Papers by Franziska Lautenbach
Frontiers in Psychology
In professional soccer, players, coaches, and researchers alike recognize the importance of cogni... more In professional soccer, players, coaches, and researchers alike recognize the importance of cognitive skills. Research addressing the relevance of cognitive skills has been based on the cognitive component skills approach (i.e., general cognitive processes) or the expert performance approach (i.e., sport-specific cognitive processes). Our project aimed to combine the strengths of both approaches to develop and validate cognitive tasks measuring inhibition and cognitive flexibility in a soccer-specific setting with a soccer-specific motor response. In the main study 77 elite youth soccer players completed a computerized version of the standard flanker and number–letter tasks as well as flanker and number–letter tasks requiring a soccer-specific motor response (i.e., pass) in a soccer-specific setting (i.e., the SoccerBot360). Results show good reliability for both tasks. For the SoccerBot360 number–letter task, switch effects for response times and accuracy and acceptable convergent ...
German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research
Whether esports can be considered a sport is highly debated. The German Olympic Sport Federation ... more Whether esports can be considered a sport is highly debated. The German Olympic Sport Federation (DOSB) and the German Society for Sport Sciences (DVS) recently stated that esports should not be integrated into the canon of sport. Our aim is not to further fuel this debate but rather to argue that to be or not to be sport is not the most important question from a scientific perspective. After summarizing the current discussion on whether esports constitute a sport, this paper discusses why and how sport and exercise psychology (SEP), in particular, could research esports. To exploit research opportunities in esports, such as adapting validated methods and testing existing models, scholars in SEP could examine the aspects arising from its positional stance. We argue that the potential of SEP approaches, models, and methods, positions it well to play an important role in research on esports. The present perspective provides a starting point for a constructive discourse on the developm...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
The assessment of core executive functions (EFs; i.e., inhibition, working memory, cognitive flex... more The assessment of core executive functions (EFs; i.e., inhibition, working memory, cognitive flexibility) has often been presented as a diagnostic tool for evaluating cognitive functions in recent publications. For example, EFs are essential in soccer because players must quickly adapt, change strategies, and inhibit responses in rapidly changing game situations. Previous research has shown relations between (subjectively rated) game performance and the EFs of soccer players. Nevertheless, the previous studies’ samples were heterogeneous in their performance level (experts vs. amateurs), and the ratings were rather unsystematic (no validated rating protocol). Therefore, the current study aimed to predict soccer players’ game performance (i.e., systematically rated by coaches) with the help of EF performance. Therefore, we assessed the game performance (small-sided game, Game Performance Assessment Instrument [GPAI]) and EFs (inhibition: flanker task; working memory: 3-back task; cog...
Frontiers in Sports and Active Living
The present study aimed to investigate (i) differences in salivary testosterone and cortisol conc... more The present study aimed to investigate (i) differences in salivary testosterone and cortisol concentrations before, during, and after simulated beach volleyball match, depending on match outcome (winning vs. losing); (ii) the relationship between technical-tactical performance indicators in beach volleyball and salivary hormonal concentrations (i.e., testosterone, cortisol). We hypothesized (i) salivary testosterone concentrations would be greater in winners and salivary cortisol would be lower; (ii) testosterone would associate with positive technical-tactical performance and cortisol would associate with negative technical-tactical performance. Sixteen athletes participated in the study and were grouped according to the result of a simulated game (winners: n = 8; losers: n = 8). Salivary hormone concentration of testosterone and cortisol were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (pre-match, post first set, and post-match), and the coefficient of performance and efficiency...
Zeitschrift für Sportpsychologie
Zusammenfassung. Anhand des Themas Kognitionspsychologie im Fußball ist es Ziel dieses Beitrags d... more Zusammenfassung. Anhand des Themas Kognitionspsychologie im Fußball ist es Ziel dieses Beitrags deutlich zu machen, warum es sinnvoll ist, dass Forschung und Praxis der Sportpsychologie und die entsprechenden Akteure integriert und eng zusammenarbeiten. Wir stellen konkrete Überlegungen vor, wie wir diesem Anspruch gerecht werden könnten und nehmen dabei auf ein aktuelles Projekt im Nachwuchsleistungsfußball Bezug. Dabei gehen wir zunächst auf ausgewählte theoretische Grundlagen der Kognitionspsychologie sowie empirische Befunde zur Rolle von Kognitionen und insbesondere der exekutiven Funktionen im Fußball ein, stellen dann Vorteile der Integration von Forschung und Praxis vor, um abschließend konkrete Anstöße zu einer möglichen Umsetzung einer verstärkten Integration von Forschung und Praxis zu geben.
Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung
Hintergrund In der vorliegenden Studie wurde die epidemiologische Ausprägung des holistischen men... more Hintergrund In der vorliegenden Studie wurde die epidemiologische Ausprägung des holistischen mentalen Wohlbefindens mittels des Comprehensive Inventory of Thriving (CIT) von 180 männlichen Eishockey Athleten erhoben. Das Konstrukt des Thriving beschreibt durch den Zustand eines holistischen mentalen Wohlbefindens, das Entfalten einer ausgeprägten positiven Leistungsfähigkeit. Methodik Neben einem Vergleich der unter 17-jährigen (U17; n = 112, Alter = 16,6 ± 0,6 Jahre) zu den unter 20-jährigen (U20; n = 68, Alter = 18,3 ± 0,9 Jahre) Athleten, wurden die Werte der Gesamtstichprobe mit Normwerten von 16–24-Jährigen nordamerikanischen Jugendlichen, sowie von deutschsprachigen Medizinstudierenden und Assistenzärzten/innen verglichen. Ergebnisse Die U17 und U20 Athleten unterschieden sich in nur zwei von achtzehn Faktoren erster Ordnung signifikant in ihren Thriving-Werten, wobei sich die interne Konsistenz dieser zwei Faktoren als nicht akzeptabel herausstellte. Dennoch zeigte sich ein Trend, dass die U20 Athleten ausgeprägtere Werte in ihrem mentalen Wohlbefinden aufwiesen. Im Vergleich zu den externen Normwerten zeigten die Athleten, mit Ausnahme weniger Subskalen, mehrheitlich signifikant höhere Thriving-Werte. Diskussion Mögliche Gründe für die Unterschiede im mentalen Wohlbefinden, wie beispielsweise Alter, Geschlecht und kultureller Hintergrund werden diskutiert. Das CIT kann für männliche Athleten des Eishockeysports als Grundlage für zukünftige sportpsychologische Forschung und Anwendung empfohlen werden. Zudem verweisen die Autorinnen auf eine verstärkte Beachtung des holistischen mentalen Wohlbefindens als Bestandteil einer Bildung für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung im Sport. Background The present study examined the epidemiologic characteristics of mental well-being using the Comprehensive Inventory of Thriving (CIT) in 180 male ice hockey athletes. The construct thriving is described by a state of holistic mental well-being, which enables individuals to unfold a distinct positive performance capability. Materials and methods Beside a comparison of under 17-aged (U17; n = 112, age = 16.6 ± 0.6 years old) and under 20-aged (U20; n = 68, age = 18.3 ± 0.9 years old) athletes, analyses contrast the thriving-values of the sample with norm values of 16–24-year-old Nordamericans, as well as with norm values of German-speaking medical students and trainees. Results Although U17 and U20 mostly did not differ significantly, U20 athletes show a trend of a more intense manifestation of their mental well-being. Moreover, with few exceptions, ice hockey athletes showed significantly higher values in their thriving compared with the existing external norm values. Conclusion Possible reasons for these differences as for example age, gender and cultural background are discussed. The CIT might be applicable for sport psychological research. Furthermore, a focus on the holistic mental well-being for a sustainable education in sports will be discussed.
The main purpose of this study is to i) investigate whether playing esports in competitive settin... more The main purpose of this study is to i) investigate whether playing esports in competitive settings is related to psychological and/or physiological stress and ii) if so, whether stress responses before game play can predict in-game performance.
International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, 2021
The aim of the research project was to gain an in-depth understanding of how children, coaches, a... more The aim of the research project was to gain an in-depth understanding of how children, coaches, and parents in youth soccer perceive parental support. In a preliminary study, a questionnaire was developed to assess satisfaction with parental support and sideline behavior in soccer. The multisection questionnaire was adapted to all three parties of interest—children, parents, and coaches—and administered to 260 parents, 196 coaches, and 111 male players aged 12–14 years across different clubs to identify factors influencing satisfaction with parental behavior across all three groups. Factor analysis led to a revised version of the questionnaire, emphasizing the importance of emotional support. The revised questionnaire was implemented in two consecutive field studies. Samples were drawn from an amateur youth soccer setting (Study 2, N = 316, players aged 8–13 years) and a professional youth academy (Study 3, N = 209, players aged 9–16 years). Overall, results indicate children and pa...
Frontiers in Psychology, 2021
The COVID-19 pandemic is also called a crisis of uncertainty because of so many unforeseeable eve... more The COVID-19 pandemic is also called a crisis of uncertainty because of so many unforeseeable events like canceled qualification competitions, loss of training facilities, and postponement of the Olympic games. Athletes and their entourage experience this uncertainty as stressful. Sport psychology practitioners (SPPs) are in a key position to support athletes in coping with these unforeseeable stressors. However, SPPs are similarly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and simultaneously have to cope with stress. Salutogenesis, which describes how to manage stress and to stay well, provides a theoretical approach to how to cope with uncertainty. The salutogenetic approach aims at strengthening individuals’ sense of coherence (SoC) and consists of three components, namely comprehensibility, manageability, and meaningfulness. Although it is known that the SoC can be enhanced via psychological skills training, so far, this approach has not been systematically applied to the elite sport con...
Science and Medicine in Football, 2021
ABSTRACT Background: In Denmark, the first COVID-19 pandemic lockdown resulted in a compact seaso... more ABSTRACT Background: In Denmark, the first COVID-19 pandemic lockdown resulted in a compact season finisher for elite footballers, potentially impacting their mental health.Purpose: This study aimed to investigate the protective role of resilience and the impeding role of trait anxiety on elite footballers’ level and variability of well-being and emotional stability.Material and Methods: One hundred and twenty-five male elite-level players (Mage = 25.04 ± 4.82) completed baseline measures on trait anxiety and resilience. Additionally, well-being and positive and negative affect were assessed before games (n = 24) over 62 days. Separate two-level regression analysis using Bayesian statistics was conducted to test potential relationships. Results: Results show a credible positive relationship between the average level of well-being and within-person variability over time as well as the average level in positive affect. This indicates that resilience might be a protector for mental health. In addition, higher levels of trait anxiety (i.e., subscale concentration disruption) were associated with higher levels of negative affect and higher variability over time. This indicates that trait anxiety might facilitate negative affect. No other credible relationships were found. Conclusion: High resilience and low trait anxiety are identified as relevant factors for mental health within elite footballers during COVID-19. Implications for practice are discussed.
Supplemental material, sj-zip-1-spo-10.1177_17479541211011553 for Three perspectives on parental ... more Supplemental material, sj-zip-1-spo-10.1177_17479541211011553 for Three perspectives on parental support in youth soccer: Children, parents, and coaches by Babett H Lobinger, Valeria C Eckardt and Franziska Lautenbach in International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching
Athletes are under a lot of pressure and experience competitive anxiety prior to competition (Ehr... more Athletes are under a lot of pressure and experience competitive anxiety prior to competition (Ehrlenspiel, Graf, Kühn, & Brand, 2011). As competitive anxiety is related not only to sport performance (see review by Rumbold, Fletcher, & Daniels, 2012) but is also listed as a reason for young athletes to drop out (see meta-analysis for soccer: Schlesinger, Löbig, Ehnold, & Nagel, 2018), it seems imperative to evaluate standard as well as new sport psychological interventions that aim to decrease competitive anxiety. Animal-assisted theory might present a new and potentially fruitful avenue for sport psychology. It has been shown that animals, especially dogs, have a positive impact on individual's well-being (see meta-analysis by Nimer & Lundahl, 2007). In addition, studies have demonstrated that the presents of a dog led to decreases in physiological arousal (e.g., blood pressure, pulse) in children (e.g., Nagengast, Baun, Megel, & Leibowitz, 1997). In regard to the transactional ...
Frontiers in Psychology, 2021
The COVID-19 pandemic has negatively impacted mobility worldwide. As a corollary, the health of t... more The COVID-19 pandemic has negatively impacted mobility worldwide. As a corollary, the health of top- and lower-level athletes alike is profoundly reliant on movement and exercise. Thus, the aim of this study is to understand impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown on athletes’ motivation to exercise and train. In detail, we aim to better understand who (i.e., demographic, sport-specific, and psychological state and trait variables) reported a change in motivation to train due to the lockdown, why they reported lower motivation (i.e., open-ended questions on problems), what they did to help themselves, what support they received from others, and what they are looking forward to after the lockdown (i.e., open questions). Questionnaire data and answers to these open-ended questions were assessed via an online questionnaire, completed by 95 amateur and recreational athletes during the first COVID-19 lockdown in Germany (April to mid-May 2020). Results show that greater numbers of fema...
Zeitschrift für Sportpsychologie, 2021
Zusammenfassung. High- und Low-Fives stellen im Sport verbreitete aber unerforschte Phänomene dar... more Zusammenfassung. High- und Low-Fives stellen im Sport verbreitete aber unerforschte Phänomene dar. Ziel der Studie ist es, den bislang unklaren Einfluss auf psychophysiologische, soziale und leistungsrelevante Parameter zu untersuchen. In einem Innersubjektdesign nahmen 23 tischtennisaffine Dyaden teil. Vor und nach den Bewegungsmanipulationen (High-Fives alleine; High-Fives mit Partner_in; Low-Fives alleine; Low-Fives mit Partner_in; Kontrollbedingung) gaben Versuchspersonen Auskunft über Motivation, Macht, Affekt und wahrgenommene Nähe zum/zur Partner_in. Ebenfalls gaben sie Speichel zur Erfassung von Cortisol ab. Anschließend wurde die Aufschlagleistung im Tischtennis erhoben. Ergebnisse zeigten weder Unterschiede in der Veränderung der psychophysiologischen Parameter noch in der Leistung zwischen den Bedingungen. Lediglich die wahrgenommene Nähe stieg in den Bedingungen mit Partner_in an. Die Ergebnisse widersprechen den Theorien des Embodiments, was hinsichtlich der unnatürlich...
Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 2020
This is a PDF file of an article that has undergone enhancements after acceptance, such as the ad... more This is a PDF file of an article that has undergone enhancements after acceptance, such as the addition of a cover page and metadata, and formatting for readability, but it is not yet the definitive version of record. This version will undergo additional copyediting, typesetting and review before it is published in its final form, but we are providing this version to give early visibility of the article. Please note that, during the production process, errors may be discovered which could affect the content, and all legal disclaimers that apply to the journal pertain.
Zeitschrift für Sportpsychologie, 2020
BACKGROUND Dealing with stress is of central importance. Lately, smartphone applications (apps) a... more BACKGROUND Dealing with stress is of central importance. Lately, smartphone applications (apps) are deployed in stress interventions as they offer maximal flexibility for users. First results of experimental studies show that anti-stress apps effect subjective perception of stress positively (Ly et al., 2014). However, current literature lacks studies on physiological stress reactions (e.g., cortisol), although they are of special interest to health issues. OBJECTIVE Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of an anti-stress app in chronic and acute stress reduction on a physiological (cortisol) and psychological level (subjective perception of stress) in comparison to a face-to-face and a control group in a pre-post design, for the first time. METHODS Sixty-two participants took part in the pretesting procedure (drop-out of 53 %). Based on age, gender, physical activity and subjectively perceived acute stress due to the Trier Social Stress Test for grou...
Papers by Franziska Lautenbach