Papers by Everton Luis Krabbe
The Journal of applied poultry research, Mar 1, 2002
We studied the efficacy of hydrated sodium calcium aluminosilicate (HSCAS) as an inhibitor of the... more We studied the efficacy of hydrated sodium calcium aluminosilicate (HSCAS) as an inhibitor of the toxic effects of ochratoxin in broilers from 1 to 42 d of age. A total of 288 broilers was distributed into four treatments with four replicates of 18 birds each: T1, control; T2, 0.25% HSCAS; T3, 2 ppm of ochratoxin; T4, 0.25% HSCAS + 2 ppm ochratoxin. The parameters evaluated were feed intake; weight gain; feed conversion; relative weights of the liver, kidneys, and bursa; and serum levels of Ca, P, total protein (TP), aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and γ-glutamiltransferase (GGT). Ochratoxin in the diet negatively affected (P < 0.05) all performance parameters evaluated when the birds were 21 and 42 d of age. However, HSCAS did not affect performance, and there was no interaction between HSCAS and dietary ochratoxin. The liver and the kidneys of birds fed ochratoxin with or without HSCAS were relatively heavier (P < 0.05) than those of the control birds, demonstrating the influence of ochratoxin, but not of HSCAS, on the relative weight of these organs. Although the bursa of birds exposed to ochratoxin with or without HSCAS had a lower relative weight as compared to control birds, the difference was not significant. Ca, P, and TP serum levels were lower (P < 0.05) in birds exposed to ochratoxin, whereas AST and GGT levels were higher (P < 0.05) in these birds. These results reflect that ochratoxin in the diet impaired the productivity indexes and that HSCAS did not improve these parameters.
Animal Feed Science and Technology, Aug 1, 2010
The objective of the present study was to evaluate voluntary intake, first choice, digestibility,... more The objective of the present study was to evaluate voluntary intake, first choice, digestibility, and faecal ammonia concentration of adult dogs fed dry extruded foods containing two different moisture levels, and the inclusion or not of propionic acid. Four treatments were compared: low-...
Ciência Animal Brasileira, Dec 17, 2009
Uso de diferentes fontes de sódio na dieta de frangos de corte de 22 a 42 dias de idade ...
Agropecuária catarinense, Apr 19, 2022
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As condicoes de temperatura e periodo de armazenamento sao fatores relevantes na obtencao de ovos... more As condicoes de temperatura e periodo de armazenamento sao fatores relevantes na obtencao de ovos de qualidade (1). Inevitavelmente apos a postura, reducao nas caracteristicas internas dos ovos ocorre, associada, principalmente, a perda de agua e de proteina convertidas em dioxido de carbono, atraves da porosidade da casca (3). Os ovos de codornas sao alimentos que apresentam consideravel susceptibilidade a degradacao por processos oxidativos devido a sua composicao de aminoacidos essenciais, vitaminas, e acidos graxos poli-insaturados. O objetivo do trabalho foi estudar o efeito do tempo e temperatura de armazenamento sobre os parâmetros de qualidade interna de ovos de codornas.
Journal of Animal Science, 2014
This study examined the relationship between birth weight and growth performance when suckling pi... more This study examined the relationship between birth weight and growth performance when suckling piglets were reared in litters standardized by birth weight. Forty-four gilts (Landrace × Large White) due to farrow during the same week were selected. Piglets born to those gilts were individually weighed at birth and cross-fostered to obtain litters with 11 piglets and standardized birth weight (CV, lower than 5%). Based on average birth weight, 4 litter weight classes were established: class 1 (> 1.10 kg to ≤ 1.33 kg), class 2 (> 1.34 kg to ≤ 1.46 kg), class 3 (> 1.47 kg to ≤ 1.57 kg), and class 4 (> 1.58 kg to ≤ 1.88 kg). At 21 d of age, piglets were weighed to determine BW and calculate ADG and weight gain relative to birth weight. A completely randomized experimental design was used with birth weight classes as treatments. At 21 d of age, the average BW of piglets from the heaviest birth weight class (5.67 kg) was greater (P < 0.05) than the lightest class (5.06 kg); however, all classes had the same ADG (P < 0.05). There was a positive correlation (r = 0.184; P < 0.01) between birth weight and weight at 21 d of age, but birth weight was not correlated (r =-0.040; P = 0.37) with ADG during the suckling phase. Therefore, piglet birth weight did not influence weight gain when piglets were reared by sows in litters with standardized birth weight.
Research, Society and Development, Jan 4, 2022
Comportamento de micro-organismos patogênicos durante processo de compostagem de carcaças de suín... more Comportamento de micro-organismos patogênicos durante processo de compostagem de carcaças de suínos Behavior of microbial pathogens during composting process of swine carcasses Comportamiento de microorganismos patogénicos durante el proceso de compostaje en carcasas porcinas
Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia, Aug 1, 2000
RESUMO-Foram realizados três experimentos para avaliar o desempenho e o rendimento de cortes e ca... more RESUMO-Foram realizados três experimentos para avaliar o desempenho e o rendimento de cortes e carcaça de frangos de corte, recebendo ou não monensina (MON) na dieta, em diferentes doses (D) (100, 110 e 120 ppm), de acordo com as fases de crescimento (FC) (1 a 21, 22 a 40 e 41 a 45/46 dias de idade). O experimento 1 foi realizado em gaiolas metabólicas, no qual foram determinadas energia metabolizável aparente (EMA), digestibilidade da matéria seca-MS (DMS) e retenção de nitrogênio (RN). Os experimentos 2 e 3 foram realizados em boxes. No experimento 3, a conversão alimentar (CA) foi melhor nos tratamentos com MON, principalmente na FC de 22 a 40 dias. As doses de 100 e 110 ppm de MON mostraram melhor resposta que 120 ppm, sobretudo quando não houve retirada na droga nos cinco últimos dias da FC. No experimento 3, as aves que não receberam MON tiveram maior consumo de ração (CR). Não foram observadas diferenças na DMS, EMA e RN das rações experimentais. Nos experimentos 1 e 2, a manutenção da droga na última semana influenciou positivamente o rendimento de carcaça e a dose de 110 ppm mostrou maior rendimento de peito que as demais. A gordura abdominal não foi influenciada pelas doses de MON nas dietas. O uso de MON influenciou positivamente a CA de frangos de corte. Apesar do reduzido CR, o ganho de peso das aves que receberam MON na dieta não foi alterado. Palavras-chave: anticoccidiano, desempenho, frangos de corte, monensina, rendimento de carcaça Evaluation of Monensin on the Performance and Carcass and Cuts Yield of Broilers ABSTRACT-Three experiments were conducted to evaluate the performance and carcass yield of broilers, receiving or not monensin (MON), at different levels (100,110 and 120 ppm) according to the growth phase (GP) (1 to 21; 22 at 40 and 41 to 45/46 days of age). The Experiment 1 was performed at metabolic cages and the AME, dry matter digestibility (DDM.) and nitrogen retention (NR) were determined. The Experiments 2 and 3 were performed at floor pens. In the Experiment 3, feed:gain ratio (F/G) was improved with MON, mainly from 22 to 40 days. The 100 and 110ppm levels better responded than 120 ppm, mainly without drug withdrawal in the last GP. In the Experiment 3, birds without MON had higher feed intake (FI). No differences were observed in DMD, ME or NR. In the Experiments 1 and 2, the maintenance of the drug up to the last week positively influenced the carcass yield and 110-ppm dose showed higher breast yield than other levels. Abdominal fat was not affected by the MON levels in the diets. The use of MON positively affected the broiler F/G. The birds weight gain was not affected, even with reduced CR.
Arquivo Brasileiro De Medicina Veterinaria E Zootecnia, Dec 1, 2019
Impact of birth weight and daily weight gain during suckling on the weight gain of weaning piglet... more Impact of birth weight and daily weight gain during suckling on the weight gain of weaning piglets [Impacto do peso ao nascimento e ganho de peso na maternidade sobre o ganho de peso dos leitões na creche]
Archives of Veterinary Science, Sep 28, 2007
The inclusion of the conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) in food for dogs has been displaying great po... more The inclusion of the conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) in food for dogs has been displaying great potential, taking into account several benefits in regard to the use of this product. To determine the effect of CLA on the digestibility of the dry matter, nutrients and energy in dogs, two experiments were performed using dogs of Beagle type, in the age of seven and 15 months, respectively. The experimental diets were isonutritive, just differing by the inclusion of CLA, watching for the addition to the control-diet, of an amount of lipids in the form of chicken fat equivalent to the amount of CLA added (0.3%), so that the diets were isoenergetic. The coefficients of apparent digestibility of the dry matter, crude protein, ethereal extract and nitrogen-free extract were not affected by the inclusion of conjugated linoleic acid, showing that the addition of the product did not interfere with the process of digestion of nutrients. In both digestibility experiments, higher values of metabolizable energy were observed for the diets with inclusion of CLA (P < 0.01) when compared with the control-diet. beagle; CLA; metabolizable energy. A inclusão do ácido linoléico conjugado (CLA) em rações para cães tem apresentado grande potencial, tendo em vista os vários benefícios relacionados à utilização deste produto. Para determinar o efeito do CLA sobre a digestibilidade da matéria seca, nutrientes e energia em cães foram realizados dois ensaios utilizando cães da raça Beagle, com sete e 15 meses de idade. As dietas experimentais eram isonutritivas, diferindo apenas quanto à inclusão de CLA, tomando-se o cuidado de acrescentar à dieta controle uma quantidade de lipídeos na forma de gordura de frango equivalente à quantidade de CLA adicionada (0,3%), para que as dietas fossem isoenergéticas. Os coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente da matéria seca, proteína bruta, extrato etéreo e extrativos não nitrogenados não foram afetados pela inclusão de ácido linoléico conjugado, mostrando que a adição do produto não interferiu no processo de digestão dos nutrientes. Em ambos os ensaios de digestibilidade, observaram-se valores de energia metabolizável superiores para as dietas com inclusão de CLA (P<0,01) quando comparada com a dieta controle. beagle; CLA; energia metabolizável.
Brazilian Journal of Poultry Science, Sep 1, 2000
Ciencia Rural, Oct 3, 2016
Dietary lutein supplementation on diet digestibility and blood parameters of dogs.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Jun 1, 2017
The aim of this study was to assess the influence of various diet processing methods and physical... more The aim of this study was to assess the influence of various diet processing methods and physical forms on digestibility and zootechnical performance parameters of nursery piglets. The study was performed in 2 phases. The first phase was performed twice with 120 piglets per experiment, for a total of 240 newly weaned piglets, in a randomized block design with 6 treatments and 5 replicates (30 pens). The following experimental diets were offered from weaning to 21 days after weaning (initial nursery phase) and included the following: mash diet (M); mash diet conditioned at 60ºC (CM); diet pelleted at 60ºC/matrix 2.5 mm (P2.5); diet pelleted at 60ºC/matrix 2.5 mm and crumbled (P2.5C); diet pelleted at 60ºC/matrix 4.75 mm (P4.75); and diet pelleted at 60ºC/matrix 4.75 mm and crumbled (P4.75C). The animals' daily weight gain (DWG), daily feed intake (DFI) and feed conversion (FC) were assessed. Phase 2 used 24 piglets (33 days old) from Phase 1, which were lodged in individual metabolic cages. The experiment employed a randomized block design with 4 treatments and 6 replicates: mash diet (M); mash diet conditioned at 60ºC (CM); diet pelleted at 60ºC/matrix 2.5 mm (P2.5); and diet pelleted at 60ºC/matrix 4.75 mm (P4.75). Feces were collected to analyze the digestibility of and apparent digestible energy in dry matter, gross energy and ether extract. The processing and physical form of the diets did not affect the DWG and DFI of the 21-to 39-day-old piglets. The 2.5-mm-diameter pellets induced better FC compared to the crumbled and conditioned crumbled diets (P<0.05), which might be attributed to the better digestibility of the ether extract in the pelleted diets. Pellet size had no effect on the performance parameters.
Na nutricao animal, a forma fisica das dietas e fator importante associado ao desempenho produtiv... more Na nutricao animal, a forma fisica das dietas e fator importante associado ao desempenho produtivo e ao aproveitamento dos nutrientes (5). Dietas peletizadas e trituradas proporcianam beneficios como a melhora no consumo e conversao alimentar, diminuicao da segregacao dos ingredientes e desperdicio, aumento da densidade e melhora na digestibilidade e palatabilidade geral da racao (4). Aliado a isso, oleos vegetais e gordura animal sao ferramentas importantes na formulacao de dietas, suprindo os altos requerimentos de energia necessarios para o otimo desempenho das aves (3). O objetivo do trabalho foi estudar a influencia do processamento e do nivel energetico de dietas sobre o desempenho produtivo em frangos de corte ate 21 dias.
Ciencia Rural, Jul 21, 2016
Phytate-phosphorus and phytase contents on the relative weight of organs, intestinal morphometry ... more Phytate-phosphorus and phytase contents on the relative weight of organs, intestinal morphometry and performance of broilers Teores de fósforo fítico e fitase sobre o peso relativo de órgãos, morfometria intestinal e desempenho de frangos de corte
Semina-ciencias Agrarias, May 17, 2013
Four extruded dog foods with different moisture contents and ammonium propionate (AP) were manufa... more Four extruded dog foods with different moisture contents and ammonium propionate (AP) were manufactured with the objective of evaluating CO 2 production. The diets were: low moisture (8.1%) with no inclusion of ammonium propionate) (LMNP), high moisture (10.2%) with no inclusion of AP (HMNP), high moisture with inclusion of a low level of AP (0.065%) (HMLP), and high moisture with inclusion of a high level of AP (0.130%) (HMHP). The diets were stored in a chamber at 75% air relative humidity and 25-28ºC temperature. CO 2 was determined on days 0, 30, 60, and 90 by titration with hydrochloric acid (HCl) 0.05N to estimate mold growth. A completely randomized splitplot experimental design was applied. The diet HMNP measured in 90 days presented the highest CO 2 concentration and mycotoxins production. Dry dog foods with moisture content higher than 10.2% without mold inhibitors may present significant mold growth and mycotoxis production after 90 days storage. Extruded dry foods for dogs with less than 8.1% moisture may not need mold inhibitors.
Canadian Journal of Animal Science, Dec 1, 2019
This study evaluated the effects of feeding whole rice bran (WRB) stored for different times and ... more This study evaluated the effects of feeding whole rice bran (WRB) stored for different times and treated with a mixture of organic acids on the growth performance, nutrient digestibility, duodenal morphometry, and bone characteristics of broiler chickens. Three hundred and twenty 1-d-old Cobb broilers were used in a 21 d experiment with a completely randomized design. Whole rice bran with five storage times (0, 30, 60, 90, and 120 d) was included at a 12% level in the diets, with eight replicates of eight birds each. A polynomial regression with a significance level of 5% was used. A reduction in daily weight gain was observed in birds fed WRB stored up to 90 d. A quadratic response was observed in the daily feed intake and average body weight of birds fed diets containing WRB treated with a mixture of organic acids and stored up to 90 d. There was a linear increase in the digestibility of crude protein with increased WRB storage time. Apparent metabolizable energy and apparent metabolizable energy corrected for nitrogen showed an increasing quadratic response for up to 60 d of WRB storage and treated with a mixture of organic acids. A quadratic response for the morphometry of intestinal crypts was found. The crypt depth increased as the birds were fed a diet containing WRB treated with a mixture of organic acids, stored up to 30 d and decreased with storage times. In conclusion, WRB treated with a mixture of acetic and propionic acids and stored up to 60 d may be safely added to broiler chicken diets.
Arquivo Brasileiro De Medicina Veterinaria E Zootecnia, 2018
Growth performance, morphometric analysis of the intestinal mucosa and thyroid of broiler fed can... more Growth performance, morphometric analysis of the intestinal mucosa and thyroid of broiler fed canola meal Desempenho e análise morfométrica da mucosa intestinal e da tireoide de frangos de corte alimentados com farelo de canola
Papers by Everton Luis Krabbe