Papers by ENY Retna Ambarwati
Nuha Medika, 2011
Keterampilan dasar praktek klinik (KDPK) adalah bagian terpenting yang harus dimiliki oleh seoran... more Keterampilan dasar praktek klinik (KDPK) adalah bagian terpenting yang harus dimiliki oleh seorang bidan ataupun calon bidan.viii, 254 hlm.: ilus.; 24 c
Journal of Innovation in Community Empowerment, 2019
Asuhan Kebidanan Keluarga dalam komunitas ini dilaksanakan di dusun Dukuh Desa Guwosari Pajangan ... more Asuhan Kebidanan Keluarga dalam komunitas ini dilaksanakan di dusun Dukuh Desa Guwosari Pajangan Bantul. Permasalahan yang diangkat sebagai program adalah permasalahan kurangnya pengetahuan keluarga tentang pentingnya gizi seimbang pada balita, pentingnya ASI Eksklusif pada bayi, tanda bahaya kehamilan pada ibu hamil, Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat (PHBS), pentingnya ASI bagi bayi, pertumbuhan dan perkembangan pada anak. Solusi yang ditawarkan adalah asuhan kebidanan keluarga dengan memberikan penyuluhan menggunakan metode pendampingan, wawancara, demosntrasi, dan diskusi. Adapun penyuluhan yang menjadikan program prioritas yaitu penyuluhan pentingnya gizi seimbang pada balita, penyuluhan ASI Eksklusif pada bayi, KIE tanda bahaya kehamilan pada ibu hamil, penyuluhan tentang Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat (PHBS), penyuluhan, pentingnya ASI bagi bayi, penyuluhan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan pada anak. Program ini dilakukan dengan memberdayakan keluarga. Pemberdayaan tersebut berdamp...
Jurnal SMART Kebidanan, 2021
ABSTRAKLesbian, Gay, Biseksual dan Transgender (LGBT) di Indonesia adalah ke-5 terbesar di dunia ... more ABSTRAKLesbian, Gay, Biseksual dan Transgender (LGBT) di Indonesia adalah ke-5 terbesar di dunia setelah China, India, Eropa, dan Amerika. Menurut Kemenkes, sejak tahun 2005 sampai September 2015 terdapat kasus HIV sebanyak 184.929. Salah satu upaya untuk menurunkan angka penyakit menular seksual adalah dengan meningkatkan pengetahuan remaja sehingga merubah pola pikir dan tindakan. Peningkatan pengetahuan dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan media Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning (CTML) yang merupakan perpaduan teks, gambar, grafik, sound, animasi, video dan lain-lain. Tujuan Penelitian mengetahui efektivitas Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning dalam peningkatan pengetahuan remaja SMA tentang dampak kesehatan LGBT di Kabupaten Bantul. Jenis penelitian ini quasy eksperiment dengan one group pretest and posttest design. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 315 siswa SMA di Kabupaten Bantul yang dirandomisasi dengan teknik pengundian (Loterry Technique). Instrumen penelitian me...
GERMAS merupakan suatu tindakan sistematis dan terencana yang dilakukan secara bersama-sama denga... more GERMAS merupakan suatu tindakan sistematis dan terencana yang dilakukan secara bersama-sama dengan kesadaran, kemauan dan kemampuan berperilaku sehat untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup. Gerakan ini mengedepankan upaya promotif dan preventif, tanpa mengesampingkan upaya kuratif-rehabilitatif. Salah satu hygiene seseorang adalah mencuci tangan. Kebiasaan mencuci tangan berpengaruh terhadap kesehatannanak. Permasalahan yang dihadapi adalah rendahnya perilaku orangtua untuk membiasakan anak mencuci tangan menggunakan sabun. Perilaku mencuci tangann menggunakan sabun belum menjadi budaya yang dilakukan oleh orangtua dan siswa. Mencuci tangan dilakukan menggunakan air seadanya dan belum banyak yang menggunakan sabun untuk mencuci tangan. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut, solusi yang ditawarkan adalah melakukan gerakan masyarakat hidup sehat dengan mempromosikan mencuci tangan menggunakan sabun dan air mengalir. Tujuan PkM ini untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan, sikap dan perilaku orangtua dan...
Background: Adolescents are the future of a nation and ensuring their high capacity is crucial fo... more Background: Adolescents are the future of a nation and ensuring their high capacity is crucial for country development. However, the phenomenon of early marriage is common and is one of the major adolescents’ concerns in Indonesia. Youth Information and Counselling Centre (PIK-R) is a container-managed preparation of family life program activitiesof, by and for youth to provide information and counseling about PKBR (Preparation of Family Life For Adolescents) and other support activities. From the results of a preliminary study in the Purwomartani village still many marriages at a young age and the high divorce rate that occurred in the region. Objective: To determine differences in the level of adolescents knowledge about preparation of family life for adolescents at PIK-R and no PIK-R. Methode: This research uses study comparative design with cross sectional approach models. Respondents in this research is adolescents aged 18-21 years of the total 78 respondents. There is 39 from ...
There are still some people who marry at an early age, so it is not in accordance with the applic... more There are still some people who marry at an early age, so it is not in accordance with the applicable law. This study aims to determine the characteristics of early marriage in Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta. The determinants studied included age at the beginning of marriage, last education, occupation, income, and access to health information. This type of research was a survey. The sample was selected using the multistage proportional random sampling technique with a sample size of 208 respondents from 17 sub-districts in Sleman Regency. Data were collected through filling out a questionnaire, then analyzed descriptively in the form of frequencies and percentages. The results showed that most of the respondents were 19 years old (62.98%), had high school education (73.56%), did not work (66%), got information from social media (67.31%). Age at the beginning of marriage, last education, employment status, income, and access to health information contributed greatly to the incidence of ...
Background: Physiological adaptation to the musculoskeletal system is one of the changes that are... more Background: Physiological adaptation to the musculoskeletal system is one of the changes that are often complained of by pregnant women, namely changes in posture, especially in the third trimester of pregnancy. There are 60-80% of pregnant women in various regions of Indonesia who experience back pain (back pain) in their pregnancy. The midwife's efforts to improve services in accordance with the professional code of ethics, midwives began to develop complementary therapeutic innovations in Indonesia. One of the complementary therapies that are often used to reduce back pain during pregnancy is effleurage massage. Objectives : To apply effleurage massage to reduce back pain in obstetric care during pregnancy in Ny. W at the Primeric Widuri Sleman Clinic. Method : This research uses descriptive analytic method, by describing the facts of the study obtained from interviews and direct observations on Mrs. W by involving the respondent's husband for 7 days conducted in October ...
Eny Retna Ambarwati, 2016.Model of The Determinants of Reproductive Health in Married Teenagers i... more Eny Retna Ambarwati, 2016.Model of The Determinants of Reproductive Health in Married Teenagers in Reproductive Health Promotion Efforts. Dissertation. Supervisor I: Prof. Dr. AA Subiyanto, dr; II: Dr. Sapja Anantanyu, M.Si; III: Dr. Supriyadi, dr. SpOG (K). Study Program of Community Empowerment/ Development Counseling.Graduate Program, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta. The data from World Health Organization indicate that there are 140 million teenage females who got married before the age of 18, and 50 million below the age of 15. The reproductive health at marital period includes prenatal care, delivery assistance, and postnatal care. Early marriage has come to the attention of policy makers and program planners, for the high risk of failure in marriages, early pregnancy leading to maternal death, and risks of mental unpreparedness to raise a familyand be responsible parents whichresult in the poorfamily quality. This study was aimed to formulate a model of health promotion i...
Latar Belakang : AKI di Indonesia masih tinggi dibandingkan Negara ASEAN lain. Menurut SDKI 2007,... more Latar Belakang : AKI di Indonesia masih tinggi dibandingkan Negara ASEAN lain. Menurut SDKI 2007, AKI sebanyak 228/100.000 KH, sebagian besar disebabkan oleh perdarahan pasca salin. Oleh sebab itu pemerintah membentuk jampersal yaitu jaminan pembiayaan ditanggung pemerintah. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui tingkat pengetahuan ibu postpartum tentang jampersal agar AKI yang pasca salin berkurang. Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mengetahui tingkat pengetahuan ibu postpartum tentang jampersal. Metode Penelitian : Menggunakan metode deskritif. Teknik sampling menggunakan Accidential Sampling, subjek semua responden yang mendapatkan pelayanan di BPS Ika Widya. Jumlah sampel 30 orang, teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah kuesioner yang telah diuji validitas dan reabilitas. Hasil Penelitian : Berdasarkan umur termasuk dalam kategori cukup 23 responden (76,6%), pendidikan dikategorikan cukup 15 responden (50%), pekerjaan dikategorikan baik 20 responden (66,6%). Pengertian jampersal...
Background: One of the eight MDG goal number two is on the order of achieving education for all b... more Background: One of the eight MDG goal number two is on the order of achieving education for all by 2015. One way to make it happen by increasing the intelligence and emotional development that will affect the optimal kesipan children to school. Critical period occurs in children aged 1-3 years which required the development of stimulation. This study aims to determine the relationship between the mother’s level of knowledge about the stimulation of growth and development with the development of children aged 12-36 months. Methods: The study design was a descriptive cross sectional analytic approach. The study population was mothers who have children aged 12-36 months. Sampling with purposive sampling technique. Data analysis using the Kendall tau. Results: Based on the statistical test using Kendall tau, the value o = 1.000 Results: Based on the statistical test using Kendall tau, the value o = 1.000. This means that there is a very strong relationship between maternal knowledge abo...
Latar belakang: Anemia defesiensi pada ibu hamil merupakan salah satu masalah gizi yang paling ba... more Latar belakang: Anemia defesiensi pada ibu hamil merupakan salah satu masalah gizi yang paling banyak dijumpai di Indonesia. Prevalensi anemia gizi besi pada ibu hamil di Indonesia adalah 73,3% pada tahun 1986; 70% pada tahun 1989; 63,5% pada tahun 1992; 50,9% pada tahun 1995; 40% pada tahun 1996; dan 40,1 pada tahun 2001. Penyebab tingginya anemia pada wanita hamil karena rendahnya kepatuhan ibu hamil untuk mengkonsumsi tablet besi yang telah diberikan, serta belum adanya sistem monitoring yang tepat untuk mengawasi apakah tablet besi betul – betul dikonsumsi ibu hamil. Tujuan penelitian : Untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kepatuhan ibu hamil trimester III dalam mengkonsumsi tablet besi dengan kejadian anemia di Desa Pogalan Kecamatan Pakis Kabupaten Magelang. Metode penelitian : Penelitian ini bersifat diskriptif analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan tehnik sampel jenuh. Sampel penelitian semua ibu hamil trimester III yang berada di wilayah Desa...
Jurnal Pengabdian Al-Ikhlas, 2020
Pembangunan kesehatan searah dengan pembangunan sumber daya manusia yang berkualitas fisik, menta... more Pembangunan kesehatan searah dengan pembangunan sumber daya manusia yang berkualitas fisik, mental, maupun sosial, sehingga produktif secara ekonomi serta sosial. Individu yang sehat memiliki kemampuan fisik dan daya pikir yang lebih kuat, sehingga dapat berkontribusi secara produktif dalam pembangunan masyarakatnya. Peningkatan status kesehatan masyarakat, khususnya ibu dilakukan dengan indikator menurunnya angka kematian ibu dan meningkatnya promosi kesehatan dan pemberdayaan masyarakat. Wanita turut mempengaruhi kualitas generasi penerus karena fungsi reproduksi wanita berperan dalam mengembangkan SDM di masa mendatang. Sebagian besar wanita ada dalam tingkat pengetahuan yang rendah tentang cara deteksi dini kanker payudara dengan melakukan Pemeriksaan Payudara Sendiri (SADARI). Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut, solusi yang ditawarkan adalah dengan melakukan gerakan masyarakat hidup sehat melalui promosi deteksi dini kanker payudara dengan sadari. Penyuluhan merupakan salah satu...
Jurnal Bakti Masyarakat Indonesia, 2020
Goverment plans programmes to prevent preagnant postpone with family planning programme. Family p... more Goverment plans programmes to prevent preagnant postpone with family planning programme. Family planning programme for forming small family with socio economic power by childbirth control to gets happy and prosperous family to fulfill his life needs. General problems are family planning. Based on data they are interpreted that contraseptive users are still low. Low use of contraseption caused by many factors, one of them is knowledge of society about contraception. Counseling is one kind of methods for increase knowledge. Counseling is done on january 31st, 2009 at pendopo, hamlet of guwosari village, subdistric pajangan, distric bantul. Number of women of childbearing ange and follow conseling as many as 20 womwn of childbearing age. Before conseling has been done, partisipant were given pretes to see knowledge level of fertile womwn then conseling was conducted with lecture and discussion. Conseling used compilation powerpoint. Media and lifted about various types of contraseption...
Electronic Journal of General Medicine, 2020
This study aims to assess the factors that influence adolescent reproductive health. Many factors... more This study aims to assess the factors that influence adolescent reproductive health. Many factors affect adolescent reproductive health issues including Knowledge, access to reproductive health information sources, stakeholder support, health promotion of reproductive health, and role of parents. The method used in this research is explorative quantitative. Data was collected using a survey method with a cross-sectional approach. The respondent is a grade VII student of SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Mlati, Sleman, Yogyakarta. Data analysis uses Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). The final results of the study show that the model of promoting good health about adolescent reproductive health is designed by improving the process of promoting health about reproductive health for adolescents themselves, stakeholders, and parents. Increase access to information, the role of stakeholders and the role of parents.
Abstract A laboratory study on the degradation of organic pollutants has been carried out with ph... more Abstract A laboratory study on the degradation of organic pollutants has been carried out with phenol, which was used as a typical of the organic contaminant. The method involved is a novel technology based on a photocatalytic process where TiO2 and ultraviolet radiation are applied as the catalyst and the photon energy respectively. The main objective of this preliminary study is to develop a laboratory scale photocatalytic degradation system for decomposition of organic pollutants in water. In this preliminary study, phenol in pure water was used as a model for organic pollutants. Phenol was employed in this study because in several previous reports it showed that the total phenolic compounds contained in some produced waters were in the concentration of approx. 20 ppm, whereas the threshold concentration for phenol in the effluent water allowed by the Indonesian government is only 2 ppm. The system developed consists of a glass vessel as the reactor equipped with a stirrer system and an aerator. The degradation was conducted in the reactor, in which a suspension mixture of TiO2 in the sample solution was irradiated with ultraviolet radiation. In this study, irradiation was carried out either with a series of ultraviolet lamps or by natural sunlight for approx. 1-8 hours. The capacity of the reactors and the concentration of TiO2 were varied between 0.25 to 10 liters and 0.1 to 0.4% respectively. The degradation efficiency of the system was measured by monitoring the concentration of phenol in the water sample during the decomposition process. This study demonstrates that, by using the UV lamp and the reactors with capacities of 0.25 - 2 liters, the system developed in this present work, is capable of decomposing 20 ppm phenol down to approximately 0 - 1 ppm, in 2 - 5 hours of radiation. However, by applying the 10 liter capacity reactor, the system is only applicable for reducing phenol content to approximately 11 ppm, in 5 hours of radiation. Improved degradation efficiency is observed when natural sunlight is used as the source of the photon energy. The reactor with the capacity of 10 liters, is applicable for reducing phenol to approximately 2 ppm in 8 hours of radiation. In order to develop a commercial degradation system, especially for minimizing the organic pollutants in produced water, further experiments are still required.
Abstrak: Asuhan berkelanjutan dalam kebidanan menerapkan serangkaian kegiatan asuhan secara menye... more Abstrak: Asuhan berkelanjutan dalam kebidanan menerapkan serangkaian kegiatan asuhan secara menyeluruh mulai dari kehamilan, persalinan, nifas, pelayanan bayi baru lahir, neonatus, serta pelayanan nifas. Tingginya angka kemtian ibu dan bayi di Indonesia menjadi salah satu prioritas utama untuk segera mendapatkan penanganan. Salah satu indicator SDG’s (Sustainable Development Goals) dalam faktor kesehatan adalah dengan menguragi AKI. Permasalahan yang diangkat sebagai program adalah adanya pengalaman negatif pada perempuan karena kurangnya kualitas interaksi antara bidan dengan perempuan, masih banyak keluarga yang belum paham pentingnya mendampingi istri pada saat hamil sampai nifas. Solusi yang ditawarkan adalah pendampingan ibu melalui metode Participatory Action Research (PAR) dengan pendampingan keluarga selama 4 bulan. Tujuan pendampingan keluarga ini untuk mewujudkan derajat kesehatan ibu dan anak sebagai kampanye gerakan hidup sehat kepada keluarga. Pelaksanaan kegiatan pend...
Journal of Health Promotion and Behavior, 2016
Background: Exclusive breastfeeding in the puerperium period is beneficial for mother and infant.... more Background: Exclusive breastfeeding in the puerperium period is beneficial for mother and infant. Breastfeeding stimulate oxytocin release that will increase uterine contraction. It in turn fastens uterine involution process and eventually prevents prolonged post partum bleeding. Breastfed infants are healthier, have better nutritional status, and less probability of dying. Therefore, there is a need to develop a health promotion model that empowers post partum mothers to visit maternity clinic for post partum examination. This study aimed to determine factors that affect maternal visits to maternity clinic for post partum examination. Subjects and Method: This was an analytical observational study with cross-sectional design. This study was conducted in Sleman, Yogyakarta. A total sample of 125 post partum mothers was selected for this study. The dependent variable was number of visits to maternity clinic for post partum examination. The independent variables were maternal knowledge, access to information, husband support, stakeholder role, and participation in maternal health promotion class. The data were collected by a set of questionnaire, and then were analyzed by Structural Equation Model (SEM). Results: The SEM showed Goodness of Fit, with indicators as follows: Chi Square 263.01, p= 0.055, RMSEA=0.025, GFI=0.98, NFI=0.92, and CFI 1.00. Maternal knowledge (b=0.15), access to information (b=0.42), husband support (b=0.52), stakeholder role (b=0.57), participation in maternal health promotion class (b=0.04). Conclusion: Maternal knowledge, access to information, husband support, stakeholder role, participation in maternal health promotion class, are important determinant of maternal visit to maternal clinic for post partum examination.
Background: Hypertension is one of the highest causes of death in pregnant women. Calcium deficie... more Background: Hypertension is one of the highest causes of death in pregnant women. Calcium deficiency can lead to hypertension. Chicken eggshell can be used as a natural calcium supplementation therapy in hypertension.Purpose: Analyze the effect of chicken eggshell on blood pressure through the increased nitric oxide level in gestational hypertension.Methods: This is Quasy experiment research with pretest and posttest with control group design. Respondents were ≥20 weeks pregnant women with gestational hypertension. Determination of respondents by purposive sampling obtained experimental group (n=12) and control group (n=12). 1.1 g/day of eggshell flour was given for 14 days.Result: Mean of systolic and diastolic blood pressure in experimental group decreased 14.25 mmHg or 9.5% (p=0.000) and 12.84 mmHg or 13.04% (p=0.000) after received chicken eggshell flour for 14 days compared to control group mean of systolic and diastolic blood pressure increased 1.92 mmHg or 1.35% (p=0.000) and...
Papers by ENY Retna Ambarwati