Papers by Daduk Setyohadi
The availability of suitable egg-laying site will support animal’s reproductive success. This stu... more The availability of suitable egg-laying site will support animal’s reproductive success. This study was intended to gather information on habitat selection of S. latimanus to lay their eggs and to describe possible factors influencing this behavior. This study was carried out in Manado Bay and Lembeh Strait and dive surveys were employed to collect the data. Results showed that there were 8 species of branching corals selected, Acropora microphthalma, A. brugemanni, Porites cylindrica, P. nigrescens, Hydnophora rigida, Echinopora horrida, Merulina scabricula, and Millepora sp. Bioactive compounds found in all selected coralswere also possible factors driving this selection.
International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology

JFMR-Journal of Fisheries and Marine Research
Ikan layur (Trichiurus spp.) merupakan sumberdaya ikan demersal dominan dan merupakan komoditas e... more Ikan layur (Trichiurus spp.) merupakan sumberdaya ikan demersal dominan dan merupakan komoditas eksport dengan permintaan tinggi di Pelabuhan Perikanan Nusantara (PPN) Prigi. Beberapa tahun terakhir terjadi tekanan penangkapan besar-besaran dari nelayan setempat, sehingga menyebabkan semakin menurunnya produksi ikan layur per unit alat tangkap pancing sebagai alat tangkap standar untuk keperluan eksport. Peramalan produksi ikan layur satu tahun ke depan akan dapat membantu rencana pengelolaan sumberdaya perikanan layur. Penelitian ini menggunaan transformasi wavelet untuk meramalkan produksi ikan layur, yaitu dengan membentuk model Multiscale Autoregressive (MAR) yang prediktornya diperoleh dari dekomposisi Maximal Overlap Discrete Wavelet Transform (MODWT) dengan filter wavelet Haar. Model peramalan wavelet terbaik dibentuk dari model MAR orde 2 yang prediktornya diperoleh melalui dekomposisi MODWT level 1, yaitu setelah data distasionerkan secara detrending. Hasil peramalan produksi ikan layur di PPN Prigi untuk satu tahun ke depan (September 2018 sampai dengan Agustus 2019) akan tetap mengalami fluktuasi yang berkisar antara 4.94 sampai dengan 5.15 kilogram.

JFMR-Journal of Fisheries and Marine Research
Perikanan di Selat Madura memiliki karakteristik multigear dan multispecies. Cantrang merupakan s... more Perikanan di Selat Madura memiliki karakteristik multigear dan multispecies. Cantrang merupakan salah satu alat tangkap yang masih dioperasikan di Selat Madura meskipun menurut Peraturan Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan Nomor / PERMEN-KP/ 2016 melarang adanya pengoperasian alat tangkap tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan panjang berat ikan hasil tangkapan cantrang dan mengetahui tingkat eksplotitasi sumberdaya ikan oleh alat tangkap cantrang berdasarkan nilai Cacth Per Unit Effort (CPUE). Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Juli-Agustus tahun 2020 di Pelabuhan Perikanan Pantai Mayangan. Data yang dikumpulkan berupa data primer dan data sekunder. Data primer yaitu data panjang ikan (cm) dan berat ikan (kg) hasil tangkapan cantrang yaitu ikan kurisi, ikan swanggi, dan ikan beloso. Hasil perhitungan menunjukkan hubungan panjang dan berat ketiga ikan sampel bersifat allometris negatif. Hasil perhitungan CPUE paling tinggi berada pada tahun 2011 untuk semua ikan. Hasil tangkapan alat tangkap sangat fluktuatif, namun cenderung menurun beberapa tahun terakhir. Hasil penelitian ini dapat digunakan sebagai acuan dalam pengelolaan perikanan berkelanjutan terutama dalam pembuatan kebijakan berkaitan dengan kebijakan pengoperasian alat tangkap cantrang.

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
The way to determine whether the Indian scad (D. russelli) comes from the same stock or not, is u... more The way to determine whether the Indian scad (D. russelli) comes from the same stock or not, is using estimation morphology and biology. The kinship of D. russelli in the three waters is not too close, and it has a very distant kinship with D. macarellus and D. kurroides. D. russelli and D. macrosoma in Bali Strait and South Java is close. The results of the analysis show that two of five components of the characteristic morphometric factor of D. russelli in the three waters have a character differential percentage of 37.73% and similarity of 62.27%. The growth rate obtained (L∞) from Bali Strait is 26,16 cm FL, the growth rate coefficient (K) is 0,63 per year, and (t0) is -0,20 years length maturity (Lm) male 13,9 cm FL and female 16,1 FL. The type of foods that is found are 12 phylums. The growth rate obtained (L∞) from Southern Waters of East Java of 28,28 cm FL, the growth rate coefficient (K) is 0,83 per year, and (t0) is -0,18 year, length maturity (Lm) male 15,3 cm FL female ...

Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Kelautan, 2022
Highlight ResearchThe feedback harvest control rule resulted in the lowest allowable biological c... more Highlight ResearchThe feedback harvest control rule resulted in the lowest allowable biological catch estimation than the surplus production models. The feedback harvest control rule adapted the recent years of historical catch data.The surplus production models might result in over or under catch estimation, not considering the recent data.This multispecies fishery could not provide species specific data as surplus production models required; therefore, it might be better to use the feedback harvest control rule that has been validated for multispecies fisheries. Scads fishery in Blitar waters is a multispecies fishery applying harvest control rules (HCRs) from conventional single-species approaches which technically, may not be applicable to employ in such mixed-species data composed from the multispecies fishery. The feedback HCR is an alternative validated harvest control rule that can be applied for a multispecies fishery. The aim of this study was to technically compare the a...

Jurnal Pembangunan dan Alam Lestari, 2012
Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pola distribusi Suhu Permukaan Laut (SPL), dan menget... more Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pola distribusi Suhu Permukaan Laut (SPL), dan mengetahui hubungan antara pola distribusi SPL dengan kepadatan dan sebaran ikan. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan April sampai Juli 2007. Data yang digunakan adalah data citra yang bebas awan dan data hasil serta lokasi penangkapan ikan lemuru. Nilai kepadatan ikan dihitung dengan pendekatan Fridman (1986). Perhitungan SPL dilakukan dengan pemrosesan citra kanal 4 dan 5 menggunakan program SPL diperoleh dari Pusat Pengembangan Pemanfaatan dan Teknologi Penginderaan Jauh (Pusbangja) - LAPAN, Pekayon, Jakarta Timur. Hasil penelitian mendapatkan bahwa daerah penangkapan ikan lemuru ada lima, yaitu Senggrong, Karang Ente, Pengambengan, Tabanan, dan Jimbaran. Nilai kepadatan pada bulan April sebesar 0,28 kgm-3, bulan Mei 0,19 kgm-3, bulan Juni 0,14 kgm-3, dan bulan Juli 0,17 kgm-3. Secara keseluruhan SPL bulan April – Juli 2007 berkisar antara 25-31 °C. Daerah penangkapan yang baik pada bulan April...

Sempu Island is a nature reserve that has fringing reef with percentage of living coral cover alm... more Sempu Island is a nature reserve that has fringing reef with percentage of living coral cover almost constant 37% from 2009 to 2016. Coral massive Porites lutea in this area has a growth rate about 1.09 cm/yr. in average and almost similar with others. Coral massive growth rate can be monitor through their skeletal annual banding. They have two type annual banding, low density for slow growth coral skeletal and high density for fast growth rate of coral skeletal. In this banding coral can record any environmental condition such as sea water temperature, tides and heavy metal. The aim of this research was to know the concentration of copper in Sempu Island Nature Reserve in the past used ICP-OES. The result showed that the Cu concentration in P. lutea skeletal band from 2009-2016 were: 5.213; 6.403; 5.825; 6.511; 6.132; 6.403; 6.467; 6.22 mg/kg. The coral skeletal can absorb the pollutant for hundred years, and it will give important information for palaeo environment that can used f...

Sumberdaya ikan layang di Jawa Timur mendominasi hasil tangkapan. Hasil tangkapan ikan layang Pad... more Sumberdaya ikan layang di Jawa Timur mendominasi hasil tangkapan. Hasil tangkapan ikan layang Pada tahun 2006-2009 mengalami penurunan rata-rata 7% per tahun. Tujuan penelitian adalah eksplorasi parameter biologi dan dinamika populasi serta menduga status pemanfaatan ikan layang. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan di TPI Pondok Mimbo Kabupaten Situbondo, pada bulan September 2008 – Januari 2009. Data dianalisis menggunakan pendekatan analitik dengan bantuan program FISAT II (Gayanilo et al ., 2002). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nisbah kelamin jantan dan betina ikan layang seimbang dan pola pertumbuhan allometrik positif . Ukuran Lc (16,4 cm) lebih besar dari ukuran Lm (15,6 cm), sedangkan sebesar 16,5 cm. Persamaan pertumbuhan ikan layang adalah L t = 25,33 (1-). Laju mortalitas total, alami dan penangkapan masing-masing sebesar 2,71; 1,21 dan 1,74 tiap tahun. Laju eksploitasi sebesar 0,56 menunjukkan bahwa status perikanan layang mengalami lebih tangkap ringan . Kata Kunci : biol...

JFMR-Journal of Fisheries and Marine Research, 2021
Perairan Selat Bali secara tidak langsung dipengaruhi oleh peristiwa yang terjadi di Samudera Hin... more Perairan Selat Bali secara tidak langsung dipengaruhi oleh peristiwa yang terjadi di Samudera Hindia Selatan Jawa. Variabilitas musim dan antar-tahunan dari konsentrasi klorofil-a permukaan (SSC) di Selat Bali, berhubungan erat dengan periode Indian ocean dipole (IOD) dan upwelling kuat yang terjadi di sepanjang Pantai Selatan Jawa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis variabilitas musiman dan antar-tahunan secara spasial dan temporal dari klorofil-a periode IOD di Selat Bali. Data oseanografi diperoleh dari Satelit Aqua/Terra MODIS ( Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) level 2 harian, selama periode Maret 2000-Mei 2020, dan analisis data menggunakan Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF). Analisis EOF dilakukan pada data harian yang dikomposit menjadi bulanan dan dinormalisasi untuk mengisi data kosong. Hasil analisis EOF variasi temporal yang koheren dalam pemompaan klorofil-a di Selat Bali. Deret waktu dari mode pertama yang terbentuk mengungkapkan variasi musiman ...

Nelayan payang di perairan Utara Tuban menggunakan rumpon sebagai alat bantu pengumpul ikan. Rump... more Nelayan payang di perairan Utara Tuban menggunakan rumpon sebagai alat bantu pengumpul ikan. Rumpon umumnya dipasang pada saat kondisi perairan tenang. Diduga dengan pemasangan rumpon pada saat cuaca buruk (musim barat) produktivitas rumpon akan berbeda. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menghitung dan membandingkan produktivitas alat tangkap payang yang beroperasi di area rumpon yang dipasang saat musim barat dan menghitung produktivitas alat tangkap payang dilokasi rumpon yang berbeda. Penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder dan data primer. Untuk menghitung dan membandingkan produktivitas alat tangkap payang yang beroperasi di daerah rumpon hasil pemasangan saat musim barat menggunakan rumus CPUE, sedangkan untuk menghitung produktivitas alat tangkap payang dilokasi rumpon yang berbeda menggunakan analisa One Way ANOVA . Perhitungan perbandingan produktivitas alat tangkap payang yang beroperasi di area rumpon yang dipasang saat musim barat menunjukkan peningkatan CPUE dala...

This study was carried out to describe periodic change in fish occurrence in the estuary of Poiga... more This study was carried out to describe periodic change in fish occurrence in the estuary of Poigar River, particularly those entering the estuary at high tide in new moon and full moon phases. Sampling areas at both moon phases were the freshwater area at low tide and the water depth of 1.5-2.5 M at high tide when the salinity ranged between 1.7 – 27.3 ppm. Sampling was done twice a month at the new moon and the full moon for 6 months from September 2012 to February 2013. A total of 4,596 individuals of 52 species of 28 families with 32,754.18 g body weight was caught with a beach seine. The best representive families by number of species were Leiognathidae (3 genera and 7 species), Carangidae (4 genera and 5 species), and Tetraodontidae (2 genera and 4 species), respectively. In dry season and wet season, 41 species of 23 families and 40 species of 22 families, respectively, were recorded, and there was no significant difference between both seasons in number of species, number of ...

Bali sardine resource in Bali Strait is abundant enough. However overfished of the resource has o... more Bali sardine resource in Bali Strait is abundant enough. However overfished of the resource has occured due to excessive exploitation. Objective of this research was to determine the smallest mesh size of gillnet. Two different mesh sizes of the gillnet were used to define gear selectifity, namely 2.54 cm and 3.75 cm. Biological parameters to be examined were total length, body girth, body weight, sex, and gonad maturity. While length of frequency data was analyzed by applying the approach of normal distribution. In addition, the research applied curve selectivity approach to determine the smallest mesh size of fishing gear. Result showed that value selection factor (S) of the gear toward the fish was 5.89. While minimum mesh size of the gear to catch mature fish (Lm ≥ 17.1 cm) was 2.94 cm. The research reccommended that minimum mesh size of gillnet be at 2.94 cm and size of fish landed be higher than 17.3 cm.

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
Skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) is an important pelagic fish species caught in tropical and su... more Skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) is an important pelagic fish species caught in tropical and subtropical waters of the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian oceans. Skipjack tuna (K. pelamis) is also a high economic fisheries resource in Prigi waters which is caught by troll line. High market demand results in high levels of exploitation. This study aimed to identify the length-weight relationship and biological reproduction of skipjack tuna in the Prigi waters. The research was conducted in the sampling period between December 2019 - April 2020 with total samples obtained as much as 1642 fish and was analyzed using linear regression. The results informed that the length-weight relationship of skipjack tuna was positive allometric with equation W=0.007FL3.223 which means that the fish has a fat body. The sex ratio between male and female fish is 1:1. While gonad maturity level obtained in this study is mostly in GML 1 and GML 2 which indicates that the catches were dominated by immature f...

Fisheries Research, 1997
The biology and population dynamics of Sardinella longiceps and S. jimbriata were studied around ... more The biology and population dynamics of Sardinella longiceps and S. jimbriata were studied around East Java, Indonesia. The total catch of SardinelEa spp. in East Java was 56000 tons in 1993, and more than 50% of this catch was landed by purse seiners. Samples of purse seine catches were taken from three landing sites around East Java, at the Madura Strait, the Bali Strait and at the Indian Ocean. Biological data were collected on a monthly basis, during a period of 2 years, from March 1990 to March 1992. Patterns in reproductive activity were determined on the basis of changes in geometric mean gonado-somatic index (GSI) of mature fish. Length-based methods were us&d to estimate growth and mortality. Peak catches of sardines from the Madura Strait and the Bali Strait were recorded at the beginning of the rainy season around November and December. The Indian Ocean produced peak catches during the dry season, from July through October. Considerable differences exist between monthly catches from peak seasons and monthly catches from off-seasons. Patterns in reproductive activity could be recorded for the fish from the Madura Strait and both species of Sardinella showed peak reproductive activity there around November and December. Both species were estimated to grow to lengths of around 12, 17 and 19 cm in their first, second and third year respectively. Based on the age structures in the catches from different sampling sites, in combination with the migration patterns of the fish, it was concluded that both S. Zongiceps and S. fimbriata stocks can be divided into northern and southern populations. The northern populations were sampled in the Madura Strait and were assumed to be from the Java Sea, Makassar Strait and/or Flores Sea. These stocks consist of three year classes and do not seem to be under excessive fishing pressure. The southern stocks, well known from the Bali Strait sardine fisheries, are concluded to be under very heavy fishing pressure. These stocks consist of only two year classes and hardly any fish reach the length of maturity. Regulations controlling fishing effort are needed urgently for these fisheries. 0 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.

This study determines cuttlefish species from Manado Bay and Lembeh Strait, North Sulawesi, based... more This study determines cuttlefish species from Manado Bay and Lembeh Strait, North Sulawesi, based upon the mitochondrial CO1 genetic marker. Sample collection used SCUBA gear and fishermen catch. Seven cuttlefish specimens were collected in this study. DNA genomes of the samples were extracted, and CO1 gene fragments were amplified through PCR and sequenced using Big Dye© terminator chemistry (Perkin Elmer). Species identification was conducted with BLAST method. Results showed that there were four species of cuttlefish in Manado Bay and Lembeh Strait, Sepia latimanus, S. pharaonis, Metasepia g, and Sepia ramani. S. latimanus was represented by 4 individuals, and the rests by only one individual. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that all samples were separated into 4 species groups, SP1, SP3. SP4 and SP10 (group1), SP5 (group2), SP6 (group3) and SP11 (group4). All species belong to important fisheries resources, but they are in insufficient data status, both fishing rate and populatio...
Solid State Technology, 2020
The sustainability of demersal fisheries management is very important in the Madura Strait. This ... more The sustainability of demersal fisheries management is very important in the Madura Strait. This study aims to determine the indicators that affect sustainability in the dimensions of economic, social, technological ethics, biology and demersal fish resources in the Madura Strait. This research was conducted in the cities of Probolinggo, Pasuruan, Sampang and Pamekasan in 2020. A multi-disciplinary approach using Multi-dimensional Scaling (MDS) and modification of RAPFISH was carried out in this study. In general, the sustainability status of the Madura Strait demersal fishery is poor, with an average sustainability index of 58.31%. Therefore, strategic steps are needed to direct capture fisheries in the future to be more responsible and sustainable.
Decreasing fisheries product at Sidoasri, Malang has been caused by many factors and the main cau... more Decreasing fisheries product at Sidoasri, Malang has been caused by many factors and the main caused this problem is damage of coral reef ecosystem in that area. Coral reef damage may be caused by anthropogenic and natural factors, but if massive or longterm damage of coral reef will affected on decreasing income of local fishermen that dependent on reef product. Coral transplantation is one of method to restore coral into natural as before damage. Transplantation using coral fragment will increase coral recovery due to using asexual to regenerate coral into new colonies. Basic knowledge of transplantation should be transferred into fishermen so they can duplicate and practices by their self. Correct way of coral transplantation is key successful of this rehabilitation program in the future.
Papers by Daduk Setyohadi