Emanuel D M Pimenta
Emanuel Dimas de Melo Pimenta, or simply Emanuel Pimenta (1957), architect, composer, photographer and intermedia artist. Since 1970s he has developed art, AI, neurosciences and Virtual Reality projects. He created "virtual architecture" concept and the first virtual planet in 1980, anticipating Second Life in about 25 years. He studied, among others, with H J Koellreutter, master of Luigi Nono and Stockhausen. On architecture and urban planning he studied with Kenzo Tange, Peter Cook (Archigram), Yona Friedman, Kneese de Mello, Oscar Niemeyer and Burle Marx among others. He worked with John Cage as a composer, over years. Composer for Merce Cunningham over more than 25 years. He has developed several projects with the philosopher René Berger over more than 20 years and with the legendary Baroness Durini (Joseph Beuys) over more than 25 years. Member of the New York Academy of Sciences, Academy of Arts, Sciences and Letters of Paris, of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, of the American Society of Media Photographers, SACD, AIVAC, Order of Architects of Portugal, Council of Architecture and Urban Planning of Brazil among others. With more than 80 published books in several countries (2017) he is invited professor of several universities in the world. Biennale of Venice, Biennale of São Paulo, Whitney Museum, MART in Italy and Kunsthaus Zurich in Switzerland show his works. Lincoln Center in New York
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Papers by Emanuel D M Pimenta
La composition musicale Katachi est une réflexion non verbale sur l'identité et la liberté - dans ce cas, la "liberté négative", qui est à la base du vieux proverbe : la liberté de l'un va aussi loin que commence celle de l'autre. Pimenta déclare : « Comme pour la liberté, personne n'a le droit de détruire ou d'offenser une identité, que ce soit par une dictature, une guerre ou une invasion silencieuse. La seule façon acceptable pour quelqu'un de modifier son identité d'une manière ou d'une autre est l'apprentissage libre et l'amour. Chaque fois que cela se produit, il n'y a pas d'intention et la relation devient liberté. C'est le sens ultime de la paix, dont l'origine étymologique dans les langues latines signifie 'pacte'".
The musical composition Katachi is a non-verbal reflection about identity and liberty - in this case "negative liberty", which is the basis of the old proverb: one's liberty goes as far as another's begins. Pimenta says: “As with liberty, no one has the right to destroy or offend an identity, whether through a dictatorship, a war or a silent invasion. The only acceptable way for someone to change his or her identity in some way is through free learning and love. Whenever this happens, there is no intention and the relationship becomes liberty. That is the ultimate meaning of peace, whose etymological origin in the Romance languages means 'pact'".
A composição musical Katachi é uma reflexão não verbal sobre a identidade e a liberdade - neste caso a "liberdade negativa", que está na base do antigo provérbio: a liberdade de um vai até onde começa a do outro. Pimenta diz: "Tal como acontece com a liberdade, ninguém tem o direito de destruir ou de ofender uma identidade, seja através de uma ditadura, de uma guerra ou de uma invasão silenciosa. A única forma aceitável de alguém mudar de alguma a sua identidade é através da aprendizagem livre e do amor. Sempre que isso acontece, não há intenção e ambas a relação se transforma em liberdade. Esse é o sentido último da paz, cuja origem etimológica nas línguas latinas significa 'pacto'".
La composición musical Katachi es una reflexión no verbal sobre la identidad y la libertad, en este caso la «libertad negativa», que es la base del viejo proverbio: la libertad de uno llega hasta donde empieza la de otro. Pimenta afirma: «Al igual que ocurre con la libertad, nadie tiene derecho a destruir u ofender una identidad, ya sea mediante una dictadura, una guerra o una invasión silenciosa. La única forma aceptable de que alguien cambie su identidad de alguna manera es mediante el aprendizaje libre y el amor. Cuando esto ocurre, no hay intención y la relación se convierte en libertad. Ése es el significado último de la paz, cuyo origen etimológico en las lenguas latinas significa 'pacto'".
La composition musicale Katachi est une réflexion non verbale sur l'identité et la liberté - dans ce cas, la "liberté négative", qui est à la base du vieux proverbe : la liberté de l'un va aussi loin que commence celle de l'autre. Pimenta déclare : « Comme pour la liberté, personne n'a le droit de détruire ou d'offenser une identité, que ce soit par une dictature, une guerre ou une invasion silencieuse. La seule façon acceptable pour quelqu'un de modifier son identité d'une manière ou d'une autre est l'apprentissage libre et l'amour. Chaque fois que cela se produit, il n'y a pas d'intention et la relation devient liberté. C'est le sens ultime de la paix, dont l'origine étymologique dans les langues latines signifie 'pacte'".
The musical composition Katachi is a non-verbal reflection about identity and liberty - in this case "negative liberty", which is the basis of the old proverb: one's liberty goes as far as another's begins. Pimenta says: “As with liberty, no one has the right to destroy or offend an identity, whether through a dictatorship, a war or a silent invasion. The only acceptable way for someone to change his or her identity in some way is through free learning and love. Whenever this happens, there is no intention and the relationship becomes liberty. That is the ultimate meaning of peace, whose etymological origin in the Romance languages means 'pact'".
A composição musical Katachi é uma reflexão não verbal sobre a identidade e a liberdade - neste caso a "liberdade negativa", que está na base do antigo provérbio: a liberdade de um vai até onde começa a do outro. Pimenta diz: "Tal como acontece com a liberdade, ninguém tem o direito de destruir ou de ofender uma identidade, seja através de uma ditadura, de uma guerra ou de uma invasão silenciosa. A única forma aceitável de alguém mudar de alguma a sua identidade é através da aprendizagem livre e do amor. Sempre que isso acontece, não há intenção e ambas a relação se transforma em liberdade. Esse é o sentido último da paz, cuja origem etimológica nas línguas latinas significa 'pacto'".
La composición musical Katachi es una reflexión no verbal sobre la identidad y la libertad, en este caso la «libertad negativa», que es la base del viejo proverbio: la libertad de uno llega hasta donde empieza la de otro. Pimenta afirma: «Al igual que ocurre con la libertad, nadie tiene derecho a destruir u ofender una identidad, ya sea mediante una dictadura, una guerra o una invasión silenciosa. La única forma aceptable de que alguien cambie su identidad de alguna manera es mediante el aprendizaje libre y el amor. Cuando esto ocurre, no hay intención y la relación se convierte en libertad. Ése es el significado último de la paz, cuyo origen etimológico en las lenguas latinas significa 'pacto'".
Portanto, não se trata de um texto convencional, no sentido acadêmico do termo.
O texto toca ainda questões como a manipulação política, a natureza lógica das ideologias e das religiões, assim como da liberdade.
O projeto, no seu todo, é uma celebração à mulher, em todos os tempos e lugares, e constitui uma chave para a melhor compreensão de questões essenciais no início do século XXI.
Non si tratta quindi di un testo convenzionale nel senso accademico del termine.
Il testo tocca anche temi come la manipolazione politica, la natura logica delle ideologie e delle religioni ed anche della libertà.
Il progetto nel suo complesso è una celebrazione delle donne in tutti i tempi e in tutti i luoghi e rappresenta una chiave per comprendere meglio questioni essenziali all'inizio del XXI secolo.
Thus, it is not about a conventional text in the academic sense of the term.
The text also touches on topics such as political manipulation, the logical nature of ideologies and religions, and even of liberty.
The project as a whole is a celebration of women in all times and places and is a key to better understanding essential issues at the beginning of the 21st century.
Alla fine del 2023, Emanuel Dimas de Melo Pimenta ha pubblicato un libro intitolato Svizzera - il Sogno della Ragione, Pace e Libertà. Il libro è una testimonianza di oltre 35 anni di lavoro e di vita in Svizzera, svelandone la struttura politica, la storia, il comportamento, la cultura, i miti e così via.
L'obiettivo del libro è quello di fornire alle persone in generale una visione più chiara del paese.
Il libro include un breve frammento (solo 150 foto) di un saggio fotografico sulla Svizzera durato 35 anni. Questo saggio fotografico non è incluso nel libro pubblicato su Academia.edu.
Un'ipotesi è che il futuro del pianeta, in pace e libertà, possa trovare idee chiave nella storia della Svizzera.
No final de 2023, Emanuel Dimas de Melo Pimenta publicou um livro intitulado Suíça - o Sonho da Razão; Paz e Liberdade. O livro é um testemunho de mais de 35 anos de trabalho e vida na Suíça, desvendando a estrutura política, sua história, comportamento, cultura, mitos e etc.
O objetivo do livro é dar às pessoas em geral uma visão mais clara sobre o país.
O livro inclui um pequeno fragmento (apenas 150 fotos) de um ensaio fotográfico de 35 anos sobre a Suíça. Este ensaio fotográfico não está incluído no livro publicado em Academia.edu
Uma hipótese é a de que o futuro do planeta, em paz e liberdade, pode encontrar ideias-chave na história da Suíça.
In the end of 2023, Emanuel Dimas de Melo Pimenta published a book titled Switzerland - the Dream of Reason; Peace and Liberty. The book is a testimony of more than 35 years of work and life in Switzerland, unveiling the political structure, its history, behavior, culture, myths and so on.
The aim of the book is to give to people in general a clearer view about the country.
The book includes a short fragment (just 150 photos) of a 35 year photo essay about Switzerland. This photographic essay is not included in the book published at Academia.edu
One hypothesis is that the future of the planet, in peace and liberty, can find key ideas in the history of Switzerland.
The original title of the text that makes up the book Liberty is: Two Steps about Humanity; On the Road - Walking and Liberty.
Il titolo originale del testo che compone il libro Libertà è: Due passi verso l'Umanità; Sulla strada - Camminare e la libertà.
O título original do texto que compõe o livro Liberdade é: Dois Passos acerca da Humanidade; Na Estrada - Caminhando e Liberdade.
It is a reflection, over nearly two hundred thousand years of history, about human metamorphoses, the mutations of iconography, on the history of ideas, on the permanent perceptual and cognitive transformation, especially in the last ten thousand years.
The content of the volumes gives us a sense of its structure:
Volume One
- Introduction by Dario Moreira de Castro Alves
- Book One: Turning Point (an explanation of the project); The Toy (the child, the game and the toy)
- Book Two: Diving in the Ocean (Fiore, language and perception); Art and Cosmos (perception and territory)
Volume Two
- Book Three: Vision (also Gestalt)
- Book Four: Hear
Volume Three
- Book Five: Eat
- Book Six - Perfume
Volume Four
- Book Seven: Touch
- Book Eight: Perception, Matter and Transformation (Peirce, Escher, RAMBAM)
Volume Five
- Book Nine: The Frontier of Civilization (the end of History, Zarathustra)
- Book Ten: Writing and Paper (writing, reading and the book, Gutenberg)
- Book Eleven: The Beginning of Paradise (prehistory, Kaspar Hauser)
Volume Six
- Book Twelve: Black Earth (Egypt, Imhotep, Akhenaton)
- Book Thirteen: Cosmogony of Light (Egypt, Osiris, Isis, Horus)
Volume Seven
- Book Fourteen: Among Countless Stars (Orpheus, Pythagoras, Thales)
- Book Fifteen: Imitation and Acceleration (Crete, Greece, Cadmus, Minos, Daedalus, Apelles, Parhasius, Zeuxis, Plato, Aristotle, Alexander)
Volume Eight
- Book Sixteen: Fiat Lux (light, Sumeria, Acadia, Kabbalah)
- Book Seventeen: The Magic Circle (Plotinus, Mani, Augustine, Benedict of Nursia, Bernard of Clairvaux, Suger, Fibonacci, Cimabue, Giotto)
Volume Nine
- Book Eighteen: The Prince and the Artist (Vasari, Piero della Francesca, Hermes Trismegistus, Ficino, Machiavelli, Alberti, Lorenzo il Magnifico, Michelangelo, Leonardo)
- Book Nineteen: The Being Condensed in an Eye (Alberti, Vitruvius, Eckhart, Brunelleschi, Palladio, Montaigne)
Volume Ten
- Book Twenty: The Glass Beads Game (Music of the Spheres, Guido d'Arezzo, Willaert, Zarlino, Vincenzo Galilei, Kepler, Rameau, Bach)
- Book Twenty One: Black Knight (Giordano Bruno)
- Book Twenty Two: Bête Noire (Caravaggio)
- Book Twenty Three: The Price You Pay to Be Free (Spinoza)
Volume Eleven
- Book Twenty Four: The Frame and the Horror to Limits (Borromini, Bernini)
- Book Twenty Five: The Perfect Universe (Descartes, Marlowe, La Mettrie, Frederick the Great, Louis XIV, Aldrovandi, Capek)
Volume Twelve
- Book Twenty Six: Lifeworld (Schopenhauer, Faraday, Maxwell, Peirce, Beuys, television, Meucci, Bell, format, noise, Virtual Reality, Vico)
- Book Twenty Seven: Everything that is Aesthetic is Uncertain (iconography, chance, Beuys, Olivestone)
Volume Thirteen
- Book Twenty Eight: The Knot of the World (Gall, Kant, Schopenhauer, Broca, Wernicke, Egas Moniz, Ramón y Cajal, prefrontal, Marr, Penfield, neuron, Edelman, symbiosis, Lupasco, mirror neurons)
- Book Twenty Nine: Beauty in Art (Hegel, Baumgarten, Kant, culture critic)
Volume Fourteen
- Book Thirty: Cronos (timeline), helps to contextualize the content of the other volumes
Please see more information at http://www.asa-art.com/5d
It is a reflection, over nearly two hundred thousand years of history, about human metamorphoses, the mutations of iconography, on the history of ideas, on the permanent perceptual and cognitive transformation, especially in the last ten thousand years.
The content of the volumes gives us a sense of its structure:
Volume One
- Introduction by Dario Moreira de Castro Alves
- Book One: Turning Point (an explanation of the project); The Toy (the child, the game and the toy)
- Book Two: Diving in the Ocean (Fiore, language and perception); Art and Cosmos (perception and territory)
Volume Two
- Book Three: Vision (also Gestalt)
- Book Four: Hear
Volume Three
- Book Five: Eat
- Book Six - Perfume
Volume Four
- Book Seven: Touch
- Book Eight: Perception, Matter and Transformation (Peirce, Escher, RAMBAM)
Volume Five
- Book Nine: The Frontier of Civilization (the end of History, Zarathustra)
- Book Ten: Writing and Paper (writing, reading and the book, Gutenberg)
- Book Eleven: The Beginning of Paradise (prehistory, Kaspar Hauser)
Volume Six
- Book Twelve: Black Earth (Egypt, Imhotep, Akhenaton)
- Book Thirteen: Cosmogony of Light (Egypt, Osiris, Isis, Horus)
Volume Seven
- Book Fourteen: Among Countless Stars (Orpheus, Pythagoras, Thales)
- Book Fifteen: Imitation and Acceleration (Crete, Greece, Cadmus, Minos, Daedalus, Apelles, Parhasius, Zeuxis, Plato, Aristotle, Alexander)
Volume Eight
- Book Sixteen: Fiat Lux (light, Sumeria, Acadia, Kabbalah)
- Book Seventeen: The Magic Circle (Plotinus, Mani, Augustine, Benedict of Nursia, Bernard of Clairvaux, Suger, Fibonacci, Cimabue, Giotto)
Volume Nine
- Book Eighteen: The Prince and the Artist (Vasari, Piero della Francesca, Hermes Trismegistus, Ficino, Machiavelli, Alberti, Lorenzo il Magnifico, Michelangelo, Leonardo)
- Book Nineteen: The Being Condensed in an Eye (Alberti, Vitruvius, Eckhart, Brunelleschi, Palladio, Montaigne)
Volume Ten
- Book Twenty: The Glass Beads Game (Music of the Spheres, Guido d'Arezzo, Willaert, Zarlino, Vincenzo Galilei, Kepler, Rameau, Bach)
- Book Twenty One: Black Knight (Giordano Bruno)
- Book Twenty Two: Bête Noire (Caravaggio)
- Book Twenty Three: The Price You Pay to Be Free (Spinoza)
Volume Eleven
- Book Twenty Four: The Frame and the Horror to Limits (Borromini, Bernini)
- Book Twenty Five: The Perfect Universe (Descartes, Marlowe, La Mettrie, Frederick the Great, Louis XIV, Aldrovandi, Capek)
Volume Twelve
- Book Twenty Six: Lifeworld (Schopenhauer, Faraday, Maxwell, Peirce, Beuys, television, Meucci, Bell, format, noise, Virtual Reality, Vico)
- Book Twenty Seven: Everything that is Aesthetic is Uncertain (iconography, chance, Beuys, Olivestone)
Volume Thirteen
- Book Twenty Eight: The Knot of the World (Gall, Kant, Schopenhauer, Broca, Wernicke, Egas Moniz, Ramón y Cajal, prefrontal, Marr, Penfield, neuron, Edelman, symbiosis, Lupasco, mirror neurons)
- Book Twenty Nine: Beauty in Art (Hegel, Baumgarten, Kant, culture critic)
Volume Fourteen
- Book Thirty: Cronos (timeline), helps to contextualize the content of the other volumes
Please see more information at http://www.asa-art.com/5d
It is a reflection, over nearly two hundred thousand years of history, about human metamorphoses, the mutations of iconography, on the history of ideas, on the permanent perceptual and cognitive transformation, especially in the last ten thousand years.
The content of the volumes gives us a sense of its structure:
Volume One
- Introduction by Dario Moreira de Castro Alves
- Book One: Turning Point (an explanation of the project); The Toy (the child, the game and the toy)
- Book Two: Diving in the Ocean (Fiore, language and perception); Art and Cosmos (perception and territory)
Volume Two
- Book Three: Vision (also Gestalt)
- Book Four: Hear
Volume Three
- Book Five: Eat
- Book Six - Perfume
Volume Four
- Book Seven: Touch
- Book Eight: Perception, Matter and Transformation (Peirce, Escher, RAMBAM)
Volume Five
- Book Nine: The Frontier of Civilization (the end of History, Zarathustra)
- Book Ten: Writing and Paper (writing, reading and the book, Gutenberg)
- Book Eleven: The Beginning of Paradise (prehistory, Kaspar Hauser)
Volume Six
- Book Twelve: Black Earth (Egypt, Imhotep, Akhenaton)
- Book Thirteen: Cosmogony of Light (Egypt, Osiris, Isis, Horus)
Volume Seven
- Book Fourteen: Among Countless Stars (Orpheus, Pythagoras, Thales)
- Book Fifteen: Imitation and Acceleration (Crete, Greece, Cadmus, Minos, Daedalus, Apelles, Parhasius, Zeuxis, Plato, Aristotle, Alexander)
Volume Eight
- Book Sixteen: Fiat Lux (light, Sumeria, Acadia, Kabbalah)
- Book Seventeen: The Magic Circle (Plotinus, Mani, Augustine, Benedict of Nursia, Bernard of Clairvaux, Suger, Fibonacci, Cimabue, Giotto)
Volume Nine
- Book Eighteen: The Prince and the Artist (Vasari, Piero della Francesca, Hermes Trismegistus, Ficino, Machiavelli, Alberti, Lorenzo il Magnifico, Michelangelo, Leonardo)
- Book Nineteen: The Being Condensed in an Eye (Alberti, Vitruvius, Eckhart, Brunelleschi, Palladio, Montaigne)
Volume Ten
- Book Twenty: The Glass Beads Game (Music of the Spheres, Guido d'Arezzo, Willaert, Zarlino, Vincenzo Galilei, Kepler, Rameau, Bach)
- Book Twenty One: Black Knight (Giordano Bruno)
- Book Twenty Two: Bête Noire (Caravaggio)
- Book Twenty Three: The Price You Pay to Be Free (Spinoza)
Volume Eleven
- Book Twenty Four: The Frame and the Horror to Limits (Borromini, Bernini)
- Book Twenty Five: The Perfect Universe (Descartes, Marlowe, La Mettrie, Frederick the Great, Louis XIV, Aldrovandi, Capek)
Volume Twelve
- Book Twenty Six: Lifeworld (Schopenhauer, Faraday, Maxwell, Peirce, Beuys, television, Meucci, Bell, format, noise, Virtual Reality, Vico)
- Book Twenty Seven: Everything that is Aesthetic is Uncertain (iconography, chance, Beuys, Olivestone)
Volume Thirteen
- Book Twenty Eight: The Knot of the World (Gall, Kant, Schopenhauer, Broca, Wernicke, Egas Moniz, Ramón y Cajal, prefrontal, Marr, Penfield, neuron, Edelman, symbiosis, Lupasco, mirror neurons)
- Book Twenty Nine: Beauty in Art (Hegel, Baumgarten, Kant, culture critic)
Volume Fourteen
- Book Thirty: Cronos (timeline), helps to contextualize the content of the other volumes
Please see more information at http://www.asa-art.com/5d
It is a reflection, over nearly two hundred thousand years of history, about human metamorphoses, the mutations of iconography, on the history of ideas, on the permanent perceptual and cognitive transformation, especially in the last ten thousand years.
The content of the volumes gives us a sense of its structure:
Volume One
- Introduction by Dario Moreira de Castro Alves
- Book One: Turning Point (an explanation of the project); The Toy (the child, the game and the toy)
- Book Two: Diving in the Ocean (Fiore, language and perception); Art and Cosmos (perception and territory)
Volume Two
- Book Three: Vision (also Gestalt)
- Book Four: Hear
Volume Three
- Book Five: Eat
- Book Six - Perfume
Volume Four
- Book Seven: Touch
- Book Eight: Perception, Matter and Transformation (Peirce, Escher, RAMBAM)
Volume Five
- Book Nine: The Frontier of Civilization (the end of History, Zarathustra)
- Book Ten: Writing and Paper (writing, reading and the book, Gutenberg)
- Book Eleven: The Beginning of Paradise (prehistory, Kaspar Hauser)
Volume Six
- Book Twelve: Black Earth (Egypt, Imhotep, Akhenaton)
- Book Thirteen: Cosmogony of Light (Egypt, Osiris, Isis, Horus)
Volume Seven
- Book Fourteen: Among Countless Stars (Orpheus, Pythagoras, Thales)
- Book Fifteen: Imitation and Acceleration (Crete, Greece, Cadmus, Minos, Daedalus, Apelles, Parhasius, Zeuxis, Plato, Aristotle, Alexander)
Volume Eight
- Book Sixteen: Fiat Lux (light, Sumeria, Acadia, Kabbalah)
- Book Seventeen: The Magic Circle (Plotinus, Mani, Augustine, Benedict of Nursia, Bernard of Clairvaux, Suger, Fibonacci, Cimabue, Giotto)
Volume Nine
- Book Eighteen: The Prince and the Artist (Vasari, Piero della Francesca, Hermes Trismegistus, Ficino, Machiavelli, Alberti, Lorenzo il Magnifico, Michelangelo, Leonardo)
- Book Nineteen: The Being Condensed in an Eye (Alberti, Vitruvius, Eckhart, Brunelleschi, Palladio, Montaigne)
Volume Ten
- Book Twenty: The Glass Beads Game (Music of the Spheres, Guido d'Arezzo, Willaert, Zarlino, Vincenzo Galilei, Kepler, Rameau, Bach)
- Book Twenty One: Black Knight (Giordano Bruno)
- Book Twenty Two: Bête Noire (Caravaggio)
- Book Twenty Three: The Price You Pay to Be Free (Spinoza)
Volume Eleven
- Book Twenty Four: The Frame and the Horror to Limits (Borromini, Bernini)
- Book Twenty Five: The Perfect Universe (Descartes, Marlowe, La Mettrie, Frederick the Great, Louis XIV, Aldrovandi, Capek)
Volume Twelve
- Book Twenty Six: Lifeworld (Schopenhauer, Faraday, Maxwell, Peirce, Beuys, television, Meucci, Bell, format, noise, Virtual Reality, Vico)
- Book Twenty Seven: Everything that is Aesthetic is Uncertain (iconography, chance, Beuys, Olivestone)
Volume Thirteen
- Book Twenty Eight: The Knot of the World (Gall, Kant, Schopenhauer, Broca, Wernicke, Egas Moniz, Ramón y Cajal, prefrontal, Marr, Penfield, neuron, Edelman, symbiosis, Lupasco, mirror neurons)
- Book Twenty Nine: Beauty in Art (Hegel, Baumgarten, Kant, culture critic)
Volume Fourteen
- Book Thirty: Cronos (timeline), helps to contextualize the content of the other volumes
Please see more information at http://www.asa-art.com/5d
It is a reflection, over nearly two hundred thousand years of history, about human metamorphoses, the mutations of iconography, on the history of ideas, on the permanent perceptual and cognitive transformation, especially in the last ten thousand years.
The content of the volumes gives us a sense of its structure:
Volume One
- Introduction by Dario Moreira de Castro Alves
- Book One: Turning Point (an explanation of the project); The Toy (the child, the game and the toy)
- Book Two: Diving in the Ocean (Fiore, language and perception); Art and Cosmos (perception and territory)
Volume Two
- Book Three: Vision (also Gestalt)
- Book Four: Hear
Volume Three
- Book Five: Eat
- Book Six - Perfume
Volume Four
- Book Seven: Touch
- Book Eight: Perception, Matter and Transformation (Peirce, Escher, RAMBAM)
Volume Five
- Book Nine: The Frontier of Civilization (the end of History, Zarathustra)
- Book Ten: Writing and Paper (writing, reading and the book, Gutenberg)
- Book Eleven: The Beginning of Paradise (prehistory, Kaspar Hauser)
Volume Six
- Book Twelve: Black Earth (Egypt, Imhotep, Akhenaton)
- Book Thirteen: Cosmogony of Light (Egypt, Osiris, Isis, Horus)
Volume Seven
- Book Fourteen: Among Countless Stars (Orpheus, Pythagoras, Thales)
- Book Fifteen: Imitation and Acceleration (Crete, Greece, Cadmus, Minos, Daedalus, Apelles, Parhasius, Zeuxis, Plato, Aristotle, Alexander)
Volume Eight
- Book Sixteen: Fiat Lux (light, Sumeria, Acadia, Kabbalah)
- Book Seventeen: The Magic Circle (Plotinus, Mani, Augustine, Benedict of Nursia, Bernard of Clairvaux, Suger, Fibonacci, Cimabue, Giotto)
Volume Nine
- Book Eighteen: The Prince and the Artist (Vasari, Piero della Francesca, Hermes Trismegistus, Ficino, Machiavelli, Alberti, Lorenzo il Magnifico, Michelangelo, Leonardo)
- Book Nineteen: The Being Condensed in an Eye (Alberti, Vitruvius, Eckhart, Brunelleschi, Palladio, Montaigne)
Volume Ten
- Book Twenty: The Glass Beads Game (Music of the Spheres, Guido d'Arezzo, Willaert, Zarlino, Vincenzo Galilei, Kepler, Rameau, Bach)
- Book Twenty One: Black Knight (Giordano Bruno)
- Book Twenty Two: Bête Noire (Caravaggio)
- Book Twenty Three: The Price You Pay to Be Free (Spinoza)
Volume Eleven
- Book Twenty Four: The Frame and the Horror to Limits (Borromini, Bernini)
- Book Twenty Five: The Perfect Universe (Descartes, Marlowe, La Mettrie, Frederick the Great, Louis XIV, Aldrovandi, Capek)
Volume Twelve
- Book Twenty Six: Lifeworld (Schopenhauer, Faraday, Maxwell, Peirce, Beuys, television, Meucci, Bell, format, noise, Virtual Reality, Vico)
- Book Twenty Seven: Everything that is Aesthetic is Uncertain (iconography, chance, Beuys, Olivestone)
Volume Thirteen
- Book Twenty Eight: The Knot of the World (Gall, Kant, Schopenhauer, Broca, Wernicke, Egas Moniz, Ramón y Cajal, prefrontal, Marr, Penfield, neuron, Edelman, symbiosis, Lupasco, mirror neurons)
- Book Twenty Nine: Beauty in Art (Hegel, Baumgarten, Kant, culture critic)
Volume Fourteen
- Book Thirty: Cronos (timeline), helps to contextualize the content of the other volumes
Please see more information at http://www.asa-art.com/5d
It is a reflection, over nearly two hundred thousand years of history, about human metamorphoses, the mutations of iconography, on the history of ideas, on the permanent perceptual and cognitive transformation, especially in the last ten thousand years.
The content of the volumes gives us a sense of its structure:
Volume One
- Introduction by Dario Moreira de Castro Alves
- Book One: Turning Point (an explanation of the project); The Toy (the child, the game and the toy)
- Book Two: Diving in the Ocean (Fiore, language and perception); Art and Cosmos (perception and territory)
Volume Two
- Book Three: Vision (also Gestalt)
- Book Four: Hear
Volume Three
- Book Five: Eat
- Book Six - Perfume
Volume Four
- Book Seven: Touch
- Book Eight: Perception, Matter and Transformation (Peirce, Escher, RAMBAM)
Volume Five
- Book Nine: The Frontier of Civilization (the end of History, Zarathustra)
- Book Ten: Writing and Paper (writing, reading and the book, Gutenberg)
- Book Eleven: The Beginning of Paradise (prehistory, Kaspar Hauser)
Volume Six
- Book Twelve: Black Earth (Egypt, Imhotep, Akhenaton)
- Book Thirteen: Cosmogony of Light (Egypt, Osiris, Isis, Horus)
Volume Seven
- Book Fourteen: Among Countless Stars (Orpheus, Pythagoras, Thales)
- Book Fifteen: Imitation and Acceleration (Crete, Greece, Cadmus, Minos, Daedalus, Apelles, Parhasius, Zeuxis, Plato, Aristotle, Alexander)
Volume Eight
- Book Sixteen: Fiat Lux (light, Sumeria, Acadia, Kabbalah)
- Book Seventeen: The Magic Circle (Plotinus, Mani, Augustine, Benedict of Nursia, Bernard of Clairvaux, Suger, Fibonacci, Cimabue, Giotto)
Volume Nine
- Book Eighteen: The Prince and the Artist (Vasari, Piero della Francesca, Hermes Trismegistus, Ficino, Machiavelli, Alberti, Lorenzo il Magnifico, Michelangelo, Leonardo)
- Book Nineteen: The Being Condensed in an Eye (Alberti, Vitruvius, Eckhart, Brunelleschi, Palladio, Montaigne)
Volume Ten
- Book Twenty: The Glass Beads Game (Music of the Spheres, Guido d'Arezzo, Willaert, Zarlino, Vincenzo Galilei, Kepler, Rameau, Bach)
- Book Twenty One: Black Knight (Giordano Bruno)
- Book Twenty Two: Bête Noire (Caravaggio)
- Book Twenty Three: The Price You Pay to Be Free (Spinoza)
Volume Eleven
- Book Twenty Four: The Frame and the Horror to Limits (Borromini, Bernini)
- Book Twenty Five: The Perfect Universe (Descartes, Marlowe, La Mettrie, Frederick the Great, Louis XIV, Aldrovandi, Capek)
Volume Twelve
- Book Twenty Six: Lifeworld (Schopenhauer, Faraday, Maxwell, Peirce, Beuys, television, Meucci, Bell, format, noise, Virtual Reality, Vico)
- Book Twenty Seven: Everything that is Aesthetic is Uncertain (iconography, chance, Beuys, Olivestone)
Volume Thirteen
- Book Twenty Eight: The Knot of the World (Gall, Kant, Schopenhauer, Broca, Wernicke, Egas Moniz, Ramón y Cajal, prefrontal, Marr, Penfield, neuron, Edelman, symbiosis, Lupasco, mirror neurons)
- Book Twenty Nine: Beauty in Art (Hegel, Baumgarten, Kant, culture critic)
Volume Fourteen
- Book Thirty: Cronos (timeline), helps to contextualize the content of the other volumes
Please see more information at http://www.asa-art.com/5d
It is a reflection, over nearly two hundred thousand years of history, about human metamorphoses, the mutations of iconography, on the history of ideas, on the permanent perceptual and cognitive transformation, especially in the last ten thousand years.
The content of the volumes gives us a sense of its structure:
Volume One
- Introduction by Dario Moreira de Castro Alves
- Book One: Turning Point (an explanation of the project); The Toy (the child, the game and the toy)
- Book Two: Diving in the Ocean (Fiore, language and perception); Art and Cosmos (perception and territory)
Volume Two
- Book Three: Vision (also Gestalt)
- Book Four: Hear
Volume Three
- Book Five: Eat
- Book Six - Perfume
Volume Four
- Book Seven: Touch
- Book Eight: Perception, Matter and Transformation (Peirce, Escher, RAMBAM)
Volume Five
- Book Nine: The Frontier of Civilization (the end of History, Zarathustra)
- Book Ten: Writing and Paper (writing, reading and the book, Gutenberg)
- Book Eleven: The Beginning of Paradise (prehistory, Kaspar Hauser)
Volume Six
- Book Twelve: Black Earth (Egypt, Imhotep, Akhenaton)
- Book Thirteen: Cosmogony of Light (Egypt, Osiris, Isis, Horus)
Volume Seven
- Book Fourteen: Among Countless Stars (Orpheus, Pythagoras, Thales)
- Book Fifteen: Imitation and Acceleration (Crete, Greece, Cadmus, Minos, Daedalus, Apelles, Parhasius, Zeuxis, Plato, Aristotle, Alexander)
Volume Eight
- Book Sixteen: Fiat Lux (light, Sumeria, Acadia, Kabbalah)
- Book Seventeen: The Magic Circle (Plotinus, Mani, Augustine, Benedict of Nursia, Bernard of Clairvaux, Suger, Fibonacci, Cimabue, Giotto)
Volume Nine
- Book Eighteen: The Prince and the Artist (Vasari, Piero della Francesca, Hermes Trismegistus, Ficino, Machiavelli, Alberti, Lorenzo il Magnifico, Michelangelo, Leonardo)
- Book Nineteen: The Being Condensed in an Eye (Alberti, Vitruvius, Eckhart, Brunelleschi, Palladio, Montaigne)
Volume Ten
- Book Twenty: The Glass Beads Game (Music of the Spheres, Guido d'Arezzo, Willaert, Zarlino, Vincenzo Galilei, Kepler, Rameau, Bach)
- Book Twenty One: Black Knight (Giordano Bruno)
- Book Twenty Two: Bête Noire (Caravaggio)
- Book Twenty Three: The Price You Pay to Be Free (Spinoza)
Volume Eleven
- Book Twenty Four: The Frame and the Horror to Limits (Borromini, Bernini)
- Book Twenty Five: The Perfect Universe (Descartes, Marlowe, La Mettrie, Frederick the Great, Louis XIV, Aldrovandi, Capek)
Volume Twelve
- Book Twenty Six: Lifeworld (Schopenhauer, Faraday, Maxwell, Peirce, Beuys, television, Meucci, Bell, format, noise, Virtual Reality, Vico)
- Book Twenty Seven: Everything that is Aesthetic is Uncertain (iconography, chance, Beuys, Olivestone)
Volume Thirteen
- Book Twenty Eight: The Knot of the World (Gall, Kant, Schopenhauer, Broca, Wernicke, Egas Moniz, Ramón y Cajal, prefrontal, Marr, Penfield, neuron, Edelman, symbiosis, Lupasco, mirror neurons)
- Book Twenty Nine: Beauty in Art (Hegel, Baumgarten, Kant, culture critic)
Volume Fourteen
- Book Thirty: Cronos (timeline), helps to contextualize the content of the other volumes
Please see more information at http://www.asa-art.com/5d
Musica dell'Universo
Emanuel Dimas de Melo Pimenta
in memoria de Harald Szeemann
dedicato a Ingeborg Lüscher e Lucrezia De Domizio Durini
corrispondenza con John G. Cramer
Fondazione Monte Verità
Ascona (Locarno), Svizzera
corrispondenza e disegni
più informazioni a www.emanuelpimenta.net/MED