This study aims to provide an overview of the caregiver's contribution in fulfilling child we... more This study aims to provide an overview of the caregiver's contribution in fulfilling child welfare in orphanages as a substitute for parents who are needed to fulfill children's development needs. This study uses the UNICEF Child Welfare and Protection Framework, namely Parenting Capacity and limits the discussion on one of the indicators, namely Emotional Warmth. This study uses a qualitative approach with a type of descriptive research. Data collection methods used are literature studies, observations and in-depth interviews. The results of this study illustrate the efforts of caregivers in fulfilling emotional warmth by showing their affection first getting closer to foster children by inviting children to talk about their daily lives, hugging children in response to hugs given by children first, listen when the children tell what they are feeling, show sensitivity to the child's condition such as when the child is alone or crying, teach independence by involving chil...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kedekatan atasan terhadap komitmen karyawan, p... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kedekatan atasan terhadap komitmen karyawan, pengaruh keadilan organisasi terhadap komitmen karyawan dan pengaruh kedekatan atasan dan keadilan organisasi terhadap komitmen karyawan pada PT. Ramayana Lestari Sentosa, Tbk Pematangsiantar. Jenis penelitian yang gunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian yang bersifat kausalitas yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemungkinan adanya hubungan sebab – akibat antar variabel. Penelitian ini menggunakan 2 (dua) variable bebas yaitu: variable bebas pertama kedekatan atasan(X1), dan variable bebas kedua keadilan organisasi (X2), serta 1 (satu) variable terikat yaitu komitmen karyawan (Y). pengambilan sampel penelitian menggunakan rumus Slovin. Alasan peneliti menggunakan rumus slovin karena populasi dalam penelitian ini kurang dari 500 orang dan populasi dalam penelitian ini juga sudah diketahui jumlahnya. Hasil penelitian ini Variabel kedekatan atasan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terha...
Parallel programming is a method to solve problem with application which run together. It can sav... more Parallel programming is a method to solve problem with application which run together. It can save time and hardware resources. Parallel programming subject is interesting because it needs basic knowledge about programming and networking. Teaching materials which contain animation help the students to understand the subject. It really helps to explain about the parallel process. The aims of this research are to know the impact of teaching method using animation and the part of the course that must be explained carefully. After the five month research, it is found that the animation in parallel programming subject can give positive impact on the students.
Pelayanan pembuatan SIM terdiri dari pendaftaran SIM baru atau perpanjangan, ujian tes tulis, uji... more Pelayanan pembuatan SIM terdiri dari pendaftaran SIM baru atau perpanjangan, ujian tes tulis, ujian tes lapangan, pas foto, dan pembayaran. Di semua proses tersebut, pendaftar dipanggil satu per satu menggunakan pengeras suara sesuai dengan urutan dokumen yang ditumpuk oleh pemohon. Untuk meningkatkan kualitas layanan, dirancanglah sebuah sistem antrian terintegrasi yang berfungsi untuk melakukan pemanggilan yang lebih efisien. Pada perancangan ini mikrokontroler dimanfaatkan sebagai perangkat slave untuk berkomunikasi dengan PC sebagai master. Slave akan mengirimkan data berupa nomor urut antrian yang kemudian akan ditampilkan di layar LCD sehingga proses antrian dapat diawasi baik oleh pemohon maupun petugas. Pemohon hanya perlu mengambil nomor urut, kemudian menunggu panggilan yang ditampilkan di layar LCD utama. Petugas hanya perlu menekan tombol tanpa perlu mengecek urutan berkas dan memanggil nama satu-per satu. Dengan begitu pelayanan akan jauh lebih cepat dan mudah. Untuk me...
Society's latest lifestyle has developed to a more rapid mobilization and advanced technology whi... more Society's latest lifestyle has developed to a more rapid mobilization and advanced technology which makes people's daily needs of nutrients have altered as well. This phenomenon comes to consequences where healthy diet has been neglected and people consume food only to fulfill the calories-which can be supplied by consumption of macronutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. To reach good health status, intake of micronutrients is also important to maintain biological process occurred inside human's body as the deficiency of them may interfere the continuity of metabolic regulation of the body. Carotenoids have been known as pigments that are synthesized only in plants. The roles of carotenoids for the improvement of health have been investigated by numerous research reports, and they are highlighted in this review paper, especially their role for pregnancy and also, growth and development of infants and children. Readers will be able to read recommendation of carotenoid sources and their carotenoid composition that can be consumed periodically. Furthermore, several techniques on processing technology were also elaborated to improve people's knowledge to preserve carotenoids in the ingredients.
Karang Taruna merupakan wadah pengembangan generasi muda nonpartisan, yang tumbuh atas dasar kesa... more Karang Taruna merupakan wadah pengembangan generasi muda nonpartisan, yang tumbuh atas dasar kesadaran dan rasa tanggung jawab social dari, oleh dan untuk masyarakat khususnya generasi muda di Karang Taruna / Ikatan Remaja Masjid Rt.005 Rw.004 kel. Serua, Kec. Ciputat Kota Tangerang Selatan Banten. Sebagai organisasi social kepemudaan Karang Taruna / Organisasi Masjid merupakan wadah pembinaan dan pengembangan serta pemberdayaan dalam upaya mengembangkan kegiatan ekonomi produktif dengan pendayagunaan semua potensi yang tersedia di lingkungan sumber daya manusia.Kata Kunci: Pengorganisasian Karang Taruna is a forum for the development of non-partisan young generations, who grow on the basis of awareness and a sense of social responsibility from, by and for the community, especially the young generation in the Youth Organization of the Youth Organization of the Mosque Rt.005 Rw.004 kel. Serua, Kec. Ciputat, South Tangerang City, Banten. As a youth social organization, Karang Taruna ...
Current efforts to explore the potency of marine resources have been made to promote economic dev... more Current efforts to explore the potency of marine resources have been made to promote economic development in Indonesia, especially in the industrial sector. Marine cyanobacteria such as Arthospira sp. and Scytonema sp. are two potential candidates of the blue-green algae that can be used in the application for food and health industries. This study focused on the identification of the composition of the dominant chlorophylls and carotenoids. The results showed the presence of Zeaxanthin, Chlorophyll a, and β-carotene. The economic potency of those dominant pigments will be reviewed in this article.
Suji (Pleomele angustifolia) is one kind of Indonesian typical plants which can be used as natura... more Suji (Pleomele angustifolia) is one kind of Indonesian typical plants which can be used as natural green food coloring agent. The susceptibility of natural pigment to external environment forces the protection in order to prolong its shelf life. Encapsulation has been known in the art of food preparation to provide protection for several ingredients including food coloring agent. The objective of this study was to observe the method for isolation and encapsulation of thylakoid, and to investigate the stability and characteristics of thylakoid of suji leaves encapsulated in maltodextrin during dark storage at 30 °C, 45 °C, and 60 °C. The degradation of the encapsulated pigments was identified through chromametric analysis which resulted in the increase of L* (lightness), a* (redness), and b* (yellowness) values. In addition, it was also indicated by the decrease of total chlorophyll (TC) which was determined using spectrophotometer. Chromatography analysis confirmed the presence of f...
The great number of Y generation who desires flexible working hours, demands creativity and give ... more The great number of Y generation who desires flexible working hours, demands creativity and give them the opportunity to posses the impact to the company is the current phenomena. This is the challenge for the older generation to survive in this era of high-tic globalization. The objectives of the research are to define the working expectation characteristic and to analyze the characteristic features of the X and Y generation to find out the working satisfaction dominant aspect in the company. The method used in this research is multiple linear regressions. The result shows that the numbers of respondent variable from both generations have different individual characters therefore the level of satisfaction for each generation also differs in terms of age, gender, salary, and length of working time. The X generation is more committed in working compared to Y generation. The employees' work satisfaction shows the feeling and attitude towards working. Therefore the company could observe and fulfill the employees' expectation in many aspects based on the advantages and disadvantages for both generations. By understanding this, in a long term the employees' working satisfaction can be maximized.
Country Suites - Taman Intan, Surabaya yang pada bulan Juni 2003 berganti nama menjadi Country He... more Country Suites - Taman Intan, Surabaya yang pada bulan Juni 2003 berganti nama menjadi Country Heritage Resort Hotel dengan tidak mengganti manajemen, menawarkan bentuk hunian yang berbeda dengan hotel-hotel pada umumnya. Dengan bentuk townhouse, tentunya Country Heritage Resort Hotel memiliki segmen pasar yang juga berbeda dari hotel-hotel lainnya, yaitu keluarga, grup bisnis, para pelajar asing dan ekspatriat. Topik penelitian ini adalah Faktor-faktor Sosial dan Personal yang Mempengaruhi Keputusan Konsumen Dalam Memilih Jasa Akomodasi di Country Heritage Resort Hotel. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mencari informasi mengenai konsumen Country Heritage Resort Hotel, mulai dari usia, profesi, penghasilan rata-rata per bulan, dari mana mereka tahu pertama kali mengenai keberadaan Country Heritage Resort Hotel, siapa yang mendorong mereka untuk menginap, sampai dengan faktor-faktor apa saja yang menjadi pertimbangan mereka dalam memilih Country Heritage Resort Hotel sebagai sarana akomodasi. Penelitian ini penulis lakukan dengan membagikan 100 kuesioner kepada tamu Country Heritage Resort Hotel. Dari kuesioner-kuesioner tersebut, dapat diketahui bahwa sebagian besar konsumen Country Heritage Resoit Hotel berusia kurang dari 30 tahun, dengan relasi bisnis menjadi faktor pendorong terbesar mereka, dan lokasi hotel serta keamanan dan kenyamanan hotel menjadi faktor-faktor yang paling menentukan konsumen untuk menggunakan jasa akomodasi Country Heritage Resort Hotel.
The cultural organization as value, structure, and system of behavior, spaces and legend which pr... more The cultural organization as value, structure, and system of behavior, spaces and legend which practically in organization. Seeing the big impact of cultural organization toward successfull of a Department/ Company and also the importance for maintenance of employee, performance, due this research will be held in regional department of province Bengkulu exactly in regional An Analyses of Cultural Organization Influence and Work Involvement Toward The Organization Commitement in Improving Employee’s Performance in Regional Planning and Development Agency of Bengkulu with 151 respondent. This Thesys will be analyzed by SEM Lisrel 8.30 The analyses will be held to seen the big impact of cultural organization and work involvement toward. The organization al commitment in improving employee’s performance. Cultural organization, work involvement and employee’s performance will be analyzed by building a structurel model as contained in interpretation and modify model, by the result of the analyzed and the result of thus latent variabel hypotheses will show that the totally variabel have t hypotheses vlue more than 1,96, it means the significant influence toward performance contentedness which appropriate with empirical data.
Organizational culture is the values, norms, practices, and procedures agreed upon by the members... more Organizational culture is the values, norms, practices, and procedures agreed upon by the members in the organization. Organizational culture will shape the attitudes and behaviors shared among members of the organization. It is then predicted to form a strong organizational commitment by employees. This research aims to investigated the influence of organizational culture and work involvement toward the organizational commitment in improving employee's performance in the regional development planning agency of Bengkulu Province. This study used a survey as the data collection method. Questionnaires were distributed directly to the target respondents as a data collection tool. Organizational culture, work involvement and employee's performance will be analyzed using Structural Qquation Modeling (SEM) with LISREL 8.30 as a data analysis tool that is used. The result of this study show that the totally variabel have t hypotheses value more than 1.96. This means that the model proposed in this study has a good fit according to the real phenomenon observed. The results also showed that the path coefficients of organizational culture and job involvement significantly influence the organizational commitment.
This study aims to provide an overview of the caregiver's contribution in fulfilling child we... more This study aims to provide an overview of the caregiver's contribution in fulfilling child welfare in orphanages as a substitute for parents who are needed to fulfill children's development needs. This study uses the UNICEF Child Welfare and Protection Framework, namely Parenting Capacity and limits the discussion on one of the indicators, namely Emotional Warmth. This study uses a qualitative approach with a type of descriptive research. Data collection methods used are literature studies, observations and in-depth interviews. The results of this study illustrate the efforts of caregivers in fulfilling emotional warmth by showing their affection first getting closer to foster children by inviting children to talk about their daily lives, hugging children in response to hugs given by children first, listen when the children tell what they are feeling, show sensitivity to the child's condition such as when the child is alone or crying, teach independence by involving chil...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kedekatan atasan terhadap komitmen karyawan, p... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kedekatan atasan terhadap komitmen karyawan, pengaruh keadilan organisasi terhadap komitmen karyawan dan pengaruh kedekatan atasan dan keadilan organisasi terhadap komitmen karyawan pada PT. Ramayana Lestari Sentosa, Tbk Pematangsiantar. Jenis penelitian yang gunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian yang bersifat kausalitas yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemungkinan adanya hubungan sebab – akibat antar variabel. Penelitian ini menggunakan 2 (dua) variable bebas yaitu: variable bebas pertama kedekatan atasan(X1), dan variable bebas kedua keadilan organisasi (X2), serta 1 (satu) variable terikat yaitu komitmen karyawan (Y). pengambilan sampel penelitian menggunakan rumus Slovin. Alasan peneliti menggunakan rumus slovin karena populasi dalam penelitian ini kurang dari 500 orang dan populasi dalam penelitian ini juga sudah diketahui jumlahnya. Hasil penelitian ini Variabel kedekatan atasan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terha...
Parallel programming is a method to solve problem with application which run together. It can sav... more Parallel programming is a method to solve problem with application which run together. It can save time and hardware resources. Parallel programming subject is interesting because it needs basic knowledge about programming and networking. Teaching materials which contain animation help the students to understand the subject. It really helps to explain about the parallel process. The aims of this research are to know the impact of teaching method using animation and the part of the course that must be explained carefully. After the five month research, it is found that the animation in parallel programming subject can give positive impact on the students.
Pelayanan pembuatan SIM terdiri dari pendaftaran SIM baru atau perpanjangan, ujian tes tulis, uji... more Pelayanan pembuatan SIM terdiri dari pendaftaran SIM baru atau perpanjangan, ujian tes tulis, ujian tes lapangan, pas foto, dan pembayaran. Di semua proses tersebut, pendaftar dipanggil satu per satu menggunakan pengeras suara sesuai dengan urutan dokumen yang ditumpuk oleh pemohon. Untuk meningkatkan kualitas layanan, dirancanglah sebuah sistem antrian terintegrasi yang berfungsi untuk melakukan pemanggilan yang lebih efisien. Pada perancangan ini mikrokontroler dimanfaatkan sebagai perangkat slave untuk berkomunikasi dengan PC sebagai master. Slave akan mengirimkan data berupa nomor urut antrian yang kemudian akan ditampilkan di layar LCD sehingga proses antrian dapat diawasi baik oleh pemohon maupun petugas. Pemohon hanya perlu mengambil nomor urut, kemudian menunggu panggilan yang ditampilkan di layar LCD utama. Petugas hanya perlu menekan tombol tanpa perlu mengecek urutan berkas dan memanggil nama satu-per satu. Dengan begitu pelayanan akan jauh lebih cepat dan mudah. Untuk me...
Society's latest lifestyle has developed to a more rapid mobilization and advanced technology whi... more Society's latest lifestyle has developed to a more rapid mobilization and advanced technology which makes people's daily needs of nutrients have altered as well. This phenomenon comes to consequences where healthy diet has been neglected and people consume food only to fulfill the calories-which can be supplied by consumption of macronutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. To reach good health status, intake of micronutrients is also important to maintain biological process occurred inside human's body as the deficiency of them may interfere the continuity of metabolic regulation of the body. Carotenoids have been known as pigments that are synthesized only in plants. The roles of carotenoids for the improvement of health have been investigated by numerous research reports, and they are highlighted in this review paper, especially their role for pregnancy and also, growth and development of infants and children. Readers will be able to read recommendation of carotenoid sources and their carotenoid composition that can be consumed periodically. Furthermore, several techniques on processing technology were also elaborated to improve people's knowledge to preserve carotenoids in the ingredients.
Karang Taruna merupakan wadah pengembangan generasi muda nonpartisan, yang tumbuh atas dasar kesa... more Karang Taruna merupakan wadah pengembangan generasi muda nonpartisan, yang tumbuh atas dasar kesadaran dan rasa tanggung jawab social dari, oleh dan untuk masyarakat khususnya generasi muda di Karang Taruna / Ikatan Remaja Masjid Rt.005 Rw.004 kel. Serua, Kec. Ciputat Kota Tangerang Selatan Banten. Sebagai organisasi social kepemudaan Karang Taruna / Organisasi Masjid merupakan wadah pembinaan dan pengembangan serta pemberdayaan dalam upaya mengembangkan kegiatan ekonomi produktif dengan pendayagunaan semua potensi yang tersedia di lingkungan sumber daya manusia.Kata Kunci: Pengorganisasian Karang Taruna is a forum for the development of non-partisan young generations, who grow on the basis of awareness and a sense of social responsibility from, by and for the community, especially the young generation in the Youth Organization of the Youth Organization of the Mosque Rt.005 Rw.004 kel. Serua, Kec. Ciputat, South Tangerang City, Banten. As a youth social organization, Karang Taruna ...
Current efforts to explore the potency of marine resources have been made to promote economic dev... more Current efforts to explore the potency of marine resources have been made to promote economic development in Indonesia, especially in the industrial sector. Marine cyanobacteria such as Arthospira sp. and Scytonema sp. are two potential candidates of the blue-green algae that can be used in the application for food and health industries. This study focused on the identification of the composition of the dominant chlorophylls and carotenoids. The results showed the presence of Zeaxanthin, Chlorophyll a, and β-carotene. The economic potency of those dominant pigments will be reviewed in this article.
Suji (Pleomele angustifolia) is one kind of Indonesian typical plants which can be used as natura... more Suji (Pleomele angustifolia) is one kind of Indonesian typical plants which can be used as natural green food coloring agent. The susceptibility of natural pigment to external environment forces the protection in order to prolong its shelf life. Encapsulation has been known in the art of food preparation to provide protection for several ingredients including food coloring agent. The objective of this study was to observe the method for isolation and encapsulation of thylakoid, and to investigate the stability and characteristics of thylakoid of suji leaves encapsulated in maltodextrin during dark storage at 30 °C, 45 °C, and 60 °C. The degradation of the encapsulated pigments was identified through chromametric analysis which resulted in the increase of L* (lightness), a* (redness), and b* (yellowness) values. In addition, it was also indicated by the decrease of total chlorophyll (TC) which was determined using spectrophotometer. Chromatography analysis confirmed the presence of f...
The great number of Y generation who desires flexible working hours, demands creativity and give ... more The great number of Y generation who desires flexible working hours, demands creativity and give them the opportunity to posses the impact to the company is the current phenomena. This is the challenge for the older generation to survive in this era of high-tic globalization. The objectives of the research are to define the working expectation characteristic and to analyze the characteristic features of the X and Y generation to find out the working satisfaction dominant aspect in the company. The method used in this research is multiple linear regressions. The result shows that the numbers of respondent variable from both generations have different individual characters therefore the level of satisfaction for each generation also differs in terms of age, gender, salary, and length of working time. The X generation is more committed in working compared to Y generation. The employees' work satisfaction shows the feeling and attitude towards working. Therefore the company could observe and fulfill the employees' expectation in many aspects based on the advantages and disadvantages for both generations. By understanding this, in a long term the employees' working satisfaction can be maximized.
Country Suites - Taman Intan, Surabaya yang pada bulan Juni 2003 berganti nama menjadi Country He... more Country Suites - Taman Intan, Surabaya yang pada bulan Juni 2003 berganti nama menjadi Country Heritage Resort Hotel dengan tidak mengganti manajemen, menawarkan bentuk hunian yang berbeda dengan hotel-hotel pada umumnya. Dengan bentuk townhouse, tentunya Country Heritage Resort Hotel memiliki segmen pasar yang juga berbeda dari hotel-hotel lainnya, yaitu keluarga, grup bisnis, para pelajar asing dan ekspatriat. Topik penelitian ini adalah Faktor-faktor Sosial dan Personal yang Mempengaruhi Keputusan Konsumen Dalam Memilih Jasa Akomodasi di Country Heritage Resort Hotel. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mencari informasi mengenai konsumen Country Heritage Resort Hotel, mulai dari usia, profesi, penghasilan rata-rata per bulan, dari mana mereka tahu pertama kali mengenai keberadaan Country Heritage Resort Hotel, siapa yang mendorong mereka untuk menginap, sampai dengan faktor-faktor apa saja yang menjadi pertimbangan mereka dalam memilih Country Heritage Resort Hotel sebagai sarana akomodasi. Penelitian ini penulis lakukan dengan membagikan 100 kuesioner kepada tamu Country Heritage Resort Hotel. Dari kuesioner-kuesioner tersebut, dapat diketahui bahwa sebagian besar konsumen Country Heritage Resoit Hotel berusia kurang dari 30 tahun, dengan relasi bisnis menjadi faktor pendorong terbesar mereka, dan lokasi hotel serta keamanan dan kenyamanan hotel menjadi faktor-faktor yang paling menentukan konsumen untuk menggunakan jasa akomodasi Country Heritage Resort Hotel.
The cultural organization as value, structure, and system of behavior, spaces and legend which pr... more The cultural organization as value, structure, and system of behavior, spaces and legend which practically in organization. Seeing the big impact of cultural organization toward successfull of a Department/ Company and also the importance for maintenance of employee, performance, due this research will be held in regional department of province Bengkulu exactly in regional An Analyses of Cultural Organization Influence and Work Involvement Toward The Organization Commitement in Improving Employee’s Performance in Regional Planning and Development Agency of Bengkulu with 151 respondent. This Thesys will be analyzed by SEM Lisrel 8.30 The analyses will be held to seen the big impact of cultural organization and work involvement toward. The organization al commitment in improving employee’s performance. Cultural organization, work involvement and employee’s performance will be analyzed by building a structurel model as contained in interpretation and modify model, by the result of the analyzed and the result of thus latent variabel hypotheses will show that the totally variabel have t hypotheses vlue more than 1,96, it means the significant influence toward performance contentedness which appropriate with empirical data.
Organizational culture is the values, norms, practices, and procedures agreed upon by the members... more Organizational culture is the values, norms, practices, and procedures agreed upon by the members in the organization. Organizational culture will shape the attitudes and behaviors shared among members of the organization. It is then predicted to form a strong organizational commitment by employees. This research aims to investigated the influence of organizational culture and work involvement toward the organizational commitment in improving employee's performance in the regional development planning agency of Bengkulu Province. This study used a survey as the data collection method. Questionnaires were distributed directly to the target respondents as a data collection tool. Organizational culture, work involvement and employee's performance will be analyzed using Structural Qquation Modeling (SEM) with LISREL 8.30 as a data analysis tool that is used. The result of this study show that the totally variabel have t hypotheses value more than 1.96. This means that the model proposed in this study has a good fit according to the real phenomenon observed. The results also showed that the path coefficients of organizational culture and job involvement significantly influence the organizational commitment.
Papers by Dwi Chandra