1919 ve 1920 yılları, Milli Mücadelenin hazırlık ve örgütlenme safhasının oluşturulduğu, işgaller... more 1919 ve 1920 yılları, Milli Mücadelenin hazırlık ve örgütlenme safhasının oluşturulduğu, işgallere karşı eldeki tüm maddi ve manevi kaynaklarla örgütlenmeye, düşmana ve işbirlikçilerine karşı direnilmeye çalışılan yıllardır. Padişah ve İstanbul hükümetinin Mondros Ateşkes Antlaşması ve sonrasında ülkenin geleceğine dair tutumlarının ve eylemlerinin gün yüzüne çıkması, başta İngiltere olmak üzere işgalci güçlerin karşısında vatanı kurtarmak için milli bir duruş sergileyememeleri, Türk Milletini düşmana karşı birleştirmiş ve tüm iradesiyle işgallere karşı koymaya itmiştir. Bu süreçte, Padişah ve Damat Ferit Paşa hükümeti ile dostane ilişkiler kuran İngilizler, hem sömürgelerindeki halkların kamuoyunu tayin etmek hem de diğer ülkelerin Türkiyenin geleceği konusundaki görüşlerini etkilemek için basını son derece etkili kullanmışlardır. Biz bu çalışmamızda, 1919-1920 yıllarında Milli Mücadeledeki gelişmelerin ve tutumların, İngiliz basınına nasıl yansıdığını araştırarak, İngilizlerin 1919-1920 yıllarında Türklerin vermiş olduğu bağımsızlık mücadelesini nasıl değerlendirdiklerini ve nasıl etkilemeye çalıştıklarını ortaya koymaya çalıştık. Bunu yaparken The Times, The Manchester Guardian, The Daily Herald, The Globe, The Illustrated London News gibi büyük tirajlı gazetelerin haberlerini ele aldık. Ancak bu büyük tirajlı gazetelerin haberlerinin daha az tirajlı olan ama yerel bazı gazetelerde de paylaşıldığını gördük. Bu nedenle The Scotsman, The Courier, The Irish Times, The Sunday Post, The Belfast Newspaper, The Pall Mall Gazette… gibi prestijli gazeteleri de değerlendirmeye almanın doğru olacağını düşündük. Amacımız, Mustafa Kemal ve onun liderliğindeki milli mücadelenin o dönemin baş aktörlerinden biri olan İngiltere basınında nasıl ele alındığını ortaya koymaktır.
This study focuses on the report sent by the American Vice Consul James Loder Park to the America... more This study focuses on the report sent by the American Vice Consul James Loder Park to the American Ministry of Foreign Affairs on April 11, 1923. The Greeks started to retreat towards Izmir on 30 August 1922 and destroyed the towns that they passed through. The report dealt with the Greeks' destruction of these towns (Menemen, Manisa, Turgutlu, Alaşehir and Salihli) while retreating towards İzmir. In this report, Park, who travelled with a delegation from Izmir to witness and report this destruction, noted detailed observations and impressions. Park also included in his report statements from Turkish authorities and government officials, and the testimonies of the people living in these towns. Although the report makes an important contribution to the international literature on the subject, it has not been examined in detail in research.. The fundamental purpose of the study is to conduct a detailed investigation of the subject, and to make a comparative analysis with American national archive documents, Turkish official authorities reports, national commissions reports and copyrighted works. As a methodology, document analysis was carried out in the study.
14 Nisan 1909’da, yani 31 Mart Vakasının yaşanmasından bir gün sonra, Adana’da Ermeniler ve Müslü... more 14 Nisan 1909’da, yani 31 Mart Vakasının yaşanmasından bir gün sonra, Adana’da Ermeniler ve Müslümanlar arasında karşılıklı birtakım kanlı olaylar meydana gelmiştir, bu olaylar Ermeniler ve bölgede yaşayan Müslümanlar arasında yıkıcı etkilere sebep olmuştur. Adana olayları, birçok yabancı kaynak ve dış basında “massacre” yani katliam olarak nitelendirilmiştir. Bazı yerel kaynaklarda ise, “iğtişaş”, “isyan”, “vaka” gibi ifadelerle anılmaktadır. Başbakanlık Osmanlı Arşivlerindeki belgelerde ise “iğtişaşat” olarak ifade edilmektedir.Bu çalışmamızda Adana’da gerçekleşen olayların İngiliz arşiv belgelerinde nasıl yer aldığını ve olaylara tanık olan resmi kişilerin raporlarında bu olaylara nasıl yer verildiğini inceledik. Ayrıca yabancı basında konunun nasıl yorumlandığı ve kamuoyuna nasıl yansıtıldığı üzerine örnekler vermeye çalıştık.
obtained from American and British sources, this article aims to read the case through the offici... more obtained from American and British sources, this article aims to read the case through the official documents and press of America and Britain and thus set a scientific example of the international perception of this important legal struggle in 1926 for the Republic of Türkiye, which had been newly established and realized its modern legal revolutions. The article examines British archival documents and news articles in many national and local newspapers as sources, especially The Times in the British press, and also benefits from the official correspondence on the subject in the American National Archive, reports submitted to the American Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and some prominent news articles in the American press.
Yakın Dönem Türkiye Araştırmaları Recent Period Turkish Studies, 2024
obtained from American and British sources, this article aims to read the case through the offici... more obtained from American and British sources, this article aims to read the case through the official documents and press of America and Britain and thus set a scientific example of the international perception of this important legal struggle in 1926 for the Republic of Türkiye, which had been newly established and realized its modern legal revolutions. The article examines British archival documents and news articles in many national and local newspapers as sources, especially The Times in the British press, and also benefits from the official correspondence on the subject in the American National Archive, reports submitted to the American Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and some prominent news articles in the American press.
This study focuses on the report sent by the American Vice Consul James Loder Park to the America... more This study focuses on the report sent by the American Vice Consul James Loder Park to the American Ministry of Foreign Affairs on April 11, 1923. The Greeks started to retreat towards Izmir on 30 August 1922 and destroyed the towns that they passed through. The report dealt with the Greeks' destruction of these towns (Menemen, Manisa, Turgutlu, Alaşehir and Salihli) while retreating towards İzmir. In this report, Park, who travelled with a delegation from Izmir to witness and report this destruction, noted detailed observations and impressions. Park also included in his report statements from Turkish authorities and government officials, and the testimonies of the people living in these towns. Although the report makes an important contribution to the international literature on the subject, it has not been examined in detail in research.. The fundamental purpose of the study is to conduct a detailed investigation of the subject, and to make a comparative analysis with American national archive documents, Turkish official authorities reports, national commissions reports and copyrighted works. As a methodology, document analysis was carried out in the study.
This study focuses on the report sent by the American Vice Consul James Loder Park to the America... more This study focuses on the report sent by the American Vice Consul James Loder Park to the American Ministry of Foreign Affairs on April 11, 1923. The Greeks started to retreat towards Izmir on 30 August 1922 and destroyed the towns that they passed through. The report dealt with the Greeks' destruction of these towns (Menemen, Manisa, Turgutlu, Alaşehir and Salihli) while retreating towards İzmir. In this report, Park, who travelled with a delegation from Izmir to witness and report this destruction, noted detailed observations and impressions. Park also included in his report statements from Turkish authorities and government officials, and the testimonies of the people living in these towns. Although the report makes an important contribution to the international literature on the subject, it has not been examined in detail in research.. The fundamental purpose of the study is to conduct a detailed investigation of the subject, and to make a comparative analysis with American national archive documents, Turkish official authorities reports, national commissions reports and copyrighted works. As a methodology, document analysis was carried out in the study.
The Lausanne Peace Treaty was signed in 24 July 1923, after the War of Independence. Turkey began... more The Lausanne Peace Treaty was signed in 24 July 1923, after the War of Independence. Turkey began to recover quickly; a new country and state structure was born, based on contemporary, democratic, social and secular foundations, which affected fields ranging from education, law, social innovation to politics. However, Turkey was late to begin to modernize, and was unfortunately far behind the political, social and economic developments of the West. Thus, a wide-ranging effort was made in every field in order to develop economically, and to reach the level of the civilized nations. The struggle, under the leadership of Mustapha Kemal Atatürk, this time was not against a human enemy, but against ignorance and backwardness. This arguably involved a much greater effort than fighting the enemy at the front, as it is undoubtedly very difficult to overcome conventions, prejudices and stereotypes which evolved over centuries. However, Mustapha Kemal Atatürk perfectly understood the Turkish ...
basınına nasıl yansıdığını araştırarak, İngilizlerin 1919-1920 yıllarında Türklerin vermiş olduğu... more basınına nasıl yansıdığını araştırarak, İngilizlerin 1919-1920 yıllarında Türklerin vermiş olduğu bağımsızlık mücadelesini nasıl değerlendirdiklerini ve bu mücadeleye karşı kendi kamuoylarını nasıl yönlendirmeye çalıştıklarını ortaya koymaya çalıştık. The Times, The Manchester Guardian, The Daily Herald, The Globe, The Illustrated London News gibi büyük tirajlı gazetelerin haberlerini ele aldık. Ancak bu büyük tirajlı gazetelerin haberlerinin daha az tirajlı olan ama yerel bazı gazetelerde de paylaşıldığını gördük. Bu nedenle The Scotsman, The Courier, The Irish Times, The Sunday Post, The Belfast Newspaper, The Pall Mall Gazette… gibi prestijli gazeteleri de değerlendirmeye almanın doğru olacağını düşündük. Amacımız, Mustafa Kemal ve onun liderliğindeki Milli Mücadele'nin o dönemin başaktörlerinden biri olan İngiltere basınında nasıl ele alındığını ortaya koymaktır.
Cumhuriyetin kuruluş döneminde kamu yönetimine, ekonomiye, toplumsal yaşama ilişkin bilginin, bir... more Cumhuriyetin kuruluş döneminde kamu yönetimine, ekonomiye, toplumsal yaşama ilişkin bilginin, bir merkezde toplanması zorunluluğu kendini hissettirmiştir. Bu zorunluluk doğrultusunda, 1926 yılında Başbakanlığa bağlı bir İstatistik Genel Müdürlüğü kurulmuştur. Teşkilatın ilk Genel Müdürü bir Belçikalıdır. Bu Genel Müdürlük konuya vâkıf genç elemanlarla takviye edilmiş, veri derleme, tasnif ve analizleri konusunda tam yetkili olarak çalışmaya başlamıştır. Genel Müdürlüğün ilk faaliyeti nüfus, sanayi ve tarımda sayım yapmak olmuştur. 1927 yılında yapılan bu üç sayım neticesinde genç cumhuriyetin, üretim güçlerinin genel durumuyla ilgili sayısal veriler elde edilmiştir.
The Lausanne Peace Treaty was signed in 24 July 1923, after the War of Independence. Turkey began... more The Lausanne Peace Treaty was signed in 24 July 1923, after the War of Independence. Turkey began to recover quickly; a new country and state structure was born, based on contemporary, democratic, social and secular foundations, which affected fields ranging from education, law, social innovation to politics. However, Turkey was late to begin to modernize, and was unfortunately far behind the political, social and economic developments of the West. Thus, a wideranging effort was made in every field in order to develop economically, and to reach the level of the civilized nations. The struggle, under the leadership of Mustapha Kemal Atatürk, this time was not against a human enemy, but against ignorance and backwardness. This arguably involved a much greater effort than fighting the enemy at the front, as it is undoubtedly very difficult to overcome conventions, prejudices and stereotypes which evolved over centuries. However, Mustapha Kemal Atatürk perfectly understood the Turkish people, their needs and characteristics, and always took these as a starting point for his revolutions. With patience and determination, he was able achieved the modernization of Turkish society through constant revolutions. While trying to realize democracy and national sovereignty in the political field, he also attempted to apply his principles of freedom, justice, equality and respect for human rights in all other fields. Thus, the one-person rule of the Sultan was ended, the sultanate was abolished, and the republic was declared. The new understanding in the political field that put the individual at the centre of the society and led to many long-awaited gains for Turkish women. The idea of the Republic, which considers men and women as equal individuals forming society, had liberated Turkish women in every aspect of art, culture, and economy, social and political life. Undoubtedly, valuable gains were made by the republic in terms of women's rights, building on the innovations brought by the change in mentality of the Tanzimat and Constitutional periods, and education reforms for girls, which had been extremely effective in making cultural and social progress. This study sets out to compare the place of Turkish women in social life during the Ottoman state period with the progress brought by Ataturk's revolutions. Another important purpose of our study is to reveal how the British press perceived this process, and their role in promoting the position of Turkish women in the civilized
1919 ve 1920 yılları, Milli Mücadelenin hazırlık ve örgütlenme safhasının oluşturulduğu, işgaller... more 1919 ve 1920 yılları, Milli Mücadelenin hazırlık ve örgütlenme safhasının oluşturulduğu, işgallere karşı eldeki tüm maddi ve manevi kaynaklarla örgütlenmeye, düşmana ve işbirlikçilerine karşı direnilmeye çalışılan yıllardır. Padişah ve İstanbul hükümetinin Mondros Ateşkes Antlaşması ve sonrasında ülkenin geleceğine dair tutumlarının ve eylemlerinin gün yüzüne çıkması, başta İngiltere olmak üzere işgalci güçlerin karşısında vatanı kurtarmak için milli bir duruş sergileyememeleri, Türk Milletini düşmana karşı birleştirmiş ve tüm iradesiyle işgallere karşı koymaya itmiştir. Bu süreçte, Padişah ve Damat Ferit Paşa hükümeti ile dostane ilişkiler kuran İngilizler, hem sömürgelerindeki halkların kamuoyunu tayin etmek hem de diğer ülkelerin Türkiyenin geleceği konusundaki görüşlerini etkilemek için basını son derece etkili kullanmışlardır. Biz bu çalışmamızda, 1919-1920 yıllarında Milli Mücadeledeki gelişmelerin ve tutumların, İngiliz basınına nasıl yansıdığını araştırarak, İngilizlerin 1919-1920 yıllarında Türklerin vermiş olduğu bağımsızlık mücadelesini nasıl değerlendirdiklerini ve nasıl etkilemeye çalıştıklarını ortaya koymaya çalıştık. Bunu yaparken The Times, The Manchester Guardian, The Daily Herald, The Globe, The Illustrated London News gibi büyük tirajlı gazetelerin haberlerini ele aldık. Ancak bu büyük tirajlı gazetelerin haberlerinin daha az tirajlı olan ama yerel bazı gazetelerde de paylaşıldığını gördük. Bu nedenle The Scotsman, The Courier, The Irish Times, The Sunday Post, The Belfast Newspaper, The Pall Mall Gazette… gibi prestijli gazeteleri de değerlendirmeye almanın doğru olacağını düşündük. Amacımız, Mustafa Kemal ve onun liderliğindeki milli mücadelenin o dönemin baş aktörlerinden biri olan İngiltere basınında nasıl ele alındığını ortaya koymaktır.
This study focuses on the report sent by the American Vice Consul James Loder Park to the America... more This study focuses on the report sent by the American Vice Consul James Loder Park to the American Ministry of Foreign Affairs on April 11, 1923. The Greeks started to retreat towards Izmir on 30 August 1922 and destroyed the towns that they passed through. The report dealt with the Greeks' destruction of these towns (Menemen, Manisa, Turgutlu, Alaşehir and Salihli) while retreating towards İzmir. In this report, Park, who travelled with a delegation from Izmir to witness and report this destruction, noted detailed observations and impressions. Park also included in his report statements from Turkish authorities and government officials, and the testimonies of the people living in these towns. Although the report makes an important contribution to the international literature on the subject, it has not been examined in detail in research.. The fundamental purpose of the study is to conduct a detailed investigation of the subject, and to make a comparative analysis with American national archive documents, Turkish official authorities reports, national commissions reports and copyrighted works. As a methodology, document analysis was carried out in the study.
14 Nisan 1909’da, yani 31 Mart Vakasının yaşanmasından bir gün sonra, Adana’da Ermeniler ve Müslü... more 14 Nisan 1909’da, yani 31 Mart Vakasının yaşanmasından bir gün sonra, Adana’da Ermeniler ve Müslümanlar arasında karşılıklı birtakım kanlı olaylar meydana gelmiştir, bu olaylar Ermeniler ve bölgede yaşayan Müslümanlar arasında yıkıcı etkilere sebep olmuştur. Adana olayları, birçok yabancı kaynak ve dış basında “massacre” yani katliam olarak nitelendirilmiştir. Bazı yerel kaynaklarda ise, “iğtişaş”, “isyan”, “vaka” gibi ifadelerle anılmaktadır. Başbakanlık Osmanlı Arşivlerindeki belgelerde ise “iğtişaşat” olarak ifade edilmektedir.Bu çalışmamızda Adana’da gerçekleşen olayların İngiliz arşiv belgelerinde nasıl yer aldığını ve olaylara tanık olan resmi kişilerin raporlarında bu olaylara nasıl yer verildiğini inceledik. Ayrıca yabancı basında konunun nasıl yorumlandığı ve kamuoyuna nasıl yansıtıldığı üzerine örnekler vermeye çalıştık.
obtained from American and British sources, this article aims to read the case through the offici... more obtained from American and British sources, this article aims to read the case through the official documents and press of America and Britain and thus set a scientific example of the international perception of this important legal struggle in 1926 for the Republic of Türkiye, which had been newly established and realized its modern legal revolutions. The article examines British archival documents and news articles in many national and local newspapers as sources, especially The Times in the British press, and also benefits from the official correspondence on the subject in the American National Archive, reports submitted to the American Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and some prominent news articles in the American press.
Yakın Dönem Türkiye Araştırmaları Recent Period Turkish Studies, 2024
obtained from American and British sources, this article aims to read the case through the offici... more obtained from American and British sources, this article aims to read the case through the official documents and press of America and Britain and thus set a scientific example of the international perception of this important legal struggle in 1926 for the Republic of Türkiye, which had been newly established and realized its modern legal revolutions. The article examines British archival documents and news articles in many national and local newspapers as sources, especially The Times in the British press, and also benefits from the official correspondence on the subject in the American National Archive, reports submitted to the American Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and some prominent news articles in the American press.
This study focuses on the report sent by the American Vice Consul James Loder Park to the America... more This study focuses on the report sent by the American Vice Consul James Loder Park to the American Ministry of Foreign Affairs on April 11, 1923. The Greeks started to retreat towards Izmir on 30 August 1922 and destroyed the towns that they passed through. The report dealt with the Greeks' destruction of these towns (Menemen, Manisa, Turgutlu, Alaşehir and Salihli) while retreating towards İzmir. In this report, Park, who travelled with a delegation from Izmir to witness and report this destruction, noted detailed observations and impressions. Park also included in his report statements from Turkish authorities and government officials, and the testimonies of the people living in these towns. Although the report makes an important contribution to the international literature on the subject, it has not been examined in detail in research.. The fundamental purpose of the study is to conduct a detailed investigation of the subject, and to make a comparative analysis with American national archive documents, Turkish official authorities reports, national commissions reports and copyrighted works. As a methodology, document analysis was carried out in the study.
This study focuses on the report sent by the American Vice Consul James Loder Park to the America... more This study focuses on the report sent by the American Vice Consul James Loder Park to the American Ministry of Foreign Affairs on April 11, 1923. The Greeks started to retreat towards Izmir on 30 August 1922 and destroyed the towns that they passed through. The report dealt with the Greeks' destruction of these towns (Menemen, Manisa, Turgutlu, Alaşehir and Salihli) while retreating towards İzmir. In this report, Park, who travelled with a delegation from Izmir to witness and report this destruction, noted detailed observations and impressions. Park also included in his report statements from Turkish authorities and government officials, and the testimonies of the people living in these towns. Although the report makes an important contribution to the international literature on the subject, it has not been examined in detail in research.. The fundamental purpose of the study is to conduct a detailed investigation of the subject, and to make a comparative analysis with American national archive documents, Turkish official authorities reports, national commissions reports and copyrighted works. As a methodology, document analysis was carried out in the study.
The Lausanne Peace Treaty was signed in 24 July 1923, after the War of Independence. Turkey began... more The Lausanne Peace Treaty was signed in 24 July 1923, after the War of Independence. Turkey began to recover quickly; a new country and state structure was born, based on contemporary, democratic, social and secular foundations, which affected fields ranging from education, law, social innovation to politics. However, Turkey was late to begin to modernize, and was unfortunately far behind the political, social and economic developments of the West. Thus, a wide-ranging effort was made in every field in order to develop economically, and to reach the level of the civilized nations. The struggle, under the leadership of Mustapha Kemal Atatürk, this time was not against a human enemy, but against ignorance and backwardness. This arguably involved a much greater effort than fighting the enemy at the front, as it is undoubtedly very difficult to overcome conventions, prejudices and stereotypes which evolved over centuries. However, Mustapha Kemal Atatürk perfectly understood the Turkish ...
basınına nasıl yansıdığını araştırarak, İngilizlerin 1919-1920 yıllarında Türklerin vermiş olduğu... more basınına nasıl yansıdığını araştırarak, İngilizlerin 1919-1920 yıllarında Türklerin vermiş olduğu bağımsızlık mücadelesini nasıl değerlendirdiklerini ve bu mücadeleye karşı kendi kamuoylarını nasıl yönlendirmeye çalıştıklarını ortaya koymaya çalıştık. The Times, The Manchester Guardian, The Daily Herald, The Globe, The Illustrated London News gibi büyük tirajlı gazetelerin haberlerini ele aldık. Ancak bu büyük tirajlı gazetelerin haberlerinin daha az tirajlı olan ama yerel bazı gazetelerde de paylaşıldığını gördük. Bu nedenle The Scotsman, The Courier, The Irish Times, The Sunday Post, The Belfast Newspaper, The Pall Mall Gazette… gibi prestijli gazeteleri de değerlendirmeye almanın doğru olacağını düşündük. Amacımız, Mustafa Kemal ve onun liderliğindeki Milli Mücadele'nin o dönemin başaktörlerinden biri olan İngiltere basınında nasıl ele alındığını ortaya koymaktır.
Cumhuriyetin kuruluş döneminde kamu yönetimine, ekonomiye, toplumsal yaşama ilişkin bilginin, bir... more Cumhuriyetin kuruluş döneminde kamu yönetimine, ekonomiye, toplumsal yaşama ilişkin bilginin, bir merkezde toplanması zorunluluğu kendini hissettirmiştir. Bu zorunluluk doğrultusunda, 1926 yılında Başbakanlığa bağlı bir İstatistik Genel Müdürlüğü kurulmuştur. Teşkilatın ilk Genel Müdürü bir Belçikalıdır. Bu Genel Müdürlük konuya vâkıf genç elemanlarla takviye edilmiş, veri derleme, tasnif ve analizleri konusunda tam yetkili olarak çalışmaya başlamıştır. Genel Müdürlüğün ilk faaliyeti nüfus, sanayi ve tarımda sayım yapmak olmuştur. 1927 yılında yapılan bu üç sayım neticesinde genç cumhuriyetin, üretim güçlerinin genel durumuyla ilgili sayısal veriler elde edilmiştir.
The Lausanne Peace Treaty was signed in 24 July 1923, after the War of Independence. Turkey began... more The Lausanne Peace Treaty was signed in 24 July 1923, after the War of Independence. Turkey began to recover quickly; a new country and state structure was born, based on contemporary, democratic, social and secular foundations, which affected fields ranging from education, law, social innovation to politics. However, Turkey was late to begin to modernize, and was unfortunately far behind the political, social and economic developments of the West. Thus, a wideranging effort was made in every field in order to develop economically, and to reach the level of the civilized nations. The struggle, under the leadership of Mustapha Kemal Atatürk, this time was not against a human enemy, but against ignorance and backwardness. This arguably involved a much greater effort than fighting the enemy at the front, as it is undoubtedly very difficult to overcome conventions, prejudices and stereotypes which evolved over centuries. However, Mustapha Kemal Atatürk perfectly understood the Turkish people, their needs and characteristics, and always took these as a starting point for his revolutions. With patience and determination, he was able achieved the modernization of Turkish society through constant revolutions. While trying to realize democracy and national sovereignty in the political field, he also attempted to apply his principles of freedom, justice, equality and respect for human rights in all other fields. Thus, the one-person rule of the Sultan was ended, the sultanate was abolished, and the republic was declared. The new understanding in the political field that put the individual at the centre of the society and led to many long-awaited gains for Turkish women. The idea of the Republic, which considers men and women as equal individuals forming society, had liberated Turkish women in every aspect of art, culture, and economy, social and political life. Undoubtedly, valuable gains were made by the republic in terms of women's rights, building on the innovations brought by the change in mentality of the Tanzimat and Constitutional periods, and education reforms for girls, which had been extremely effective in making cultural and social progress. This study sets out to compare the place of Turkish women in social life during the Ottoman state period with the progress brought by Ataturk's revolutions. Another important purpose of our study is to reveal how the British press perceived this process, and their role in promoting the position of Turkish women in the civilized
Papers by Elcin Yilmaz