Resistance exercise training is widely used to enhance general fitness and athletic potential/cap... more Resistance exercise training is widely used to enhance general fitness and athletic potential/capacity across many sporting disciplines including power, strength and endurance events [1, 2]. When properly performed and combined with adequate nutrition, resistance training leads to increases in strength, power, speed, muscle size, local muscular endurance, coordination, and flexibility and reductions in body fat and blood pressure [3].
Resistance exercise training is widely used to enhance general fitness and athletic potential/cap... more Resistance exercise training is widely used to enhance general fitness and athletic potential/capacity across many sporting disciplines including power, strength and endurance events [1, 2]. When properly performed and combined with adequate nutrition, resistance training leads to increases in strength, power, speed, muscle size, local muscular endurance, coordination, and flexibility and reductions in body fat and blood pressure [3].
Papers by Tony Duggan