Papers by Dolores Batonon
Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe - HAL - Diderot, Aug 5, 2012
Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe - HAL - SHS, Nov 6, 2018
A framework representing the major biochemical pathways of nutrient metabolism was developed by v... more A framework representing the major biochemical pathways of nutrient metabolism was developed by van Milgen (2002), allowing quantification of the energy efficiencies of different nutritional scenarios. Using the concepts developed in this model, the theoretical energy costs of the conversion of D-Met, D-HMTBA, and L-HMTBA to L-Met were calculated. These enzymatic conversions involve oxidases (D-AAOX and L-HAOX) or a dehydrogenase (D-HADH) and result in the formation of a common intermediate, α-ketomethylthio-butanoic acid (KMB). The conversion of D-Met to KMB also results in the release of the amine group (-NH 2). The transamination of KMB to L-Met requires an amine group from another amino acid. If this amine group comes from protein given in excess of protein deposition, less energy will excreted as urea or as uric acid. The ME value of D-Met would be equal to that of L-Met because the amine group released in the production of KMB can be reused for its transamination to L-Met. Considering the gross energy values of D
Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe - HAL - Institut | Nicod, Jan 30, 2017
Journal of Animal Science
Methionine is an essential dietary amino acid that can be supplied in different chemical forms: D... more Methionine is an essential dietary amino acid that can be supplied in different chemical forms: DL-methionine, L-methionine, and OH-methionine. It has been hypothesized that L-methionine might be used with greater efficacy for average daily gain (ADG) in weaning pigs due to their decreased enzymatic capacity to convert the other methionine forms. This study aimed to compare DL-methionine, L-methionine, and OH-methionine efficiency of utilization for ADG in weaned pigs through meta-analysis.The systematic review resulted in 2,167 papers screened for the title and abstract, with 24 papers meeting the inclusion criteria. The ADG was regressed as a function of the standardized ileal digestible (SID) methionine intake (Meti). The study was used as a random intercept, and regressions were weighted by the square root of the number of observations. Non-linear models were used to determine the Meti requirements. The average Meti requirement for pigs of 5 to 25 kg body weight (BW) was 2.09 g/...
This study aimed to evaluate the impact of DL-Methionine (DL-Met) or OH-Methionine (OH-Met) when ... more This study aimed to evaluate the impact of DL-Methionine (DL-Met) or OH-Methionine (OH-Met) when supplemented beyond the usually accepted requirements in sulfur amino acids (SAA) on the performance and carcass traits of growing-finishing pigs. Two hundred mixed sex pigs were distributed in a randomized block (body weight and sex), under a 2 × 2 factorial design with two methionine sources, DL-methionine, or OH-Methionine and two methionine doses (100% SAA or 120% of the SAA level present in the control). Diets were formulated to meet amino acids recommendations of the Brazilian Tables for Poultry and Swine (2017), except for SAA, which varied with the methionine doses. Daily feed intake, daily weight gain, and feed conversion were evaluated. Moreover, the carcasses were measured electronically for fat thickness (FT), longissimus dorsi muscle depth (LD), and lean meat (%). During the growing phase II (92 till 122 days of age), daily feed intake (p < 0.001) and daily weight gain (p...
10. Journées de la Recherche Avicole et Palmipèdes à Foie Gras, Mar 26, 2013
Une etude de la filiere Beninoise de production et de commercialisation des oeufs a ete realisee ... more Une etude de la filiere Beninoise de production et de commercialisation des oeufs a ete realisee afin d'en comprendre l'organisation, le fonctionnement, la dynamique, et d'identifier des leviers d'action. S'appuyant sur des methodes utilisees pour analyser les filieres avicoles europeennes, bresiliennes et ouest-africaines, la demarche a consiste a identifier les differents types d'acteurs impliques sur le territoire concerne, a decrire leurs fonctions specifiques et grâce au modele DPSIR (" Driving forces, Pressures, State, Impacts, Responses "), a apprehender les facteurs de changement qui ont contribue a l'evolution de la filiere. Quatre-vingt entretiens individuels semi-diriges ont ete menes aupres d'acteurs impliques directement ou indirectement dans les activites de production, de commercialisation, et de transformation des oeufs dans les departements de l'Atlantique, du Littoral, de l'Oueme. Cette etude a mis en evidence que l'augmentation de la demande locale et l'arret des importations des oeufs refrigeres avaient ete les deux principaux facteurs de changement de cette filiere et peuvent etre qualifies de " forces motrices ". Ces transformations avales ont favorise une meilleure implication de l'Etat dans le developpement de la filiere, entraine un debut de structuration par le regroupement de plusieurs acteurs en association et en interprofession, contribue a l'augmentation des cheptels et a l'apparition de nouveaux acteurs. L'application du modele DPSIR a permis d'identifier des leviers de developpement de la filiere comme etant l'alimentation, l'approvisionnement en poussins et la maitrise des circuits de distribution des produits. (Resume d'auteur)
한국정밀공학회 학술발표대회 논문집, Oct 1, 2005
한국정밀공학회 학술발표대회 논문집, May 1, 2006
Antioxidants, 2022
Methionine, as an essential amino acid, play roles in antioxidant defense and the regulation of i... more Methionine, as an essential amino acid, play roles in antioxidant defense and the regulation of immune responses. This study was designed to determine the effects and mechanisms of increased consumption of methionine by sows and piglets on the capacity of the progeny to counteract lipopolysaccharide (LPS) challenge-induced injury in the liver and spleen of piglets. Primiparous sows (n = 10/diet) and their progeny were fed a diet that was adequate in sulfur amino acids (CON) or CON + 25% total sulfur amino acids as methionine from gestation day 85 to postnatal day 35. A total of ten male piglets were selected from each treatment and divided into 2 groups (n = 5/treatment) for a 2 × 2 factorial design [diets (CON, Methionine) and challenge (saline or LPS)] at 35 d old. After 24 h challenge, the piglets were euthanized to collect the liver and spleen for the histopathology, redox status, and gene expression analysis. The histopathological results showed that LPS challenge induced liver...
Poultry science, 2018
The objective of this study was to compare the bio-efficacy of 2-hydroxy-4-methylthiobutanoic aci... more The objective of this study was to compare the bio-efficacy of 2-hydroxy-4-methylthiobutanoic acid (DL-HMTBA) with that of DL-methionine (DLM) as sources of methionine in terms of the growth performance, carcass traits, feather growth, and redox statuses of Cherry Valley ducks. Six hundred and thirty male ducks were randomly allotted to 9 dietary treatment groups with 7 replicates of 10 birds each. The first group received a basal diet (BD) without methionine addition that was deficient in the total number of sulfur amino acids. In Groups 2 to 5 and Groups 6 to 9, the BD was supplemented with 4 increasing doses of methionine as either DLM or DL-HMTBA. The trial was run from ages 1 to 42 d. Dietary supplementation with DLM and DL-HMTBA improved body weight gain and feed intake as well as weights of carcasses, breast meat, and feathers compared with the BD. No significant difference was observed between the 2 methionine sources on growth performance, carcass traits, and feather growth...
Animal Feed Science and Technology, 2016
The objective of this study was to measure the ABC-4 values for organic acids using their compens... more The objective of this study was to measure the ABC-4 values for organic acids using their compensating effects on various feedstuffs ABC-4 values and to propose a model predicting organic acids ABC-4 values using acid characteristics such as pKa and molecular weight. Measurements of the amount of HCl required to lower the pH of 1 kg of sample to pH 4.0 were determined as the ABC-4 on a 0.5 g sample of feed ingredient (wheat, soybean meal and dicalcium phosphate). A substitution of HCl 0.1 N by an organic acid: dl-2-hydroxy-4methylthiobutyric acid (HMTBA), formic acid, butyric acid or malic acid was realized with three different proportions (11.7, 23.5 or 35.2 mEq H +). The amount of HCl needed to lower the pH at 4 was recorded and the new ABC'-4 determined. The acidifying effect of organic acids was calculated for wheat and soybean as the difference between ABC'-4 and ABC-4. Results indicated that ABC-4 determined for wheat was lower than ABC-4 of soybean meal and dicalcium phosphate. A mixture of these ingredients resulted in the addition of their ABC-4 values proportionally to their level of inclusion. The ABC-4 obtained for organic acids showed a significant difference between these acids with HMTBA and formic acid having the highest acidifying effect on equivalent dose base. The slopes obtained from the linear regression of ABC-4 in function of the amount of organic acid added, were not significantly different between wheat and soybean meal for all selected organic acids. Based on these observations and knowing that purity, pKa and molar mass of the acid itself can affect the amount of H + released, an equation was proposed to predict the ABC-4 of organic acids. HMTBA is as acidifying as formic acid on equimolar basis. Inclusion of 1 kg of HMTBA per ton of diet would supply −4876 mEq H +. This study allowed feed formulation using ABC-4 of ingredients and acids for optimal weaned pig performance.
ABSTRACT : Egg value chain in the southern Benin: organization, constraints and perspectives A st... more ABSTRACT : Egg value chain in the southern Benin: organization, constraints and perspectives A study of the Beninese egg value chain was conducted in order to understand its organization, dynamics and to identify the levers of its development. Based on methods used to analyze poultry chains in Europe, Brazil and West-Africa, the approach consisted in identifying the groups of stakeholders involved in our territory but also in describing their specific functions and according to the DPSIR (« Driving forces, Pressures, State, Impacts, Responses ») model, explaining the factors of change that contributed to the evolution of the system. Eighty semi-structured individual interviews were led with stakeholders directly or indirectly involved in production, marketing and egg processing activities in the regions of Atlantique, Littoral and Ouémé. This study showed some drivers such as the increase of the local demand and the closing of the imports of cooled eggs. These driving strengths lead...
Revue d’élevage et de médecine vétérinaire des pays tropicaux, 2015
Dans un contexte d’augmentation mondiale de la demande en produits avicoles et de fluctuation des... more Dans un contexte d’augmentation mondiale de la demande en produits avicoles et de fluctuation des prix de matières premières, il est intéressant de comprendre les dynamiques de structuration d’une filière avicole tropicale et les stratégies mises en place par les acteurs pour sécuriser leurs approvisionnements et leurs marchés. Cette étude présente le cas de la filière oeufs béninoise. Des entretiens semi-dirigés ont été réalisés auprès d’éleveurs de poules pondeuses et d’acteurs de l’amont, de l’aval et des structures d’appui et de régulation de la filière. Ces entretiens ont permis de mieux comprendre son organisation et son fonctionnement. Les résultats ont montré qu’en amont la production d’oeufs au Bénin est dépendante des fluctuations de prix et de la faible disponibilité des matières premières sur les marchés domestiques pour l’alimentation des animaux. En aval, les éleveurs et commerçants sont confrontés à une irrégularité des besoins des consommateurs déconnectée des cycle...
animal, 2015
A meta-analysis was conducted (i) to evaluate broiler response to partial or total substitution o... more A meta-analysis was conducted (i) to evaluate broiler response to partial or total substitution of corn by sorghum and millet and (ii) to determine the effect of soybean meal replacement by cottonseed meal in broiler diet. The database included 190 treatments from 29 experiments published from 1990 to 2013. Bird responses to an experimental diet were calculated relative to the control (Experimental−Control), and were submitted to mixed-effect models. Results showed that diets containing millet led to similar performance as the corn-based ones for all parameters, whereas sorghum-based diets decreased growth performance. No major effect of the level of substitution was observed with millet or cottonseed meal. No effect of the level of substitution of sorghum on feed intake was found; however, growth performance decreased when the level of substitution of corn by sorghum increased. Cottonseed meal was substituted to soybean meal up to 40% and found to increase feed intake while reducin...
A study on the Beninese egg supply chain was realized in order to understand its dynamics and to ... more A study on the Beninese egg supply chain was realized in order to understand its dynamics and to identify the factors that contributed to its evolution. A DPSIR model was used to analyze those dynamics. The method relied on identifying involved stakeholders on the studied territory, describing their specific functions and highlighting the driving forces which can contribute to the development of this chain. Eighty semi-structured individual interviews were led with different actors directly or indirectly involved in production, marketing and egg processing activities. The increase of the local demand and the ban on the imports of cooled eggs are some positive driving forces acted through grouping of stakeholders in unions. These drivers lead to the increase of the livestock breeding activities and the emergence of new stakeholders. However, the increase of the production resulted in a seasonal unavailability of some feedstuffs such as corn and soybeans, due to the weakness of the li...
Papers by Dolores Batonon