Papers by Douglas Mendosa
JBRA Assisted Reproduction
Objective: The aim of this study was to analyze the application of assisted reproductive technolo... more Objective: The aim of this study was to analyze the application of assisted reproductive technologies (ART) in Brazil from the active clinics and the population served considering the changes in the last resolutions of the Federal Council of Medicine (CFM), which enabled the use of the techniques for anyone, regardless of their health insurance system, gender or marital status. Methods: This paper was based on the analysis from the "Reproductive Technologies and (in) fertility study: regulation, market and rights". We used quantitative and qualitative methodologies. In this paper, we used the empirical data produced in the quantitative study. The quantitative online survey was carried out in 2016-2018, answered by 81 fertility clinics in Brazil about their performance in 2015-2016. We opted to use the REDCap Program, a web-based application for the construction and management of online surveys and databases. The questionnaire addressed the characteristics of services, practices performed, population served and existing forms of funding. Results: The questionnaires returned corresponded to 63.1% of the clinics in the southeast region. ART is mainly offered by 90.1% private clinics. We report that 63.8% of establishments have up to 20 employees; 44.5% have been in operation between 11 and 20 years. 85.1% of the clinics reported having treated non-Brazilian residents. Conclusions: There has been a significant increase in the provision of ART in Brazil. Access remains thoroughly dependent on its own financial resources. The new CFM resolutions have shifted from the prevailing concept of "health care" to "assisting with new family configurations".
Papeles del CEIC
Las tecnologías de reproducción asistida (ART) han crecido significativamente desde el primer reg... more Las tecnologías de reproducción asistida (ART) han crecido significativamente desde el primer registro de nacimiento a través de la fertilización in vitro en 1978 en el Reino Unido. A pesar de la expansión global masiva de estos servicios en los últimos años, en el África Subsahariana continúan siendo inaccesibles. En este artículo nos centramos en la movilidad transnacional en torno a las ART a través de una investigación sobre la búsqueda de tratamiento de la infertilidad de parejas de Angola en Brasil apoyándonos en el material empírico producido con los servicios de reproducción asistida en Brasil. Para la investigación, se utilizó metodología tanto cuantitativa como cualitativa. La encuesta cuantitativa online, respondida por 84 de las 141 clínicas de fertilidad del país, mostró que hay un número significativo de personas provenientes de países de África, Europa, América del Norte y del Sur en busca de tratamiento de fertilidad, especialmente de parejas de Angola. Con el fin de...
The aim of this thesis is to understand the restructuring of social assistance policy during the ... more The aim of this thesis is to understand the restructuring of social assistance policy during the government of Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva (2003-2010). The hypothesis that guided the research was that this rebuilding and its principles redirections resulted directly from the positions and conquests achieved by specific political agents that are the social assistants. Among this group of professionals it is possible to highlight the leadership of a group of teachers and researchers in Social Work courses in public and religious universities, mostly formed by militants of the Workers Party (PT), which took advantage of a window of opportunities that were opened in the first year of the Lula's government, to generate the political and administrative alternatives that were necessary in order to implement the social assistance policy according to the principles and visions that had been advocated since the 1980s. During the government of Fernando Henrique Cardoso (1995-2002), these agents formed an alternative view of the social assistance policy, in which the state should take the leading role in the actions of social assistance, since the right to social assistance is a pillar of the social security system created by the Federal Constitution of 1988. Assistance is defined by them as "social protection", which means, a policy that prevents and provides coverage against certain social risks. In the case of assistance, this entailed the construction of "securities" of fostering; income; family, community and society life; development of individual, familiar and social autonomy; survival of circumstantial risks. This conception, specially developed by a group of researchers at the Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC-SP) under the leadership of Aldaíza Sposati, was set as one of the basis of the National Policy of Social Assistance (PNAS/2004) and of the Unified Social Assistance System (SUAS/2005), built along the Lula government as a way of materializing the right to social assistance and to organize a decentralized system of management of this policy, coordinating the actions of municipalities, state, Federal District and Union. The process of institutional reorganization of the policy reveals the successful strategy of a group of social workers with double or triple insertion: as university professors, as managers of this policy at the municipal/state and/or as members of the militancy in the Workers Party, this "community of experts" accumulated sufficient symbolic capital in science and in politics to occupy decisive positions in the early years of Lula's government, which allowed them to reorganize the social assistance policy and grant an unprecedented political status.
The Health Unified System is a result of the social fights occurred in Brazil during the decades ... more The Health Unified System is a result of the social fights occurred in Brazil during the decades of 70 and 80 of the twentieth century. Their main goals were the enlargement of the right of health notion and the overcoming of the differencial access of Brazilian people in relation to medical care. The creation of an institutional space in which these goals could become reality was the greatest achievement of those fights. After the period of its institutionalization, this structured and structuring space of the Brazilian citizens' action towards health reveals the inability in concreting those objectives. In this setting, the individuals' experience and the rules that try to materialize those old ideals show some recurrent tension spots in relation to the possibility of the right of attention and the health recovering efetivation. By fixing in the question of how the user-citizens are or not conquering the service, it was not possible to escape from the unavoidable restatement of the public health system inadequacy. Characteristic that, in its turn, indicates the maintenance of the differencial access standard in relation to the goods and services addressed to the individual health regaining, since the Health Unified System (SUS) space is still the space of the poor or of those in a social vulnerability situation.
Papers by Douglas Mendosa