S'inscrivant dans la problematique weberienne de la democratie, l'A. dresse le constat d&... more S'inscrivant dans la problematique weberienne de la democratie, l'A. dresse le constat d'un echec «a rendre compte de la democratie representative», constat qui s'appuie sur les analyses du concept weberien de «legitimite» et de la typologie de l'autorite legitime
... to the electoral system itself.13 Here such criteria as 'deviation from proportionality&... more ... to the electoral system itself.13 Here such criteria as 'deviation from proportionality' and 'relative reduction of parties', though amenable ... Getting the right mix of expertise involves being able to negotiate the interface between the worlds of academia and political practice. ...
Legitimacy, constitutional choice and citizenship, 1998
... If expanded powers require a greater measure of authorisation and accountability, democratisa... more ... If expanded powers require a greater measure of authorisation and accountability, democratisation in turn may prove unsustainable without some development of a European political identity alongside a national one (Habermas 1992, Weiler 1992, Laffan 1996). ...
Resumen: Derechos Humanos y democracia son, hoy, elementos inseparables de la realidad política. ... more Resumen: Derechos Humanos y democracia son, hoy, elementos inseparables de la realidad política. sin embargo, entre ambas nociones existen diferencias de origen y de función las que, eventualmente pueden plantear tensiones y dificultades, sobre todo cuando se pretende atribuir al "principio de la mayoría" potestades ilimitadas, que incluyen la determinación y configuración, incluso peyorativa, de los derechos fundamentales. Este riesgo proviene de adoptar una concepción meramente "formal" o "procedimental" de la democracia, por lo que se hace necesario afirmar una noción "sustancial" de esta, en la cual se reconozca a los derechos fundamentales. Por un lado, como un límite al poder estatal, cualquiera que sea la fuente de legitimación de este, y, por otro lado, como ingredientes indispensables para el ejercicio libre de los derechos políticos en los que se sustenta la democracia.
... reform will put this modest first guide on the sub-ject of democratic parliaments to good use.... more ... reform will put this modest first guide on the sub-ject of democratic parliaments to good use. ... the smallest group up to the largest state; how effectively they are realised in practice is the ... of basic rights: to express themselves freely, to associate freely with others, to vote for their ...
It is a commonplace of discussions about human rights that economic and social rights, like the p... more It is a commonplace of discussions about human rights that economic and social rights, like the poor themselves, occupy a distinctly second class status.' When human rights are mentioned, it is typically civil and political rights that spring to mind. When Western governments include the promotion of human rights in their foreign policy goals, it is the freedoms of expression and political association, the right to due process and the protection from state harassment that principally concern them rather than, say, access to the means of livelihood or to basic health care. And when the role of human rights NGOs is discussed, it is the work of organizations such as Amnesty International or civil liberties associations that we tend to think of. By the same token, our paradigm for a human rights violation is state-sponsored torture or 'disappearance' rather than, say, childhood death through malnutrition or preventable disease. This disparity between the two sets of rights was acknowledged by the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights itself, in its statement to the Vienna World Conference of 1993: The shocking reality. .. is that states and the international community as a whole continue to tolerate all too often breaches of economic, social and cultural rights which, if they occurred in relation to civil and political rights, would provoke expressions of horror and outrage and would lead to concerted calls for immediate remedial action. In effect, despite the rhetoric, violations of civil and political rights continue to be treated as though they were far more serious, and more patently intolerable, than massive and direct denials of economic, social and cultural rights.2 This article will concentrate on economic and social, rather than cultural, rights for reasons of space. I am grateful to the other contributors, especially Susan Mendus, for comments on an earlier draft. UN Doc. E/C.12/1992/2, p.83.
... BY DAVID BEETHAM, PAULINE NGAN AND STUART WEIR ... At least three Scottish Labour MPs faced s... more ... BY DAVID BEETHAM, PAULINE NGAN AND STUART WEIR ... At least three Scottish Labour MPs faced similar allegations of financial impropriety involving their constituency offices, including DTI minister Nigel Griffiths keeping alive lingering concerns about corruption and ...
... like its predecessors, was socially unrepresen-tative of the electorate, especially in terms ... more ... like its predecessors, was socially unrepresen-tative of the electorate, especially in terms of gender (even counting 'Blair's Babes' in 1997 ... The May 1999 elections resulted in a Lib-Lab coalition administration in Scotland and a minority Labour administration in Wales (though a ...
... BY DAVID BEETHAM, IAIN BYRNE, PAULINE NGAN AND STUART WEIR ... of the civil service, minister... more ... BY DAVID BEETHAM, IAIN BYRNE, PAULINE NGAN AND STUART WEIR ... of the civil service, ministers and special advisers, becomes more urgent every year; and in lieu of governmental action, the Public Administration Committee is currently preparing a draft Civil Service Bill. ...
S'inscrivant dans la problematique weberienne de la democratie, l'A. dresse le constat d&... more S'inscrivant dans la problematique weberienne de la democratie, l'A. dresse le constat d'un echec «a rendre compte de la democratie representative», constat qui s'appuie sur les analyses du concept weberien de «legitimite» et de la typologie de l'autorite legitime
... to the electoral system itself.13 Here such criteria as 'deviation from proportionality&... more ... to the electoral system itself.13 Here such criteria as 'deviation from proportionality' and 'relative reduction of parties', though amenable ... Getting the right mix of expertise involves being able to negotiate the interface between the worlds of academia and political practice. ...
Legitimacy, constitutional choice and citizenship, 1998
... If expanded powers require a greater measure of authorisation and accountability, democratisa... more ... If expanded powers require a greater measure of authorisation and accountability, democratisation in turn may prove unsustainable without some development of a European political identity alongside a national one (Habermas 1992, Weiler 1992, Laffan 1996). ...
Resumen: Derechos Humanos y democracia son, hoy, elementos inseparables de la realidad política. ... more Resumen: Derechos Humanos y democracia son, hoy, elementos inseparables de la realidad política. sin embargo, entre ambas nociones existen diferencias de origen y de función las que, eventualmente pueden plantear tensiones y dificultades, sobre todo cuando se pretende atribuir al "principio de la mayoría" potestades ilimitadas, que incluyen la determinación y configuración, incluso peyorativa, de los derechos fundamentales. Este riesgo proviene de adoptar una concepción meramente "formal" o "procedimental" de la democracia, por lo que se hace necesario afirmar una noción "sustancial" de esta, en la cual se reconozca a los derechos fundamentales. Por un lado, como un límite al poder estatal, cualquiera que sea la fuente de legitimación de este, y, por otro lado, como ingredientes indispensables para el ejercicio libre de los derechos políticos en los que se sustenta la democracia.
... reform will put this modest first guide on the sub-ject of democratic parliaments to good use.... more ... reform will put this modest first guide on the sub-ject of democratic parliaments to good use. ... the smallest group up to the largest state; how effectively they are realised in practice is the ... of basic rights: to express themselves freely, to associate freely with others, to vote for their ...
It is a commonplace of discussions about human rights that economic and social rights, like the p... more It is a commonplace of discussions about human rights that economic and social rights, like the poor themselves, occupy a distinctly second class status.' When human rights are mentioned, it is typically civil and political rights that spring to mind. When Western governments include the promotion of human rights in their foreign policy goals, it is the freedoms of expression and political association, the right to due process and the protection from state harassment that principally concern them rather than, say, access to the means of livelihood or to basic health care. And when the role of human rights NGOs is discussed, it is the work of organizations such as Amnesty International or civil liberties associations that we tend to think of. By the same token, our paradigm for a human rights violation is state-sponsored torture or 'disappearance' rather than, say, childhood death through malnutrition or preventable disease. This disparity between the two sets of rights was acknowledged by the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights itself, in its statement to the Vienna World Conference of 1993: The shocking reality. .. is that states and the international community as a whole continue to tolerate all too often breaches of economic, social and cultural rights which, if they occurred in relation to civil and political rights, would provoke expressions of horror and outrage and would lead to concerted calls for immediate remedial action. In effect, despite the rhetoric, violations of civil and political rights continue to be treated as though they were far more serious, and more patently intolerable, than massive and direct denials of economic, social and cultural rights.2 This article will concentrate on economic and social, rather than cultural, rights for reasons of space. I am grateful to the other contributors, especially Susan Mendus, for comments on an earlier draft. UN Doc. E/C.12/1992/2, p.83.
... BY DAVID BEETHAM, PAULINE NGAN AND STUART WEIR ... At least three Scottish Labour MPs faced s... more ... BY DAVID BEETHAM, PAULINE NGAN AND STUART WEIR ... At least three Scottish Labour MPs faced similar allegations of financial impropriety involving their constituency offices, including DTI minister Nigel Griffiths keeping alive lingering concerns about corruption and ...
... like its predecessors, was socially unrepresen-tative of the electorate, especially in terms ... more ... like its predecessors, was socially unrepresen-tative of the electorate, especially in terms of gender (even counting 'Blair's Babes' in 1997 ... The May 1999 elections resulted in a Lib-Lab coalition administration in Scotland and a minority Labour administration in Wales (though a ...
... BY DAVID BEETHAM, IAIN BYRNE, PAULINE NGAN AND STUART WEIR ... of the civil service, minister... more ... BY DAVID BEETHAM, IAIN BYRNE, PAULINE NGAN AND STUART WEIR ... of the civil service, ministers and special advisers, becomes more urgent every year; and in lieu of governmental action, the Public Administration Committee is currently preparing a draft Civil Service Bill. ...
Papers by D. Beetham