Papers by Dirk Schrijvers
Springer eBooks, Dec 31, 2022

Oxford University Press eBooks, 2016
<p>Cancer prevention certainly would be the best approach to cancer. Interventions should b... more <p>Cancer prevention certainly would be the best approach to cancer. Interventions should be effective, with minimal side effects, convenient, and inexpensive. Cancer chemoprevention is defined as the pharmacologic intervention with the process of carcinogenesis to prevent the development of overt malignant neoplasms in healthy individuals with elevated cancer risk. The present list of candidate cancer types for active chemoprevention is still short and includes SERMs (tamoxifen, raloxifene) and an aromatase-inhibitor (exemestane) for chemoprevention of breast cancers, showing significant reduction of cancer occurrence. The same holds true for reduction of the development of invasive cancers by aspirin, NSAIDs, and COX2-inhibitors in selected populations with increased colorectal cancer risk. There is also reduction of prostate cancers by long-term application of 5-alfa-reductase-inhibitors (finasteride, dutasteride) in selected high-risk populations. Many other potentially active anti-neoplastic compounds have been tested but do not meet all the criteria of efficiency, efficacy, and cost-effectiveness.</p>
... van palliatieve zorg: een focusgroepen onderzoek. Clara, R.; Denekens, Joke; Wulf, de, L.; He... more ... van palliatieve zorg: een focusgroepen onderzoek. Clara, R.; Denekens, Joke; Wulf, de, L.; Hermann, Ingeborg; Maes, Rémy; Meulemans, Herman; Schrijvers, Dirk; Smits, W.; Eynden, van den, Bart; Poeck, van, Karel; Royen, van, Paul; Verhoeven, A.; Verrept, Hans (1998). ...
Informa Healthcare eBooks, May 1, 2010
European Journal of Oncology Pharmacy, 2010
... For patients with mutated KRAS, median PFS was 7.3 months for the panitumumab combina-tion an... more ... For patients with mutated KRAS, median PFS was 7.3 months for the panitumumab combina-tion and 8.8 months for FOLFOX alone (p = 0.0227). ... Multidisciplinary Congress Marina Garassino, MD; Professor Dirk Schrijvers, MD, PhD Professor Branko Zakotnik, MD, PhD ...
Informa Healthcare eBooks, Apr 1, 2008
Annals of Oncology, Dec 1, 1993
Well, someone can decide by themselves what they want to do and need to do but sometimes, that ki... more Well, someone can decide by themselves what they want to do and need to do but sometimes, that kind of person will need some management of ovarian cancer references. People with open minded will always try to seek for the new things and information from many sources. On the contrary, people with closed mind will always think that they can do it by their principals. So, what kind of person are you?
PubMed, Dec 1, 1991
The prevalence and type of infertility based on the WHO criteria were determined in a rural and s... more The prevalence and type of infertility based on the WHO criteria were determined in a rural and semi-rural population in south-eastern Gabon. The prevalence rate of infertility in the rural population was 5.7% for primary infertility and 20.0% for secondary infertility. In the semi-rural area, 3.0% suffered from primary infertility and 22.4% from secondary infertility. Pregnancy wastage and home delivery were risk factors for secondary infertility. An evaluation of the WHO criteria for fertility surveys was made.

Acta Chirurgica Belgica, Dec 1, 1999
Background: Development of mediastinal masses after completion of chemotherapy in pediatric patie... more Background: Development of mediastinal masses after completion of chemotherapy in pediatric patients with malignant lymphoma is worrisome and challenging to clinicians. Methods: We performed a retrospective review of 67 patients with lymphoma treated at our hospital from January 1, 2001 to June 1, 2013. Patients who received at least two chest computed tomography (CT) examinations after complete remission (CR) was achieved were further analyzed. Gallium-67 scans and positron emission tomography (PET) were recorded and compared between these patients. Results: Sixty-two of 67 patients reached CR, of whom 31 (22 male, 9 female) were patients that received at least two chest CT examinations after CR. Rebound thymic hyperplasia (RTH) was diagnosed in 21/31 patients (67.7%), including 14/23 (60.9%) and seven out of eight (87.5%) with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and Hodgkin's lymphoma, respectively. Ages ranged from 3 years to 18 years (median 10 years). Increased radioactivity uptake of the anterior mediastinum in gallium scans was found in nine out of 20 patients (45%) with thymic rebound. PET was performed in six out of 21 patients. Increased fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG)-avid uptake in the anterior mediastinum was observed in four of six patients (66.7%) by PET. One patient received thymectomy. No patients with RTH had lymphoma relapse within the median follow-up period (5 years). Relapse was statistically significantly different (p Z 0.001) between patients with and without RTH.
PubMed, 1991
Seroprevalence of retroviral infection (HIV-1, HTLV-1) in women with different fertility statuses... more Seroprevalence of retroviral infection (HIV-1, HTLV-1) in women with different fertility statuses was studied in Gabon (Western Equatorial Africa). The overall prevalence rate of HIV-1 was 1.4% and of HTLV-1, 6.8%. In the primary infertile women the age-adjusted prevalence rate of HIV-1 was significantly higher than in the fertile women (9.3% versus 0.7%) and in secondary infertile women (9.3% versus 2.1%). There was no difference in sero-prevalence of HTLV-1 among women with different fertility statuses, but a steady increase with age was seen. Concomitant infection with HTLV-1 and HIV-1 was observed in two women. In Gabon primary infertile women could be considered a risk group for HIV-1 infection.

PubMed, 1989
Between 1987 and 1988, a survey to determine the distribution of HTLV-I infection was conducted i... more Between 1987 and 1988, a survey to determine the distribution of HTLV-I infection was conducted in a representative population of adults, living in southern Chad, Cameroon, and Equatorial Guinea. Populations studied were selected by the cluster sampling technique. Sera were tested for IgG antibodies to HTLV-I by ELISA. ELISA-positive sera were retested by Western blot. The study comprised 2,301 adults, all apparently healthy. Crude prevalence rates range from 0.5 to 11.8%. We found three clearly different areas of HTLV-I seroprevalence rates. An area of low seropositivity in southern Chad and northern Cameroon (0.5-2.0%), an area of moderate seropositivity in the savannah region of Ngaoundere, Cameroon (4.2%) and in Bata, Equatorial Guinea (6.5%), and lastly an area of high seropositivity (8.6-11.8%) in the equatorial forest area of Equatorial Guinea and southern Cameroon. HTLV-I seroprevalence rates increased with age up to 12.6% after 40 years old in the areas of high seropositivity. There was no difference between male and female age-adjusted prevalence rates in all of the areas studied.
• Les experts externes ont été consultés sur une version (préliminaire) du rapport scientifique. ... more • Les experts externes ont été consultés sur une version (préliminaire) du rapport scientifique. Leurs remarques ont été discutées au cours des réunions. Ils ne sont pas co-auteurs du rapport scientifique et n'étaient pas nécessairement d'accord avec son contenu. • Une version (finale) a ensuite été soumise aux validateurs. La validation du rapport résulte d'un consensus ou d'un vote majoritaire entre les validateurs. Les validateurs ne sont pas co-auteurs du rapport scientifique et ils n'étaient pas nécessairement tous les trois d'accord avec son contenu. • Finalement, ce rapport a été approuvé à la majorité par le Conseil d'administration. • Le KCE reste seul responsable des erreurs ou omissions qui pourraient subsister de même que des recommandations faites aux autorités publiques.
Oxford University Press eBooks, Mar 1, 2015
In many situations, anti-cancer therapies may be critical components of a palliative care plan to... more In many situations, anti-cancer therapies may be critical components of a palliative care plan to optimize patient comfort, function, quality of life, and duration of survival. Optimal care often requires the integration of oncological and palliative care and it is important for palliative care clinicians to be familiar with oncological approaches to improve patient well-being, and also the limitations of such approaches. This integrative role requires that palliative care clinicians have a basic literacy regarding anti-cancer therapies and that they be familiar with information resources to update them on new and developing therapeutic options which may be of benefit to their patients.
Papers by Dirk Schrijvers