Papers by Christiane von Stutterheim
Deutsch von außen, 2019
Transnationale Germanistik 1. Namen als Programm "Germanistik-eine deutsche Wissenschaft?" fragte... more Transnationale Germanistik 1. Namen als Programm "Germanistik-eine deutsche Wissenschaft?" fragte Eberhard Lämmert 1967 kritisch. Und nun wird hier ein nahezu zweihundertjähriger Disziplinenname mit einem neuen Attribut versehen-wozu und weshalb mit diesem? "Wenn die Germanistik versuchen soll und will, sich in den europäischen Kontext einzubringen, dann wird es, denke ich, erforderlich, über ihre Entgrenzung ernsthaft nachzudenken, und dafür kommt meinem unmittelbaren Arbeitsbereich, dem Deutschen als Fremdsprache, möglicherweise auch für die wissenssoziologische Struktur eine gewisse Bedeutung, ein eigener Stellenwert zu, den unser Fach, so scheint mir, bisher noch nicht recht ernstgenommen hat, der aber andererseits wohl auch von der Germanistik her auf einige Abwehr stoßen würde."
... This problem often goes hand in hand with the first problem: which S has Proust in &#... more ... This problem often goes hand in hand with the first problem: which S has Proust in 'A la recherche du temps perdu?'. ... These problems shed considerable doubt on the classical understanding of 'deixis'the'here-and-now of the speech situation'in the analysis of tempo-ral ...
Frontiers in Communication, Mar 30, 2022
Patterns of information selection and verbal encoding may rely on an interdependence between the ... more Patterns of information selection and verbal encoding may rely on an interdependence between the spatial and temporal conceptual domain in the context of motion events. This has been shown, e.g., for Tunisian Arabic (TA), a language with a highly differentiated aspectual system. We address the question whether this interdependence can also be observed when L1 speakers of TA describe motion events in their L2 German, a language without grammaticalized aspect. Data obtained in an unscripted language production experiment in which L1 and highly advanced L2 speakers of German describe videos showing different types of motion events (one type showing boundary crossing at a goal like a woman entering a supermarket, the other type showing motion along a path with no evident goal such as a car driving along a road) suggest that this is indeed the case. The L2 speakers deviate systematically from the L1 speakers of German in the information they select for verbal encoding, but show clearly similar patterns to those used when describing the same scenes in the L1 (TA). The differences can be interpreted as pointing to the high relevance attributed to the temporal dimension of the events shown in the videos by the L2 speakers. The results are placed in the theoretical framework of schema theory. The findings for Arabic speakers of L2 German can be explained by assuming that the same event schema is activated in the context of L2 use as in the context of L1 use.
Language and Cognition, Feb 17, 2014
UK COGNITIVE LINGUISTICS ASSOCIATION The central objectives of the UK-CLA are to develop and prom... more UK COGNITIVE LINGUISTICS ASSOCIATION The central objectives of the UK-CLA are to develop and promote the multidisciplinary fi eld of Cognitive Linguistics within the UK, as well as contribute to the research-and event-based synergy currently growing across Europe, and to foster initiatives and exchanges at the wider international level. To this end, the Association organises a biennial UK-based conference in Cognitive Linguistics (see for details). A key aspect of the work undertaken by the Association is cooperation with other Cognitive Linguistics Associations, under the auspices of the International Cognitive Linguistics Association. To fi nd out more about the Association and get involved in its activities, please subscribe to the UK-CLA mailing list at The UK-CLA is affi liated to the International Cognitive Linguistics Association and the Linguistics Association of Great Britain. Membership of the UK-CLA is achieved by subscribing to Language and Cognition. Details on how to subscribe to the journal can be found at the journal website UKCLA. Subscription is available in the following options: online only, or online plus print. Individual subscription includes automatic electronic access to all back issues. In addition, the Association strongly supports contacts and cooperation between its members, the development of research projects, curricula and international graduate and doctoral programmes in Cognitive Linguistics, as well as the organisation of conferences, workshops, and other relevant events.
Language and Cognition, Mar 29, 2021
The term L2 is used in reference to languages other than a person's mother tongue. It also includ... more The term L2 is used in reference to languages other than a person's mother tongue. It also includes cases of multiple foreign language competence.
International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching, Jan 30, 2013
De Gruyter eBooks, Dec 31, 2005
Cross-linguistic analysis of temporal perspectives in text production Christiane von Stutterheim ... more Cross-linguistic analysis of temporal perspectives in text production Christiane von Stutterheim Monique Lambert 1. Aims of the study The background to the studies presented here is given by results from previous cross-linguistic analyses of text structure. It could be shown that ...
Studies on gaze allocation during sentence production have recently begun to implement cross-ling... more Studies on gaze allocation during sentence production have recently begun to implement cross-linguistic analyses in the investigation of visual and linguistic processing. The underlying assumption is that the aspects of a scene that attract attention prior to articulation are, in part, linked to the specifi c linguistic system and means used for expression. The present study concerns naturalistic, dynamic scenes (video clips) showing causative events (agent acting on an object) and exploits grammatical diff erences in the domain of verbal aspect, and the way in which the status of an event (a specifi c vs. habitual instance of an event) is encoded in English and German. Fixations in agent and action areas of interest were timelocked to utterance onset, and we focused on the pre-articulatory time span to shed light on sentence planning processes, involving message generation and scene conceptualization. analyzing gaze allocation during language planning 139 Findings are threefold: (i) English speakers mark the status of an event as specifi c in relation to the action, with progressive aspect marking on the verb in each utterance. German speakers do so by elaborating specifi c characteristics of the agent; (ii) participants display signifi cantly diff erent gaze allocation patterns to agent and action regions although the sentences produced in both languages follow the same subject− verb word order; and (iii) the analysis of gaze patterns during sentence production given dynamic scenes provide complementary results from a more naturalistic paradigm, to those obtained in studies with still images.
Cambridge University Press eBooks, Dec 23, 2010
Wölfgang Klein und Christiane von Stutterheim Textstruktur und referentielle Bewegung 1. Globale ... more Wölfgang Klein und Christiane von Stutterheim Textstruktur und referentielle Bewegung 1. Globale und lokale Beschränkungen für den Textaufbau Ein Text, wie z. B. eine Wegbeschreibung, eine Erzählung, ein Richterspruch, unterscheidet sich in zweierlei Hinsicht von einer beliebigen Ansammlung von Äußerungen: a) Er unterliegt gewissen globalen Beschränkungen, die sich daraus ergeben, daß die Äußerungen in ihrer Gesamtheit Ausdruck einer komplexen Informationsstruktur, einer Gesamtvorstellung 1-wie wir es nennen wollen-sind, die in einer bestimmten Kommunikationssituation für eine bestimmte Zuhörerschaft sprachlich vermittelt werden soll. Die Komponenten, aus denen die jeweilige Gesamtvorstellung aufgebaut ist und die Relationen, die zwischen diesen Komponenten bestehen, können unterschiedlicher Natur sein. So liegt zum Beispiel einem Richterspruch eine Gesamtvorstellung zugrunde, deren Komponenten-die Fakten des jeweiligen Falles, generelle juristische Aussagen, frühere Urteile, etc.-durch logische Relationen miteinander verbunden sein sollten. Eine Gesamtvorstellung, die einer Erzählung zugrunde liegt, besteht dagegen aus einer Anzahl singulärer Ereignisse, die zeitlich miteinander verknüpft sind. 1 Es gibt keinen allgemein verwendeten Begriff für die kognitive Struktur, die einem Text zugrunde liegt. Von "einer" kognitiven Struktur zu sprechen ist ja im Grunde auch nicht zutreffend, vielmehr handelt es sich um verschiedene Repräsentationsebenen, und die eigentliche Textproduktion ist der letzte Schritt in einer Kette von Übertragungsprozessen. Nehmen wir als Beispiel die Erzählung eines Geschehens, an dem der Sprecher teilgenommen hat, so ist da zunächst das Geschehen selbst (Ebene 0), das erlebt und wahrgenommen wird; dieses wird übertragen in eine Wahrnehmungsstruktur (Ebene 1) und diese wird dann im Langzeitgedächtnis gespeichert (Ebene 2). Es wird dann bei gegebener Gelegenheit aufgerufen (Ebene 3), Komponenten dieser kognitiven Gesamtstruktur werden ausgewählt, linear angeordnet und möglicherweise durch Komponenten anderer Gesamtvorstellungen angereichert (Ebene 4); im letzten Schritt wird dann diese kognitive "Diskursrepräsentation" in Sprache übertragen (Ebene 5). Auf der Verstehensseite geht der Hörer den umgekehrten Weg. Er nimmt zunächst den lexikalischen Gehalt der Äußerungen auf (Ebene 6), verbindet diese Information mit Kontextinformation (Ebene 7) und ergänzt sie mit Inhalten, die durch Inferenzen gewonnen wurden (Ebene 8).-Die Anzahl und Beschaffenheit dieser Repräsentationsebenen ist umstritten. Wir wollen uns hier auf diese Fragestellung nicht weiter einlassen. Wir werden deshalb den eher vagen Begriff "Gesamtvorstellung" verwenden, der alle Repräsentationsebenen auf der Seite des Sprechers umfaßt. Der Begriff selbst ist von Wundt (1912) übernommen, obwohl Wundt ihn in einem etwas engeren Sinne verwendet.
Linguistische Berichte, 1987
Linguistics, 1998
The role of the listener in processes of language planning and production is assessed controversi... more The role of the listener in processes of language planning and production is assessed controversially in the literature. In this paper it is argued that differences observed in the degree of partner adaptivity are related to differences in task complexity. Earlier studies in this field focused on the production of single referential acts. In order to test hearer-orientedness under conditions in which speakers have rather to develop and follow a complex macrostructural plan, an experiment was carried out in which speakers had to instruct a hearer to set up a villagelike configuration of 13 objects. Three aspects of text structure were analyzed as indicators for the degree of partner adaptivity: anchoring of spatial perspective, given-new structure, level of granularity. The results reflect the fact that texts are structured on the basis of two very elementary components: topic elements (including perspective anchoring, choice of linearization criterion) and focus elements. Global choices made with respect to topic elements are fairly resistant to modification (e.g. perspective reanchoring required by the hearer) whereas changes in the focus domain are unproblematic for the speaker (e.g. hearer intervention asking for a change in the level of specificity). In conclusion, we relate these findings to a global model of language production, arguing for different types of partner-orientedness at different levels of the planning process
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Nov 1, 2017
Caracteres. Estudios culturales y críticos de la esfera digital Caracteres es una revista académi... more Caracteres. Estudios culturales y críticos de la esfera digital Caracteres es una revista académica interdisciplinar y plurilingüe orientada al análisis crítico de la cultura, el pensamiento y la sociedad de la esfera digital. Esta publicación prestará especial atención a las colaboraciones que aporten nuevas perspectivas sobre los ámbitos de estudio que cubre, dentro del espacio de las Humanidades Digitales. Puede consultar las normas de publicación en la web (
Transportation Research Procedia
Language, Interaction and Acquisition
Through a survey of crosslinguistic empirical studies on narratives and in the domain of motion e... more Through a survey of crosslinguistic empirical studies on narratives and in the domain of motion events, we argue that the principles of language use pose a hurdle for second language acquisition, an issue that has not been given adequate attention in earlier research. These principles are part of our pragmatic knowledge which encompasses language-specific information organization at the discourse level as well as event schemata at the level of construing reportable units. The findings show how highly competent L2 speakers activate L1-based knowledge that reflects deeply entrenched principles and seems resistant to change.
Papers by Christiane von Stutterheim