ObjectiveTo assess similarities and differences in the recommended sequence of strategies among t... more ObjectiveTo assess similarities and differences in the recommended sequence of strategies among the most relevant clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) for the treatment of depression in adults with inadequate response to first-line treatment.Data sourcesWe performed a systematic review of the literature spanning January 2011 to August 2020 in Medline, Embase, Cochrane Library and 12 databases recognised as CPGs repositories. CPGs quality was assessed using the Appraisal of Guidelines for Research and Evaluation II (AGREE II).Study selectionThe eligibility criteria were CPGs that described pharmacological recommendations for treating depression for individuals aged 18 years or older in outpatient care setting. We included CPGs considered of high-quality (≥80% in domain 3 of AGREE II) or recognised as clinically relevant.Data extractionTwo independent researchers extracted recommendations for patients who did not respond to first-line pharmacological treatment from the selected CPGs.Re...
Few Brazilian articles discuss the importance of pharmacy technicians who offer direct assistance... more Few Brazilian articles discuss the importance of pharmacy technicians who offer direct assistance to patients. This paper describes an experience of the training of pharmacy technicians in drug dispensing. A descriptive, cross-sectional study was conducted in the primary healthcare setting. The technicians were trained by the pharmacist to advise patients at the time of drug dispensing and to screen cases that needed pharmaceutical consultation. Problems were identified by verifying the prescription and return date for dispensing the medication as well as through direct questioning of the patients. Flowcharts for problem identification and intervention were created for use by the technicians. After training, pharmacy technicians identified 3944 problems, the most common of which were the use of a lower dosage than that prescribed (26%) and non-adherence to pharmacological treatment. The findings of the present study demonstrate the importance of training pharmacy technicians with regard to dispensing drugs so that they can assist pharmacists in the process of identifying and solving drug-related problems, thereby making them active members of the care process in the public health system.
Objectives. To uncover reasons why patients missed pharmaceutical care (PC) appointments, identif... more Objectives. To uncover reasons why patients missed pharmaceutical care (PC) appointments, identify predictive factors to miss at least one appointment and to reschedule after a miss, and compare the rescheduling behavior of patients receiving different types of PC. Methods. All elderly patients who had at least one scheduled appointment in the PC service of a health setting of Sao Paulo city, Brazil, from January to December/2011 were included. Chi-square analysis compared categorical data between groups; multivariate logistic regression models predicted attendance and rescheduling behavior. Results. We identified 421 patients, being 221 (52.5%) non-attenders. Forgetting the appointment was the most common patient-related reason (56.3%). Illiteracy was a risk factor to be a non-attender [OR(95%CI)=2.27(1.17:4.40), p=0.015]. Patients having previous knowledge of the pharmacist presented more chance to rescheduled an appointment after the first miss compared to those who had not [OR(9...
This study aims to compare the differences between clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) of the Min... more This study aims to compare the differences between clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) of the Ministry of Health (MoH) and those of other Brazilian health institutions. A systematic review of Brazilian CPGs was carried out. CPGs with recommendations for the pharmacological treatment of non-communicable disease (NCDs) were included. CPG methodological quality and transparency was independently assessed by 2 reviewers using the AGREE II. CPGs were rated as high, moderate, and low quality (ranging from A to C). Twenty-six CPGs were assessed for quality. MoH CPGs were published more recently, and were of better quality than the others: 6/6 (100%) were rated as Moderate-A. Although CPGs presented a wide range of methodological quality and transparency, MoH CPGs presented better consistency in the preparation method. To avoid confusion and to improve the quality of care within finite resources in Brazil, and to avoid potential bias, conflicts of interest, national CPGs used within SUS sho...
Resumo Este trabalho adaptou transculturalmente o questionário espanhol “Conocimiento del Pacient... more Resumo Este trabalho adaptou transculturalmente o questionário espanhol “Conocimiento del Paciente sobre sus Medicamentos” (CPM-ES-ES) para uso no Brasil. Ele mede o grau de conhecimento sobre medicamentos por meio de 11 perguntas. Oitenta pacientes ≥ 80 anos foram investigados e com 39 também foi entrevistado o cuidador. A avaliação das equivalências conceitual e de item considerou o conceito de conhecimento e as perguntas que o medem como pertinentes. A equivalência semântica foi obtida pela correspondência de significado denotativo e conotativo dos itens. O estudo da equivalência de mensuração incluiu análise fatorial e o cálculo de estimativas de validade e confiabilidade. Semelhante ao questionário original, a análise de componentes principais identificou 4 componentes, porém, em 2 deles houve diferenças nos itens incluídos. Uma pergunta foi removida desta análise devido à sua inadequação amostral. O conhecimento sobre medicamentos esteve correlacionado à complexidade da prescr...
Brazilian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2018
Falls are the second leading cause of accidental and unintentional injury deaths worldwide. Inpat... more Falls are the second leading cause of accidental and unintentional injury deaths worldwide. Inpatient falls in hospital settings are likely to prolong the length of stay of patients in nearly 6.3 days, leading to increased hospitalization costs. The causes of fall incidents in healthcare facilities are multifactorial in nature and certain medications use could be associated with these incidents. This review seeks to critically evaluate the available literature regarding the relationship between inpatient falls and medication use. A comprehensive search was performed on MEDLINE, EMBASE and Lilacs with no time restriction. The search was filtered using English, Spanish or Portuguese languages. Our study evaluated medication use and inpatients falls that effectively happen, considering all ages and populations. An assessment of bias and quality of the studies was carried out using an adapted tool from the literature. The drugs were classified according to the Anatomic Therapeutics Chemical Code. The search strategy retrieved 563 records, among which 23 met the eligibility criteria; ninety three different pharmacological subgroups were associated with fall incidents. Our critical review suggests that the use of central nervous system drugs (including anxiolytics; hypnotics and sedatives; antipsychotics; opioids; antiepileptics and antidepressants) has a greater likelihood of causing inpatient falls. A weak relationship was found between other pharmacological subgroups, such as diuretics, cardiovascular system-related medications, and inpatient fall. Remarkably, several problems of quality were encountered with regard to the eligible studies. Among such quality problems included retrospective design, the grouping of more than one medication in the same statistical analysis, limited external validity, problems related to medication classifications and description of potential confounders.
Revista Eletrônica de Comunicação, Informação e Inovação em Saúde, 2017
Neste estudo é relatado o processo de desenvolvimento de sítio sobre medicamentos no SUS. Para a ... more Neste estudo é relatado o processo de desenvolvimento de sítio sobre medicamentos no SUS. Para a escolha dos temas a serem inseridos no sítio, primeiramente foram elencadas as dificuldades de entendimento quanto a Assistência Farmacêutica apresentada pelos profissionais de saúde e usuários do SUS. Em seguida, estes problemas foram discutidos com farmacêuticos especialistas para delimitação dos tópicos e conteúdo para criação das páginas no sítio. Os tópicos incluídos estão divididos em 2 grandes temas: informações sobre a Assistência Farmacêutica no SUS e orientações para a promoção do uso racional de medicamentos. O processo de desenvolvimento do sítio pode servir como exemplo para outros programas de residência, contribuindo para realização de trabalhos de conclusão de residência que disseminem informações relevantes para o usuário do SUS (profissional de saúde ou paciente) na internet e favoreçam a integração entre serviço, ensino, pesquisa e comunidade.
Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are the leading cause of death worldwide. Clinical practice guid... more Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are the leading cause of death worldwide. Clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) constitute an important tool for the promotion of evidence-based health, which may improve healthcare outcomes for individuals with NCDs. Studies have shown that many CPGs have poor or moderate quality. Therefore, the aim of the proposed study is to systematically identify and appraise CPGs for pharmacological treatment of the most prevalent NCDs in primary care. A comprehensive literature search will be conducted in the following databases: MEDLINE, Embase and Cochrane Library. Twelve databases specific to CPGs will also be searched. Three appraisers will assess the quality of the CPGs using the Appraisal of Guidelines Research and Evaluation (AGREE) Instrument, version II. The AGREE II results will be checked for discrepancies. Differences between scores equal than or greater to 2 will be considered discrepant and the appraisers will decide the final score by consensus. I...
LICENSE 3.0 UNPORTED. RESUMEN Objetivos. Descubrir razones por las que los pacientes perdieron la... more LICENSE 3.0 UNPORTED. RESUMEN Objetivos. Descubrir razones por las que los pacientes perdieron la cita en atención farmacéutica (AF), identificar los factores predictivos de perder al menos una cita y reprogramar después de una ausencia, y comparar el comportamiento de reprogramación de los pacientes recibiendo diferentes tipos de AF. Métodos. Se incluyeron todos los pacientes mayores que tenían al menos una cita programada en el servicio de AF de un establecimiento de salud de la ciudad de São Paulo, Brasil, de enero a diciembre/2011. Análisis chi-cuadrado comparó datos categóricos entre los grupos; modelos de regresión logística multivariante predijeron el comportamiento de presencia y de reprogramación. Resultados. Se identificaron 421 pacientes, siendo 221 (52,5%) ausentes. El olvido fue el motivo relacionado con el paciente más frecuente (56,3%). El analfabetismo fue un factor de riesgo para ser un ausente [OR (IC95%)=2,27(1,17:4,40), p=0,015]. Los pacientes que tenían conocimiento previo del farmacéutico presentaron más chance de reprogramar una cita después de la primera ausencia en comparación con los que no tenía [OR (IC95%)=3,57(1,90:6,71), p<0,001]. Además, ausentes que tenían conocimiento del farmacéutico y recibieron seguimiento farmacoterapéutico reprogramaron más de los que reciben otros tipos de PC (p=0,035). Conclusión. El analfabetismo predijo ausencia en pacientes ambulatorios mayores bajo PC y el olvido fue la principal razón para eso. El conocimiento previo del farmacéutico y la provisión del seguimiento farmacoterapéutico explicaron el comportamiento de reprogramación, lo que indica que el establecimiento de una relación con el farmacéutico centrada en el paciente juega un papel fundamental en la continuidad de la AF.
Por último, anoto que a Secretaria da Saúde manifestou-se contrariamente à proposta legislativa, ... more Por último, anoto que a Secretaria da Saúde manifestou-se contrariamente à proposta legislativa, assinalando que a matéria, por sua natureza, submete-se à normatização de âmbito federal. Expostas as razões que me induzem a vetar, totalmente, o Projeto de lei n. 955, de 2003, restituo o assunto ao oportuno exame dessa ilustre Assembléia. Reitero a Vossa Exccelência os protestos de minha alta consideração.
This study describes vancomycin prescribing patterns in an average complexity hospital and compar... more This study describes vancomycin prescribing patterns in an average complexity hospital and compare the guidelines proposed by the Hospital Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee (HICPAC). The study was conducted in a 256-bed secondary-care hospital. Data were collected of all patients given vancomycin from March 2003 to February 2004, using a standardized chart-extraction form designed. Appropriate and inappropriate use was reviewed according to the Hospital Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee (HICPAC) guidelines on prudent vancomycin use. Out of 118 prescriptions, 95 (80.5%) were considered appropriate. Out of these 95 orders, 77 (81.1%) were administered for empiric treatment of suspected Gram-positive infections, 17 (17.9%) were administered for treatment of proven Gram-positive infections (76.5% identified as Staphyloccocus aureus-like agents) and 1 (1.0%) for beta-lactam allergy. The majority of the patients (96.6%) had recently used an antimicrobial medication (3 months). The mean pre-treatment hospitalization period was 11±10 days. Out of the 118 treatments, 67 (56.8%) were for nosocomial infections. The more frequent indications for vancomycin use were pneumonia (48.3%) and primary sepsis (18.6%), accounting for more than 66% of all treatments. No restriction policy was suggested because vancomycin use was considered adequate in the majority of the treatment cases. The broad empiric use of this antimicrobial was greater than expected in the institution and its use should be revised.
No Brasil, os idosos representavam 9,05% em 1999 e, em 2020, poderão totalizar 13% da população. ... more No Brasil, os idosos representavam 9,05% em 1999 e, em 2020, poderão totalizar 13% da população. Nessa faixa etária as doenças crônicas e degenerativas são comuns e freqüentemente se utiliza muitos medicamentos. A prescrição e o uso inadequado dos mesmos podem levar a resultados indesejados, acarretando internações hospitalares evitáveis e elevando os custos do sistema de saúde. O objetivo deste trabalho foi conhecer os estudos de intervenção do farmacêutico e sua influência no uso de medicamentos pelo paciente idoso, listados em cinco bases de dados, no período entre 1970 e 1999. Foram localizados 76 artigos, resultando em 15 trabalhos para análise e discussão. Os estudos sobre o tema são escassos e limitados aos países de economia avançada. De uma forma geral, as intervenções apresentaram resultado positivo. A maioria das intervenções limitou-se ao aconselhamento ao usuário e/ou ao prescritor, notando-se falta de ações que levem à adequação do medicamento ao usuário.
The total proportional geriatric population in Brazil is projected to increase from 9.05% in 1999... more The total proportional geriatric population in Brazil is projected to increase from 9.05% in 1999 to approximately 13% in 2020. Non-communicable diseases are common in this age group, and medication is used frequently. Inadequate prescription and improper use of drugs can produce undesirable outcomes, leading to avoidable hospitalization and increasing health care costs. The objective of this paper was to conduct a literature review of pharmacists' interventions and their influence on use of medication by elderly patients, based on five databases from 1970 to 1999. The sample consisted of 76 studies, of which 15 were analyzed and discussed. Research on this subject is scarce, and limited to developed countries. In general, the interventions presented favorable outcomes. Most actions were limited to counseling patients and their physicians, and there was a lack of interventions to adjust the medication to the user.
Os resultados da implementação de um sistema de distribuição de medicamentos em hospitais brasile... more Os resultados da implementação de um sistema de distribuição de medicamentos em hospitais brasileiros. Outcomes Of the implementation of a drug distribution system in Brazilian hospitaIs. INTRODUÇÃO para garantir que o paciente os receba de acordo com a prescrição médica. No final da década de 50, com o aumento do uso de medicamentos mais potentes, mas também causadores de graves efeitos colaterais, iniciou-se a publicação de É inegável a importância dos medicamentos no tratamento da maioria das doenças e a necessidade do hospital manter um sistema efetivo de sua distribuição 62
Resumo Objetivo Identificar preditores do conhecimento inadequado sobre medicamentos prescritos a... more Resumo Objetivo Identificar preditores do conhecimento inadequado sobre medicamentos prescritos a pacientes ambulatoriais muito idosos e seus cuidadores. Método O conhecimento sobre os medicamentos prescritos para 80 pacientes com 80 anos ou mais de idade foi avaliado por meio de um questionário validado, em uma entrevista realizada com os pacientes ou seus cuidadores (quando os pacientes apresentavam dificuldades de comunicação, demência ou qualquer necessidade de assistência para ajudá-los a usar medicamentos). Dois modelos de regressão logística hierárquica avaliaram a associação entre conhecimento inadequado sobre medicamentos e variáveis sociodemográficas e medicamentosas. Resultados Trinta e nove (48,8%) entrevistados eram cuidadores. Conhecimento inadequado foi encontrado em 81,5% (404/496) dos medicamentos prescritos. Forma de administração, Dose, Frequência e Duração do Tratamento foram os aspectos de maior conhecimento, enquanto Reações Adversas, Precauções, Interações e C...
All content in this magazine is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License. Attributio... more All content in this magazine is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License. Attribution-Non-Commercial-Non-Derivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).
Brazilian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2013
Apresentado no XVIII Pharmaceutical Science and Technology Meeting of the Faculty of Pharmaceutic... more Apresentado no XVIII Pharmaceutical Science and Technology Meeting of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences; III Symposium on drug design and development for Neglected Diseases; V Workshop on Melanoma, skin and photoprotection - Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences University of Sao Paulo - October 21-25, 2013 - Sao Paulo - Brazil
Journal of Basic and Applied Pharmaceutical Sciencies, 2016
This study proposes to measure frequency and to characterize the profile of potential drug intera... more This study proposes to measure frequency and to characterize the profile of potential drug interactions (pDDI) in a general medicine ward of a teaching hospital. Data about identification and clinical status of patients were extracted from medical records between March to August 2006. The occurrence of pDDI was analyzed using the database monographs Micromedex® DrugReax® System. From 5,336 prescriptions with two or more drugs, 3,097 (58.0%) contained pDDI. The frequency of major and well document pDDI was 26.5%. Among 647 patients, 432 (66.8%) were exposed to at least one pDDI and 283 (43.7%) to major pDDI. The multivariate analysis identified that factors related to higher rates of major pDDI were the same age (p< 0.0001), length of stay (p< 0.0001), prevalence of hypertension [OR=3.42 (p< 0.0001)] and diabetes mellitus [OR=2.1 (p< 0.0001)], cardiovascular diseases (p< 0.0001) and the number of prescribed drugs (Spearman’s correlation=0.640622, p< 0.0001). Between...
ObjectiveTo assess similarities and differences in the recommended sequence of strategies among t... more ObjectiveTo assess similarities and differences in the recommended sequence of strategies among the most relevant clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) for the treatment of depression in adults with inadequate response to first-line treatment.Data sourcesWe performed a systematic review of the literature spanning January 2011 to August 2020 in Medline, Embase, Cochrane Library and 12 databases recognised as CPGs repositories. CPGs quality was assessed using the Appraisal of Guidelines for Research and Evaluation II (AGREE II).Study selectionThe eligibility criteria were CPGs that described pharmacological recommendations for treating depression for individuals aged 18 years or older in outpatient care setting. We included CPGs considered of high-quality (≥80% in domain 3 of AGREE II) or recognised as clinically relevant.Data extractionTwo independent researchers extracted recommendations for patients who did not respond to first-line pharmacological treatment from the selected CPGs.Re...
Few Brazilian articles discuss the importance of pharmacy technicians who offer direct assistance... more Few Brazilian articles discuss the importance of pharmacy technicians who offer direct assistance to patients. This paper describes an experience of the training of pharmacy technicians in drug dispensing. A descriptive, cross-sectional study was conducted in the primary healthcare setting. The technicians were trained by the pharmacist to advise patients at the time of drug dispensing and to screen cases that needed pharmaceutical consultation. Problems were identified by verifying the prescription and return date for dispensing the medication as well as through direct questioning of the patients. Flowcharts for problem identification and intervention were created for use by the technicians. After training, pharmacy technicians identified 3944 problems, the most common of which were the use of a lower dosage than that prescribed (26%) and non-adherence to pharmacological treatment. The findings of the present study demonstrate the importance of training pharmacy technicians with regard to dispensing drugs so that they can assist pharmacists in the process of identifying and solving drug-related problems, thereby making them active members of the care process in the public health system.
Objectives. To uncover reasons why patients missed pharmaceutical care (PC) appointments, identif... more Objectives. To uncover reasons why patients missed pharmaceutical care (PC) appointments, identify predictive factors to miss at least one appointment and to reschedule after a miss, and compare the rescheduling behavior of patients receiving different types of PC. Methods. All elderly patients who had at least one scheduled appointment in the PC service of a health setting of Sao Paulo city, Brazil, from January to December/2011 were included. Chi-square analysis compared categorical data between groups; multivariate logistic regression models predicted attendance and rescheduling behavior. Results. We identified 421 patients, being 221 (52.5%) non-attenders. Forgetting the appointment was the most common patient-related reason (56.3%). Illiteracy was a risk factor to be a non-attender [OR(95%CI)=2.27(1.17:4.40), p=0.015]. Patients having previous knowledge of the pharmacist presented more chance to rescheduled an appointment after the first miss compared to those who had not [OR(9...
This study aims to compare the differences between clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) of the Min... more This study aims to compare the differences between clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) of the Ministry of Health (MoH) and those of other Brazilian health institutions. A systematic review of Brazilian CPGs was carried out. CPGs with recommendations for the pharmacological treatment of non-communicable disease (NCDs) were included. CPG methodological quality and transparency was independently assessed by 2 reviewers using the AGREE II. CPGs were rated as high, moderate, and low quality (ranging from A to C). Twenty-six CPGs were assessed for quality. MoH CPGs were published more recently, and were of better quality than the others: 6/6 (100%) were rated as Moderate-A. Although CPGs presented a wide range of methodological quality and transparency, MoH CPGs presented better consistency in the preparation method. To avoid confusion and to improve the quality of care within finite resources in Brazil, and to avoid potential bias, conflicts of interest, national CPGs used within SUS sho...
Resumo Este trabalho adaptou transculturalmente o questionário espanhol “Conocimiento del Pacient... more Resumo Este trabalho adaptou transculturalmente o questionário espanhol “Conocimiento del Paciente sobre sus Medicamentos” (CPM-ES-ES) para uso no Brasil. Ele mede o grau de conhecimento sobre medicamentos por meio de 11 perguntas. Oitenta pacientes ≥ 80 anos foram investigados e com 39 também foi entrevistado o cuidador. A avaliação das equivalências conceitual e de item considerou o conceito de conhecimento e as perguntas que o medem como pertinentes. A equivalência semântica foi obtida pela correspondência de significado denotativo e conotativo dos itens. O estudo da equivalência de mensuração incluiu análise fatorial e o cálculo de estimativas de validade e confiabilidade. Semelhante ao questionário original, a análise de componentes principais identificou 4 componentes, porém, em 2 deles houve diferenças nos itens incluídos. Uma pergunta foi removida desta análise devido à sua inadequação amostral. O conhecimento sobre medicamentos esteve correlacionado à complexidade da prescr...
Brazilian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2018
Falls are the second leading cause of accidental and unintentional injury deaths worldwide. Inpat... more Falls are the second leading cause of accidental and unintentional injury deaths worldwide. Inpatient falls in hospital settings are likely to prolong the length of stay of patients in nearly 6.3 days, leading to increased hospitalization costs. The causes of fall incidents in healthcare facilities are multifactorial in nature and certain medications use could be associated with these incidents. This review seeks to critically evaluate the available literature regarding the relationship between inpatient falls and medication use. A comprehensive search was performed on MEDLINE, EMBASE and Lilacs with no time restriction. The search was filtered using English, Spanish or Portuguese languages. Our study evaluated medication use and inpatients falls that effectively happen, considering all ages and populations. An assessment of bias and quality of the studies was carried out using an adapted tool from the literature. The drugs were classified according to the Anatomic Therapeutics Chemical Code. The search strategy retrieved 563 records, among which 23 met the eligibility criteria; ninety three different pharmacological subgroups were associated with fall incidents. Our critical review suggests that the use of central nervous system drugs (including anxiolytics; hypnotics and sedatives; antipsychotics; opioids; antiepileptics and antidepressants) has a greater likelihood of causing inpatient falls. A weak relationship was found between other pharmacological subgroups, such as diuretics, cardiovascular system-related medications, and inpatient fall. Remarkably, several problems of quality were encountered with regard to the eligible studies. Among such quality problems included retrospective design, the grouping of more than one medication in the same statistical analysis, limited external validity, problems related to medication classifications and description of potential confounders.
Revista Eletrônica de Comunicação, Informação e Inovação em Saúde, 2017
Neste estudo é relatado o processo de desenvolvimento de sítio sobre medicamentos no SUS. Para a ... more Neste estudo é relatado o processo de desenvolvimento de sítio sobre medicamentos no SUS. Para a escolha dos temas a serem inseridos no sítio, primeiramente foram elencadas as dificuldades de entendimento quanto a Assistência Farmacêutica apresentada pelos profissionais de saúde e usuários do SUS. Em seguida, estes problemas foram discutidos com farmacêuticos especialistas para delimitação dos tópicos e conteúdo para criação das páginas no sítio. Os tópicos incluídos estão divididos em 2 grandes temas: informações sobre a Assistência Farmacêutica no SUS e orientações para a promoção do uso racional de medicamentos. O processo de desenvolvimento do sítio pode servir como exemplo para outros programas de residência, contribuindo para realização de trabalhos de conclusão de residência que disseminem informações relevantes para o usuário do SUS (profissional de saúde ou paciente) na internet e favoreçam a integração entre serviço, ensino, pesquisa e comunidade.
Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are the leading cause of death worldwide. Clinical practice guid... more Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are the leading cause of death worldwide. Clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) constitute an important tool for the promotion of evidence-based health, which may improve healthcare outcomes for individuals with NCDs. Studies have shown that many CPGs have poor or moderate quality. Therefore, the aim of the proposed study is to systematically identify and appraise CPGs for pharmacological treatment of the most prevalent NCDs in primary care. A comprehensive literature search will be conducted in the following databases: MEDLINE, Embase and Cochrane Library. Twelve databases specific to CPGs will also be searched. Three appraisers will assess the quality of the CPGs using the Appraisal of Guidelines Research and Evaluation (AGREE) Instrument, version II. The AGREE II results will be checked for discrepancies. Differences between scores equal than or greater to 2 will be considered discrepant and the appraisers will decide the final score by consensus. I...
LICENSE 3.0 UNPORTED. RESUMEN Objetivos. Descubrir razones por las que los pacientes perdieron la... more LICENSE 3.0 UNPORTED. RESUMEN Objetivos. Descubrir razones por las que los pacientes perdieron la cita en atención farmacéutica (AF), identificar los factores predictivos de perder al menos una cita y reprogramar después de una ausencia, y comparar el comportamiento de reprogramación de los pacientes recibiendo diferentes tipos de AF. Métodos. Se incluyeron todos los pacientes mayores que tenían al menos una cita programada en el servicio de AF de un establecimiento de salud de la ciudad de São Paulo, Brasil, de enero a diciembre/2011. Análisis chi-cuadrado comparó datos categóricos entre los grupos; modelos de regresión logística multivariante predijeron el comportamiento de presencia y de reprogramación. Resultados. Se identificaron 421 pacientes, siendo 221 (52,5%) ausentes. El olvido fue el motivo relacionado con el paciente más frecuente (56,3%). El analfabetismo fue un factor de riesgo para ser un ausente [OR (IC95%)=2,27(1,17:4,40), p=0,015]. Los pacientes que tenían conocimiento previo del farmacéutico presentaron más chance de reprogramar una cita después de la primera ausencia en comparación con los que no tenía [OR (IC95%)=3,57(1,90:6,71), p<0,001]. Además, ausentes que tenían conocimiento del farmacéutico y recibieron seguimiento farmacoterapéutico reprogramaron más de los que reciben otros tipos de PC (p=0,035). Conclusión. El analfabetismo predijo ausencia en pacientes ambulatorios mayores bajo PC y el olvido fue la principal razón para eso. El conocimiento previo del farmacéutico y la provisión del seguimiento farmacoterapéutico explicaron el comportamiento de reprogramación, lo que indica que el establecimiento de una relación con el farmacéutico centrada en el paciente juega un papel fundamental en la continuidad de la AF.
Por último, anoto que a Secretaria da Saúde manifestou-se contrariamente à proposta legislativa, ... more Por último, anoto que a Secretaria da Saúde manifestou-se contrariamente à proposta legislativa, assinalando que a matéria, por sua natureza, submete-se à normatização de âmbito federal. Expostas as razões que me induzem a vetar, totalmente, o Projeto de lei n. 955, de 2003, restituo o assunto ao oportuno exame dessa ilustre Assembléia. Reitero a Vossa Exccelência os protestos de minha alta consideração.
This study describes vancomycin prescribing patterns in an average complexity hospital and compar... more This study describes vancomycin prescribing patterns in an average complexity hospital and compare the guidelines proposed by the Hospital Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee (HICPAC). The study was conducted in a 256-bed secondary-care hospital. Data were collected of all patients given vancomycin from March 2003 to February 2004, using a standardized chart-extraction form designed. Appropriate and inappropriate use was reviewed according to the Hospital Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee (HICPAC) guidelines on prudent vancomycin use. Out of 118 prescriptions, 95 (80.5%) were considered appropriate. Out of these 95 orders, 77 (81.1%) were administered for empiric treatment of suspected Gram-positive infections, 17 (17.9%) were administered for treatment of proven Gram-positive infections (76.5% identified as Staphyloccocus aureus-like agents) and 1 (1.0%) for beta-lactam allergy. The majority of the patients (96.6%) had recently used an antimicrobial medication (3 months). The mean pre-treatment hospitalization period was 11±10 days. Out of the 118 treatments, 67 (56.8%) were for nosocomial infections. The more frequent indications for vancomycin use were pneumonia (48.3%) and primary sepsis (18.6%), accounting for more than 66% of all treatments. No restriction policy was suggested because vancomycin use was considered adequate in the majority of the treatment cases. The broad empiric use of this antimicrobial was greater than expected in the institution and its use should be revised.
No Brasil, os idosos representavam 9,05% em 1999 e, em 2020, poderão totalizar 13% da população. ... more No Brasil, os idosos representavam 9,05% em 1999 e, em 2020, poderão totalizar 13% da população. Nessa faixa etária as doenças crônicas e degenerativas são comuns e freqüentemente se utiliza muitos medicamentos. A prescrição e o uso inadequado dos mesmos podem levar a resultados indesejados, acarretando internações hospitalares evitáveis e elevando os custos do sistema de saúde. O objetivo deste trabalho foi conhecer os estudos de intervenção do farmacêutico e sua influência no uso de medicamentos pelo paciente idoso, listados em cinco bases de dados, no período entre 1970 e 1999. Foram localizados 76 artigos, resultando em 15 trabalhos para análise e discussão. Os estudos sobre o tema são escassos e limitados aos países de economia avançada. De uma forma geral, as intervenções apresentaram resultado positivo. A maioria das intervenções limitou-se ao aconselhamento ao usuário e/ou ao prescritor, notando-se falta de ações que levem à adequação do medicamento ao usuário.
The total proportional geriatric population in Brazil is projected to increase from 9.05% in 1999... more The total proportional geriatric population in Brazil is projected to increase from 9.05% in 1999 to approximately 13% in 2020. Non-communicable diseases are common in this age group, and medication is used frequently. Inadequate prescription and improper use of drugs can produce undesirable outcomes, leading to avoidable hospitalization and increasing health care costs. The objective of this paper was to conduct a literature review of pharmacists' interventions and their influence on use of medication by elderly patients, based on five databases from 1970 to 1999. The sample consisted of 76 studies, of which 15 were analyzed and discussed. Research on this subject is scarce, and limited to developed countries. In general, the interventions presented favorable outcomes. Most actions were limited to counseling patients and their physicians, and there was a lack of interventions to adjust the medication to the user.
Os resultados da implementação de um sistema de distribuição de medicamentos em hospitais brasile... more Os resultados da implementação de um sistema de distribuição de medicamentos em hospitais brasileiros. Outcomes Of the implementation of a drug distribution system in Brazilian hospitaIs. INTRODUÇÃO para garantir que o paciente os receba de acordo com a prescrição médica. No final da década de 50, com o aumento do uso de medicamentos mais potentes, mas também causadores de graves efeitos colaterais, iniciou-se a publicação de É inegável a importância dos medicamentos no tratamento da maioria das doenças e a necessidade do hospital manter um sistema efetivo de sua distribuição 62
Resumo Objetivo Identificar preditores do conhecimento inadequado sobre medicamentos prescritos a... more Resumo Objetivo Identificar preditores do conhecimento inadequado sobre medicamentos prescritos a pacientes ambulatoriais muito idosos e seus cuidadores. Método O conhecimento sobre os medicamentos prescritos para 80 pacientes com 80 anos ou mais de idade foi avaliado por meio de um questionário validado, em uma entrevista realizada com os pacientes ou seus cuidadores (quando os pacientes apresentavam dificuldades de comunicação, demência ou qualquer necessidade de assistência para ajudá-los a usar medicamentos). Dois modelos de regressão logística hierárquica avaliaram a associação entre conhecimento inadequado sobre medicamentos e variáveis sociodemográficas e medicamentosas. Resultados Trinta e nove (48,8%) entrevistados eram cuidadores. Conhecimento inadequado foi encontrado em 81,5% (404/496) dos medicamentos prescritos. Forma de administração, Dose, Frequência e Duração do Tratamento foram os aspectos de maior conhecimento, enquanto Reações Adversas, Precauções, Interações e C...
All content in this magazine is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License. Attributio... more All content in this magazine is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License. Attribution-Non-Commercial-Non-Derivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).
Brazilian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2013
Apresentado no XVIII Pharmaceutical Science and Technology Meeting of the Faculty of Pharmaceutic... more Apresentado no XVIII Pharmaceutical Science and Technology Meeting of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences; III Symposium on drug design and development for Neglected Diseases; V Workshop on Melanoma, skin and photoprotection - Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences University of Sao Paulo - October 21-25, 2013 - Sao Paulo - Brazil
Journal of Basic and Applied Pharmaceutical Sciencies, 2016
This study proposes to measure frequency and to characterize the profile of potential drug intera... more This study proposes to measure frequency and to characterize the profile of potential drug interactions (pDDI) in a general medicine ward of a teaching hospital. Data about identification and clinical status of patients were extracted from medical records between March to August 2006. The occurrence of pDDI was analyzed using the database monographs Micromedex® DrugReax® System. From 5,336 prescriptions with two or more drugs, 3,097 (58.0%) contained pDDI. The frequency of major and well document pDDI was 26.5%. Among 647 patients, 432 (66.8%) were exposed to at least one pDDI and 283 (43.7%) to major pDDI. The multivariate analysis identified that factors related to higher rates of major pDDI were the same age (p< 0.0001), length of stay (p< 0.0001), prevalence of hypertension [OR=3.42 (p< 0.0001)] and diabetes mellitus [OR=2.1 (p< 0.0001)], cardiovascular diseases (p< 0.0001) and the number of prescribed drugs (Spearman’s correlation=0.640622, p< 0.0001). Between...
Papers by Eliane Ribeiro