Papers by Eduardo Barajas
Mexicans only protest water privatization when they feel they are getting a bad deal on issues, s... more Mexicans only protest water privatization when they feel they are getting a bad deal on issues, such as poor water service, poor water quality, or unaffordable water price. In general, protesters blame privatization when they do not get what they pay for. Issues subsumed under water privatization and the threat to increase privatization are the most significant causal factors of water-related protests in Mexico. Protesters associate bad water service, poor water quality, and unaffordable water prices with water privatization. By analyzing water privatization in Mexico City and Aguascalientes, this thesis finds that state capacity and regulatory frameworks are key factors affecting the success of water privatization. In order to prevent future protests over water privatization, this thesis recommends the following practices: first, Mexico should strengthen its state capacity by reforming its public institutions; second, Mexico should strengthen its regulatory framework to ensure adeq...
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques
Visión Internacional (Cúcuta), 2021
The Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal is a landlocked country in South Asia between China and ... more The Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal is a landlocked country in South Asia between China and India. Its multiple particularities across different economic sectors and the many challenges that the country has had to face across the years have resulted in a complex economic scenario and challenging conditions for its population. Having faced great political and economical turmoil, Nepal has persisted in its economic recovery, starting with tourism and currently betting on hydroelectricity, as well as trade deals between its key partners, China and India.
Bogotá : Ecoe Ediciones, Apr 1, 2021
Las opiniones de los artículos sólo comprometen a los autores, en ningún caso al Consejo Editoria... more Las opiniones de los artículos sólo comprometen a los autores, en ningún caso al Consejo Editorial o a la Universidad del Rosario. Se permite la reproducción total o parcial de los artículos, citando la fuente. Preliminares.p65
Las opiniones de los artículos sólo comprometen a los autores y en ningún caso al Consejo Editori... more Las opiniones de los artículos sólo comprometen a los autores y en ningún caso al Consejo Editorial o a la Universidad del Rosario. Se prohíbe la reproducción total o parcial de los artículos incluidos en esta Revista, salvo autorización previa de los autores.
These are the opening words in a recent publication of the National Institute of Corrections (NIC... more These are the opening words in a recent publication of the National Institute of Corrections (NIC) characterizing the combined community and restorative justice movements. Author Eduardo Barajas Jr., a program specialist for NIC, goes on to observe that the changes extend beyond most reforms in the history of criminal justice: "What is occurring now is more than innovative, it is truly inventive . . . a `paradigm shift."'
espanolEl objetivo de este proyecto consiste en disenar la cadena de valor del aguacate en Norte ... more espanolEl objetivo de este proyecto consiste en disenar la cadena de valor del aguacate en Norte de Santander. El diseno de la cadena de valor esta soportado teoricamente en el planteamiento del autor Michael Porter sobre cadenas de valor. A nivel metodologico, el tipo de investigacion es cuantitativo, el metodo de investigacion es deductivo y el tipo de estudio es descriptivo, de campo y de caso. En cuanto a los primeros resultados, se analizan las variables de produccion, comercializacion y economicas del aguacate, resaltando que el aguacate se destaca en el sector fruticola de Norte de Santander por su potencial de crecimiento y de comercializacion internacional mas que por su produccion actual, resaltando que a 2014 obtuvo 2.411,40 toneladas y un rendimiento de 11.32 toneladas por hectarea. Dentro de las variedades de aguacate, la variedad Hass cuenta con un alto potencial de exportacion debido a su alta demanda externa. Inclusive, otras variedades “verdes” del aguacate pueden p...
Revista medica del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social, 2016
BACKGROUND Paraclinoid aneurysms arise from C5 clinoid segment and C6 ophthalmic segment, within ... more BACKGROUND Paraclinoid aneurysms arise from C5 clinoid segment and C6 ophthalmic segment, within the internal carotid artery. Brain aneurysms have a frequency ranging from 5 to 11 %. A successful surgery requires knowledge of the anatomic region and the aneurysm. The objective was to show the surgical management of paraclinoid aneurysms. METHODS From January 2009 to January 2015, we carried out a retrospective study in the Neurosurgery Department at Centro Médico Nacional Siglo XXI. We included 66 patients with the diagnosis of paraclinoid aneurysm. We obtained the clinical characteristics, evolution, complications, and outcomes from the clinical and radiological records. RESULTS 61 patients (92.4 %) were female; 65 underwent neurosurgical clipping, and one underwent cerebral bypass surgery with exclusion of the aneurysm. Forty six patients presented subarachnoid hemorrhage due to aneurysmal rupture. By reason of their location, 35 paraclinoid aneurysms (53 %) were superior, 20 medi...
La gente preocupada por nuestra habla, simple aficionado o curioso, puede disponer en un tomo de ... more La gente preocupada por nuestra habla, simple aficionado o curioso, puede disponer en un tomo de casi todo lo que se halla en varios, algunos de no facil acceso al profano, ya que dicho diccionario es, en terminos generales, un traslado y un practico aprovechamie'nto de vocabularios y estudios ya publicados cuyos terminos y acepciones copia Antonio Viudas sin mencionar en cada una de estas, como es obligado, la fuente de donde las toma.
Revista médica del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social, 2016
Introduccion: la enfermedad de Parkinson puede justificar un procedimiento quirurgico que consist... more Introduccion: la enfermedad de Parkinson puede justificar un procedimiento quirurgico que consiste en la estimulacion cerebral profunda. Se presentan resultados a mediano y largo plazo de una cohorte de 60 pacientes del Hospital de Especialidades del Centro Medico Nacional Siglo XXI. Metodos: los pacientes fueron operados con una metodologia estereotactica convencional a traves del protocolo FrameLink (Medtronics Inc.). La tecnica consistio en la evaluacion preoperatoria de los pacientes, la colocacion de marco estereotactico, la realizacion de estudios de imagen, la planeacion preoperatoria, el microrregistro, la macroestimulacion y la colocacion de implantes, que estuvo conformada por electrodos y generador en dos fases. La escala unificada para la evaluacion de la enfermedad de Parkinson (UPDRS) preoperatoria, a tres, 12, y 36 meses fue utilizada como medida estandar. Se analizaron los resultados y las complicaciones como variables de interes. Resultados: se operaron 60 pacientes...
Revista de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación, 2018
El objetivo principal es analizar económicamente el sector cacaotero en Norte de Santander, Colom... more El objetivo principal es analizar económicamente el sector cacaotero en Norte de Santander, Colombia y a nivel internacional. El método es deductivo con estudio descriptivo y de campo. Se consultaron fuentes como instituciones del cacao en Colombia y a nivel internacional, así como fuentes documentales de organismos estatales y privados. En cuanto a resultados y conclusiones se tiene que en Norte de Santander, así como en Colombia, se requiere aumentar la producción de cacao y su tecnificación en el cultivo para aprovechar la alta demanda internacional de cacao y sus derivados, así como los buenos precios para ampliar su participación internacional, tomando la ventaja diferencial del cacao fino y de aroma. Lo anterior debe ir acompañado de la generación de valor agregado, competitividad, aprovechamiento de los tratados comerciales vigentes en Colombia y la proyección del cacao como cultivo clave del postconflicto colombiano.
Respuestas, 2018
El presente artículo tiene como objetivo analizar metodologías de evaluación de cadenas de valor ... more El presente artículo tiene como objetivo analizar metodologías de evaluación de cadenas de valor que luego pueden aplicarse a la cadenade valor del aguacate en Norte de Santander. En cuanto a la metodología, el tipo de investigación es cuantitativo, con método de investigacióndeductivo y tipo de estudio descriptivo sobre el aguacate en Norte de Santander y metodologías para evaluación de cadena devalor. Sobre los resultados, el aguacate no registra como una de las principales frutas cultivadas en Norte de Santander pero sí es unacon las de mayor potencial de crecimiento en área de cultivo y potencial internacional debido a la demanda internacional de principalesvariedades como “Hass”. Por lo tanto, la cadena de valor bajo el modelo de Michael Porter se constituye en una herramienta clave paradiagnosticar la línea productiva de aguacate en Norte de Santander. Lo anterior conlleva a analizar metodologías existentes para evaluarcadenas de valor y sus interacciones entre las actividades...
Revista Lebret, 2016
El objetivo principal del artículo es presentar los factores que determinan la dinámica de las em... more El objetivo principal del artículo es presentar los factores que determinan la dinámica de las empresas familiares y su reto con la internacionalización. En cuanto al método utilizado en el artículo, es de tipo descriptivo y documental, haciendo uso de bases de datos como ProQuest y fuentes bibliográficas especializadas. En los resultados y las conclusiones se obtiene que las empresas familiares suelen crecer más lento, requieren de la profesionalización de sus actividades, la creación de consejos de administración con la vinculación de personal externo a la familia, preparar el relevo generacional puede garantizar el éxito en el traspaso generacional de la empresa; en cuanto a la internacionalización, se constituye en una gran oportunidad para que las empresas familiares logren ampliar su alcance, acceder a más mercados, aumentar ingresos, diversificar el riesgo, realizar alianzas estratégicas, obtener transferencia de conocimiento y tecnologías y asumir los retos que conlleva la internacionalización.
Medical Physics, 2016
Purpose: To characterize the energy dependence of high-sensitivity MCP-N TLD and Al2O3:C OSLD dos... more Purpose: To characterize the energy dependence of high-sensitivity MCP-N TLD and Al2O3:C OSLD dosimetry systems at low (40–100 kVp) energies for in-vivo dosimetry. Methods: We assessed the variation of response with energy of two detectors in the 40–100 kVp energy range: high-sensitivity MCP-N TLDs (LiF:Mg,Cu,P) and OSLDs (Al2O3:C). The detectors were irradiated with an XRad 320ix biological irradiator under reference conditions. The delivered dose was 10 cGy for 7 beam qualities ranging from 40–100 kVp, 1.7–4.0 mm Al, and effective energies 26.9–37.9 keV. Both sets of detectors were also irradiated under reference conditions at 6 MV using a Varian Clinac 21Ex to assess the change in response from high-energy beams. Results: The MCP-N high-sensitivity TLDs were relatively insensitive to energies in the kV range, as their response varied by ±5%, i.e. well within the reproducibility limits of these detectors. However, the OSLDs exhibited a linearly-decreasing response with energy with a response 18.7% higher at 40 kVp than at 100 kVp for the same nominal dose. Compared to the 6 MV beams used in conventional radiotherapy, OSLDs responded 3.3–3.9 times higher depending on beam quality while the MCP-N TLD response was unchanged within experimental uncertainty. Conclusions: Unlike the more commonly used TLD-100, the high-sensitivity MCP-N TLDs exhibit little to no energy response. OSLDs are shown to be highly energy-dependent, both from MV to kV and within the kV range.
Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics, 2010
The accuracy of dose calculations at extended SSD is of significant importance in the dosimetric ... more The accuracy of dose calculations at extended SSD is of significant importance in the dosimetric planning of total body irradiation (TBI). In a first step toward the implementation of electronic, multi‐leaf collimator compensation for dose inhomogeneities and surface contour in TBI, we have evaluated the ability of the Eclipse AAA to accurately predict dose distributions in water at extended SSD. For this purpose, we use the Eclipse AAA algorithm, commissioned with machine‐specific beam data for a 6 MV photon beam, at standard SSD (100 cm). The model was then used for dose distribution calculations at extended SSD (179.5 cm). Two sets of measurements were acquired for a 6 MV beam (from a Varian linear accelerator) in a water tank at extended SSD: i) open beam for , , and field sizes (defined at 179.5 cm SSD), and ii) identical field sizes but with a 1.3 cm thick acrylic spoiler placed 10 cm above the water surface. Dose profiles were acquired at 5 cm, 10 cm and 20 cm depths. Dose di...
Medical Physics, 2016
A close partnership between the Canadian Partnership for Quality Radiotherapy (CPQR) and the Cana... more A close partnership between the Canadian Partnership for Quality Radiotherapy (CPQR) and the Canadian Organization of Medical Physicist's (COMP) Quality Assurance and Radiation Safety Advisory Committee (QARSAC) has resulted in the development of a suite of Technical Quality Control (TQC) Guidelines for radiation treatment equipment, that outline specific performance objectives and criteria that equipment should meet in order to assure an acceptable level of radiation treatment quality. The framework includes consolidation of existing guidelines and/or literature by expert reviewers, structured stages of public review, external field-testing and ratification by COMP. The adopted framework for the development and maintenance of the TQCs ensures the guidelines incorporate input from the medical physics community during development, measures the workload required to perform the QC tests outlined in each TQC, and remain relevant (i.e. “living documents”) through subsequent planned reviews and updates. This presentation will show the Multi-Leaf Linear Accelerator document as an example of how feedback and cross-national work to achieve a robust guidance document. During field-testing, each technology was tested at multiple centres in a variety of clinic environments. As part of the defined feedback, workload data was captured. This lead to average time associated with testing as defined in each TQC document. As a result, for a medium-sized centre comprising 6 linear accelerators and a comprehensive brachytherapy program, we evaluate the physics workload to 1.5 full-time equivalent physicist per year to complete all QC tests listed in this suite.
Corrections Today, Apr 1, 1993
Journal of Neural Transmission. Supplementa
Deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the subthalamic nucleus (STN) in Parkinson's disease (PD) patient... more Deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the subthalamic nucleus (STN) in Parkinson's disease (PD) patients augments STN-driven excitation of the internal globus pallidus (GPi). However, other DBS-induced changes are largely unknown. Here we report the biochemical effects of STN-DBS in two basal ganglia stations (putamen-PUT-and GPi) and in a thalamic relay nucleus, the anteroventral thalamus (VA). In six advanced PD patients undergoing surgery, microdialysis samples were collected from GPi, PUT and VA before, during and after one hour of STN-DBS. cGMP was measured in the GPi and PUT as an index of glutamatergic transmission, whereas GABA was measured in the VA. During clinically effective STN-DBS, we found a significant decrease in GABA extracellular concentrations in the VA (À25%). Simultaneously, cGMP extracellular concentrations were enhanced in the PUT (þ200%) and GPi (þ481%). DBS differentially affects fibers crossing the STN area: it activates the STN-GPi pathway while inhibiting the GPi-VA one. These findings support a thalamic dis-inhibition, as the main responsible for the clinical effect of STN-DBS. This, in turn, re-establishes a more physiological level of PUT activity.
Papers by Eduardo Barajas