Papers by Destiny Moulder

Translation is the method of converting a Source text into Target text. Translation aims at produ... more Translation is the method of converting a Source text into Target text. Translation aims at producing a text that not only contains the real essence of source text but also is acceptable in target culture. In this article, translators have chosen the text from "Zaviya" which is pith of philosophical articles of Dr.Ashfaq Ahmed. The very article which has been chosen to be translated in this paper is "Salute to Non-Degree Technologists". The evident hilarious and thought provoking glimpse can be felt by reading the name. The translators have tried to maintain the grace of original text in target text. This text was written by Dr.Ashfaq Ahmed and the purpose behind translating this article into English was to convey Pakistani Literature to Western world by portraying the mystery behind philosophy of "Non Degree Technologists".The translators have chosen the discipline of applied translation by focusing on the target text theory. The literal method of translation has been used to preserve the spirit of source text by not harming the charm of target text. English language was chosen to translate the Urdu text. English is an international language having the beauty and charm of engrossing any language of the world.

The technique of translating source text to target text is known as "Translation". The aim of tra... more The technique of translating source text to target text is known as "Translation". The aim of translation is not only to retain the beauty of source text but also to maintain adequacy with targeted text. In this article, the translators have chosen the text which is empathy of Pakistani Literature, "Naya Qanoon" called "The New Constitution". The clear serious tone can be glanced by reading the name. The translator has maintainedthe outcome in Target text by maintaining the originality and beauty of original text. The text was written by Saadat Hassan Manto, the famous short story writer and dramatist of early twentieth century. Reason of translating this short story was to present the depth and beauty of the Urdu literature to western reader and to affix in the field of applied translation. The field of applied translation was chosen by the translator by focusing on the target text theory. The strength of source text is protected by literal, semantic and faithful methods of translation. English language was chosen as the targeted language because English is worldwide recognized language having the beauty, charm and capacity to engross every language of the world. In this article, translators analyze their own translated work by applying different theories in order to evaluate the adequacy and perfection of their attempt. After analyzing the target text by applying models of translation, translator concludes that translation is purely accurate.

Translation is a method in which a file from "Source text" is converted to a file called into "Ta... more Translation is a method in which a file from "Source text" is converted to a file called into "Target text". Its purpose is not only to translate in literal meaning but to elaborate cultural and hidden meaning. In this article, we have chosen some verses from "Bang e Dara" and name of the poem is "Tulu e Islam (Rise of Islam)" written by national poet and great Philosophical articles of Dr. Allama Muhammad Iqbal. Reading these verses gives a true feeling and essence about rising history of Islam, and the way Dr. Allama Muhammad Iqbal expressed it a piece of art. Its purpose was to give a glimpse to the Muslims of subcontinent about their history and a graceful past. Applied translation discipline hasbeen chosen, by focusing on the target text theory. The literal method of translation has been used to preserve the spirit of source text by not harming the charm of target text. English language was chosen to translate the Urdu text. English is an international language having the beauty and charm of engrossing any language of the world.
The present study aims to analyze the stylistic features of the poem "The Onset" written by Rober... more The present study aims to analyze the stylistic features of the poem "The Onset" written by Robert Frost. The Onset has multilayered meanings which is analyzed through different tools of analysis. The poem is interpreted through diction, imagery and sound devices to elucidate the themes. The analysis will help to comprehend the basic themes that are conflict between good and evil, pessimism and optimism, and life and death.

The study is based upon an in-depth stylistic analysis of the poem "Ode to a Nightingale" by John... more The study is based upon an in-depth stylistic analysis of the poem "Ode to a Nightingale" by John Keats. Keats is considered to be the romantic of all romantics. The notion of negative capability and the pure concept of beauty are the distinctive features of Keats poetry, which differentiate him from even his peers. For him beauty is valuable in itself. Coleridge tries to search truth for the solution of the mysteries of life, Shelly also intellectualizes beauty, and Wordsworth spiritualizes it. But Keats is against the subjectivity of the art for the propagation of personal ideas. For him beauty is valuable in itself and it can be perceived by the power of imaginations as intellect is handicapped to reach truth. He loved poetry and beauty purely for the sake of beauty. For Keats an ideal poet is like an empty vessel to be filled with some other potential being or object. He is submissive to the things as they are, without trying to change or even explain them. He himself says "I am certain of nothing but the holiness of the heart's affection and the truth of imaginations. What the imaginations seize as beauty must be truth, whether it existed before or not."Thus the present study is not only based upon the dissection of the rich stylistic devices incorporated for the pictorial and emotive function, but also focuses on the combined impact of the stylistic and sound devices embedded in the overall structure of the poem, that how the different parts assembled together give the poem a coherent and balanced look. Thus the poem appears to be the perfect piece of art which also symbolizes the pure concept of beauty. Here Gadmer lines seem apt to be mentioned "The experience of the beautiful and particularly beautiful in art is the invocation of potentiality whole and holy order of things wherever it may be found."
This paper aims to analyze Wordsworth's poem "Daffodils" from the perspective of stylistic analys... more This paper aims to analyze Wordsworth's poem "Daffodils" from the perspective of stylistic analysis. The analysis is made under the aspects of Graphlogical, Grammatical, Syntactical, and Phonological patterns. We have also found tropes and schemes that are present in the poem. This research is helpful to analyze the structure and style of Wordsworth's poetry, and his themes, views, and treatment of nature.
This study describes and examines the implicit and explicit teaching in second language acquisiti... more This study describes and examines the implicit and explicit teaching in second language acquisition in, in this study English as the second language. This study also tries to find out which method is more suitable for teaching second language. Different language classes of a renowned institution are being observed to get the authentic results.

The focus of our research is to italicize the debate in Ibsen's Hedda Gabler subsistence a femini... more The focus of our research is to italicize the debate in Ibsen's Hedda Gabler subsistence a feminist character. Even though Ibsen is illustrious as feminist dramatists .Still Hedda Gabler is impecunious of the accurate feature of woman suffrage, and we found integer impression maximize in her character. Our intension in this research is to italicize Ibsen's female character Hedda Gabler as a supreme, controlling or overriding dictative personality who has command atop others. She has not possessed a wife and mother like feelings, so she appears man like character instead of loving mother and obedient wife. Aim of our research is to clear up that Hedda is not suitable for the role of maternal in this play, while her tactic of committing murder (self killing) at the closure of the play was drastically sadistic for her unborn child. Scaffolding of our research is Snarky rhetoric audit. By using CDA we will show of secret credo of Hedda Gabler's personality and by using text we demonstrate that she is demon and monster feminist character.

This paper centers on the factors motivating code switching among male and female speakers of dif... more This paper centers on the factors motivating code switching among male and female speakers of different age groups and ranks. It is a frequently occurring phenomenon among bilinguals to shift from one language to the other while speaking without any deliberate effort. The main objective is to determine a variety of stimulus which stimulates for CS, including gender, communication ,social status and desire to dominate as well. This concise study draws on a few examples from rap music to teaching, novels to advertisements and emails to text messages. Data will be collected using first hand(primary )sources. Observation method and interview through questionnaire has been opted. Questionnaire has served the purpose of measuring motivation level of participants.Reasons have been sorted out considering theories presented by sociolinguists as well as psycholinguists.Participants were informed clearly about difference existing between lexical borrowing and code switching by writing a note on questionnaire so they have recorded their responces directly leading to required information.
This study describes and examines the implicit and explicit teaching in second language acquisiti... more This study describes and examines the implicit and explicit teaching in second language acquisition in, in this study English as the second language. This study also tries to find out which method is more suitable for teaching second language. Different language classes of a renowned institution are being observed to get the authentic results.
This study describes and examines the implicit and explicit teaching in second language acquisiti... more This study describes and examines the implicit and explicit teaching in second language acquisition in, in this study English as the second language. This study also tries to find out which method is more suitable for teaching second language. Different language classes of a renowned institution are being observed to get the authentic results.

The present paper is about the applications Of Eugene Nida's model of translation On George Orwel... more The present paper is about the applications Of Eugene Nida's model of translation On George Orwell's Animal Farm (1945) Translated by Allau-Ud-Din which attempts to seek the analysis of translated paragraph either fulfills the dynamic equivalence model (1964) of Eugene Nida or the translation made by Allau-Ud-Din follow other model. However, other models are being touched to make the analysis for incorporating applications for translation such as Darbelnet's model (1995), Catford's model (1965), Katherine Reiss' model (1977), action model introduced by Holz-Manttari (1984), SKOPOS' model introduced by Hans.J. Vrmeer (1989) and House 's model of translation (1994). However, the four basic requirements of translation given by Nida are observed in the entire novel. Alongwith these issues, the cultural difference is also worth noticing in the Urdu translation of source text as it recognizes the role of translator to take optional shifts in translation can be attributed to the difference between the original writer and the translator as two text produces. As we already know English and Urdu languages have different grammatical structures so translator employs the technique of structural shift. In which Allau-Ud-Din changes the grammatical structure of source text according to target text to make the accurate translation. Therefore, the analysis of this paper seeks to investigate the application of Eugene Nida's model of translation based on Equivalence, Translational shift approaches, Functional theories of translation and Discourse and Register analytical models, on George Orwell's Animal Farm (1945) translation made by Allau-Ud-Din. Riaz Vol. 5 (2): 2015 Asian J. Edu. Res. & Tech. ~ 47 ~ 4. To carry an equivalent communicative purpose. To attain these four objectives, a translator must make various negligible alterations in form which are generalized and classified by Eugene Nida (1964, 227-233) as embellishments appropriateness and alterations. Thus the purpose of our analysis is: 1. To investigate the status of target text. 2. To check the position of translator whether enjoyed or not. 3. To analyse whether translation in target text is adequate or not. So, the translation of George Orwell's novel ANIMAL FARM by Alla-ud-Deen is being analysed under the models of Equivalence, Translational shift approaches, Functional theories of translation and Discourse and Register analytical models. Research Questions: 1. Whether Nida's model of translation on George Orwell's Animal Farm translation made by Allau-Ud-Din is an appropriate model or other models are applicable to Allau-Ud-Din's translation? 2. What applications can be incorporated from George Orwell's Animal Farm translated made by Allau-Ud-Din through Nida's model? OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY The objectives of the paper are given below: 1. Investigate the application of Eugene Nida's model of on George Orwell's Animal Farm (1945) translation made by Allau-Ud-Din. 2. To discuss Nida's model of translation based on Equivalence, Translational shift approaches, Functional theories of translation and Discourse and Register analytical models. 3. To discuss different models for translation for the better understanding of translation made from the target text.
. The findings of this research showed that translator mostly emphasized and predominantly used l... more . The findings of this research showed that translator mostly emphasized and predominantly used localization and transformation strategies for food items, magical objects and imaginative words.
Papers by Destiny Moulder