Dr. Michael Heymel
Dr. theol. habil. Michael Heymel is born in 1953 in Frankfurt am Main. He studied Theology and Philosophy in Frankfurt and Heidelberg, where he made his doctoral thesis on the Danish religious author Søren Kierkegaard in 1984. As a reverend of the Protestant Church in Hessen und Nassau (EKHN) Heymel has worked in several parishes. Besides he educated lay preachers and conducted a church choir. In 2003 Heymel made his postdoctoral thesis at Rostock University on pastoral care and music. Since 2004 until 2012 he was unsalaried lecturer for Practical Theology at Heidelberg University, teaching Homiletics, especially with examples of great preachers of ecclesiastical history, Liturgy and Pastoral Care with Music. Between 2008 and 2016 he was employed at the Central Archives of the Protestant Church in Hessen und Nassau
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Papers by Dr. Michael Heymel
Michael Heymel widmet sich darin der Entstehungsgeschichte, den Texten und Melodien ausgewählter Kirchenlieder und den Personen, die sie geschaffen und verbreitet haben. Erklärt werden 71 Lieder aus dem Evangelischen Gesangbuch (EG) und ein Lied aus dem Evangelischen Kirchengesangbuch (EKG).
Mit seinen Liederklärungen möchte der Autor zum Gebrauch des Evangelischen Gesangbuchs anregen. Es steht für ein großes kulturelles Erbe und eine denkwürdige Erfolgsgeschichte. Wo singende Menschen sind, die seinen Texten und Melodien Leben einhauchen, wird dieses Erbe lebendig.
A book for hymn lovers and all those who want to become one.
Michael Heymel devotes himself to the history of the origin, the lyrics and melodies of selected hymns and the people who created and spread them. Explained are 71 hymns from the Protestant Hymnal (EG) and one hymn from the Evangelical Church Hymnal (EKG).
With his song explanations, the author aims to encourage the use of the Protestant hymnal. It represents a great cultural heritage and a memorable success story. Wherever there are singing people who breathe life into its texts and melodies, this heritage comes alive.
Achtung: Abweichende Seitenzählung in der Publikation S. 179-231
Achtung: Abweichende Seitenzahlen in der Publikation S. 179-231