimbangan ekosistem. Spesies serangga diurnal dan nokturnal juga terdapat di Hutan Sapen. Hal ini dikarenakan serangga tersebut mendapatkan persediaan makanan dan lingkungan yang mendukung untuk hidup. Penelitian ini dilakukan bertujuan untuk mengukur keanekaragaman, dan kemerataan serangga diurnal dan nokturnal pada Hutan Taman Kehati Sapen Nusantara. Pengumpulan spesimen dapat dilakukan secara teknik jelajah, yaitu terjun langsung ke lapangan dalam pengamatan dan pengambilan sampel. Sampel yang diambil dalam penelitian ini yaitu serangga yang aktif pada pagi sampai sore (serangga diurnal), dan serangga yang aktif pada malam hari (serangga nokturnal). Metode yang digunakan dalam pengamatan dan pengkoleksian serangga yaitu teknik tangkap langsung (direct sweeping) dan teknik jebakan (Trapping). Analisis data melalui identifikasi sampel, indeks Keanekaragamn (H’) dan Indeks Kemerataan (E). Hasil penelitian total temuan ...
Papers by Fafit Rahmat Aji