Papers by Cristina Del Barrio
ABSTRACT Cyberbullying is a relatively recent form of relational aggression usually considered in... more ABSTRACT Cyberbullying is a relatively recent form of relational aggression usually considered in the research literature to be bullying by means of technology through the medium of the Internet and mobile phones (Menesini et al. 2012, Smith et al. 2008). Cyberbullying takes a number of forms, such as sending insulting, rude or threatening messages, spreading rumours, revealing personal information, publishing embarrassing pictures or exclusion from online communication. As Perren et al. (2012) indicate, one distinctive aspect is that the power imbalance in cyberbullying can be expressed through the bullies’ superior technological knowledge and their anonymity, coupled with the victims’ limited capacity to defend themselves. A second aspect is that cyberbullying can be viewed by potentially huge numbers of people far beyond the target’s immediate social network, so causing acute embarrassment to the victim. Research consistently identifies the consequences of bullying for the emotional health of children and young people. Victims experience lack of acceptance in the peer groups which results in loneliness and social isolation. The young person’s consequent social withdrawal is likely to lead to low self-esteem and depression (Perren et al., 2010: Pörhölä, 2008; Sourander et al., 2010). Bullies too are at risk. They are more likely than non-bullies to engage in a range of maladaptive and anti-social behaviours, and they are at risk of alcohol and drugs dependency; like victims, they have an increased risk of depression and suicidal ideation. There is a growing body of evidence to suggest that cybervictims are particularly at risk. Sourander et al. (2010) found that nearly 1 in 4 of cybervictims reported feeling unsafe and were more likely to have psychosomatic problems, such as headaches, recurring abdominal pain and sleeplessness, as well as peer relationship difficulties. Similarly, cyberbullies felt unsafe at school and unsupported by their teachers; they too had a high incidence of headaches. Cyberbullies had high levels of conduct disorders, hyperactivity, frequent smoking and drunkenness and low scores for prosocial behavior. Those who were both cyberbullies and cybervictims were the most troubled group in that they scored higher on depression, feeling unsafe, abusing alcohol and exhibiting conduct disorders. Recent studies have demonstrated that there is a significant conceptual and practical overlap between both traditional bullying and cyberbullying, in that most young people who are cyberbullied also tend to be bullied by traditional, face-to-face methods (Dooley et al., 2009; Gradinger et al., 2009; Perren et al., 2010; Riebel et al., 2009; Sourander et al. 2010). As is the case with traditional bullying, according to Willard (2006), the reported reasons for attacking a person online involve the bullies’ need for power and dominance within a group, the perceived vulnerability of the target, perceived provocativeness on the part of the target (usually as a justification for the aggression on the part of the bully) and interpersonal animosities. This suggests that, while acknowledging certain unique aspects of the phenomenon, we can draw on over 20 years of research and practice on school bullying in order to address the problem. At the same time, we need to be aware that oversimplification of the problem runs a very real risk of impeding a clear-headed understanding of the phenomenon. For one thing, there are difficulties in making accurate comparisons among the studies of cyberbullying since researchers vary widely in their definitions and in the measures that they use. This results in a great deal of inconsistency across studies in the ways in which cyberbullying is operationalised. As Rivers (2013, in press) points out, researchers differ substantially in their estimates of frequency or prevalence of cyberbullying since they do not all word their questions in the same way. This means that reports on the incidence of cyberbullying vary dramatically, from 4% (Ybarra & Mitchell, 2004) to 36% (Hinduja & Patchin, 2008). Consequently, a certain amount of ‘moral panic’ surrounds the concept of cyberbullying and some exaggeration in the media both of its prevalence and of its negative effects on young people. Rivers (2013, in press) emphasises the need to focus on the nature of the relationship between the cyberbully and the target. Furthermore, he points out that, in view of the technological nature of cyberbullying, it may be necessary to take greater account of the very different perspectives of cyberbullies, cybervictims and bystanders. As is the case with face-to-face bullying, cyberbullying needs to be seen in the context of the complex network of relationships amongst young people in their social networks.
Cuadernos de pedagogía, 2021
Frontiers in Psychology, 2021
Emotional peer support systems have benefits for student-student relationships and allow for chil... more Emotional peer support systems have benefits for student-student relationships and allow for children and adolescents' participation in schools. For students with specific educational needs and disabilities (SEND), positive relationships seem to be more difficult to attain and these students are more vulnerable to suffer negative peer experiences such as bullying and social exclusion. Systems in which peers can show helpful behavior are beneficial for schools in order to create a positive, supportive climate. Emotional peer support entails social interaction through emotional or practical help based on what these peers have in common and many times with benefits for both. This systematic review identified interventions of emotional peer support in schools for students with SEND. Twenty-three studies were identified that involved four types of befriending: circle of friends, peer buddying, peer networks, and social lunch clubs. Studies reported mainly positive outcomes for both f...
Cuadernos De Pedagogia, 1988
Cuadernos De Pedagogia, 1996
Revista pediatría de …, 2005
Resumen Se describe la naturaleza del maltrato por abuso de poder entre iguales en la escuela dis... more Resumen Se describe la naturaleza del maltrato por abuso de poder entre iguales en la escuela distinguiendo las características que lo definen y las que suelen estar presentes sin ser necesarias, analizando algunos de los tópicos, no siempre reales, que acompañan al fenómeno. Se revisan, fundamentalmente a partir de datos españoles, la incidencia del problema, sus escenarios y participantes, y sus repercusiones para los implicados, así como las representaciones acerca de este problema que manifiestan escolares y profesores participantes en estudios cualitativos realizados por los autores. Por último, se reflexiona sobre el papel de distintos participantes-especialmente el del centro educativo-en la intervención y prevención del maltrato por abuso de poder.
… people, processes and …, 2000
Jmir mhealth and uhealth, Aug 28, 2019
Infancia Y Aprendizaje, 2003
Resumen Las relaciones de intimidación y exclusión social, caracterizadaspor el abuso de poder, c... more Resumen Las relaciones de intimidación y exclusión social, caracterizadaspor el abuso de poder, constituyen el tema en torno al cual se ha ideado el presente dossier. En esta introducción, se esboza la secuencia habitual de acciones que relacionan la investigación y la intervención en este fenómeno, y se sitúa el caso español en relación con esta secuencia. Los cinco artículos incluidos en el dossier son resultado del trabajo desarrollado por un equipo de investigación de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid integrado en un proyecto europeo acerca de la Naturaleza y prevención de la intimidación y la exclusión social en el que han participado otras ocho universidades europeas. Subyace a todos los artículos siguientes la idea de que la investigación en un campo, sobre todo cuando éste se relaciona con la práctica, es de algún modo una forma de intervenir en él. Los distintos trabajos tratan diferentes aspectos del tema. El primero intenta aclarar el concepto de maltrato por abuso de poder y otros conceptos relacionados, así como reflexionar en lo que ha caracterizado su estudio. El segundo resume los resultados más importantes del estudio nacional acerca de la incidencia de la victimización entre estudiantes de educación secundaria obligatoria. El tercer artículo incluye dos estudios acerca del recuerdo del maltrato entre pares en los años escolares en varias muestras de adultos, estudiantes y profesores, para ver las consecuencias de haber sufrido estas experiencias. El cuarto se centra en las representaciones de varios aspectos relativos a la victimización, p.ej. las atribuciones emocionales y las estrategias para salir al paso de esa situación, utilizando una historieta gráfica. Por último, un quinto artículo analiza los modelos de intervención y diversas actividades desarrolladas en los diversos dominios en que sepuede intervener.
Revista De Educacion, 1984
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 2008
Despite the interest in determining the severity of peer victimization in schools, resulting in m... more Despite the interest in determining the severity of peer victimization in schools, resulting in many survey studies, few have explored the issue through representative samples in a country, and even fewer longitudinal studies have been carried out. In 1999, the first survey at a national-scale on school bullying was developed in Spain. The results provided detailed data of the forms of victimization experienced, done or witnessed by students, and their different incidence among boys and girls; along the different grade-years azand the type of school (state/private). A second study was carried out in 2006 in order to explore the possible changes in the incidence of bullying. The results presented here point to a decrease in the percentage of self-recognised victims and aggressors of certain types of bullying, while others remain in similar percentages after seven years. Immigrant students identify themselves more as victims compared to their autochthon schoolmates. Results are discussed in relation to the efforts to improve relationships in educational settings.
Infancia Y Aprendizaje, 2003
Infancia Y Aprendizaje, 2003
El artículo, de carácter introductorio al resto de artículos de este dossier, consta de dos parte... more El artículo, de carácter introductorio al resto de artículos de este dossier, consta de dos partes diferenciadas. En la primera, se pretende dilucidar el significado de conceptos relacionados con el maltrato y la agresión entre iguales en el marco de la escuela a partir de las ...
Papers by Cristina Del Barrio