Papers by Endang Rochyadi
Advanced Science Letters, 2019
International Conference on Elementary Education, Apr 12, 2021
Advanced Science Letters, 2019
Providing real-world-based experience through a job internship program provides various benefits ... more Providing real-world-based experience through a job internship program provides various benefits for developing intellectual disability skills. This study aims to find the right apprenticeship strategy for intellectual disability people who attend post-school education programs and undergo internships in inclusive workplace settings. This qualitative research was carried out on four intellectual disability people who experienced work internships in two business places. Research data was obtained from observations, in-depth interviews, and documentation. The data was analyzed by using data triangulation techniques. The results showed that work internships for the mentally retarded were carried out with modifications to the stages undertaken. Modification of the stage of work internship for mentally retarded is done by modelling, mentoring, supervising, and being independent. This work phase adapts the concept of mediated learning from Vygotsky. The modified apprenticeship strategy has implications for businesses to adjust the working stages and provide trainers or work assistants for the mentally retarded.
Inclusive higher education provides opportunities for various barriers related to services provid... more Inclusive higher education provides opportunities for various barriers related to services provided for students with visual disabilities. This study aimed to provide an understanding of the needs of students with visual disabilities in universities and solutions to meet the needs of these students. The method adopted in the study was qualitative using case study design. The participants were three of students with visual disabilities in a college, consisting of one student with totally blind and two of students of low vision. The data were collected by observations on two settings, in class and outside class, lectures and in-depth interviews with several lecturers and students with visual disabilities. The finding of this study indicated that there are several needs of students with visual disabilities that have not been fully accommodated by institution, namely assessment services before learning process, orientation and mobility services to provide support services for students with visual disabilities and access to learning sources. The solutions offered to meet the needs of students with visual disabilities in college are providing an assessment service before starting the learning process, the availability of orientation and mobility services at the beginning of the semester, and the availability of learning resources that access for these students.
JASSI ANAKKU, Sep 26, 2016
Tulisan ini merupakan kajian tentang perspektif baru saat itu dalam pendidikan luar biasa, yaitu ... more Tulisan ini merupakan kajian tentang perspektif baru saat itu dalam pendidikan luar biasa, yaitu pengintegrasian anak-anak penyandang cacat ke dalam pendidikan (sekolah biasa) yang dilakukan di 6 negara maju, yaitu: Itali, Denmark, Swidia, Amerika Serikat, Inggris dan Belanda. Sebelumnya, anak-anak penyanadang cacat di didik di sekolah Khusus. Secara keseluruhan tulisan ini menjelaskan tentang implementasi pendidikan terpadu di negara-negara maju. Di setiap negara dijumpai keunikan dan kekhasan dalam penyelenggaran pendidikan terpadu sesuai dengan sistem pendidikan masing-masing negara tersebut. Sistim pendidikan ini, saat itu dipandang sebagai pendidikan yang paling mutakhir dan hampir seluruh negara maju mencoba mengimplementasikan akan tetapi apa yang terjadi? KEGAGALAN! Kegagalan ini mengisayaratkan pada kita untuk waspada dan kritis dalam mengimplementasikan pendidikan inklusif yang saat ini dipandang sebagai pendidikan yang paling mutakhir agar tidak mengulang kegagalan panjangbabak kedua. Kata kunci: terpadu, sekolah reguler, cacat, integrasi
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Khusus, Oct 9, 2021
The purpose of this study is reviewing programs that have been made by previous researchers and t... more The purpose of this study is reviewing programs that have been made by previous researchers and then analyzed through a theoretical approach. The method used in this study is a systematic review of existing literature reviews. 3 (three) research results were collected from the final project of the Master of Special Education program at the Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (Thesis) published in the last 5 (five) years, carried out a systematic review and analyzed through an Ecological theory approach. The results obtained were: 20% of participants in the study were program implementation tests on non-single subjects and 80% used single subjects, 20% used a purely ecological approach and the remaining 80% were programs for optimizing children's growth and development. Ecological contextual frameworks are also discussed, namely Microsystems, Mesosystems, Ecosystems, Macrosystems and Chronosystems. Furthermore, ecological factors were analyzed regarding the relationship between early intervention programs and parenting programs in improving parental skills and optimizing child development. The last part also analyzes the objective conditions of parents who have children with special needs based on the results of empirical research and analyzes family understanding, family treatment, and efforts made by families before and after program implementation. So that making early intervention programs based on family resources does not only focus on children's barriers, but is more complex than that, ecological support is the most important thing in optimizing children's growth and development.
JASSI ANAKKU, Mar 8, 2017
Banyak penelitian sebelumnya yang menunjukkan adanya hubungan positif antara kemampuan Persepsi V... more Banyak penelitian sebelumnya yang menunjukkan adanya hubungan positif antara kemampuan Persepsi Visual dengan keterampilan membaca (Barret, 1965; Benton, 1962;Dettirsch, 1963; Frostig & Maslow, 1969; Getman, 1965; Vernon, 1971), sebaliknya, tidak ditemukan adanya hubungan antara kemampuan Persepsi Visual dengan keterampilan membaca (Cohen,1969; Larsen & Hammil, 1975; Mann, 1971; Samuel, 1973) melainkan kesadaran fonologi yang buruk (Brady & Shankweiler, 1991; Rack & Olson, 1993; Torgesen, Wagner & Rahotte, 1994). Di sisi lain Smith dan Dechant seperti yang dikutip oleh Achmad Slamet dan Vismaia (2003:71) mengungkapkan adanya keterkaitan antara kesiapan dan keterampilan membaca. Mereka membuktikan korelasi antar skor tes kesiapan membaca dan Mental Age (MA) merentang antara 0.35 dan 0.8. Kesimpulan mereka berbunyi bahwa pada tes keterampilan membaca umumnya, kesiapan membaca dan MA merupakan faktor yang sama pentingnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan melihat bagaimana Profil Persepsi Visual Pada Anak Tunagrahita Ringan di SLB Cipaganti dan SABAK Gumilang Mutahfanninā dilihat dari tiap komponennya dan serta hubungannya dengan keterampilan membaca kata.. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif, yaitu penelitian dengan mengumpulkan data dan menyatakannya dalam bentuk angka-angka. Penelitian ini dirancang untuk menguji hipotesis, mendeskripsikan data serta kecenderungan yang saling berhubungan atau berpengaruh antara variabel dan melakukan analisis terhadap hasil penelitian. Ada dua variable yang dicari, yaitu variabel bebas (independent variable) seperti; Visual Memory, Visual Discrimination, Figure-Ground, Visual Spatial dan Visual Closure) dan variabel terikat (dependent variable). adalah Mental Age (MA) dan Keterampilan Membaca Kata. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari limakomponen Persepsi Visual, hanya Visual Memory dan Visual Discrimination yang memiliki hubungan kuat dengan MA, sementara hasil pengujian hipotesis tentang hubungan antara Persepsi Visual dengan Ketrampilan Membacasecara signifikanlebih ditentukan oleh Visual Memory, Visual Discrimination dan Figure-Ground. Kata Kunci : Tunagrahita, Persepsi visual, Mental Age dan Membaca kata
International Journal of Higher Education
This article aims to describe a model of professional development for art teachers in Indonesia. ... more This article aims to describe a model of professional development for art teachers in Indonesia. The model includes the ability to carry out basic tasks and functions as educators, namely pedagogical, professional, and social competences, especially for dance teachers in managing and providing education services to children with special needs. This qualitative research employed a descriptive method with literature reviews, observations, and personal experiences for data collection. The findings show that the teacher professional development model has been carried out by (1) the pre-professional phase, (2) the autonomous professional phase, (3) the collegial professional phase, but never the post-professional or postmodern phase. The activities are conducted as workshops, including discussions with colleagues, principals, and supervisors. This research recommends conducting continuous supervision and development to improve teachersā competences in providing equitable services in conc...
Proceeding of International Conference on Special Education in South East Asia Region
The COVID-19 pandemic has affected people with disabilities in a number of ways, including the de... more The COVID-19 pandemic has affected people with disabilities in a number of ways, including the development of post-COVID syndromes. Post-COVID syndrome is a condition that affects individuals who have recovered from COVID-19 but continue to experience a variety of symptoms, such as fatigue, shortness of breath and cognitive impairment. This article examines the impact of post-COVID syndrome on students with disabilities and reveals new investigations and treatment methods for post-COVID syndrome. This study uses the literature review method. This study found that post-COVID syndrome can significantly affect the academic performance and mental health of students with disabilities, requiring a multidisciplinary treatment approach. This article recommends implementing an individualized support plan, including accommodation, mental health services, and physical rehabilitation, to address the unique needs of each student with post-COVID syndrome. It also emphasizes the importance of furt...
Journal of Education for Sustainability and Diversity, Feb 6, 2023
Solid State Technology, Dec 31, 2020
1st International Conference on Educational Sciences, 2017
The objective of the study is to find an applicable society empowerment model in increasing socie... more The objective of the study is to find an applicable society empowerment model in increasing society consent to fulfill disability children education. The method in this study was mix method carried out in three phases, covering: 1) preliminary study phase; 2) model development phase; and 3) implementation phase. After the implementation of the model, there are some changes in the rural community. In Mekarlaksana where the research was conducted, the changes that occurred are: society understanding on the types of disabilities and children with disabilities needs were increasing, the society raise more awareness that children with disabilities need special treatment, the people are aware to move and make a planning to support the education fulfillment for children with disabilities. The established empowerment model has created positive impact on the rural community and the education fulfillment for children with disabilities. The empowerment model can be implemented in increasing society empowerment that will lead to the education fulfillment for children with disabilities.
Journal of ICSAR, Feb 4, 2021
International Conference on Elementary Education, Apr 12, 2021
The ability to read children with Down Syndrome is relatively lower than that of children in gene... more The ability to read children with Down Syndrome is relatively lower than that of children in general. This is because in reading there are aspects of thinking such as remembering, understanding, comparing, distinguishing, finding, analyzing, organizing, and applying what is contained in the reading. This is difficult for children with Down Syndrome to do so that in the reading process special methods that are not abstract are needed. The purpose of this study was to improve the pre-reading skills of Down Syndrome children through the contextual SAS (Structural Analytic Synthetic) method. The method used in this study is literature research. Based on the results of studies conducted from relevant theories and sources, it shows that the contextual sentence method provides a great opportunity to improve the beginning reading ability of children with Down Syndrome.
International Conference on Elementary Education, Apr 12, 2021
The background of this study was students with Cerebral Palsy who had difficulty speaking. As a r... more The background of this study was students with Cerebral Palsy who had difficulty speaking. As a result of the stiffness of the muscles, the speech organs cause the messages conveyed verbally by the child to be difficult to understand the communicant. This study aims to develop a system of Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC) and to know its influence on subject communication skills. The research method used is a mixed-method with a sequential exploratory approach. The results of this study are an alternative I-Talk communication system and improvement of subject communication skills. Improved communication skills can be seen from the communication skills of the subject which at the beginning could not be understood at all by the communicant, after using I-Talk increased with the indicator being able to call parents, caregivers, and teachers. Furthermore, the subject can convey wishes when wants to drink, snack, eat, and others.
The purpose of this study is reviewing programs that have been made by previous researchers and t... more The purpose of this study is reviewing programs that have been made by previous researchers and then analyzed through a theoretical approach. The method used in this study is a systematic review of existing literature reviews. 3 (three) research results were collected from the final project of the Master of Special Education program at the Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (Thesis) published in the last 5 (five) years, carried out a systematic review and analyzed through an Ecological theory approach. The results obtained were: 20% of participants in the study were program implementation tests on non-single subjects and 80% used single subjects, 20% used a purely ecological approach and the remaining 80% were programs for optimizing children's growth and development. Ecological contextual frameworks are also discussed, namely Microsystems, Mesosystems, Ecosystems, Macrosystems and Chronosystems. Furthermore, ecological factors were analyzed regarding the relationship between earl...
This study is set out from the phenomenon of sexual conflict in teenagers with autism. Sexual urg... more This study is set out from the phenomenon of sexual conflict in teenagers with autism. Sexual urge is a natural biological need in a stage of development. For that, we need a wise handling and normatively accepted by society. The wise handling need support from different sources in the community, support of view or perspective that gives the correct solution in handling autistic adolescent sexual urge. The purpose of this study is to find out the preparations both parents and teachers of children with autism to enter adolescence, prevention efforts and treatment that can be done by parents and teachers to the emergence of other forms of sexual behavior of adolescents with autism and the proper sexual urge distribution techniques for autistic adolescent. This study uses a qualitative approach using the Delphi Study. The technique of collecting data through in-depth interviews, observation, Forom Group Discusion (FGD) and documentation with resource parents, teachers, orthopaedagog, p...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis peran teknologi asistif dalam pendidikan inklusif. Te... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis peran teknologi asistif dalam pendidikan inklusif. Teknologi memiliki potensi besar dalam menyediakan akses bagi semua peserta didik, dan kemampuan untuk mengakses kurikulum pendidikan umum. Sehingga membantu peserta didik berpartisipasi dalam pembelajaran dan tugas yang terkait, mengurangi hambatan dan mempromosikan aksesibilitas dengan mudah dan efisien. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu penelitian kualitatif yang bersifat studi pustaka. Berdasarkan hasil studi pustaka diperoleh gambaran bahwa penggunaan teknologi asistif dalam pendidikan inklusif berfokus pada penggunaan teknologi untuk berlatih, dan untuk membantu dalam proses pembelajara. Teknologi asistif juga memberikan aksesibilitas kepada peserta didik dengan berbagai cara untuk menyelesaikan tugas-tugas mereka dengan lebih mudah dan mandiri yang sebelumnya tidak dapat mereka selesaikan
Papers by Endang Rochyadi