Papers by Eliezer Gonzalez
Journal of the Adventist Theological Society, 2011
This paper will examine the Pauline restrictions on women within the context of the honor-shame c... more This paper will examine the Pauline restrictions on women within the context of the honor-shame culture prevalent in the first century, with a particular focus on 1 Cor 11, 14, 7. Suggestions will then be made about Paul's possible theological-cultural agenda. Some concluding observations will also be made in terms of the relevance of these issues for the church today. One of the features of Paul's churches, and indeed Paul's understanding of the gospel, was its universalism, not in the sense of universal salvation, but in the sense of its inclusiveness. One senses that there is at least an element of truth to French philosopher Alain Badiou's claim that the "sheer radicality" of Paul's universalism has been underestimated in the ongoing intense scholarly debate that tries to situate Paul in his Jewish and Gentile contexts. 1 Paul does not start with what divides us. Indeed, for Paul, all of humanity starts from a point of commonality, in the experience of being under sin. Similarly, humanity can enter into a common experience in the new community in Jesus, so that Paul can say: "[t]here is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus" (Gal 3:28). As Bassler comments,
DavarLogos, 2014
Resumen De muchas maneras distintas, el concepto de cambio, que es un "problema filosófico fundam... more Resumen De muchas maneras distintas, el concepto de cambio, que es un "problema filosófico fundamental" en el antiguo pensamiento griego, 1 también es una idea central en los escritos de Pablo. El apóstol no solo estaría familiarizado con las construcciones de cambio dentro de la cultura greco-romana, sino que también con aquellas ideas relacionadas dentro de su propia cultura judía. En este contexto, este estudio hará una exploración específica de cómo Pablo usó la idea de "metamorfosis" de manera comprensible para la cultura judía y helenística de su tiempo, y c ómo logró subordinar la comprensión contemporánea de la metamorfosis al evangelio que predicaba. Palabras clave Metamorfosis-Pablo-Cultura greco-romana-Cultura judía-Cultura helenística Abstrac In many different ways, the concept of change, which is a "f undamental philosophical problem" in ancient Greek thought, 1 is also a central idea in the writings of Paul. The Apostle would not only have been familiar with the constructs of change within Graeco-Roman culture, since Paul would have also been familiar with related ideas within his own Jewish culture. In this context, this paper will specifically explore how Paul used the idea of "metamorphosis" in ways that were understandable within both the Jewish and Hellenistic cultures of his time, and how he subordinated the contemporary understandings of metamorphosis to the gospel that he preached.
Verö entlicht auf Englisch. Die Ideologie und die Metaphorik in der Passion der Perpetua wird sta... more Verö entlicht auf Englisch. Die Ideologie und die Metaphorik in der Passion der Perpetua wird stark durch die traditionelle griechisch-römische Kultur vermittelt; vor allem durch traditionelle Vorstellungen vom Leben nach dem Tod und dem Aufsteigen der Seele. Dieser Kontext der Passion der Perpetua passt gut zu den vorhandenen materiellen Belegen und den Schriften Tertullians, mit deren Ideologie der Text der Perpetua implizit im polemischen Dialog steht. Eliezer Gonzalez analysiert, wie die Passion der Perpetua uns frühe literarische Beweise einer Welt liefert, in der griechischrömische und christliche Totenkulte, einschließlich die der Märtyrer und Heiligen, sich sehr ähneln. Er zeigt zudem, dass der Text der Passion der Perpetua und die Schriften des Tertullian Einblicke in ein frühes Stadium der Polemik zwischen diesen beiden Konzeptualisierungen des Lebens nach dem Tod für die Gerechten gewähren.
Description Many scholars have often considered the concept of ascent in the New Testament to be ... more Description Many scholars have often considered the concept of ascent in the New Testament to be closely related to and drawn from the models available in the Hellenistic world. This article argues for fundamental morphological differences between the concept of ascent in the New Testament and the pervasive and popular motif of ascent in the Graeco-‐‑Roman world. At the core of the differences lies a completely different anthropological understanding. Sources and influences other than the contemporary models must ...
El Futuro del Pasado, Oct 13, 2014
Resumen: Si bien la civilización egipcia es más antigua, al referirnos a las culturas egipcia y g... more Resumen: Si bien la civilización egipcia es más antigua, al referirnos a las culturas egipcia y grecorromana solemos aludir a culturas contiguas, y es innegable el profundo impacto que las ideas egipcias tuvieron en el mundo grecorromano. En ciertos aspectos clave, la visión egipcia de la vida después de la muerte anunció las concepciones grecorromana, judía y cristiana primitiva, particularmente en términos del motivo del ascenso post mortem. Aunque los canales de transmisión se han perdido en la antigüedad, este motivo todavía puede bosquejarse con suficiente claridad en ambas culturas como para sugerir que Egipto fue una fuente importante de su expresión. Tras algunas consideraciones metodológicas, este ensayo rastrea el motivo del ascenso tal como se manifestó en la cultura grecorromana, y luego analiza la naturaleza de la evidencia egipcia antigua para sugerir la existencia de elementos clave de este mismo motivo desde las primeras épocas de la Civilización del Nilo.
Kerygma, Nov 1, 2013
ste ensaio demonstra que o relato das duas testemunhas no décimo primeiro capítulo do Apocalipse ... more ste ensaio demonstra que o relato das duas testemunhas no décimo primeiro capítulo do Apocalipse de João está cuidadosamente estruturado de maneira quiástica. Além disso, este estudo mostrará que o relato das duas testemunhas ocupa um papel central na estrutura mais ampla do Apocalipse de João. Em particular, o relato das duas testemunhas prefigura tanto os temas como a estrutura da segunda metade do Apocalipse de João. Estas perspectivas tornam possíveis novas formas de ver como a mensagem do Apocalipse pode ser analisada e compreendida. Palavras-chave: Apelação; Duas Testemunhas; Quiasma; Estrutura; Profecia T his essay demonstrates that the account of the two witnesses in the eleventh chapter of the Apocalypse of John is carefully structured in a chiastic structure. Furthermore, it will demonstrate that the account of the two witnesses occupies a central role in the broader structure of the broader Apocalypse of John. In particular, the account of the two witnesses foreshadows both the themes and the structure of the second half of the Apocalypse of John. These perspectives open up new lenses through which the message of the Apocalypse may be analyzed and understood.
DavarLogos, 2016
En los últimos años, la definición que Jesús dio de sí mismo en los evangelios, particularmente e... more En los últimos años, la definición que Jesús dio de sí mismo en los evangelios, particularmente en el de Juan, como el nuevo templo ha recibido atención erudita significativa. No solo Jesús parece declarar ser un templo. También anuncia el reemplazo del templo de Jerusalén como siendo fundado en su persona en un contexto escatológico (ej. Juan 2,19-21). Es más: este concepto es desarrollado de manera más completa en las epístolas de Pablo, cuando declaran que el nuevo templo es fundado en la persona de Cristo, y es, de hecho, el cuerpo de Cristo, su iglesia. Este artículo explora y desarrolla el concepto de Jesucristo como el nuevo templo, con un enfoque particular en Juan 4,7-26. La tesis principal de esta investigación es que la declaración de Jesús de sí mismo como el templo, y el desarrollo subsecuente de Pablo de este concepto, debe recibir el peso que les corresponde. Dicha declaración tiene implicaciones significativas para la autocomprensión de la iglesia hoy, y para entender la naturaleza misma de la adoración cristiana, iluminando muchos temas neotestamentarios desde una perspectiva cristológica.
Journal of Early Christian Studies, 2013
3. This is particularly the case in terms of the martyr stories, in the context of the Roman pers... more 3. This is particularly the case in terms of the martyr stories, in the context of the Roman persecutions. Those who, while recognising the diversity in early Christianity in their writings, at times seem to fall into this often-implicit assumption include
Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society, 2013
It is significant that in Frederick Gaiser's Healing in the Bible, healing in the Pauline churche... more It is significant that in Frederick Gaiser's Healing in the Bible, healing in the Pauline churches receives only the briefest of mentions. 1 Given Paul's own relative silence on this matter, this is perhaps understandable. However, according to Luke's representation of earliest Christianity in the Acts of the Apostles, after the person of Jesus Christ, Paul of Tarsus was the most prominent healer and miracleworker in the NT. 2 This apparent discrepancy has been highlighted by many scholars as one of the key indicators of the distance in both historical time and reliability between Paul and the author of Acts. 3 Although the general question of how Paul is depicted in Acts, as opposed to in his own epistles, has been the subject of extensive scholarly debate, this essay will more specifically examine Paul's healings in both sources. This will be done within the contexts of Paul's literary purposes, his pneumatology and ecclesiology, and his own self-understanding as an apostle. Paul's relative silence regarding his own healings may thereby be understood without having to assume a secondcentury date for Acts, or impugning Luke's credentials as a historian.
Journal of the Adventist Theological Society, 2011
This paper will examine the Pauline restrictions on women within the context of the honor-shame c... more This paper will examine the Pauline restrictions on women within the context of the honor-shame culture prevalent in the first century, with a particular focus on 1 Cor 11, 14, 7. Suggestions will then be made about Paul's possible theological-cultural agenda. Some concluding observations will also be made in terms of the relevance of these issues for the church today. One of the features of Paul's churches, and indeed Paul's understanding of the gospel, was its universalism, not in the sense of universal salvation, but in the sense of its inclusiveness. One senses that there is at least an element of truth to French philosopher Alain Badiou's claim that the "sheer radicality" of Paul's universalism has been underestimated in the ongoing intense scholarly debate that tries to situate Paul in his Jewish and Gentile contexts. 1 Paul does not start with what divides us. Indeed, for Paul, all of humanity starts from a point of commonality, in the experience of being under sin. Similarly, humanity can enter into a common experience in the new community in Jesus, so that Paul can say: "[t]here is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus" (Gal 3:28). As Bassler comments,
Verö entlicht auf Englisch. Die Ideologie und die Metaphorik in der Passion der Perpetua wird sta... more Verö entlicht auf Englisch. Die Ideologie und die Metaphorik in der Passion der Perpetua wird stark durch die traditionelle griechisch-römische Kultur vermittelt; vor allem durch traditionelle Vorstellungen vom Leben nach dem Tod und dem Aufsteigen der Seele. Dieser Kontext der Passion der Perpetua passt gut zu den vorhandenen materiellen Belegen und den Schriften Tertullians, mit deren Ideologie der Text der Perpetua implizit im polemischen Dialog steht. Eliezer Gonzalez analysiert, wie die Passion der Perpetua uns frühe literarische Beweise einer Welt liefert, in der griechischrömische und christliche Totenkulte, einschließlich die der Märtyrer und Heiligen, sich sehr ähneln. Er zeigt zudem, dass der Text der Passion der Perpetua und die Schriften des Tertullian Einblicke in ein frühes Stadium der Polemik zwischen diesen beiden Konzeptualisierungen des Lebens nach dem Tod für die Gerechten gewähren.
Revista Chapingo Serie Ciencias Forestales y del Ambiente, 2011
La labranza primaria ha sido evaluada desde varios puntos de vista; por ejemplo, se sabe que labr... more La labranza primaria ha sido evaluada desde varios puntos de vista; por ejemplo, se sabe que labranza influye en cambios en la porosidad edáfica y los procesos asociados a ésta. Sin embargo, aún hay interrogantes sobre la magnitud de su impacto. Es así que entre 2006 y 2007 se realizó esta investigación que fue enfocada a la medición y comparación de la porosidad en un suelo de pastizal convertido a uso agrícola, mediante el empleo de una técnica avanzada de imagen, en el rancho Los Ángeles del
This paper will examine the Pauline restrictions on women within the context of the honor-shame c... more This paper will examine the Pauline restrictions on women within the context of the honor-shame culture prevalent in the first century, with a particular focus on 1 Cor 11, 14, 7. Suggestions will then be made about Paul's possible theological-cultural agenda. Some concluding observations will also be made in terms of the relevance of these issues for the church today. One of the features of Paul's churches, and indeed Paul's understanding of the gospel, was its universalism, not in the sense of universal salvation, but in the sense of its inclusiveness. One senses that there is at least an element of truth to French philosopher Alain Badiou's claim that the "sheer radicality" of Paul's universalism has been underestimated in the ongoing intense scholarly debate that tries to situate Paul in his Jewish and Gentile contexts. 1 Paul does not start with what divides us. Indeed, for Paul, all of humanity starts from a point of commonality, in the experience of being under sin. Similarly, humanity can enter into a common experience in the new community in Jesus, so that Paul can say: "[t]here is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus" (Gal 3:28). As Bassler comments,
This essay demonstrates that the account of the two witnesses in the eleventh chapter of the Apoc... more This essay demonstrates that the account of the two witnesses in the eleventh chapter of the Apocalypse of John is carefully structured in a chiastic structure. Furthermore, it will demonstrate that the account of the two witnesses occupies a central role in the broader structure of the broader Apocalypse of John. In particular, the account of the two witnesses foreshadows both the themes and the structure of the second half of the Apocalypse of John. These perspectives open up new lenses through which the message of the Apocalypse may be analyzed and understood.14 page(s
Ordenacao e os Limites da Teologia Biblica Abstract There have been few serious attempts to devel... more Ordenacao e os Limites da Teologia Biblica Abstract There have been few serious attempts to develop theologies of ordination. This essay considers whether ordination lies within or outside the boundaries of Biblical theology. It analyses the topic of ordination from the perspective of Biblical theology. This essay demonstrates that it is not possible to argue for our contemporary concept of ordination from the Old Testament, that the Old Testament concepts of priesthood do not transfer to the New Testament (unless one adopts a sacramental theology), and that the term and the concept of ordination do not appear in the New Testament at all as we might recognize them in our contemporary setting. While arguments may be made for ordination from administrative necessity, tradition, and other theological systems, ordination must be understood as lying entirely outside the boundaries of Biblical theology. Keywords: Ordination; Biblical theology; priesthood; sacramental theology; New Testame...
The Passion of Perpetua and Felicitas provides evidence of popular North African Christianity hav... more The Passion of Perpetua and Felicitas provides evidence of popular North African Christianity having more affinity with Jewish/ Christian apocalyptic literature than with the teachings of the early church fathers. This paper identifies the Passion of Perpetua as the earliest datable Christian text describing immediate post-‐‑mortem ascent. Affinities between the visions described in the Passion of Perpetua and in other Jewish/Christian apocalyptic works, as well as points of difference, will be examined, particularly in terms of understanding of the afterlife. This text therefore provides a better understanding of the nature of Christianity at the beginning of the third century. More specifically, this study highlights the key mechanisms by which the Christian communities embraced the idea of immediate post-‐‑ mortem ascent of believers.24 page(s
Papers by Eliezer Gonzalez