1Department of Mathematics & Center of High-Performance Computing, University of Calabria, Arcava... more 1Department of Mathematics & Center of High-Performance Computing, University of Calabria, Arcavacata, 87036, Rende (CS), Italy 2Eni s.p.a., exploration & production division, via Emilia 1, 20097, San Donato Milanese (MI), Italy 3Department of Earth Sciences, University of Calabria, Arcavacata, 87036, Rende (CS), Italy 4NHAZCA S.r.l. & Department of Earth Sciences, Università di Roma “Sapienza”, Via Cori snc, 00177, Roma, Italy
... trasforma7ione di un iniziale scivolamento superficiale in flusso (Campbell RH, 1974); b) per c... more ... trasforma7ione di un iniziale scivolamento superficiale in flusso (Campbell RH, 1974); b) per collasso improvviso di ostruzioni lungo i corsi d'acqua ... La versione 834m del modello (Iovine G. et al., 200221; b); nel presente lavoro utilizzata con maglia esagonale (apotema I 125m ...
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer Science and Application Engineering
Simulations1 of natural hazards by computer is a powerful tool to be used for mitigation of envir... more Simulations1 of natural hazards by computer is a powerful tool to be used for mitigation of environmental risks. Here, we present our semi-empirical Cellular Automata model LLUNPIY for simulations of lahars and its extension to primary lahars. This version of LLUNPIY accounts for triggering by pyroclastic bombs and has been successfully validated by the simulations of the 1877 cataclysmic lahars of Cotopaxi Volcano (Ecuador); a likely occurrence of a similar disaster was simulated considering today's environmental conditions.
Cellular Automata (CA) represent a computational paradigm for complex fluid-dynamical phenomena t... more Cellular Automata (CA) represent a computational paradigm for complex fluid-dynamical phenomena that evolve on the basis on local interactions. Macroscopic CA (MCA) characterize a methodological approach for modelling and simulating large scale (extended for kilometers) surface flows. Fast-moving flow-like "landslides", as lahars, debris and mud flows, represent very destructive natural disasters as number of casualties in the world. Simulation of such phenomena could be an important tool for hazard management in threatened regions. This paper presents shortly the modelling methodology of MCA for such type of surface flow together with the models SCIDDICA-SS2, SCIDDICA-SS3 (both for debris, mud and granular flows) and LLUNPIY (for primary and secondary lahars) together with their significant applications in simulating both past and probable future events. At the end, a new result about possible hazard of Cotopaxi volcano is reported; the repetition of the 1877 catastrophic lahar invasion is simulated, beginning from the immediate melting of part of the Cotopaxi icecap because of volcanic activity.
The bioremediation of contaminated soils is one of main strategies for site clean-up. The most im... more The bioremediation of contaminated soils is one of main strategies for site clean-up. The most important principle of bioremediation is that microorganisms (mainly bacteria) can be used to destroy hazardous contaminants or transform them into a less harmful form. Currently, we are facing this problem in the CABOTO project within the PCI ESPRIT framework. The CABOTO objective concerns the design and implementation of a parallel simulator for the bioremediation of contaminated soils by using models based on the cellular automata (CA) theory. For the parallel implementing of the simulator has been used the CAMEL system, a parallel environment for the simulation and modelling of complex systems based on CA. This paper describes the model used to simulate the contamination and the bioremediation of the soil, the main features of the CAMEL system and the parallel implementation of the simulator by CAMEL. Finally, experimental results are described.
In the field of wildfire risk management the so-called burn probability maps (BPMs) are increasin... more In the field of wildfire risk management the so-called burn probability maps (BPMs) are increasingly used with the aim of estimating the probability of each point of a landscape to be burned under certain environmental conditions. Such BPMs are computed through the explicit simulation of thousands of fires using fast and accurate simulation models. However, even adopting the most optimized simulation algorithms, the building of simulation-based BPMs for large areas results in a highly intensive computational process that makes mandatory the use of high performance computing. In this paper, General-Purpose Computation with Graphics Processing Units (GPGPU) is applied, in conjunction with a specifically devised wildfire simulation model, to the process of BPM building. Using two different GPGPU devices, the paper illustrates two different implementation strategies and discusses some numerical results obtained on a real landscape.
A hybrid technique based on Cellular Automata and Genetic Algorithms has been used for modeling l... more A hybrid technique based on Cellular Automata and Genetic Algorithms has been used for modeling lava flows on Mt Etna volcano (Italy). In particular, a Parallel Master-Slave Genetic Algorithm has b...
CAs coastal dynamics is a very complex system, computer simulation is a valid approach to plan re... more CAs coastal dynamics is a very complex system, computer simulation is a valid approach to plan real action. During SIGIEC Project a new Macroscopic Cellular Automata was designed i.e. RUSICA for morphodynamics studies of the beaches. MCA methodology, used for investigating natural macroscopic systems, is an alternative approach to PDE. Through local interactions of their constituent parts MCA operating on different specification levels to be compared to experimental data. Simulation allowed to study the dynamics and modified orography with artificial solutions for erosion contrast as at Porto Cesareo (Apulia Italy). Results of simulations of different scenarios of stormy sea in that area here are given together with evidence of effect of artificial barrier built in order to contrast the coastal erosion progress.
Beach recession is spreading in Mediterranean by effects of climatic change. RUSICA is a Cellular... more Beach recession is spreading in Mediterranean by effects of climatic change. RUSICA is a Cellular Automata model, that is in developing phase for simulating such a complex phenomenon, considering its main mechanisms: loose particles (sand, gravel, silt, clay, etc.) mobilization, suspension, deposit and transport, triggered by waves and currents. A simplified version of the model was implemented and applied to data, related to the sandy shore of Torre Lapillo (Porto Cesareo, Italy), in August 2010, where shore evolution was monitored, even if data quality and quantity aren’t ideal in order to feed RUSICA. Simulations of different scenarios of stormy sea in that area evidenced the adequate performance of the model in capturing the main emergent features of the phenomenon in despite of the simplified approach.
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications, 2015
Cotopaxi volcano is one of the most studied and surveyed volcanos in the world because the repeti... more Cotopaxi volcano is one of the most studied and surveyed volcanos in the world because the repetition of the 1877 catastrophic lahar invasion, is not implausible, threatening now more than 100,000 persons. A reliable forecasting tool is very important for projecting security measures. LLUNPIY is a Cellular Automata model for simulating lahars in terms of complex system evolving on the base of local interaction. Here, LLUNPIY extension is applied to Cotopaxi event of 1877 primary lahars, after the successful simulation of some secondary lahars of Tungurahua volcano. Such an extension permitted simulations with different initial hypotheses: our preliminary simulations agree in outline with field studies about the evolution of event, moreover LLUNPIY permits a broader approach to overall phenomenon in comparison with other tools.
Parallel Computing - Fundamentals and Applications - Proceedings of the International Conference ParCo99, 2000
Cellular automata (CA) can be applied for modeling the dynamics of spatially extended physical sy... more Cellular automata (CA) can be applied for modeling the dynamics of spatially extended physical systems, representing an alternative to the classical PDE approach. Furthermore, CA implementation on large parallel computer is straightforward because of their characteristics of parallelism and acentrism. In this paper, a CA model for simulating the fluid-dynamics of contaminated porous soils is introduced. It is based on an empirical method for modeling complex phenomena from a macroscopic viewpoint; such a choice is motivated by the aim of simulating large scale systems. We report here first significant applications of this model concerning case studies and experiments in pilot plants. The results of the applications and a comparison between case studies and simulations are presented and commented on
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C, 2002
Cellular automata (CA) are based on a regular division of the space in cells. Each cell embeds an... more Cellular automata (CA) are based on a regular division of the space in cells. Each cell embeds an identical finite automaton, whose input is given by the states of neighbouring cells. The transition function σ of the CA is made of a set of rules, simultaneously applied, step by step, to each cell of the cellular space. Rules are derived
Cellular Automata (CA) are discrete and parallel computational models for simulating dynamic that... more Cellular Automata (CA) are discrete and parallel computational models for simulating dynamic that evolve on the basis on local interactions. Some natural events, such as fluid-dynamical phenomena, eg., secondary lahars, fall into this type of phenomena and lend themselves well to be simulated with this methological approach for modeling large-scale. The LLUNPIY model is being developed, considering three phases of this phenomenon: the detachment phase that is produced by interaction of the raining water with the part of soil that is mobilisable; then the flowing phase of the lahar in the zones of significant slops; at the end, the separation between lahar pyroclastic matter and inside water. The second part of LLUNPIY was almost completely developed and applied to two lahars of the Tungurahua volcano, the former one in the February 2005, the latter one in the August 2008. Results show that this model is working adequately, even if improvements have to be considered.
1Department of Mathematics & Center of High-Performance Computing, University of Calabria, Arcava... more 1Department of Mathematics & Center of High-Performance Computing, University of Calabria, Arcavacata, 87036, Rende (CS), Italy 2Eni s.p.a., exploration & production division, via Emilia 1, 20097, San Donato Milanese (MI), Italy 3Department of Earth Sciences, University of Calabria, Arcavacata, 87036, Rende (CS), Italy 4NHAZCA S.r.l. & Department of Earth Sciences, Università di Roma “Sapienza”, Via Cori snc, 00177, Roma, Italy
... trasforma7ione di un iniziale scivolamento superficiale in flusso (Campbell RH, 1974); b) per c... more ... trasforma7ione di un iniziale scivolamento superficiale in flusso (Campbell RH, 1974); b) per collasso improvviso di ostruzioni lungo i corsi d'acqua ... La versione 834m del modello (Iovine G. et al., 200221; b); nel presente lavoro utilizzata con maglia esagonale (apotema I 125m ...
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer Science and Application Engineering
Simulations1 of natural hazards by computer is a powerful tool to be used for mitigation of envir... more Simulations1 of natural hazards by computer is a powerful tool to be used for mitigation of environmental risks. Here, we present our semi-empirical Cellular Automata model LLUNPIY for simulations of lahars and its extension to primary lahars. This version of LLUNPIY accounts for triggering by pyroclastic bombs and has been successfully validated by the simulations of the 1877 cataclysmic lahars of Cotopaxi Volcano (Ecuador); a likely occurrence of a similar disaster was simulated considering today's environmental conditions.
Cellular Automata (CA) represent a computational paradigm for complex fluid-dynamical phenomena t... more Cellular Automata (CA) represent a computational paradigm for complex fluid-dynamical phenomena that evolve on the basis on local interactions. Macroscopic CA (MCA) characterize a methodological approach for modelling and simulating large scale (extended for kilometers) surface flows. Fast-moving flow-like "landslides", as lahars, debris and mud flows, represent very destructive natural disasters as number of casualties in the world. Simulation of such phenomena could be an important tool for hazard management in threatened regions. This paper presents shortly the modelling methodology of MCA for such type of surface flow together with the models SCIDDICA-SS2, SCIDDICA-SS3 (both for debris, mud and granular flows) and LLUNPIY (for primary and secondary lahars) together with their significant applications in simulating both past and probable future events. At the end, a new result about possible hazard of Cotopaxi volcano is reported; the repetition of the 1877 catastrophic lahar invasion is simulated, beginning from the immediate melting of part of the Cotopaxi icecap because of volcanic activity.
The bioremediation of contaminated soils is one of main strategies for site clean-up. The most im... more The bioremediation of contaminated soils is one of main strategies for site clean-up. The most important principle of bioremediation is that microorganisms (mainly bacteria) can be used to destroy hazardous contaminants or transform them into a less harmful form. Currently, we are facing this problem in the CABOTO project within the PCI ESPRIT framework. The CABOTO objective concerns the design and implementation of a parallel simulator for the bioremediation of contaminated soils by using models based on the cellular automata (CA) theory. For the parallel implementing of the simulator has been used the CAMEL system, a parallel environment for the simulation and modelling of complex systems based on CA. This paper describes the model used to simulate the contamination and the bioremediation of the soil, the main features of the CAMEL system and the parallel implementation of the simulator by CAMEL. Finally, experimental results are described.
In the field of wildfire risk management the so-called burn probability maps (BPMs) are increasin... more In the field of wildfire risk management the so-called burn probability maps (BPMs) are increasingly used with the aim of estimating the probability of each point of a landscape to be burned under certain environmental conditions. Such BPMs are computed through the explicit simulation of thousands of fires using fast and accurate simulation models. However, even adopting the most optimized simulation algorithms, the building of simulation-based BPMs for large areas results in a highly intensive computational process that makes mandatory the use of high performance computing. In this paper, General-Purpose Computation with Graphics Processing Units (GPGPU) is applied, in conjunction with a specifically devised wildfire simulation model, to the process of BPM building. Using two different GPGPU devices, the paper illustrates two different implementation strategies and discusses some numerical results obtained on a real landscape.
A hybrid technique based on Cellular Automata and Genetic Algorithms has been used for modeling l... more A hybrid technique based on Cellular Automata and Genetic Algorithms has been used for modeling lava flows on Mt Etna volcano (Italy). In particular, a Parallel Master-Slave Genetic Algorithm has b...
CAs coastal dynamics is a very complex system, computer simulation is a valid approach to plan re... more CAs coastal dynamics is a very complex system, computer simulation is a valid approach to plan real action. During SIGIEC Project a new Macroscopic Cellular Automata was designed i.e. RUSICA for morphodynamics studies of the beaches. MCA methodology, used for investigating natural macroscopic systems, is an alternative approach to PDE. Through local interactions of their constituent parts MCA operating on different specification levels to be compared to experimental data. Simulation allowed to study the dynamics and modified orography with artificial solutions for erosion contrast as at Porto Cesareo (Apulia Italy). Results of simulations of different scenarios of stormy sea in that area here are given together with evidence of effect of artificial barrier built in order to contrast the coastal erosion progress.
Beach recession is spreading in Mediterranean by effects of climatic change. RUSICA is a Cellular... more Beach recession is spreading in Mediterranean by effects of climatic change. RUSICA is a Cellular Automata model, that is in developing phase for simulating such a complex phenomenon, considering its main mechanisms: loose particles (sand, gravel, silt, clay, etc.) mobilization, suspension, deposit and transport, triggered by waves and currents. A simplified version of the model was implemented and applied to data, related to the sandy shore of Torre Lapillo (Porto Cesareo, Italy), in August 2010, where shore evolution was monitored, even if data quality and quantity aren’t ideal in order to feed RUSICA. Simulations of different scenarios of stormy sea in that area evidenced the adequate performance of the model in capturing the main emergent features of the phenomenon in despite of the simplified approach.
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications, 2015
Cotopaxi volcano is one of the most studied and surveyed volcanos in the world because the repeti... more Cotopaxi volcano is one of the most studied and surveyed volcanos in the world because the repetition of the 1877 catastrophic lahar invasion, is not implausible, threatening now more than 100,000 persons. A reliable forecasting tool is very important for projecting security measures. LLUNPIY is a Cellular Automata model for simulating lahars in terms of complex system evolving on the base of local interaction. Here, LLUNPIY extension is applied to Cotopaxi event of 1877 primary lahars, after the successful simulation of some secondary lahars of Tungurahua volcano. Such an extension permitted simulations with different initial hypotheses: our preliminary simulations agree in outline with field studies about the evolution of event, moreover LLUNPIY permits a broader approach to overall phenomenon in comparison with other tools.
Parallel Computing - Fundamentals and Applications - Proceedings of the International Conference ParCo99, 2000
Cellular automata (CA) can be applied for modeling the dynamics of spatially extended physical sy... more Cellular automata (CA) can be applied for modeling the dynamics of spatially extended physical systems, representing an alternative to the classical PDE approach. Furthermore, CA implementation on large parallel computer is straightforward because of their characteristics of parallelism and acentrism. In this paper, a CA model for simulating the fluid-dynamics of contaminated porous soils is introduced. It is based on an empirical method for modeling complex phenomena from a macroscopic viewpoint; such a choice is motivated by the aim of simulating large scale systems. We report here first significant applications of this model concerning case studies and experiments in pilot plants. The results of the applications and a comparison between case studies and simulations are presented and commented on
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C, 2002
Cellular automata (CA) are based on a regular division of the space in cells. Each cell embeds an... more Cellular automata (CA) are based on a regular division of the space in cells. Each cell embeds an identical finite automaton, whose input is given by the states of neighbouring cells. The transition function σ of the CA is made of a set of rules, simultaneously applied, step by step, to each cell of the cellular space. Rules are derived
Cellular Automata (CA) are discrete and parallel computational models for simulating dynamic that... more Cellular Automata (CA) are discrete and parallel computational models for simulating dynamic that evolve on the basis on local interactions. Some natural events, such as fluid-dynamical phenomena, eg., secondary lahars, fall into this type of phenomena and lend themselves well to be simulated with this methological approach for modeling large-scale. The LLUNPIY model is being developed, considering three phases of this phenomenon: the detachment phase that is produced by interaction of the raining water with the part of soil that is mobilisable; then the flowing phase of the lahar in the zones of significant slops; at the end, the separation between lahar pyroclastic matter and inside water. The second part of LLUNPIY was almost completely developed and applied to two lahars of the Tungurahua volcano, the former one in the February 2005, the latter one in the August 2008. Results show that this model is working adequately, even if improvements have to be considered.
Papers by D. Gregorio