Papers by Desfa Yusmaliana
Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat
Bangka Island is a tin mining area and has the potential for natural disasters due to these minin... more Bangka Island is a tin mining area and has the potential for natural disasters due to these mining activities such as drought, erosion, and sedimentation disasters. The Islamic perspective must be contemplated further to understand and address every incident proportionally in interpreting and responding to disasters. The Tarjih Council and Tajdid Muhammadiyah have formulated disaster fiqh that must be conveyed, primarily through youth organizations consisting of the youth of the nation's generation as part of the service program. Furthermore, these youth groups are referred to as "Disaster Response Groups" so that they can be used as daily guidelines and a guide to avoiding behaviors that can damage the environment and lead to disasters. Assistance for disaster response groups through reactivation of youth organizations facilitates youth in Batu Beriga Village, Kec. Lubuk Besar, Kab. Central Bangka understands the concept of disaster and disaster mitigation with a dis...
IJISH (International Journal of Islamic Studies and Humanities), 2019
This study aims to reconstruct the curriculum of Islamic education in facing the disruption era. ... more This study aims to reconstruct the curriculum of Islamic education in facing the disruption era. So far, Islamic education curriculum has not been prepared to face the disruption era which is full of changes. The formal Islamic education curriculum is too crowded with rigid learning administration activities, not inspiration and enlightenment that can build awareness, especially character. This research is a literature review with a qualitative descriptive approach. The results showed that the reconstruction of the Islamic education curriculum in the disruption era is an Islamic education curriculum that developed the character of the millennial generation with digital technology-based learning tools so that learning became more inspiring, enlightening, and building up the Islamic values.
TNU Journal of Science and Technology
Nghiên cứu này nhằm mục đích khám phá quá trình và kết quả của việc sử dụng phương tiện học tập c... more Nghiên cứu này nhằm mục đích khám phá quá trình và kết quả của việc sử dụng phương tiện học tập cho học sinh lớp X học tiếng Ả Rập. Nghiên cứu sử dụng phương pháp mô tả định tính. Quan sát, phỏng vấn và tài liệu được sử dụng để thu thập dữ liệu nghiên cứu từ hiệu trưởng, hiệu phó phụ trách chương trình giảng dạy, giáo viên dạy tiếng Ả Rập và học sinh lớp X. Nghiên cứu này không áp dụng cách xử lý, thao túng hoặc chuyển đổi đối với các biến đang được điều tra mà thay vào đó mô tả một tình trạng như nó vốn có. Lúc đầu, học tiếng Ả Rập ở lớp X rất khó. Kết quả nghiên cứu cho thấy giáo viên sử dụng phương tiện học tập phù hợp với đặc điểm của học sinh có thể biến việc học buồn tẻ, phức tạp và đáng sợ thành học tập hấp dẫn khiến học sinh háo hức tham gia đến cùng. Điều đó đã được chứng minh qua việc cải thiện bài kiểm tra từ thứ nhất đến thứ sáu, mặc dù sự khác biệt không đáng kể. Hơn nữa, sự thành công của giáo viên trong việc sử dụng phương tiện học tập cho các môn học tiếng Ả Rập đã t...
EDUSOSHUM: Journal of Islamic Education and Social Humanities
Management is an important factor in managing an institution, one of which is educational institu... more Management is an important factor in managing an institution, one of which is educational institutions, namely Islamic boarding schools. Islamic boarding school education management has characteristics that are in accordance with Islamic religious teachings and aims to instill Islamic religious values. Islamic boarding schools, as Islamic educational institutions, face challenges in the development of society and students. This challenge will be easy to face with pesantren education management. This article aims to describe pesantren education management. The method used in this research is the library research method. Data was collected using documentation techniques from scientific journal article literature published online. Data analysis techniques using content analysis techniques, or content analysis, Islamic boarding school education management is management that examines the management and planning of Islamic boarding schools in implementation with the aim of empowering stud...
Community Empowerment
PAUD/TK, SD and SMP Desa Batu Beriga are educational institutions that that take the lesson on th... more PAUD/TK, SD and SMP Desa Batu Beriga are educational institutions that that take the lesson on the importance of applying integrity values such as courage, responsibility, independence and honesty. For this reason, the educational institution incorporates the values of integrity into learning. The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) carries out corruption prevention through anti-corruption exercises which can be accessed and implemented in schools. Groups of KB/TK, SD, and SMP teachers should also be able to develop creativity in these activities which can be used as learning materials at school. This service aims to provide training on making creations of Anti-Corruption-Dare to Be Honest Independent Responsibility (BeTa Maju) creations based on creative imagination in Islamic religious learning for Early Childhood for PAUD/Kindergarten, Elementary and Middle School Teachers in Batu Beriga Village, Central Bangka Regency. This service uses the participatory action research (PAR...
Jurnal obsesi : jurnal pendidikan anak usia dini, Oct 11, 2022
Bold learning during Covid-19 causes a decrease in the quality of linguistic abilities in childre... more Bold learning during Covid-19 causes a decrease in the quality of linguistic abilities in children because teachers cannot convey material contextually. This study aimed to analyze learning models that can be used to develop post-pandemic early childhood language skills or through face-to-face learning. This type of research is qualitative research, in which the study is carried out to understand events regarding what happened to a research subject. This phenomenological research approach seeks to let reality naturally in the research place at Nyai Ahmad Dahlan Kindergarten, Yogyakarta. The study results indicate a learning model to develop early childhood language by departing from changes in early childhood behavior in learning. Behavioral changes that lead to learning with an activity-based learning approach and multi-media-multi-method are the solutions offered in this study to improve children's language development. It contributes to the knowledge of the learning model in the post-Covid-19 pandemic toward early childhood language development.
EDUKASI: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Agama dan Keagamaan
Imajinasi kreatif merupakan salah satu fungsi otak intuitif yang selama ini belum banyak dipelaja... more Imajinasi kreatif merupakan salah satu fungsi otak intuitif yang selama ini belum banyak dipelajari, sehingga pemikiran imajinatif sering kali dikesampingkan, bahkan didiskreditkan. Padahal, para Ulama dan Ilmuan terdahulu tidak jarang yang menggunakan imajinasi kreatifnya dalam proses penciptaaan teori baru. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan model kajian otak intuitif—yang selama ini dipelajari di bidang neurosains—sebagai basis berpikir imajinasi kreatif. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik analisis konten dan wawancara Kajian ini selanjutnya disebut dengan istilah “Model Imajinasi Kreatif Berbasis Neurosain (IKBN). Agar model ini dapat dioperasionalisasikan dalam pembelajaran keagamaan Islam, perlu diberikan planning framework dan outline pembelajaran. Model IKBN dirancang dengan menggunakan beberapa alat pembelajaran yang dikenal dengan alat kognitif atau neurosains kognitif. Sebagian besar spesifikasi metode yang terda...
Dedication : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Pemberian sosialisasi dan pelaksanaan senam sahabat pemberani merupakan kegiatan untuk mengenalka... more Pemberian sosialisasi dan pelaksanaan senam sahabat pemberani merupakan kegiatan untuk mengenalkan nilai-nilai integritas pada anak usia dini. Pencegahan tindakan korupsi mutlak harus dilakukan tidak hanya dalam tataran hukum semata, namun juga harus pada ranah pendidikan karena pendidikan memberikan kontribusi jangka panjang terlebih dalam pembentukan karakter peserta didik. Kegiatan senam sahabat pemberani merupakan upaya pengintegrasian nilai-nilai antikorupsi pada peserta didik dengan menanamkan pembiasaan dan stimulus kata-kata yang terdapat dalam irama sehingga diharapkan dapat tertanam dalam benak peserta didik hingga dewasa. Beberapa nilai-nilai integritas tersebut adalah Jujur, Peduli, Mandiri, Disiplin, Tanggungjawab, Kerja Keras, Sederhana, Berani dan Adil atau disingkat menjadi JUPE MANDI TANGKER SEBEDIL.
Istawa : Jurnal Pendidikan Islam
The development of fiqh learning media for android-based Islamic economics at SMK Muhammadiyah Ka... more The development of fiqh learning media for android-based Islamic economics at SMK Muhammadiyah Karangmojo was the focus of this research against the background that there were still many PAI learning methods, especially fiqh, using conventional methods. This study aims to describe the learning of fiqh in class XI at SMK Muhammadiyah Karangmojo and the development of fiqh media for android-based Islamic economics at SMK Muhammadiyah Karangmojo. This research applied the type of RD research with the Borg Gall model because it was expected to develop learning products. The research methods were model development, development procedures, and product testing. The model developed in this research was developing Islamic economics material based on Islamic Jurisprudence learning media. The results of this study indicate: (1) Fiqh learning class XI at SMK Muhammadiyah Karangmojo still uses conventional methods. There are still few teaching media for fiqh. There are 90% of students have andro...
Muaddib : Studi Kependidikan dan Keislaman
Efforts to prevent corruption are carried out in various lines, including early childhood educati... more Efforts to prevent corruption are carried out in various lines, including early childhood education scope. PAUD/TK Griya Bermain Pangkalpinang is an Islamic educational institution that instills academic values and Islamic values in which there is also an emphasis on integrity values. PAUD/TK Griya Bermain Pangkalpinang has caught that corruption prevention measures from an early age during the covid pandemic can be carried out by internalizing the importance of integrity in Islamic education by training and stimulating students through anti-corruption exercises. This research aims to develop and instill the values of integrity in early childhood students through anti-corruption gymnastics activities during the Covid 19 pandemic. This study used a qualitative approach in field research in PAUD/TK Griya Bermain Pangkalpinang. Techniques for data collecting included observation, interviews, and documents. The data were analyzed in three ways: descriptively, interpretively, and in comparison. In collaboration with parents and the University of Muhammadiyah Bangka Belitung's research team, the teacher taught students anti-corruption gymnastics and monitored students' integrity and anti-corruption habit. During the Covid-19 pandemic, it has the potential to be one of the programs through anti-corruption exercise habituation exercises that children and their parents can practice at home.
J-PAI: Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam, 2019
The new phenomenon of corruption cases that ensnared Islamic religious leaders in Indonesia indic... more The new phenomenon of corruption cases that ensnared Islamic religious leaders in Indonesia indicates that so far Islamic education in Indonesia has not taught anti-corruption. As a result, religious leaders only have ritual and social piety, but do not yet have constitutional piety. From a neuroscience perspective, Corruptor's brain is basically normal but not healthy. The purpose of this study is to find a conceptual model of the integration of anti-corruption education in neurosciencebased Islamic religious learning to develop character constitutional piety. The research approach used is qualitative method in the form of Creswell model library research. Data sources are obtained from literature in the field of Islamic education, anti-corruption, and neurosciences. The Sugiyono model was performed to collect the data, namely by searching related literature, both manually and digitally. The data were then analyzed using Moleong's content analysis. The results showed that the character of constitutional piety could be developed in students through anti-corruption education integrated with neuroscience-based Islamic religious learning. Seven forms of corruption (detrimental to the state, bribery, embezzlement, extortion, cheating, conflict of interest and gratification) are examined in perspective of jinayah jurisprudence and or anti-corruption jurisprudence (al-ghûl, riswah, khiyanat, ghasbah) then formally configured. The anticorruption education model in Islamic religious learning based on neuroscience has the potential to develop the character of ritual, social and constitutional piety integrally.
Universal Journal of Educational Research, 2020
Optimizing the potential of the brain in learning so far has not touched the intuitive brain dime... more Optimizing the potential of the brain in learning so far has not touched the intuitive brain dimensions that regulate the way of thinking as creative imagination. In the Islamic education context, creative imagination is precisely being mistaken as a delusion that destroys the potential of the rational brain. This research aims to develop creative imagination based on neuroscience in the Islamic learning course in elementary schools. This research has used Dick and Carey model. Product design was developed by adapting the concept of Vygotsky's learning tools into a new model of Creative Imagination based on Neuroscience (CIBN). Design analysis of the development models was carried out in two phases, namely requirement analysis and feasibility analysis. The needs analysis was done by adjusting the use of cognitive tools and presenting to the teacher, while the feasibility analysis was done through the validation of material and media experts. Specifically, the validation data were analyzed descriptively qualitatively with a mean value of "Very Good" and media experts obtained a mean value of "Good". In conclusion, the learning module with the CIBN model is feasible according to the material experts and media experts to be continued in the next stage and serves as a source of input for planning and implementing further learning programs. This research also has implications as a new offer that can contribute to learning in a new normal era due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
J-MPI, 2020
The purpose of this study was to analyze the educational quality framework based on the sematic s... more The purpose of this study was to analyze the educational quality framework based on the sematic study in QS. Al Ma'un's and its implementation in learning in the fourth grade of SD STKIP Muhammadiyah Bangka Belitung. This research used descriptive qualitative research methods. The primary data sources of this research were Al Ma'un Surah Al-Qur'an, headmaster, teachers and 4th-grade students of SD STKIP Muhammadiyah Bangka Belitung, while secondary data sources were in the form of relevant research results and documentation. Data collection techniques used content analysis techniques, interviews, questionnaires, and documentation. Data analysis techniques were reducing data, displaying data, making conclusions and verification. The results obtained in this study: 1) QS. Al Ma'un with 7 verses contains the true meaning of religious deceiver and deceit the day of retribution. Their main characters are arbitrary to orphans and do not want to help the poor. Threating...
Edukasia : Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Islam, 2019
This article aims to develop students' creative imagination based on neuroscience in the process ... more This article aims to develop students' creative imagination based on neuroscience in the process of Islamic religious learning. This study was library research with a qualitative approach by using the Haberman and Miles model. All children's aspects when they are golden age develop very rapidly so the optimal stimulation is required. One of them is the development of creative imagination. The creative imaginations have not been developed much, even it is considered as learning disruptions. However, in the path of history, many scientists put forward their creative imagination in their childhood. It shows that creative imagination is not a learning disorder but a technique to optimize brain function more optimal. Learning activities that stimulate children's creative imagination such as playing religious music, reading grand stories, spiritual songs, aesthetic dances and unique paintings are very important to be developed in the Islamic learning process.
World sustainability series, Dec 31, 2022
Proceedings of the 2nd EAI Bukittinggi International Conference on Education, BICED 2020, 14 September, 2020, Bukititinggi, West Sumatera, Indonesia
The brain is one of the ultimate power and complicated operating systems work as a united and int... more The brain is one of the ultimate power and complicated operating systems work as a united and integrated area. Nevertheless, Islamic education study focused solely on logical, rational, and empirical brain processes. Besides, the brain also has the power of intuitive thinking whereas current findings show that intuition in the form of holistic can be superior for some reasons. In fact, people with this capability develop and retain their intuitive brain as important roles in strategic making decisions. Unfortunately, the typical type for both rational and intuitive brain has been separated and splitted personality in Islamic education study. Consequently, a logical person would be highly appreciated than an intuitive person. In this study, the researchers analyzed the rational and intuitive brain based on scientific models qualitative way, in the form of literacy research. The research results showed that the transmutation from rational to the intuitive brain through the point of fatigue to the Higher Order Thinking (C4-C6), SOLO Taxonomy, and Marzano's Taxonomy.
Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis tentang proses pembentukan budi pekerti peserta didik da... more Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis tentang proses pembentukan budi pekerti peserta didik dalam penerapanKurikulum 2013. Adapun penelitian ini berbentuk penelitian kepustakaan (library research) dengan menggunakan metode pendekatan deskriptif analisis terhadap tema-tema yang berkaitan dengan kurikulum 2013, pembentukan akhlak dan era generasi emas. Pendidikan akhlak yang diintegrasikan dalam setiap aspek pembelajaran dirasa penting demi menyongsonggenerasi emas 2045. Untuk itulah rekonstruksi sistem pendidikan merupakan suatu hal yang terus akan dilakukan demi pencapaian tujuan pendidikan. Dalam hal ini penerapan kurikulum 2013 yang membawa konsep konstruktivistikmemiliki tujuan untuk dapat meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir, bertingkah laku, dan juga keterampilan fisik. Kepentingan dan kegentingan akan pencapaian ketiga tujuan pendidikan tersebut merupakan sasaran dalam menyiapkan generasi emas mendatang terlebih pada aspek pembentukan mental dan akhlak peserta didik. Oleh ka...
Papers by Desfa Yusmaliana