Introduction Rosalind Fredericks and Mamadou Diouf 1. Too Many Things to Do: Social Dimensions of... more Introduction Rosalind Fredericks and Mamadou Diouf 1. Too Many Things to Do: Social Dimensions of City Making in Africa AbdouMaliq Simone 2. The Funeral in the Village: An Ultimate Test for African Urbanites? Shifting Imaginations of Belonging, Mobility and Community Peter Geschiere 3. Citizenship and Civility in Peri-Urban Mozambique Juan Obarrio 4. Dealing with the Prince over Lagos': Pentecostal Arts of Citizenship Ruth Marshall 5. The Road to Redemption: Performing Pentecostal Citizenship in Lagos Adedamola Osinulu 6. The Old Man is Dead': Hip Hop and the Arts of Citizenship of Senegalese Youth Rosalind Fredericks 7. Beautifying Brazzaville: Arts of Citizenship in the Congo Remy Bazenguissa-Ganga 8. Representing an African City and Urban Elite: The Nightclubs, Dance Halls, and Red Light District of Interwar Accra Jinny Prais 9. Seeing Dirt in Dar es Salaam: Sanitation, Waste and Citizenship in the Post-Colonial City Emily Brownell 10. 'Ambivalent Cosmopolitans'? ...
This multidisciplinary work shows the movement today of academic research in social sciences in S... more This multidisciplinary work shows the movement today of academic research in social sciences in Senegal.
Warriors of the Word: Rapso in Trinidad's Festival Culture patricia van leeuwaarde moonsammy 214 ... more Warriors of the Word: Rapso in Trinidad's Festival Culture patricia van leeuwaarde moonsammy 214 Timba Brava: Maroon Music in Cuba umi vaughan Salsa Memory: Revisiting Grupo Folklórico y Experimental Nuevayorquino juan flores and rené lópez Epilogue: Performing Memories-The Atlantic Theater of Cultural Production and Exchange carroll smith-rosenberg contributors index Cuban tourism has been inexpensive for tourists relative to other Caribbean destinations, and Cuba has tapped a rather large European, Canadian, and Latin American market. 4 Cuba's beaches, particularly Varadero in the northwest and Bacardi in the southeast, supply major percentages of tourist income. 5 Joint ventures between Cuba and Mexico, Canada, Spain, and Japan, among other countries, have improved the Civil Aeronautics Institute, the hotel industry, and auxiliary service organizations, including hotel, road, and airport construction, as well as development of tourist management training. 6 In fact, Cuban tourism grew from the 1970s to the 1990s. By 1991 reports, tourism had equaled its formidable numbers in the Batista regime of the 1950s, when Cuba was the "backyard" of the United States and the "playground" of Europe and Latin America. 7 Between 2000 and 2006, estimates for visitors to Cuba were projected from 160,000 to 200,000 visitors per year. 8 Professor William LeoGrande, a specialist in international studies and Cuba, suggests that about thirty thousand of these were legal entries with U.S. licenses while twenty to ‹fty thousand were illegal U.S. entries through Canada, Mexico, and Caribbean nations. These estimates show that even with renewed and even more rigid restrictions from George W. Bush's administration (e.g., on cultural exchange in 2003 and education exchange in 2004), Cuban tourism has not been gravely affected by the ban on travel for U.S. citizens. 9 Additionally, Professor Wayne Smith, former chief of the U.S. Interests Section and present senior fellow at the Center for International Policy, has stated that "while the new restrictions on the travel of Americans and Cuban-Americans to the island have of course reduced revenues from that source, overall revenues from tourism have not fallen, since Canadians, Europeans, and Latin Americans have continued to travel in even greater numbers." 10 Heavy student travel from the United States to Cuba has diminished; in fact, only one of over thirty study abroad programs for U.S./Cuba exchange The Economic Vitamins of Cuba / 21 Bibliography Appadurai, Arjun. "Introduction: Commodities and the Politics of Value." In The Social Life of Things, Commodities in Cultural Perspectives, edited by Arjun Appadurai, 3-63.
Cet article retrace l'histoire de l'idée municipale au Sénégal en analysant la genèse d... more Cet article retrace l'histoire de l'idée municipale au Sénégal en analysant la genèse des privilèges politiques attribués au Quatre Communes. Dans le contexte de «l'assimilation», il montre comment les «originaires» ont progressivement ouvert un espace pour l' ...
En fait, le processus d'adaptation à cette école a été très difficile pour beaucoup de gens. Pour... more En fait, le processus d'adaptation à cette école a été très difficile pour beaucoup de gens. Pour moi, je ne peux pas expliquer pourquoi, mais j'aimais aller à l'école (rires). Je ne peux pas expliquer pourquoi j'ai été capable de bien faire. C'est vrai que mon père m'a Éduquer à l'échelle du monde Tréma, 40 | 2013
Le débat universitaire sur la littérature orale est avant tout d'ordre épistémologique. Cette... more Le débat universitaire sur la littérature orale est avant tout d'ordre épistémologique. Cette étude pose le problème des critères de définition de l'épopée africaine et remet en question les positions de l'« école de Dakar », qui opte pour l'épopée de type homérique. Ce qui importe en fait, c'est la nature même du récit épique africain et plus encore du récit oral. La question fondamentale touche donc l'existence de ce genre de texte, son élaboration, sa transmission, ses variantes et aussi sa réception, modes que l'analyse littéraire a tendance à ignorer. D'où la notion de « texte introuvable », parce qu'en continuelles transformations. D'où aussi l'importance de la réception - qui inclut l'institution littéraire - dans la reconnaissance de la littérature orale.
Le baobab a été déraciné. L'alternance au Sénégal La plupart des observateurs de la vie politique... more Le baobab a été déraciné. L'alternance au Sénégal La plupart des observateurs de la vie politique sénégalaise craignaient une explosion de violence, voire un coup d'État, à l'occasion du scrutin présidentiel de mars 2000. Or, c'est à une alternance pacifique et historique que l'on a assisté, mettant fin à quarante ans d'hégémonie du Parti socialiste. Cet article examine les raisons de la défaite d'Abdou Diouf et les défis que devra relever la nouvelle équipe du président Wade. 1. Lors du premier tour, Abdoulaye Wade, soutenu par les partis de la «gauche» sénégalaise, avait obtenu 30,97 % des suffrages exprimés contre 41,33 % pour Abdou Diouf. 2. Ses principales composantes étaient la Coalition pour l'
Le temps du monde" refers to the development process as exclusively liberal and Western driven. A... more Le temps du monde" refers to the development process as exclusively liberal and Western driven. As a result, for non-Western cultures, it refers to a process of Westernization.
This article analyses French assimilation policy towards the four communes of the colony of Seneg... more This article analyses French assimilation policy towards the four communes of the colony of Senegal, placing it in a new conceptual framework of globalization' and`post-colonial studies'. Between the end of the eighteenth and the middle of the nineteenth century, the four cities of Saint-Louis, Gore e, Ru®sque and Dakar were granted municipal status, while their inhabitants acquired French citizenship. However, the acquisition of these political privileges went together with a refusal on the part of these`citizens' to submit themselves to the French code civil. Their resistance manifested itself in particular in the forging of an urban culture that diered from both the metropolitan model and the Senegambian models of the independent kingdoms on the colony's fringes or the societies integrated as protectorates. This article argues that, at the very heart of this colonial project and despite its marked assimilationist and jacobin overtones, a strong project of cultural and political hybridization developed. The inhabitants of the quatre communes forged their own civilite which enabled them to participate in a global colonial culture on the basis of local idioms.``W e have left Senegal, the ballot boxes colony, Blaise's Kingdom, the ten thousand citizens of the four`fully empowered' communes Ð empowered to practice prestidigitation, boxing and kickboxing! Here are the Blacks, the real ones, the pure ones, not the children of universal surage, but those of Old Cham. How polite they are! They rush out of the bush to say Hello to you!'' (Albert Londres, Terre d'eÂbeÁne, 1929) 1. This article is a heavily revised version of a piece that will appear in V. Y. Mudimbe (ed.) Encyclopedia of African Religions and Philosophy, under the title`Islam, christianisme et assimilation: Histoires des religions dans les Quatre Communes du Senegal'. I thank Rene Collignon, who agreed to read and comment on this paper. 2. On this, see the classic studies of Michael Crowder (1962) and G. Wesley Johnson (1991/ 1971). The prevailing interpretation stresses that the natives lost their African identity.
... 579 1850, le pivot de sa politique, notamment contre la propagande jihadiste de El Hajj Umar ... more ... 579 1850, le pivot de sa politique, notamment contre la propagande jihadiste de El Hajj Umar Tall. ... coloniale, soumise aux contraintes de la conquete coloniale, s'evertue A %viter les controverses, pour s'assurer le soutien de la communaut6 musulmane (Sarr and Roberts 1991 ...
... sur les racines, les genealogies et les filiations qui tissent des revendications et &rig... more ... sur les racines, les genealogies et les filiations qui tissent des revendications et &rigent des barrieres brouillant les frontieres entre les discours ... de l'Est, face a la menace (reelle ou imaginaire) des sectes chretiennes et a l'expansion de certaines variantes de l'islam (Haron 1993 ...
Introduction Rosalind Fredericks and Mamadou Diouf 1. Too Many Things to Do: Social Dimensions of... more Introduction Rosalind Fredericks and Mamadou Diouf 1. Too Many Things to Do: Social Dimensions of City Making in Africa AbdouMaliq Simone 2. The Funeral in the Village: An Ultimate Test for African Urbanites? Shifting Imaginations of Belonging, Mobility and Community Peter Geschiere 3. Citizenship and Civility in Peri-Urban Mozambique Juan Obarrio 4. Dealing with the Prince over Lagos': Pentecostal Arts of Citizenship Ruth Marshall 5. The Road to Redemption: Performing Pentecostal Citizenship in Lagos Adedamola Osinulu 6. The Old Man is Dead': Hip Hop and the Arts of Citizenship of Senegalese Youth Rosalind Fredericks 7. Beautifying Brazzaville: Arts of Citizenship in the Congo Remy Bazenguissa-Ganga 8. Representing an African City and Urban Elite: The Nightclubs, Dance Halls, and Red Light District of Interwar Accra Jinny Prais 9. Seeing Dirt in Dar es Salaam: Sanitation, Waste and Citizenship in the Post-Colonial City Emily Brownell 10. 'Ambivalent Cosmopolitans'? ...
This multidisciplinary work shows the movement today of academic research in social sciences in S... more This multidisciplinary work shows the movement today of academic research in social sciences in Senegal.
Warriors of the Word: Rapso in Trinidad's Festival Culture patricia van leeuwaarde moonsammy 214 ... more Warriors of the Word: Rapso in Trinidad's Festival Culture patricia van leeuwaarde moonsammy 214 Timba Brava: Maroon Music in Cuba umi vaughan Salsa Memory: Revisiting Grupo Folklórico y Experimental Nuevayorquino juan flores and rené lópez Epilogue: Performing Memories-The Atlantic Theater of Cultural Production and Exchange carroll smith-rosenberg contributors index Cuban tourism has been inexpensive for tourists relative to other Caribbean destinations, and Cuba has tapped a rather large European, Canadian, and Latin American market. 4 Cuba's beaches, particularly Varadero in the northwest and Bacardi in the southeast, supply major percentages of tourist income. 5 Joint ventures between Cuba and Mexico, Canada, Spain, and Japan, among other countries, have improved the Civil Aeronautics Institute, the hotel industry, and auxiliary service organizations, including hotel, road, and airport construction, as well as development of tourist management training. 6 In fact, Cuban tourism grew from the 1970s to the 1990s. By 1991 reports, tourism had equaled its formidable numbers in the Batista regime of the 1950s, when Cuba was the "backyard" of the United States and the "playground" of Europe and Latin America. 7 Between 2000 and 2006, estimates for visitors to Cuba were projected from 160,000 to 200,000 visitors per year. 8 Professor William LeoGrande, a specialist in international studies and Cuba, suggests that about thirty thousand of these were legal entries with U.S. licenses while twenty to ‹fty thousand were illegal U.S. entries through Canada, Mexico, and Caribbean nations. These estimates show that even with renewed and even more rigid restrictions from George W. Bush's administration (e.g., on cultural exchange in 2003 and education exchange in 2004), Cuban tourism has not been gravely affected by the ban on travel for U.S. citizens. 9 Additionally, Professor Wayne Smith, former chief of the U.S. Interests Section and present senior fellow at the Center for International Policy, has stated that "while the new restrictions on the travel of Americans and Cuban-Americans to the island have of course reduced revenues from that source, overall revenues from tourism have not fallen, since Canadians, Europeans, and Latin Americans have continued to travel in even greater numbers." 10 Heavy student travel from the United States to Cuba has diminished; in fact, only one of over thirty study abroad programs for U.S./Cuba exchange The Economic Vitamins of Cuba / 21 Bibliography Appadurai, Arjun. "Introduction: Commodities and the Politics of Value." In The Social Life of Things, Commodities in Cultural Perspectives, edited by Arjun Appadurai, 3-63.
Cet article retrace l'histoire de l'idée municipale au Sénégal en analysant la genèse d... more Cet article retrace l'histoire de l'idée municipale au Sénégal en analysant la genèse des privilèges politiques attribués au Quatre Communes. Dans le contexte de «l'assimilation», il montre comment les «originaires» ont progressivement ouvert un espace pour l' ...
En fait, le processus d'adaptation à cette école a été très difficile pour beaucoup de gens. Pour... more En fait, le processus d'adaptation à cette école a été très difficile pour beaucoup de gens. Pour moi, je ne peux pas expliquer pourquoi, mais j'aimais aller à l'école (rires). Je ne peux pas expliquer pourquoi j'ai été capable de bien faire. C'est vrai que mon père m'a Éduquer à l'échelle du monde Tréma, 40 | 2013
Le débat universitaire sur la littérature orale est avant tout d'ordre épistémologique. Cette... more Le débat universitaire sur la littérature orale est avant tout d'ordre épistémologique. Cette étude pose le problème des critères de définition de l'épopée africaine et remet en question les positions de l'« école de Dakar », qui opte pour l'épopée de type homérique. Ce qui importe en fait, c'est la nature même du récit épique africain et plus encore du récit oral. La question fondamentale touche donc l'existence de ce genre de texte, son élaboration, sa transmission, ses variantes et aussi sa réception, modes que l'analyse littéraire a tendance à ignorer. D'où la notion de « texte introuvable », parce qu'en continuelles transformations. D'où aussi l'importance de la réception - qui inclut l'institution littéraire - dans la reconnaissance de la littérature orale.
Le baobab a été déraciné. L'alternance au Sénégal La plupart des observateurs de la vie politique... more Le baobab a été déraciné. L'alternance au Sénégal La plupart des observateurs de la vie politique sénégalaise craignaient une explosion de violence, voire un coup d'État, à l'occasion du scrutin présidentiel de mars 2000. Or, c'est à une alternance pacifique et historique que l'on a assisté, mettant fin à quarante ans d'hégémonie du Parti socialiste. Cet article examine les raisons de la défaite d'Abdou Diouf et les défis que devra relever la nouvelle équipe du président Wade. 1. Lors du premier tour, Abdoulaye Wade, soutenu par les partis de la «gauche» sénégalaise, avait obtenu 30,97 % des suffrages exprimés contre 41,33 % pour Abdou Diouf. 2. Ses principales composantes étaient la Coalition pour l'
Le temps du monde" refers to the development process as exclusively liberal and Western driven. A... more Le temps du monde" refers to the development process as exclusively liberal and Western driven. As a result, for non-Western cultures, it refers to a process of Westernization.
This article analyses French assimilation policy towards the four communes of the colony of Seneg... more This article analyses French assimilation policy towards the four communes of the colony of Senegal, placing it in a new conceptual framework of globalization' and`post-colonial studies'. Between the end of the eighteenth and the middle of the nineteenth century, the four cities of Saint-Louis, Gore e, Ru®sque and Dakar were granted municipal status, while their inhabitants acquired French citizenship. However, the acquisition of these political privileges went together with a refusal on the part of these`citizens' to submit themselves to the French code civil. Their resistance manifested itself in particular in the forging of an urban culture that diered from both the metropolitan model and the Senegambian models of the independent kingdoms on the colony's fringes or the societies integrated as protectorates. This article argues that, at the very heart of this colonial project and despite its marked assimilationist and jacobin overtones, a strong project of cultural and political hybridization developed. The inhabitants of the quatre communes forged their own civilite which enabled them to participate in a global colonial culture on the basis of local idioms.``W e have left Senegal, the ballot boxes colony, Blaise's Kingdom, the ten thousand citizens of the four`fully empowered' communes Ð empowered to practice prestidigitation, boxing and kickboxing! Here are the Blacks, the real ones, the pure ones, not the children of universal surage, but those of Old Cham. How polite they are! They rush out of the bush to say Hello to you!'' (Albert Londres, Terre d'eÂbeÁne, 1929) 1. This article is a heavily revised version of a piece that will appear in V. Y. Mudimbe (ed.) Encyclopedia of African Religions and Philosophy, under the title`Islam, christianisme et assimilation: Histoires des religions dans les Quatre Communes du Senegal'. I thank Rene Collignon, who agreed to read and comment on this paper. 2. On this, see the classic studies of Michael Crowder (1962) and G. Wesley Johnson (1991/ 1971). The prevailing interpretation stresses that the natives lost their African identity.
... 579 1850, le pivot de sa politique, notamment contre la propagande jihadiste de El Hajj Umar ... more ... 579 1850, le pivot de sa politique, notamment contre la propagande jihadiste de El Hajj Umar Tall. ... coloniale, soumise aux contraintes de la conquete coloniale, s'evertue A %viter les controverses, pour s'assurer le soutien de la communaut6 musulmane (Sarr and Roberts 1991 ...
... sur les racines, les genealogies et les filiations qui tissent des revendications et &rig... more ... sur les racines, les genealogies et les filiations qui tissent des revendications et &rigent des barrieres brouillant les frontieres entre les discours ... de l'Est, face a la menace (reelle ou imaginaire) des sectes chretiennes et a l'expansion de certaines variantes de l'islam (Haron 1993 ...
Papers by Mamadou Diouf