Papers by Daniele Savelli
Bollettino Della Societa Geologica Italiana, 1987
ALtOAdriAtiCHEvolume LXXXVii i SiStEMi di SMALtiMENtO dELLE ACQUE NEL MONdO ANtiCO a cura di Maur... more ALtOAdriAtiCHEvolume LXXXVii i SiStEMi di SMALtiMENtO dELLE ACQUE NEL MONdO ANtiCO a cura di Maurizio Buora Stefano Magnani SOCiEtÀ FriULANA di ArCHEOLOgiA COPIA ELETTRONICA IN FORMATO PDF RISERVATA AD USO CONCORSUALE E/O PERSONALE DELL'AUTORE NEI TESTI CONFORME AL DEPOSITO LEGALE DELL'ORIGINALE CARTACEO Le immagini di proprietà dello Stato italiano provenienti dal territorio regionale sono state pubblicate su concessione del MiBACT-Dipartimento per i Beni Culturali e Paesaggistici-Direzione Regionale per i Beni Culturali e Paesaggistici del Friuli Venezia Giulia-Soprintendenza archeologia, belle arti e paesaggio del Friuli Venezia Giulia e del MiBAC-Polo Museale del Friuli Venezia Giulia. L'autorizzazione alla pubblicazione delle altre immagini è stata concessa dagli aventi diritto. È vietata ogni l'ulteriore riproduzione e duplicazione con ogni mezzo senza l'autorizzazione degli aventi diritto.
Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe - HAL - Université Paris Descartes, 2020
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, May 1, 2014
XXXIIe rencontres internationales d’archéologie et d’histoire d’Antibes, 2012
il contributo prende in analisi il rapporto tra il popolamento antio della valle del cesano e l&#... more il contributo prende in analisi il rapporto tra il popolamento antio della valle del cesano e l'evoluzione della geografia fisica, allo scopo di ricostruire le variazioni del paesaggio legate in particolare alle vicende della citt\ue0 romana di suas
DELLA SETA M. , FRED! P., LUPIA PALMIERI E., NESCI0., SAVELLI D. & TROIANI F., River terraces in ... more DELLA SETA M. , FRED! P., LUPIA PALMIERI E., NESCI0., SAVELLI D. & TROIANI F., River terraces in the Fiume Tronto drainage basin (Marche Region): a contribution to morpbotectonic investigations. (IT ISSN 1724-4757,2005). The aim of this work is to provide a methodological input based on geostatis tical topograp hic analyses for the detection of morphological .anoma lies induced by neotectonic activity on fluvial terrace surfaces. The study area corresponds to the distal portion of the Fiume Tro nto dra inage basin (Southern Marc he region of Central It aly); the basin developed on Plio-Pleistoce ne marine terrigenous deposits and its arrangement was strongly influenced by Quaternary uplift and regional WSW-ENE and E-W trend ing fault zones. Detailed surveys allowed to verify the location of surfaces, at several levels; they are the remnant s of Q uaternary fluvial terraces, formed in respo nse to both climatic oscillations and regional uplift. Several points at the top of the surfac...
Geologica!, geomorphological and seismological data sets have been integrated with the analysis o... more Geologica!, geomorphological and seismological data sets have been integrated with the analysis of seismic reflection lines calibrated with deep well logs in arder to characterise the Quaternary tectonic evolution of the Metauro River basin area (northern Marche) and the adjacent off-shore sector of the external Northern Apennines. [...]
<i>Sena Gallica</i> (Senigallia), in the northern Marche region, was the first Roman ... more <i>Sena Gallica</i> (Senigallia), in the northern Marche region, was the first Roman colony on the Adriatic coast founded at the beginning of the third century BC. This research adopted an integrated approach to different information sources that combines old and new data, archaeological excavations, topographic and geophysical surveys, and geological and geomorphological analyses. The data are managed within a GIS and supported by 3D modelling. One of the results of this work is a map which represents the geomorphological setting of the Roman colony, close to the mouth of the Misa river. The settlement exploited the top-surface of the uppermost Pleistocene–early Holocene coastal fan of the Misa river, now only preserved at the apex sector truncated seaward by wave erosion. The top-surface of the fan apex, in turn, was partly re-incised by stream erosion producing a series of slight topographic mounds, which were selected for the earliest human settlement (V-IV c. BC). Some of the mounds resulted in a protected, slightly elevated, area enclosed by the meandering course of the Misa River and the Sant'Angelo/Penna streams, where the Romans decided to found their colony (284 BC). The tight interaction between human activities and the natural environment has always influenced the development of the town, from the earliest phases to the modern age. This map focuses on the time when the Roman colony was founded, but the combined study in progress allows understanding of the main transformations that occurred during the following centuries.
Dall’Aglio P. L., Marchetti G., Nesci O., Pellegrini L., Savelli D., Calderoni G., Geomorphology ... more Dall’Aglio P. L., Marchetti G., Nesci O., Pellegrini L., Savelli D., Calderoni G., Geomorphology and ancient settlement in the middle Cesano river valley (Marche, Central Italy). (IT ISSN 0394-3356, 2004). This paper reports the preliminary results obtained by comparing geomorphologic, historic and topographic data with the aim of highlighting the most significant geomorphic changes which occurred in the landscape configuration. The study area embraces the middle Cesano River valley (Adriatic side of the Marche Apennines), an area where distinct fluvial evolution stages pointed out by individual terrace levels have been identified. Starting from the so-called “3rd order” terrace alluvium (upper Pleistocene-Holocene pp. in age), several cut-and-fill stages have been recognised on the basis of field evidence, C dating of wood remnants and archaeological findings. Specifically, braid-plain aggradation stages characterise the most part of the upper Pleistocene terrace alluvium, whereas ...
Landscapes and Landforms of Italy, 2017
Geosciences, 2019
The Sena Gallica Roman town was settled on the Adriatic coast in the 5th to 4th century BC. The c... more The Sena Gallica Roman town was settled on the Adriatic coast in the 5th to 4th century BC. The choice of the site was largely influenced by the geomorphological and physiographic conditions near the Misa river mouth. The interactions among climate variation, river dynamics, and marine oscillation determined the anthropic development. At the same time, the new settlement strongly influenced the evolution of this sector in both medieval and in recent times. This work aims to highlight the geological setting and geomorphological evolution of the Senigallia area within the Northern Marche region, taking into account the main scientific literature and new studies to propose a new interpretation of the Holocene history.
Quaestiones Geographicae, 2017
The geomorphological analysis of historically urbanized areas is the best scientific way to under... more The geomorphological analysis of historically urbanized areas is the best scientific way to understand how the extant geomorphological factors conditioned urbanization. It also provides a baseline to enable comparisons to be made with the modern environment. This paper considers four urbanized historical sites on the Adriatic coast (Italy) that owe their urban development to particular geomorphological and environmental conditions that were modified over the centuries from the Roman age to the present day. The focus here is on the evolution of the shoreline and associated geomorphic variables (streambeds and river mouths migration). These factors are fundamental for determining the development of a city, both as basic boundary elements – therefore including defence and protection – and also for the development of harbours.
Journal of Maps, 2016
ABSTRACT Sena Gallica (Senigallia), in the northern Marche region, was the first Roman colony on ... more ABSTRACT Sena Gallica (Senigallia), in the northern Marche region, was the first Roman colony on the Adriatic coast founded at the beginning of the third century BC. This research adopted an integrated approach to different information sources that combines old and new data, archaeological excavations, topographic and geophysical surveys, and geological and geomorphological analyses. The data are managed within a GIS and supported by 3D modelling. One of the results of this work is a map which represents the geomorphological setting of the Roman colony, close to the mouth of the Misa river. The settlement exploited the top-surface of the uppermost Pleistocene–early Holocene coastal fan of the Misa river, now only preserved at the apex sector truncated seaward by wave erosion. The top-surface of the fan apex, in turn, was partly re-incised by stream erosion producing a series of slight topographic mounds, which were selected for the earliest human settlement (V-IV c. BC). Some of the mounds resulted in a protected, slightly elevated, area enclosed by the meandering course of the Misa River and the Sant'Angelo/Penna streams, where the Romans decided to found their colony (284 BC). The tight interaction between human activities and the natural environment has always influenced the development of the town, from the earliest phases to the modern age. This map focuses on the time when the Roman colony was founded, but the combined study in progress allows understanding of the main transformations that occurred during the following centuries.
Papers by Daniele Savelli