Papers by Engombe Wedi Boniface
International journal of innovation and scientific research, Feb 2, 2020
In this article, we describe a hybrid architecture integrating firewalls, filtering routers, encr... more In this article, we describe a hybrid architecture integrating firewalls, filtering routers, encryption algorithms and the proxy server as well as intrusion detection programs in an interface environment between Internet and Intranet. It is well known that the Cyber Security policy strategy has many advantages currently when it often intervenes in this environment chosen as a field of investigation for the identification of users who are not yet recognized to define a general policy of effective and efficient control. Indeed, the current approaches are based on a cyber security policy focused on a password not on which unfortunately is easily crackable using specialized programs used by hackers or pirates. However, our architecture is not based on architectures and therefore does not suffer from this limitation. On the other hand, it provides several levels of security thanks to the integration policy recommended respectively of filtering routers, proxy server and advanced encryption algorithms ensuring the security at several levels. Thus, this initiative taken, proves that our architecture makes it possible to compensate for the deficiencies of the previous in this article notably INTERNET and INTRANET.
International Journal For Multidisciplinary Research
Today, the Internet users need an optimal search for information on the web. The display of web p... more Today, the Internet users need an optimal search for information on the web. The display of web pages within a search engine is not a mystery. This implies good mathematical modeling and good knowledge of computer science for its implementation. The web is a directed graph that must be exploited. The matrices of its graph contain a structure of the links and the navigation of the Internet user. Considering the billions of hosted websites and the dynamism of the web, its links can be added at any time. Changing this link structure impacts the PageRank. Thus, for good stability, the algorithms must be improved. PageRank algorithm that displays a good web page Search Engine Optimization (SEO) taking into account the score of each page, pay attention to many researches that make improvements day by day. Even though it is a basic formula, the PageRank algorithm makes a successful business. In this paper, we had not only implemented this algorithm in python but also explain how it works a...
International Journal of Scientific and Innovative Mathematical Research
La cryptologie, science du secret englobant la cryptographie (écriture secrète) et la cryptanalys... more La cryptologie, science du secret englobant la cryptographie (écriture secrète) et la cryptanalyse (étude des attaques contre les mécanismes de cryptographie) [2] a connu, au cours du vingtième siècle (plus précisément, au milieu des années 1970), une révolution paradigmatique profonde. C'est dans les années 1970 qu'émerge pour la première fois le concept de cryptographie à clef publique, permettant de s'affranchir du délicat problème de la distribution de clefs. L'article fondateur de Diffie et Hellman [3], basé sur des idées de Merkle [22], introduit la notion de fonction à sens unique qui est au coeur de ce nouveau paradigme cryptographique. Les fonctions à sens unique sont des situations mathématiques asymétriques. En d'autres termes, étant donnée une fonction , il est possible connaissant de calculer « facilement » (); mais connaissant un élément de l'ensemble image de , il est « difficile » ou impossible de trouver son antécédent. Une fonction à sens unique (ou bien one-way function, en anglais) est une fonction qui peut être aisément calculée, mais qui est difficile à inverser. En d'autres termes, une fois une image d'une fonction est donnée, il est difficile de lui trouver un antécédent. En dépit de réelles avancées technologiques, le problème de fonctions à sens unique modulaire consiste à trouver, en temps raisonnable, la résolution du problème de logarithmes discrets (en anglais Discrete Logarithm Problem, DLP). Il reste, aujourd'hui encore, un problème ouvert, quoiqu'il ait suscité l'intérêt des chercheurs, néophytes ou savants, depuis des siècles, voire des millénaires. De ce qui précède, des questions méritent d'être posées et étudiées avec une attention toute particulière : Est-il possible de résoudre le problème les fonctions à sens unique exponentielle modulaire à l'aide de Bases de Gröbner ? Comment faire pour avoir un système d'équations polynomial soluble par les bases de Gröbner ? Compte tenu de la problématique qui précède, nous avons utilisé la méthode de paramétrisation, qui traduit une fonction à sens unique modulaire à un système d'équations polynomiales solubles à l'aide
International journal of innovation and scientific research, 2020
The work carried out consists of a framework for evaluation and support of a project to develop d... more The work carried out consists of a framework for evaluation and support of a project to develop decision support tools based on data warehouse for the management of the forecast of Higher Education Institutions and Universities, EESU/HEIU in acronym. Currently, these tools occupy a prominent position in the evolution perspective of the management of infrastructure capacity according to student enrolment for each academic year by 2090 using the simple linear regression line. In this article, we are working on designing, implementing, and securing a Meta Object – class data warehouse deployed in a high – speed, optical fiber backbone environment. Then, we were interested in realizing EESU/HEIU management software around the nine most popular targeted applications, thanks to the WINDEV development platform.
International journal of innovation and scientific research, 2020
In this article, we describe a hybrid architecture integrating firewalls, filtering routers, encr... more In this article, we describe a hybrid architecture integrating firewalls, filtering routers, encryption algorithms and the proxy server as well as intrusion detection programs in an interface environment between Internet and Intranet. It is well known that the Cyber Security policy strategy has many advantages currently when it often intervenes in this environment chosen as a field of investigation for the identification of users who are not yet recognized to define a general policy of effective and efficient control. Indeed, the current approaches are based on a cyber security policy focused on a password not on which unfortunately is easily crackable using specialized programs used by hackers or pirates. However, our architecture is not based on architectures and therefore does not suffer from this limitation. On the other hand, it provides several levels of security thanks to the integration policy recommended respectively of filtering routers, proxy server and advanced encryptio...
Papers by Engombe Wedi Boniface