Papers by Elżbieta Dembowska

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Periodontitis is a multifactorial disease causing inflammatory destruction of supporting structur... more Periodontitis is a multifactorial disease causing inflammatory destruction of supporting structures of the dentition and eventually leading to its loss. This study was designed to evaluate common risk factors for periodontitis and acute coronary syndrome in the study population and demonstrate the systemic impact of periodontitis on the occurrence of acute coronary syndrome. A total of 160 patients (35 female and 125 male) were enrolled in the study. Considering the age range, the largest group of patients (118 patients) was between 55 and 65 years, which accounted for 73.8% of the total study population. There were 35 patients (21.9%) in the age group of 45 to 54 years, while the youngest age group of 35 to 44 years had as many as seven patients. Medical history and physical examination, including periodontal status, were performed. API, PD, CAL, and CPITN were evaluated. Common risk factors for periodontitis and acute coronary syndrome were assessed. The study assessed risk factor...

British Journal of Pharmacology, 2018
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE Emerging evidence indicates that hypertension is mediated by immune mechan... more BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE Emerging evidence indicates that hypertension is mediated by immune mechanisms. We hypothesized that exposure to Porphyromonas gingivalis antigens, commonly encountered in periodontal disease, can enhance immune activation in hypertension and exacerbate the elevation in BP, vascular inflammation and vascular dysfunction. EXPERIMENTAL APPROACH Th1 immune responses were elicited through immunizations using P. gingivalis lysate antigens (10 μg) conjugated with aluminium oxide (50 μg) and IL-12 (1 μg). The hypertension and vascular endothelial dysfunction evoked by subpressor doses of angiotensin II (0.25 mg•kg À1 •day À1) were studied, and vascular inflammation was quantified by flow cytometry and real-time PCR. KEY RESULTS Systemic T-cell activation, a characteristic of hypertension, was exacerbated by P. gingivalis antigen stimulation. This translated into increased aortic vascular inflammation with enhanced leukocyte, in particular, T-cell and macrophage infiltration. The expression of the Th1 cytokines, IFN-γ and TNF-α, and the transcription factor, TBX21, was increased in aortas of P. gingivalis/IL-12/ aluminium oxide-immunized mice, while IL-4 and TGF-β were unchanged. These immune changes in mice with induced T-helpertype 1 immune responses were associated with an enhanced elevation of BP and endothelial dysfunction compared with control mice in response to 2 week infusion of a subpressor dose of angiotensin II. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS These results support the concept that Th1 immune responses induced by bacterial antigens such as P. gingivalis can increase sensitivity to subpressor pro-hypertensive insults such as low-dose angiotensin II, thus providing a mechanistic link between chronic infection, such as periodontitis, and hypertension.

Medical Science Monitor, 2020
Background Two clinical parameters, the gingival thickness (GT) and the width of keratinized tiss... more Background Two clinical parameters, the gingival thickness (GT) and the width of keratinized tissue (WKT), describe the gingival phenotype, which is defined as the 3-dimensional volume of the gingiva. The periodontal phenotype additionally includes the thickness of the labial plate of the alveolar crest (TLPAC). Material/Methods Thirty patients with healthy periodontium on the upper canines and incisors underwent measurements for crestal, supracrestal, free gingival thickness (FGT), the alveolar crest-gingival margin (AC-GM), alveolar crest-cementoenamel junction distance, and the TLPAC at 2, 4, and 8 mm apically from the edge of the alveolar crest using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) with computer-aided design and prosthetic-driven implant planning technology. For each tooth, the gingival and periodontal phenotype was evaluated on the basis of the gingival thickness, width of keratinized tissue (WKT), and TLPAC measurements. Each patient’s periodontal phenotype was evaluated according to the coronal width/length ratio of both the upper central incisors. Results The dentogingival units had varying average values for the 3 periodontal phenotypes (thin phenotype: FGT 0.65±0.06 mm, WKT 4.85±1.18 mm, AC-GM 3.17±0.64 mm, TLPAC2 0.66±0.28 mm; medium phenotype: FGT 0.87±0.07 mm, WKT 5.49±1.23 mm, AC-GM 3.36±0.65 mm, TLPAC2 0.76±0.37 mm; and thick phenotype: FGT 1.20 mm, WKT 6.00 mm, AC-GM 3.90 mm, TLPAC2 0.90 mm). Positive correlations were seen among WKT, FGT, AC-GM, and TLPAC2. Conclusions Positive correlations between the FGT and WKT, and the AC-GM distance confirm that measurements using CBCT with computer-aided design and prosthetic-driven implant planning technology can evaluate the gingival phenotype and TLPAC2 for the periodontal phenotype.

Australian endodontic journal : the journal of the Australian Society of Endodontology Inc, 2013
Alginate as a substitute for root-surrounding tissue was investigated. The electronic working len... more Alginate as a substitute for root-surrounding tissue was investigated. The electronic working lengths of root canals under clinical conditions were compared with an in vitro simulation of the same teeth extracted and embedded in alginate. The working lengths in 26 teeth were determined on two occasions using an electronic apex locator, before extraction and after extraction with the same teeth embedded in an alginate mass. The apical 4 mm of the root canals were exposed following the measurements, and the distances between the apical constrictions and the tips of files repositioned in the canals were measured and recorded. The mean distance between the file tip and the constriction was +0.33 mm (±0.38) in vivo and +0.32 mm (±0.30) in vitro. The Wilcoxon signed-rank test indicated that these means were not significantly different. The apical constriction was assessed to be within the limits of 0.5 mm in 80.7% of in vivo cases and in 76.9% of extracted teeth. Statistical analysis demo...

Journal of Stomatology (Czasopismo Stomatologiczne), 2012
Wprowadzenie. Zapalenie przyzębia jest chorobą zapalną o złożonej patofizjologii. Proces zapocząt... more Wprowadzenie. Zapalenie przyzębia jest chorobą zapalną o złożonej patofizjologii. Proces zapoczątkowują bakterie, a wiele czynników, w tym palenie papierosów, może modyfikować jego przebieg. Cel pracy. Ocena związku pomiędzy przewlekłym zapaleniem przyzębia a polimorfizmem genu CYP2A6 kodującego główny enzym metabolizujący nikotynę. Materiał i metody. Do badania włączono 318 pacjentów z przewlekłym zapaleniem przyzębia, których podzielono na dwie podgrupy: palących i niepalących. Grupę kontrolną utworzyło 100 osób. Genotyp CYP2A6 określano przy użyciu systemu TaqMan stosując sondy walidowane przez producenta. Wyniki. Spośród badanych polimorfizmów (CYP2A6: *2 *9 i *12) tylko występowanie polimorfizmu CYP2A6*12:C>T różnicowało pacjentów z przewlekłym zapaleniem przyzębia i zdrowe osoby. Genotyp CYP2A6*12CC znamiennie częściej występował u pacjentów z zapaleniem przyzębia. W grupie niepalących pacjentów z zapaleniem przyzębia statystycznie częściej występował genotyp CYP2A6*12CC w stosunku do grupy pacjentów palących z zapaleniem przewlekłym przyzębia. Jednoczynnikowa analiza regresji wykazała, że genotyp I CYP2A6 (składający się z funkcjonalnych alleli) odgrywa ochronną rolę przed rozwojem przewlekłego zapalenie przyzębia u osób palących (OR 0,41, p<0,004). Również analiza wieloczynnikowa wykazała, że genotyp I jest niezależnym czynnikiem ochronnym rozwoju zapalenia CYP2A6 polymorphism in chronic periodontitis*

Postępy Higieny i Medycyny Doświadczalnej, 2014
Periodontitis is a common chronic inflammatory disease. It seems that natural killer (NK) cells p... more Periodontitis is a common chronic inflammatory disease. It seems that natural killer (NK) cells play a role in the pathogenesis of periodontitis. KIRs are a family of inhibitory or activating receptors expressed on the surfaces of NK cells and some subpopulations of T lymphocytes. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of KIR genes on the pocket depth (PD) and clinical attachment loss (CAL) parameter values as markers of disease clinical course. The patients in the study were submitted to anamnesis and to clinical and periodontal examination. The subjects (400) were categorized into two groups: periodontitis (250 including 100 with moderate and 140 with severe periodontitis) and controls (150). Both groups were divided into two subgroups: KIR gene positive (presence of KIR gene in the genome) and KIR gene negative (lack of the KIR gene in the genome). The mean value for CAL was more than 5 mm, and the mean value for PD was more than 4 mm in the periodontitis group. The ANOVA test performed for the control group showed that neither PD nor CAL parameters differed between particular KIR-positive and KIR-negative healthy individuals. Similar results were obtained for all subgroups of chronic periodontitis patients and periodontitis patients (moderate as well as severe): no association between KIR genes and PD or CAL parameters was found. The activated immune system is important in pathogenesis of periodontal disease. On the other hand, tissue damage as a response to infection could be due to activation mediated by KIR. In our study no association between either KIR genes presence or absence and PD and CAL parameters was found. Nevertheless, the impact of KIR genes on the clinical course of periodontal disease requires further investigations. chronic periodontitis • KIR genes Are KIR genes associated with clinical parameters in the course of periodontitis?* Czy geny KIR są związane z klinicznymi parametrami w przebiegu choroby przyzębia?
Journal of Stomatology (Czasopismo Stomatologiczne), 2012
Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 1990
Abstract 1. Examined quality of life in German patients with end-stage renal disease by surveying... more Abstract 1. Examined quality of life in German patients with end-stage renal disease by surveying 761 patients who had received a kidney transplant, 290 hemodialysis patients, and 68 peritoneal dialysis patients (all aged 14–85 yrs). Results confirm the favorable ...

Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, and Endodontology, 2007
POMERANIAN MEDICAL UNIVERSITY Objectives. There is a paucity of data on the coverage of multiple ... more POMERANIAN MEDICAL UNIVERSITY Objectives. There is a paucity of data on the coverage of multiple recessions. The aim of this study was to compare clinical results of connective tissue graft (CTG) combined with tunnel surgical techniques in the treatment of multiple adjacent gingival recessions. Study design. The treatment outcome of 28 recessions of Miller Class I and 20 recessions of Miller Class II in 18 patients was compared. Clinical evaluation, taken before the surgery as well as 6 and 12 months afterwards, included recession height, recession width, keratinized tissue width, and probing depth. Results. No differences of recession coverage comparing recession class I and recession class II were found (mean coverage 99.1% and 98.9%, respectively). Twelve months after surgery, 79.2% of recession class I and 72.2% of recession class II were entirely covered. Conclusions. Surgical treatment of multiple recessions using CTG in combination with the tunnel technique resulted in significant root coverage of both class I and class II recessions, and increased keratinized gingival width. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2007;104:e1-e7) METHODS Patients Eighteen patients (6 males and 12 females), ages 20 to 53 years (32.
BMC Journal of Scientific Research, 2018
Thousands of physicists are working night and day to solve an even more fundamental problem. How ... more Thousands of physicists are working night and day to solve an even more fundamental problem. How do particles acquire mass? Although many of us would like to have less mass, particle theorists find it extremely difficult to explain how we have any at all. In this paper I attempt to explain the formation of mass by different approaches which may clarify the concept of mass.
This study describes the treatment of a patient with traumatic occlusion and pain syndrome of the... more This study describes the treatment of a patient with traumatic occlusion and pain syndrome of the left temporo-mandibular joint. Traumatic occlusion was diagnosed by clinical examination, i.a. due to the lack of mutual canine guidance. Diagnosis was enhanced with the use of a T-Scan III System. Selective teeth grinding and rebuilding the canines with composite material were done during treatment. After 3 and 6 months the effects of treatment were evaluated. Pain does not occur any more and the reconstructed occlusal conditions remain normal.

Journal of Stomatology
Introduction: Assessment of dental health attitudes among older people in the region of West Pome... more Introduction: Assessment of dental health attitudes among older people in the region of West Pomerania, Poland, and a comparison with their dental status shown by the decayed, missing, and filled teeth (DMFT) index. Material and methods: The study involved 294 people aged 65-74 years living in West Pomerania, NW Poland. The study was conducted in the city of Szczecin and the towns of Łobez and Police in 2014-2015. Interviews with the participants provided information on their health attitudes. Clinical examinations evaluated their dentition to produce a DMFT index. Results: The largest group of respondents (106 people, 36%) visited the dentist once a year. Only 50.3% (n = 148) visited the dentist because of a follow-up. As many as 3.7% of patients used a toothbrush less than once a day or not at all, while 6.8% replaced their toothbrush less than once a year or not at all. Only 20.4% of the respondents cleaned their interdental spaces. The mean number of missing teeth, and the DMFT index were higher among older adults with the lowest level of health attitudes. Conclusions: The examined older adults in West Pomerania showed inadequate dental health attitudes. Only a fraction reported a habit of cleaning interdental spaces. In general, health attitudes had a significant impact on the dental health of the examined older adults. This paper shows the need for systematic, standardised, and reproducible epidemiological studies in older adults.
Czasopismo stomatologiczne

Journal of Clinical Medicine
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is an increasingly common condition observed in developing countries... more Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is an increasingly common condition observed in developing countries. Similarly, a high prevalence of gingivitis and periodontitis is observed. There are reports in the literature about the interrelationship between chronic kidney disease and periodontitis pathophysiology. This dissertation attempts to: assess the extent of gingivitis and periodontitis in a group of patients with the end-stage renal disease treated with hemodialysis compared to healthy subjects. The study included 200 subjects: 100 hemodialysis patients (HD) and 100 healthy control subjects (K). Periodontal status was assessed by measuring pocket depth (PD) clinical level of connective tissue attachment (CAL). Gingival inflammation indices Gingival Index (GI) and Bleeding on Probing (BOP) were also performed. PD with a depth of more than 6mm was found in 25% of the HD group and 5% of the K group. CAL ≥ 5 mm was found in 55% of HD and 24% of the K group. As defined by Page and Eke, severe...

Journal of Clinical Medicine
Marginal and periapical periodontal diseases cause massive destruction of tooth tissues and surro... more Marginal and periapical periodontal diseases cause massive destruction of tooth tissues and surrounding tissues, such as alveolar bone and maxillary sinus floor, visible on radiographs. Lesions involving the apical and marginal periodontium are endo−perio (EPL) lesions. This study aimed to compare the treatment efficacy of endo−perio lesions using a standard treatment protocol and a standard diode laser-assisted treatment protocol. The 12 patients were divided into the study (a) and control (b) group. Periodontal indices, tooth vitality and mobility, occlusal status, and radiographic diagnosis were evaluated. Standard EPL treatment was then performed—without (a) and with (b) the use of diode laser (940 nm). Again, after six months, the above-mentioned parameters were evaluated and compared. The treatment of endo−perio lesions is a significant challenge for modern dentistry. Diode lasers are increasingly used in addition to traditional treatment methods. The conventional use of a 940...

Applied Sciences
Asthma belongs to a broad group of allergic diseases and is the most common chronic disease found... more Asthma belongs to a broad group of allergic diseases and is the most common chronic disease found in children and adults up to four decades of age. Already published studies suggest that the use of inhaled anti-asthmatic medications affects both general health and oral health. The study included 120 adult patients aged 18 to 71 divided into three groups: I “PERIO-ASTHMA”—with asthma and periodontitis, II “ASTHMA”—with asthma without periodontitis, and control group III “CONTROL”—without asthma and periodontitis. The patients were monitored for oral health status for six months. Oral health was assessed by dental indices: DMF index, PI, BoP, PD, and CAL at interproximal sites. Significantly deeper pockets in the lateral segments of the dentition were observed in all study groups. In addition, the bronchial-only group had significantly deeper pockets in the lateral sextants than the control group at all time points. There was no significant worsening of periodontal status by CAL and P...

Oral health & preventive dentistry, 2020
PURPOSE Periodontal disease is a chronic inflammatory disease characterised by the infiltration o... more PURPOSE Periodontal disease is a chronic inflammatory disease characterised by the infiltration of inflammatory cells as well as activation of pathological angiogenesis in gingival tissues. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) plays a statistically significant role in the regulation of angiogenesis and induction of an inflammatory response in periodontal tissues. MATERIALS AND METHODS We examined the association between the VEGFA gene rs699947 polymorphism and periodontal disease. This study enrolled 200 patients with periodontal disease (130 non-smokers and 70 smokers) and 160 control subjects (126 non-smokers and 34 smokers). RESULTS There were no statistically significant differences in the distribution of VEGFA rs699947 genotypes and alleles between patients with periodontal disease and control subjects, also in the case when the analysis was performed in subgroups stratified according to smoking status. CONCLUSION The results of this study suggest there is no association b...

Dental and Medical Problems, 2011
Background. exposure to tobacco smoke is a recognized risk factor for periodontal inflammation. i... more Background. exposure to tobacco smoke is a recognized risk factor for periodontal inflammation. it is an unstable aerosol changing its chemical properties in a short time. There is an ongoing search for components of tobacco smoke which are specific markers of the exposure and the new methods of analytical toxicology. Dent. Med. probl. 2011, 48, 3, 355–363 iSSn 1644-387X © copyright by Wroclaw Medical University and polish Dental Society * grant paM-02/07/pB, MniSW nr 403 034 32/2046. r. rudziński et al. 356 Objectives. Determining the associations between concentrations of nicotine and its major metabolites: cotinine and 3’-hydroxycotinine in serum, and selected periodontal parameters in patients with chronic periodontitis, including tobacco smokers and non-smokers. Material and Methods. The study included 199 patients with chronic periodontitis divided into two groups: 101 never smoking patients and 98 heavy smokers of tobacco. patients were enrolled in the study after a detailed ...
Papers by Elżbieta Dembowska