ÖZET Bu çalışmada sigara bıraktırma tedavileri ile ilgili olarak son 10 sene içinde yapılm ış çal... more ÖZET Bu çalışmada sigara bıraktırma tedavileri ile ilgili olarak son 10 sene içinde yapılm ış çalışmalar gözden geçiril-miştir. Bu amaçla medline taranmış ve özellikle plasebo kontrollü çift kör yap ılm ış etkinlik çal ışmaları ayrıntılı incelenmiştir. Sonuç olarak sigara bıraktırırıada nikotin yerine koyma preparatları , bupropion SR (yava ş salınım-il) ve nortriptilin etkinli ği kanıtlanmış farmakolojik tedavilerdir. Nikotin yerine koyma tedavisi ve bupropion SR, yoksunluk belirtileri yan ısıra kilo altınını da azaltmaktadır. Bupropion SR, nüksün en s ık sebebi olan sigaraya karşı duyulan şiddetli isteği (craving) de azaltmaktadır. Bupropion SR ın özellikle kad ınlarda nüksü önlemede et-kin olduğunu düşündüren bulgular vardır. Selejilin, lazabemidle yap ılan ilk çalışmalarda umut verici sonuçlar elde edilmi ştir. Lazabemidle yap ılan çalışmada 8. haftada nokta prevalansı sigara bırakma oranları 100 mg la-zabemid, 200 mg lazabemid gruplar ında sırasıyla % 17, % 19 ve % 30 bulunmu ş...
Purpose Aeromedical training is meant to train aircrew in combating physiological problems that t... more Purpose Aeromedical training is meant to train aircrew in combating physiological problems that they might face in flight. Given the importance of the training, there are limited studies in the literature investigating the anxiety levels during aeromedical training along with training outcomes. This study aims to assess the untrained participants’ anxiety levels before and after aeromedical training, investigate the differences in anxiety levels across different physiological training devices and determine whether participants’ anxiety levels affect their G tolerances. Design/methodology/approach This study was carried out on 61 healthy male subjects (n = 61) who had applied for initial aeromedical training. Anxiety surveys and visual analog scales were administered before and after the practical aeromedical training. In addition, blood pressure and heart rate measurements were carried out. Findings Participants had significantly higher anxiety levels before human centrifuge trainin...
Dusunen Adam: The Journal of Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences, Dec 26, 2018
A norm study of a neuropsychological test battery for evaluating cognitive functions in commercia... more A norm study of a neuropsychological test battery for evaluating cognitive functions in commercial airline pilots Objective: This study aims to establish a norm for Turkish commercial airline pilots with a neuropsychological test battery that has been prepared specifically for pilots. The test battery assesses all of the attention components that are critical for piloting: working memory, information processing rate, mental flexibility, reaction time, set switching, inhibiting cognitive interference, several parameters of short/long term visual memory, and spatial comprehension. Method: The study included 147 healthy commercial airline pilots, of whom 144 were men and 3 women. The participants were divided into four age groups: 20-29 years, 30-39 years, 40-49 years, and 50 years and above. They were given the following tests: Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised (WAIS-R) Digit Span, Rey Complex Figure Test (RCFT), Continuous Performance Test (CPT), Paced Auditory Serial Addition Test (PASAT), Reaction Time Test (RTT), d2 Test of Attention (d2TA), Stroop Test (ST), Trail Making Test (TMT), Visual Elevator Test (VET), and Judgement of Line Orientation Test (JLO). Results: There was a relation between age and military vs. civilian background, type of bachelor's degree, and flight experience, but no relation was found between age and hand dominance. It was found that there was a significant difference in all test scores between age groups except for CPT scores, d2 Test percentage of errors and total number of errors, ST 1 st , 2 nd , 5 th card self-corrections and 3 rd card errors, TMT A and B Form errors, and VET switching numbers. Conclusion: It was concluded that commercial airline pilots' neuropsychological test scores differ according to age but not by hand dominance. The importance of pilot norms and the necessity of comparing pilots according to professional norms was highlighted in the discussion.
ÖZET Bu çalışmada sigara bıraktırma tedavileri ile ilgili olarak son 10 sene içinde yapılm ış çal... more ÖZET Bu çalışmada sigara bıraktırma tedavileri ile ilgili olarak son 10 sene içinde yapılm ış çalışmalar gözden geçiril-miştir. Bu amaçla medline taranmış ve özellikle plasebo kontrollü çift kör yap ılm ış etkinlik çal ışmaları ayrıntılı incelenmiştir. Sonuç olarak sigara bıraktırırıada nikotin yerine koyma preparatları , bupropion SR (yava ş salınım-il) ve nortriptilin etkinli ği kanıtlanmış farmakolojik tedavilerdir. Nikotin yerine koyma tedavisi ve bupropion SR, yoksunluk belirtileri yan ısıra kilo altınını da azaltmaktadır. Bupropion SR, nüksün en s ık sebebi olan sigaraya karşı duyulan şiddetli isteği (craving) de azaltmaktadır. Bupropion SR ın özellikle kad ınlarda nüksü önlemede et-kin olduğunu düşündüren bulgular vardır. Selejilin, lazabemidle yap ılan ilk çalışmalarda umut verici sonuçlar elde edilmi ştir. Lazabemidle yap ılan çalışmada 8. haftada nokta prevalansı sigara bırakma oranları 100 mg la-zabemid, 200 mg lazabemid gruplar ında sırasıyla % 17, % 19 ve % 30 bulunmu ş...
Purpose Aeromedical training is meant to train aircrew in combating physiological problems that t... more Purpose Aeromedical training is meant to train aircrew in combating physiological problems that they might face in flight. Given the importance of the training, there are limited studies in the literature investigating the anxiety levels during aeromedical training along with training outcomes. This study aims to assess the untrained participants’ anxiety levels before and after aeromedical training, investigate the differences in anxiety levels across different physiological training devices and determine whether participants’ anxiety levels affect their G tolerances. Design/methodology/approach This study was carried out on 61 healthy male subjects (n = 61) who had applied for initial aeromedical training. Anxiety surveys and visual analog scales were administered before and after the practical aeromedical training. In addition, blood pressure and heart rate measurements were carried out. Findings Participants had significantly higher anxiety levels before human centrifuge trainin...
Dusunen Adam: The Journal of Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences, Dec 26, 2018
A norm study of a neuropsychological test battery for evaluating cognitive functions in commercia... more A norm study of a neuropsychological test battery for evaluating cognitive functions in commercial airline pilots Objective: This study aims to establish a norm for Turkish commercial airline pilots with a neuropsychological test battery that has been prepared specifically for pilots. The test battery assesses all of the attention components that are critical for piloting: working memory, information processing rate, mental flexibility, reaction time, set switching, inhibiting cognitive interference, several parameters of short/long term visual memory, and spatial comprehension. Method: The study included 147 healthy commercial airline pilots, of whom 144 were men and 3 women. The participants were divided into four age groups: 20-29 years, 30-39 years, 40-49 years, and 50 years and above. They were given the following tests: Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised (WAIS-R) Digit Span, Rey Complex Figure Test (RCFT), Continuous Performance Test (CPT), Paced Auditory Serial Addition Test (PASAT), Reaction Time Test (RTT), d2 Test of Attention (d2TA), Stroop Test (ST), Trail Making Test (TMT), Visual Elevator Test (VET), and Judgement of Line Orientation Test (JLO). Results: There was a relation between age and military vs. civilian background, type of bachelor's degree, and flight experience, but no relation was found between age and hand dominance. It was found that there was a significant difference in all test scores between age groups except for CPT scores, d2 Test percentage of errors and total number of errors, ST 1 st , 2 nd , 5 th card self-corrections and 3 rd card errors, TMT A and B Form errors, and VET switching numbers. Conclusion: It was concluded that commercial airline pilots' neuropsychological test scores differ according to age but not by hand dominance. The importance of pilot norms and the necessity of comparing pilots according to professional norms was highlighted in the discussion.
Papers by Dijan Ertemir