Papers by Diana Damanskytė
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Piktybinė hipertermija (PH) – paveldimas skeleto raumenų funkcijos sutrikimas, kuriam būdingas hi... more Piktybinė hipertermija (PH) – paveldimas skeleto raumenų funkcijos sutrikimas, kuriam būdingas hipermetabolinio sindromo vystymasis veikiant gariniams anestetikams ir/ar depoliarizuojantiems raumenų relaksantams. Pateikiame piktybinės hipertermijos atvejį, kuris įvyko 3 metų pacientui bei keliems jo giminaičiams. Kadangi paciento išgyvenamumas priklauso nuo ankstyvo piktybinės hipertermijos krizės atpažinimo ir neatidėliotinos gydymo pradžios, norime aptarti būkles, kurių metu galimas piktybinės hipertermijos išsivystymas, jos klinikinius simptomus ir gydymo galimybes.
Background and objectives: Organ shortage is considered to be a major limitation for increasing t... more Background and objectives: Organ shortage is considered to be a major limitation for increasing transplantation rates. Brain-dead donors (DBDs) are an important source of organs, but up to 50% of potential DBDs might not be identified. An active brain-dead donor search could potentially increase a deceased donor pool. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of an active potential DBD identification program and to evaluate one year impact on the potential organ donor pool in Lithuania‘s biggest medical institution. Materials and Methods: An organ donor coordinator service was established and active DBD search strategy was implemented in the hospital of LSMU Kauno Klinikos, and retrospective data analysis was performed between December 2016 and December 2017. Collected data was compared to the available data of the previous year in the same center and to the donation dynamics of the whole country. Results: A total of 6734 patients were treated in all intensive care uni...
Papers by Diana Damanskytė