Papers by Elanur Yılmaz Karabulutlu
Cinsellik, uzun yıllar boyunca insanların dürtülerini, davranışlarını, kimliklerini ve yönelimler... more Cinsellik, uzun yıllar boyunca insanların dürtülerini, davranışlarını, kimliklerini ve yönelimlerini kapsayan karmaşık, tartışmalı, çok boyutlu bir olgu olarak kabul edildi. 18. yüzyılın sonlarında ise "cinsellik" terim olarak kullanılmaya başlandı. Sonraki iki yüzyıl boyunca insan cinselliği önemli bir araştırma konusu oldu. Richard Freiherr von Krafft-Ebing tarafından 1886 yılında yayınlanan "Psychopathia Sexualis", cinsellik olgusunun bilimsel bir disiplin olarak görülmesini sağlayan ilk ve öncü araştırmalardan biri olarak ele alındı (1,2). 1856-1939'lu yıllara gelindiğinde Havelock Ellis yaptığı çalışmalar ile dönemin mastürbasyon ve cinsel yönelimlerle ilişkili tabularına meydan okudu. Aynı yıllarda Avusturyalı nörolog Sigmund Freud, cinsiyeti sağlıklı gelişimle ilişkilendirdi, insanların beş aşamalı psikoseksüel gelişim sürecinden geçtikleri tezini ortaya koydu (3,4). 1940'ların sonuna kadar, insan cinselliğine dair güvenilir ve deneysel dayanaklı bilgiye erişim sınırlıydı. Doktorlar, cinsellikle ilgili tüm konularda otorite olarak kabul ediliyorlardı, ancak onların da bilgileri ya kendi deneyimleri yoluyla ya da çevrelerinden edindiklerinden ibaretti. Tam da bu yıllara denk gelecek
Journal of Anatolia Nursing and Health Sciences, 2020
This study aims to determine the effect of nursing internships on nursing students' satisfaction ... more This study aims to determine the effect of nursing internships on nursing students' satisfaction with their nursing education. Methods: The study population for this research comprised 321 nursing interns studying in the Nursing Faculty at Ataturk University between May and June 2017. The study sample included 285 students who agreed to participate in the study between these dates. The research data were collected using Personal Information Form, the Nightingale Internship Program Evaluation Scale (N-IPES) and the Student Satisfaction Scale-Short Form (SSS-SF). The research data were evaluated using arithmetic mean, standard deviation, frequency, percentile and correlation analysis through the SPSS package program. Results: The mean age of the participating students was 22.4 ± 1.17 years, 70.2% of them were female, 49.5% were regular high school graduates, and 63.5% willingly selected the nursing profession. A statistically significant and positive relationship was found between students' total scores on the N-IPES and SSS-SF, and also between all of their mean scores on the subscales of these two scales, except the subscale of participation in decisions (p<0.05). Conclusion: Internships were found to increase students' satisfaction with nursing education
International Urology and Nephrology, Dec 22, 2022
European Journal of Oncology Nursing, Sep 1, 2014
European Journal of Oncology Nursing, Sep 1, 2014
DergiPark (Istanbul University), Mar 28, 2019
Bu çalışma, hemşirelik öğrencilerinin lisans eğitimleri sürecinde yaşadıkları stresin profesyonel... more Bu çalışma, hemşirelik öğrencilerinin lisans eğitimleri sürecinde yaşadıkları stresin profesyonel benlik düzeylerine etkisini belirlemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Tanımlayıcı olarak yapılan bu araştırma Haziran 2017 tarihinde Atatürk Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Fakültesi 4. sınıfta öğrenim gören 277 öğrenci ile yürütülmüştür. Araştırma verileri Kişisel Bilgi Formu, Hemşirelik Eğitimi Stres Ölçeği (HESÖ) ve Öğrenci Hemşirelerde Profesyonel Benlik Kavramı Ölçeği (ÖHPBKÖ) ile toplanmıştır. Öğrencilerin %74,7'si kadın, %68,2' sinin gelir durumu orta düzey, %51,3'ü düz liseden mezun, %75,1'i üniversite yaşamından memnun ve %55,6'sı mesleği isteyerek seçmiştir. Yaş ortalaması 22,49±01,30 olarak bulundu. Öğrencilerin hemşirelik eğitimi stres ölçeğinden aldıkları toplam puan ortalaması 59,46±18,21, uygulama stresi alt boyut puan ortalaması 29,68±9,49 ve akademik stres alt boyut puan ortalaması 29,77±9,35 olarak bulundu. Öğrenci hemşirelerde profesyonel benlik kavramı ölçeği toplam puan ortalaması 125,77±14,95, mesleki memnuniyet alt boyutu için 20,64±3,59, mesleki yetkinlik alt boyutu için 20,64±3,59 ve mesleki nitelikler alt boyutu için 85,19±10,90 olarak belirlendi. Öğrencilerin uygulama stresi ile mesleki memnuniyet, toplam hemşirelik eğitimi stresi ve akademik stres ile mesleki nitelikler ortalama puanları arasında pozitif yönde ilişki bulundu (p<0,05). Hemşirelik öğrencilerinin eğitimleri süresince ortalamanın üzerinde stres yaşadıkları ve profesyonel benlik kavramı gelişimlerinin iyi olduğu belirlendi. Öğrencilerin eğitim süresince yaşadıkları genel stres ve akademik stres arttıkça mesleki nitelik gelişimlerinin arttığı ve uygulama stresi arttıkça mesleki memnuniyetin arttığı tespit edildi.
Bu calisma, hemsirelik ogrencilerinin lisans egitimleri surecinde yasadiklari stresin profesyonel... more Bu calisma, hemsirelik ogrencilerinin lisans egitimleri surecinde yasadiklari stresin profesyonel benlik duzeylerine etkisini belirlemek amaciyla yapilmistir. Tanimlayici olarak yapilan bu arastirma Haziran 2017 tarihinde Ataturk Universitesi Hemsirelik Fakultesi 4. sinifta ogrenim goren 277 ogrenci ile yurutulmustur. Arastirma verileri Kisisel Bilgi Formu, Hemsirelik Egitimi Stres Olcegi (HESO) ve Ogrenci Hemsirelerde Profesyonel Benlik Kavrami Olcegi ( OHPBKO) ile toplanmistir. Ogrencilerin % 74,7 si kadin, %68,2 sinin gelir durumu orta duzey, % 51,3 u duz liseden mezun, % 75,1 i universite yasamindan memnun ve % 55,6 si meslegi isteyerek secmistir. Yas ortalamasi 22,49±01,30 olarak bulundu. Ogrencilerin hemsirelik egitimi stres olceginden aldiklari toplam puan ortalamasi 59,46±18,21, uygulama stresi alt boyut puan ortalamasi 29,68±9,49 ve akademik stres alt boyut puan ortalamasi 29,77±9,35 olarak bulundu. Ogrenci hemsirelerde profesyonel benlik kavrami olcegi toplam puan ortalama...
European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 2014
Introduction: Illness perception of patients with breast cancer plays a major role in patients' a... more Introduction: Illness perception of patients with breast cancer plays a major role in patients' adherence to treatment and illness. One of the strategic objectives of the breast cancer working-group in oncology nursing for 2014 is to perform multi-center studies that will contribute to nursing care for breast cancer in Turkey. In line with this objective, the study conducted with members of the working group aims to investigate illness perception and the factors affecting the illness perception in patients with breast cancer. Material and Method: The study was a descriptive and crosssectional study. Data were collected between February and April 2014 in centres at provinces of Izmir, Antalya, Samsun, Eskisehir, Erzurum, Sanliurfa andÇanakkale located in different regions of Turkey, where treatment and controls of patients with breast cancer were carried out. The study population was consisted of 263 women, who was diagnosed with breast cancer. Data were collected through socio-demographic and clinical characteristics form and Illness Perception Questionnaire (IPQ). IPQ has three dimensions, illness identity, opinions and causes. Approval of the ethics committee and informed oral consent of patients were obtained. Results and Discussion: Of the patients, 80.2% was married, mean age was 50.31±11.90, and the average time after diagnosis was 13.81±18.43 months. It was determined that 57.4% of patients had mastectomy and 54.8% had received chemotherapy. Most common symptom experienced by patients were fatigue (81%), and it was associated with the illness by a ratio of 66.5%. In the opinions of patients about the disease sub-scale; the highest score (20.46±4.74) was in perception of personal control sub-scale, and the lowest score (12.22±3.41) was in timeline cyclical perception. And, of the causes of illness, it was observed that the highest score (16.88±5.85) of the patients was in risk factors sub-scale. The higher scores of personal control indicate that individuals have positive beliefs about controlling the disease, and lower cyclical score suggests that belief on cyclical nature of the illness is low. Statistically significant difference was found between age, place of residence, educational status, employment status, diagnosis period, presence of mastectomy, illness perception of the type of treatment and sub-dimensions of IPQ. Conclusion: It was found that patients with breast cancer mostly experience fatigue, have positive belief about controlling the illness, and think that the most important cause of their illness was the risk factors. The opinions of patients about their illnesses are rarely questioned by health care professionals, and patients are often unable to express their beliefs about their own illness correctly. Therefore, nurses should determine what are the perceptions of patients about their illness, should understand the problems faced and should plan appropriate interventions. No conflict of interest.
Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi dergisi, 2008
Hastalar&n tam proteze daha kolay uyum sa7lamas& ve memnuniyetleri aç&s&ndan psikolojik faktörler... more Hastalar&n tam proteze daha kolay uyum sa7lamas& ve memnuniyetleri aç&s&ndan psikolojik faktörler son derece önemlidir. Bu ara t&rma; iki farkl& bölgede ya ayan hasta gruplar&nda tan&mlay&c& olarak; aileden alg&lanan sosyal destek ve stresle ba etme stratejilerinin tam protez memnuniyeti üzerine etkisini incelemeyi amaçlamaktad&r. Gereç ve Yöntem: Çukurova ve Atatürk Üniversitesi Di Hekimli7i Fakültelerine ba vuran toplam 84 tam protez hastas& ara t&rman&n kapsam&n& olu turdu. Hastalara ait veriler Aileden Alg&lanan Sosyal Destek Ölçe7i, Stresle Ba a Ç&kma Stratejileri Ölçe7i (CSI) ve hasta memnuniyetini de7erlendirmek amac&yla Görsel Analog Ölçe7i (VAS) kullan&larak topland&. Bulgular: Kruskal-Wallis test sonuçlar&; genel memnuni-yet düzeylerine göre PSS-Fa, problem çözme ve sosyal destek arama ortalama da7&l&mlar&n&n istatistiksel olarak önemli bir ili ki gösterdi. Protez memnuniyeti ile aileden alg&lanan sosyal destek, problem çözme ve sosyal destek arama stratejileri aras&nda pozitif, kaç&nma stratejisi aras&nda negatif bir ili ki bulundu. Sonuç: Bu konuda daha fazla say&da hastay& içeren ara t&rmalar&n yap&lmas& uygun olacakt&r.
Kocaeli tıp dergisi, Apr 1, 2021
Psychiatria Danubina, 2021
BACKGROUND The present study aims to adapt "Cancer Empowerment Scale" to Turkish and to... more BACKGROUND The present study aims to adapt "Cancer Empowerment Scale" to Turkish and to test its validity and reliability. SUBJECTS AND METHODS This methodological study consisted of 286 cancer patients receiving treatment. Cancer Empowerment Scale (CES) were used in this study. RESULTS The scale's content validity index was found as 0.96. Total Cronbach's alpha coefficient of the scale is 0.93. Cronbach's alpha coefficient is 0.92 for personal strength dimension, 0.95 for social support dimension, 0.87 for healthcare and 0.94 for community support. Item factor loads were found to range between 0.40 and 0.87 and item total correlation coefficients were found to be between 0.32 and 0.59. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and exploratory factor analysis (EFA) conducted supported the 4 factor structure of the scale. CFA results showed good fit index values. CONCLUSIONS Turkish version of Cancer Empowerment Scale is a valid and reliable measurement tool to evaluat...
Epilepsy & Behavior, 2022
AIM The purpose of this study was to identify the stigma and multidimensional perceived social su... more AIM The purpose of this study was to identify the stigma and multidimensional perceived social support levels of patients with epilepsy, as well as the factors affecting them. METHOD The sample of the study consisted of 115 patients with epilepsy followed up in a university hospital in eastern Turkey. The data of the study were collected using the descriptive information form, the Jacoby Stigma Scale, and the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support. Data analysis was performed using t-test, one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), and Pearson correlation coefficient. RESULTS The rate of exposure to stigma of the patients in the study was 62.4%. Those under 30 years of age, single, with low economic status, and living with their parents and siblings had higher stigma scale mean scores than the other groups (p = 0.001, p < 0.001, p = 0.001, p = 0.019, respectively). Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support total scores were higher in women and married people (p = 0.020, p = 0.01, respectively). A statistically significant negative moderate correlation was found between the patients' Stigma scale mean values and Multidimensional Perceived Social Support Scale mean values (r = -0.568. p < 0.01). CONCLUSION According to the study's findings, stigma is prevalent among patients with epilepsy. Increasing social awareness in order to augment social support in patients with epilepsy and providing the patient with positive coping strategies may be effective in reducing stigma in patients with epilepsy.
Please cite this article in press as: Karaman1S, Yılmaz-Karabulutlu E. The relationship between f... more Please cite this article in press as: Karaman1S, Yılmaz-Karabulutlu E. The relationship between functional living status and perceived social support in patients with cancer.
Aim: This research was carried out to examine the acceptance illness and religious coping styles,... more Aim: This research was carried out to examine the acceptance illness and religious coping styles, the factors affecting them, and the relationship between accepting the illness and religious coping styles in patients on hemodialysis treatment. Material and Method: This study has been done with 332 patients who receive treatment in Ataturk University Research Hospital Dialysis Center, Teach and Research Hospital Dialysis Center and Private Serhat Dialysis Center (receiving HD threatment patients). 297 patients were taken the sample group who were suitable the critics of the study. Research data were collected between the dates of December 2014-January 2015. While collecting data ; questionnaire which consists the specialities of patients, accepting illness measuring device and religious coping styles were used. While evaluating the data; frequency, percentage, correlating analysis, regression analysis, t test, anova test, kruskal wallis test and cronbach alpha analysis were used. Fin...
Journal of Anatolia Nursing and Health Sciences, 2005
Bu çalışma sonucunda hemodiyaliz hastalarının en çok duygusal baş etme yöntemlerinden olan kendin... more Bu çalışma sonucunda hemodiyaliz hastalarının en çok duygusal baş etme yöntemlerinden olan kendine güvensiz yaklaşımı kullandıkları, cinsiyet, eğitim ve mesleğin baş etme yöntemleri üzerinde anlamlı farklılık oluşturduğu saptanmıştır (p<0.05). Araştırma sonucunda hastaların en fazla ailelerinden destek aldığı ve cinsiyet, medeni durum, meslek, eğitim düzeyi ve hemodiyalize girme süresinin sosyal destek üzerinde anlamlı farklılık oluşturduğu saptanmıştır(p<0.05). Hemodiyaliz hatsalarında iyimser yaklaşım ile aile desteği, arkadaş desteği ve toplam destek arasında pozitif doğrultuda, kendine güvensiz yaklaşım ile özel insan(hemşire) arasında negatif doğrultuda anlamlı bir ilişki bulunmuştur
Sağlık Bilimleri ve Meslekleri Dergisi, 2015
Bu araştırma kanser hastalarının hastalıklarını nasıl algıladıklarını ve bu algıyı etkileyen fakt... more Bu araştırma kanser hastalarının hastalıklarını nasıl algıladıklarını ve bu algıyı etkileyen faktörleri belirlemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Yöntem: Tanımlayıcı olarak yapılan bu araştırma Atatürk Üniversitesi Sağlık Araştırma ve Uygulama Hastanesi Medikal Onkoloji Kliniği'nde yürütülmüştür. Araştırma verileri Ocak-Eylül 2010 tarihleri arasında toplanmıştır. Araştırmaya belirtilen tarihler arasında klinikte yatarak tedavi gören 18 yaş ve üzerinde, Türkçe okuyabilen ve anlayabilen, araştırmaya gönüllü olarak katılan, araştırmaya katılmayı engelleyebilecek fiziksel ve zihinsel bir engeli bulunmayan 192 hasta dahil edilmiştir. Araştırmanın verileri soru formu ve Hastalık Algısı Ölçeği ile toplanmıştır. Bulgular: Hastaların hastalığın başlangıcından beri en fazla yorgunluk yaşadığı ve en çok bu belirtiyi hastalıkları ile ilişkilendirdikleri tespit edilmiştir. Hastaların hastalık hakkındaki görüşleri ile ilgili alt boyutlar incelendiğinde; kişisel kontrol algısı ve sonuçlar algısı puan ortalamalarının diğer alt boyutlara göre yüksek olduğu ve süre (döngüsel) algısı ve hastalığı anlayabilme puan ortalamalarının ise en düşük olduğu bulunmuştur. Hastaların en fazla hastalık nedeni olarak risk faktörlerini algıladıkları belirlenmiştir. Sonuç; hastaların hastalığın süresi, seyri ve tedavisi üzerindeki iç kontrol algılarının yüksek ve hastalığı anlama ve kavramalarının düşük olduğu belirlemiştir.
Sexuality and Disability, 2014
The aim of this study is to examine sexual dysfunction (SD) and depression in Turkish women with ... more The aim of this study is to examine sexual dysfunction (SD) and depression in Turkish women with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM). Forty-five women were included in the sampling. The study inclusion criteria were: literate, 18 years or older, able to speak, understand and communicate verbally in Turkish, not pregnant, having active sexual life, agreed to participate in the study. Patients had been diagnosed with DM at least 6 months before conducting the study. The instrument included questions about demographic variables. In addition, Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) and Beck Depression Inventory were used. It was determined that the women between the ages 22 and over 50, primary school graduates, unemployed and those living in large family, those suffering from diabetes for more than 10 years were more SD and had higher level of depression than the other groups. A significant positive correlation was found between SD and depression. It was also found that as the level of depression of the patients increased, the mean subtotal and total FSFI scores decreased.
Background & Aim: Cancer is a significant and global health problem that negatively affects the f... more Background & Aim: Cancer is a significant and global health problem that negatively affects the functional status. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between perceived social support, functional status and demographic characteristics in cancer patients. Methods & Materials : : This cross-sectional study was conducted with 243 patients with cancer, who met the research criteria and got treatment in the medical oncology clinic and chemotherapy unit in 2011. In the research, "Patient Information Form" was used to identify the socio-demographic and medical characteristics of the patients, "Functional Living Scale (FLS) - Cancer" was used to assess their functional statuses, and "Cancer Patients Social Support Scale" was used to assess their perceived social support. Data analysis was performed by descriptive statistics tests, One -Sample T Test, Kruskal-Wallis test, Pearson Correlation and regression test. The statistical significanc...
Objective: This study aimed to evaluate sexual dysfunction, depression and associated factors in ... more Objective: This study aimed to evaluate sexual dysfunction, depression and associated factors in female hemodialysis patients. Methodology: The study had a cross-sectional and descriptive correlational design and was conducted in a dialysis centre located in Erzurum between April and May 2006. Thirty-three female dialysis patients comprised the study sample. Results: Sexual function scores of the female hemodialysis patients in the study were low, and the patients experienced moderate depression. The most common dysfunction was problems in arousal, but pain was the least common complaint. It was determined that with increasing severity of depression, average scores of sexual desire, arousal, lubrication, orgasm, satisfaction and total FSFI The Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) of the patients decreased. Conclusions: Sexual dysfunction is highly prevalent in female hemodialysis patients. It is strongly associated with increasing severity of depression.
Papers by Elanur Yılmaz Karabulutlu