Papers by Fabio Bordignon
Contemporary Italian Politics

Quaderni dell'Osservatorio elettorale QOE - IJES , 2006
Le primarie, organizzate dall’Unione di centrosinistra, domenica 16 ottobre 2005, costituiscono u... more Le primarie, organizzate dall’Unione di centrosinistra, domenica 16 ottobre 2005, costituiscono un caso singolare. Hanno, infatti, offerto molti motivi di sorpresa agli osservatori e agli analisti, ma anche ai leader della coalizione. Ha sorpreso, sicuramente, l’afflusso alla consultazione. Più di quattro milioni di elettori. Ha sorpreso, altresì, l’alto livello dei consensi attribuiti a Prodi, il candidato dei partiti dell’Ulivo. Nessuno si attendeva un partecipazione così ampia, né un consenso tanto elevato all’ex presidente della Commissione europea. D’altra parte, trattandosi di primarie “di coalizione”, esse costituivano un’esperienza “singolare”. Inedita, in ambito europeo. E, per questo, “sorprendente”. Sicuramente diversa dal “modello americano”, dove la competizione è davvero aperta: non c’è un vincitore sicuro; si rivolge agli elettori di un “partito” (per quanto ampio, trasversale e focalizzato sulla missione “elettorale” e, parallelamente, sulla selezione dei candidati a...
Despite currently being banned from holding office, Silvio Berlusconi is well placed to have a ke... more Despite currently being banned from holding office, Silvio Berlusconi is well placed to have a key role in the Italian general election in March. Fabio Bordignon outlines the factors behind his latest comeback, and how his Forza Italia party could play a central part in the formation of the next Italian government.

The article provides a theoretical framework for the study of these concepts and an attempt at em... more The article provides a theoretical framework for the study of these concepts and an attempt at empirical measurement. The concepts of food safety and food security are framed within the theoretical debate on the global risk society, focusing on the interconnections between insecurity/safety and risks, sustainability, consumption, and participation. The first results of a survey carried out by the Department of Economics, Society, Politics (DESP) of the University of Urbino Carlo Bo, in the context of the project Sustainability and food [in]security, are then illustrated. This research makes it possible to outline the degree and dimensions of food safety and food security in the Italian adult population, study its connection with attitudes towards sustainability, and identify the factors that influence food choice. The analysis also considers the interplay between consumption and social and political commitment, in their diachronic evolution.
Despite leading many opinion polls at the national level, Italy’s Five Star Movement (M5S) suffer... more Despite leading many opinion polls at the national level, Italy’s Five Star Movement (M5S) suffered a disappointing result in the first round of municipal elections on 11 June. Fabio Bordignon argues that the result should not be translated into national support as the party faces several obstacles that prevent it from effectively fighting local elections. The most likely picture for the next general election remains a three-way contest between the centre-left, centre-right and the M5S.
On 4 December, Italy will hold a referendum on constitutional reform that has come to be viewed a... more On 4 December, Italy will hold a referendum on constitutional reform that has come to be viewed as a vote of confidence in Matteo Renzi’s government. Fabio Bordignon writes that Italy now has two very different paths in front of it: a Yes vote will potentially lead to a more presidential form of politics, while a No vote could generate substantial uncertainty over the country’s political trajectory. He argues that the victory of Renzi’s camp would lead to a majoritarian – and de facto presidential – democracy, inaugurating Italy’s ‘Third Republic’.

Quaderni dell Osservatorio elettorale QOE - IJES, 2021
What happens when anti-establishment political actors gain strength, enter institutions, and even... more What happens when anti-establishment political actors gain strength, enter institutions, and even become the new establishment? To what extent are their electoral profiles and the demands behind them normalised by the system? This article uses ITANES surveys to investigate voters’ reactions to the different paths taken by the three main protagonists of the 2016-2020 Italian populist wave: the M5S, the Lega, and FDI. In particular, it uses panel data to study the evolution of populist attitudes and protest drivers, as well as their connection with electoral flows and parties’ strategic choices. The most striking change concerns the redefinition of the political outlook of 5-star voters, who have significantly reduced their populist stances. However, the transformation of the M5S into a government party produced significant outflows of voters who already in 2016 expressed greater resentment towards political elites. These dynamics have largely favoured parties of the populist right – ...
Papers by Fabio Bordignon