Papers by Eugenio Figueroa Benavides
La incorporacion de una perspectiva neoestructu- ralista del desarrollo permite incorporar un nue... more La incorporacion de una perspectiva neoestructu- ralista del desarrollo permite incorporar un nuevo grupo de estrategias de desarrollo economico, denominado “desde adentro”, que permite transitar de la vision global que caracteriza las estrategias de desarrollo “hacia adentro” y “hacia afuera”, que han sido prescritas como la solucion para los problemas estructurales causantes del subdesarrollo de los paises latinoamericanos, hacia una vision local, cen- trada en el estimulo del mercado interno o externo, a partir de las iniciativas que surgen de las propias comunidades, de los gobiernos locales, de las institu- ciones nacionales con presencia en la localidad o de las entidades de economia social, que potencien un desarrollo humano equitativo y sostenible.
Atlantica Revista De Arte Y Pensamiento, 1994
Revista Tecnología en Marcha, 2012
El desarrollo económico de los países pobres es, por su magnitud y complejidad, uno de los temas ... more El desarrollo económico de los países pobres es, por su magnitud y complejidad, uno de los temas de mayor preocupación y discusión en la comunidad internacional. Por ello adquiere especial relevancia el análisis de las características fundamentales de las estrategias de desarrollo económico "hacia adentro" y "hacia afuera", que han sido prescritas como la solución para los problemas estructurales causantes del subdesarrollo de los países latinoamericanos, y determinar si efectivamente han contribuido a la modernización productiva, la innovación tecnológica, la diversificación de sus exportaciones y atenuar su vulnerabilidad externa y sus desequilibrios de balanza de pagos, para alcanzar un desarrollo económico equilibrado, equitativo y sostenible.
International Environmental Modelling and Software Society (iEMSs) 7th Int.Congress on Env. Modelling and Software, San Diego, CA, USA, Daniel.P. Ames, Nigel W.T. Quinn and Andrea E. Rizzoli (Eds.), 2014
Abstract: Sound science and adequate models of systems are necessary for environmental decisions,... more Abstract: Sound science and adequate models of systems are necessary for environmental decisions, yet frequently it is insufficient. The ENCOMPASS and ECOGES projects aim to create science-based deliberation among diverse stakeholders about water-energy-mineral use and choices in the Atacama Desert region of Chile. The projects seek to improve levels of understanding and open possibilities for collaborative problem solving by engaging industry, academics, and indigenous communities in a long-term participatory modeling process.
Since 2009 the initiative has brought people into collaborative discussions, building technical knowledge and bridging across sectors that are often at odds over management of earth resources. Today, participants are co-designing a renewable energy plant with the goal of establishing operation by the indigenous community as a sustainable business. The proposed plant serves as a focal topic for participatory modeling and a sustained dialogue process for the multi-sector stakeholder group.
While active deliberation is underway, the project began in the shadow of marked conflict and tensions among participants. Methodologically, tensions have been reduced by combining social process with information delivery that leverages interactive touch screen applications. Models and information act as boundary objects among participants and the tenets of a conflict resolution process called sustained dialogue provide guidance for facilitating the group sessions.
Early results indicate that the gesture-enabled touch screens are useful for establishing an accessible environment for deliberation because subject matter experts and laypeople can interact with information with equal ease. Social process has been critical for bridging scales, managing group expectations and relationships, and addressing differences in epistemological and cultural perspectives.
* Los autores agradecen los útiles comentarios recibidos de un árbitro anónimo y reconocen que cu... more * Los autores agradecen los útiles comentarios recibidos de un árbitro anónimo y reconocen que cualquier error que permanezca es solo responsabilidad de ellos.
A poco más de 10 años del inicio de este primer esfuerzo por establecer una institucionalidad y u... more A poco más de 10 años del inicio de este primer esfuerzo por establecer una institucionalidad y un marco jurídico de protección del medio ambiente en nuestro país, la pregunta por su impacto concreto aparece como ineludible. Específicamente, resulta imprescindible evaluar la adecuación del modelo chileno a los requerimientos de una sociedad que declara estar comprometida con el desarrollo sustentable
Esta publicación es parte del diálogo público sobre un Tratado de Libre Comercio (TLC) entre Chil... more Esta publicación es parte del diálogo público sobre un Tratado de Libre Comercio (TLC) entre Chile y los Estados Unidos, financiada parcialm ente por la Agencia de los Estados Unidos para el Desarrollo Internacional, USAID. Contó tam bién con financiam iento parcial del Proyecto CEPAL/GTZ "Políticas para la Gestión Am bientalm ente Adecuada de los Residuos".
Journal of Wine Research, Oct 2, 2018
ABSTRACT Enotourism has emerged as a promising, sustainable type of tourism that can provide many... more ABSTRACT Enotourism has emerged as a promising, sustainable type of tourism that can provide many benefits for local, regional, and national economies. This study critically describes the current situation of the newly-introduced enotourism sector in Chile, analyses the challenges it faces, and offers possible solutions to overcome such challenges. Chile is the eighth wine-producing country in the world, and the first among New World wine regions. Due to the existence of a variety of good-quality wines and unique landscapes, Chile has begun recently to develop its enotourism industry by offering a series of attractive wine routes and wine festivals. Despite recent progress, this nascent industry faces various bottlenecks to its sustainable development, including a still incomplete infrastructure, low human capital, low coordination and governance between relevant public and private companies involved, sustainability issues, inadequate marketing and enotourism-promoting strategies, and lack of synergies with other tourism sectors. Addressing these bottlenecks is particularly important for the Chilean economy, both because at present it loses significant opportunities to generate more income from enotourism, but also because enotourism can contribute to the diversification of the economy, which currently depends heavily on extractive sectors. The suggestions proposed here can also be particularly useful for New World wine-producing countries that may face similar challenges to Chile.
Natural Hazards, 2022
We study the long-run dynamic and predictive connection between atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) ... more We study the long-run dynamic and predictive connection between atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration and the probability of hydrometeorological disasters. For a panel of 193 countries over the period 1970-2016 we estimate the probabilities of hydrometeorological disasters at country levels by means of Bayesian sampling techniques. We then separate the effects of climatological and sociodemographic factors (used as proxies for exposure and vulnerability) and other country-specific factors, from a global probability of disasters (GPOD). Finally, we subject these global probability time paths to a cointegration analysis with CO2 concentration and run projections to year 2040 of the GPOD conditional on nine Shared Socioeconomic Pathways scenarios. We detect a stable long-term relation between CO2 accumulation and the GPOD that allows to determine projections of the latter process conditional on the former. This way, we demonstrate that generally and readily available statistical data on CO2 global atmospheric concentrations can be used as a conceptually meaningful, statistically valid and policy useful predictor of the probability of occurrence of (global) hydrometeorological disasters.
Social-ecological Systems of Latin America: Complexities and Challenges, 2019
Today, based on the best scientific knowledge available, the main concerns regarding nature are t... more Today, based on the best scientific knowledge available, the main concerns regarding nature are the rampant ongoing destruction of Earth’s ecosystems and the increasing global warming, which threaten the very survival of the human species. The main reason is that the current functioning of the complex global socioeconomic-ecological systems of the world is driving the planet, with high certainty, towards a completely unsustainable deterioration of its natural capital, biodiversity, and atmosphere. This is the result of the manipulation of the power mechanisms within the socioeconomic-ecological systems of every country by the small powerful elites with the purpose of appropriating for themselves the enormous economic rents generated by the overexploitation of the planet’s natural resources and ecosystems. The monumental challenges of climate change, global warming, and nature deterioration are just the physical symptoms of the underlying unsustainable operation of the world’s socioe...
in Volume 2, Pages 603-1213, Sessions C1-F5, Ames, D.P., Quinn, N.W.T., Rizzoli, A.E. (Eds.), 201... more in Volume 2, Pages 603-1213, Sessions C1-F5, Ames, D.P., Quinn, N.W.T., Rizzoli, A.E. (Eds.), 2014. Proceedings of the 7th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software, June 15-19, San Diego, California, USA. ISBN: 978-88-9035-744-2
CEPAL Review, 2009
Thi s paper studies the determinants of manufacturing exports to China. Data from 79 countries fo... more Thi s paper studies the determinants of manufacturing exports to China. Data from 79 countries for the 1990-2006 period and estimates of gravity equations are used to analyse the effects of countries' factor endowment, geographical characteristics and degree of economic openness. The results are consistent with the factor abundance model and reveal that economies with a larger human capital endowment export a greater volume of manufactures to China. Having a large economy and being geographically close to China also make a country more likely to export manufactures to it. The results do not indicate that other characteristics of countries, such as openness to trade or an outlet to the sea, play an important role; nor does the endowment per worker of land or capital. The implications of this study should be of interest to economies seeking to benefit from the remarkable dynamism of the Chinese economy by diversifying their exports into manufactures.
Cuadernos de Economía, 1992
Cuadernos de Economía, Año 29, № 86, pp,99-113 (Abril 1992) DETERMINANTES DEL PRECIO DE MERCADO D... more Cuadernos de Economía, Año 29, № 86, pp,99-113 (Abril 1992) DETERMINANTES DEL PRECIO DE MERCADO DE LOS TERRENOS EN EL AREA URBANA DE SANTIAGO* EUGEMO FlGUEROA B, George Lever D ... (1987), Smith (1974); De Leeuw y Ekanem (1971); Eubank ...
Chilean agricultural and food processing industries have experienced considerable investment in r... more Chilean agricultural and food processing industries have experienced considerable investment in recent years and are an important part of the export base in Chile. In this paper we use an Input-Output (IO) analysis to review the relative importance of agriculture and food processing to Chile's economy. We also use the input-output table to examine fifty different sectors contribution to Chilean gross domestic product, value added and trade. This analysis is based on data provided by the Global Trade Analysis Project (GTAP) of Purdue University. The contribution of agricultural and processed food exports to total supply throughout the Chilean economy is estimated with an Input-Output model of the Chilean economy. This IO model was derived from a new, flexible price, general equilibrium model that was constructed by the authors and is being used for the analysis of selected trade policies in Chile. Resumen Las industrias agrícola y procesadora de alimentos chilenas han invertido fuertemente en los años recientes y son una parte importante de la base exportadora de Chile. En este trabajo se usa una metodología Insumo-Producto (IP) para analizar la importancia relativa de la agricultura y el procesamiento de alimentos para la economía de Chile. También se emplea la tabla insumoproducto para examinar la contribución de cincuenta sectores distintos al producto bruto doméstico, el valor agregado y el comercio de Chile. El análisis se basa en los datos provistos por el Global Trade Analysis Project (
Resource and Energy Economics, 2015
Theoretical models of the environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) almost universally assume additive pr... more Theoretical models of the environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) almost universally assume additive preferences; we demonstrate that under non-additive preferences the sufficient condition to sign the economy's income-pollution path depends on the elasticity of substitution between consumption and environment (and not on the elasticity of marginal utility of consumption). The proposed model provides behavioral content that has been missed in the existing literature. In the model, and also departing from the previous literature, preferences change and evolve (through a variable elasticity of substitution) according to the relative scarcity of the environment.
Sustainability, 2021
Tourism is often seen as the ‘golden ticket’ for the development of many islands. The current COV... more Tourism is often seen as the ‘golden ticket’ for the development of many islands. The current COVID-19 pandemic, however, has ground global tourism to a halt. In particular, islands that depend heavily on tourist inflows—including mass-tourism islands, and small island developing states (SIDS)—have seen their revenues diminish significantly, and poverty rates increasing. Some alternative-tourism islands have fared better, as they have focused on providing personalized, nature-based experiences to mostly domestic tourists. This article focuses on the experiences of mass-tourism islands, SIDS, and alternative-tourism islands during the COVID-19 pandemic, and offers possible post-pandemic scenarios, as well as recommendations for sustainable island tourism development. Although the pandemic has largely had a negative impact on the tourism sector, this is a unique opportunity for many islands to review the paradigm of tourism development. In this newly emerging world, and under a still ...
Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 2015
Several authors have argued that forest ecosystems serve as a hedge against extreme climatic even... more Several authors have argued that forest ecosystems serve as a hedge against extreme climatic events at a local scale. Consequently, the local climate regulation ecosystem services provided by forests can be economically valued by evaluating the reduction (increase) in the insurance premium that risk-averse individuals are willing to pay when forest cover is marginally increased (reduced). This type of insurance value associated to forest ecosystems services is estimated to be USD 0.0733 per hectare of forest for Chilean farmers. The empirical framework proposed in this paper is useful and relevant for the cost-benefit analysis of natural resource conservation investments.
Las estimaciones de costos de producción de los bienes y las mercancías agrícolas, proveen una in... more Las estimaciones de costos de producción de los bienes y las mercancías agrícolas, proveen una información básica e indispensable para la forma de decisiones de los agricultores, y de los diseñadores de las políticas para el sector agrícola de cualquier país. Este trabajo analiza algunos de los importantes y numerosos problemas conceptuales y metodológicos que se enfrentan al estimar costos de producción agrícola. Además, analiza las particulares y específicas complicaciones empíricas que presenta la recolección de datos para la estimación de costos en la agricultura. Discute también, los problemas y limitaciones de las comparaciones internacionales de costos de producción. Por último, éste analiza las dificultades que tales comparaciones encuentran en la diversidad metodológica existente entre países. Las principales conclusiones se relacionan con las formas en que podrían mejorarse las estimaciones de costos de producción agrícola en la agricultura a futuro, para elevar la calidad...
Papers by Eugenio Figueroa Benavides
Since 2009 the initiative has brought people into collaborative discussions, building technical knowledge and bridging across sectors that are often at odds over management of earth resources. Today, participants are co-designing a renewable energy plant with the goal of establishing operation by the indigenous community as a sustainable business. The proposed plant serves as a focal topic for participatory modeling and a sustained dialogue process for the multi-sector stakeholder group.
While active deliberation is underway, the project began in the shadow of marked conflict and tensions among participants. Methodologically, tensions have been reduced by combining social process with information delivery that leverages interactive touch screen applications. Models and information act as boundary objects among participants and the tenets of a conflict resolution process called sustained dialogue provide guidance for facilitating the group sessions.
Early results indicate that the gesture-enabled touch screens are useful for establishing an accessible environment for deliberation because subject matter experts and laypeople can interact with information with equal ease. Social process has been critical for bridging scales, managing group expectations and relationships, and addressing differences in epistemological and cultural perspectives.
Since 2009 the initiative has brought people into collaborative discussions, building technical knowledge and bridging across sectors that are often at odds over management of earth resources. Today, participants are co-designing a renewable energy plant with the goal of establishing operation by the indigenous community as a sustainable business. The proposed plant serves as a focal topic for participatory modeling and a sustained dialogue process for the multi-sector stakeholder group.
While active deliberation is underway, the project began in the shadow of marked conflict and tensions among participants. Methodologically, tensions have been reduced by combining social process with information delivery that leverages interactive touch screen applications. Models and information act as boundary objects among participants and the tenets of a conflict resolution process called sustained dialogue provide guidance for facilitating the group sessions.
Early results indicate that the gesture-enabled touch screens are useful for establishing an accessible environment for deliberation because subject matter experts and laypeople can interact with information with equal ease. Social process has been critical for bridging scales, managing group expectations and relationships, and addressing differences in epistemological and cultural perspectives.