Papers by Cristina De Souza
Boletín Micológico, 1995
The combined e./Ject of pH medium (lO% aqueous solution of molasses) and incubation temperature i... more The combined e./Ject of pH medium (lO% aqueous solution of molasses) and incubation temperature in the expression of fermentation capacity and jlocculation of 12 strains of Saccharomyces stored at the lv/icoteca-URlv/were studied. Of these , 11 strains belong to S. cerevisiae and 1 to S. kluyveri. They were tested at pH 4,5 and 5 and incubation temperaturesof 28°e ± l oe (room temperature), 25°e and 37°C. Al! the strainsfermented in media with both pH rates and in the 3 temperature of incubation. However period of fermentation and jlocculation varied according to different pH and temperature.
Boletín Micológico, 1995
Se pesquisaron 322 pacientes internados en '/a
Boletín Micológico, 1995
In order to determine the presence of fungi in clinical sal11ples of the respiratory system, 322 ... more In order to determine the presence of fungi in clinical sal11ples of the respiratory system, 322 patients with pneul110pathieswere surveyed. Al! ofthem had been hospitalised in the Pneumology Unit of the Otavio de Freitas General Hospital, Recife, PE, Brazil. Paracoccidioidomycosis was diagnosed in 7 male patients (2.1%), and involvedwith work in the rural zone. In 6 cases there was a "diagnostic mistake" between pulmonary tuberculosis and pull110nary paracoccidioidomycosis; in 1 case the associa-!ion of these two pneumopathies was verified.
Boletín Micológico, 1995
Cepas de Saccharomyces mantenidas en laMicoteca-URM. fueron estudiadas en relacion a su capacidad... more Cepas de Saccharomyces mantenidas en laMicoteca-URM. fueron estudiadas en relacion a su capacidad de fermentar y flocular en una solución acuosa de melaza a 18° Brix, De estas, 11 pertenecían a S. cerevisiae y .1 a S.
Boletín Micológico, 1996
reveló la presencia de:conidios redondos pequeFíos (aislados y agrupados), hialinos. En la segund... more reveló la presencia de:conidios redondos pequeFíos (aislados y agrupados), hialinos. En la segunda /l/uestra se obsel1'aron paralela/l/ente células de levaduras, ovales, oblongas y ge/l/antes. Se obtuvieron en al/Ibas /l/uestras, cultivos puros de A5pergi/lus sydowii y Candida albicll11S.
Sistemas & Gestão, 2014
Esse trabalho tem por objetivo apresentar os resultados do levantamento dos projetos de pesquisa ... more Esse trabalho tem por objetivo apresentar os resultados do levantamento dos projetos de pesquisa desenvolvidos no Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia (INT) a fim de identificar: (i) como esses projetos se inserem na política nacional de ciência, tecnologia e inovação; (ii) a abrangência das relações de colaboração nacional e internacional; (iii) a classificação dos projetos, quantitativo de recursos humanos, parcerias, resultados e órgãos de financiamento; e (iv) as facilidades e óbices identificados pelos coordenadores. Para compor o universo de estudo, foram selecionados os projetos ativos no ano de 2010 enquadrados nas seguintes modalidades: Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (P&D), Tecnologia Industrial Básica (TIB) e Energia. No total, foram analisados 63 projetos cujos dados foram obtidos a partir do SIGTEC, que é um sistema de informação do INT, e através de entrevistas com os respectivos coordenadores. O estudo apontou um conjunto de informações e indicadores que, além de servirem para preservar a memória técnica da instituição, podem contribuir para tomadas de decisão que envolvam o estabelecimento de políticas científicas e tecnológicas locais bem como de políticas mais amplas, de abrangência nacional. Palavras-Chave: políticas públicas; políticas de CT&I; indicadores de CT&I; projetos de pesquisa. Resumo This work aims to present the results of a survey of research projects developed in the National Institute of Technology (INT) in order to identify: (i) how these projects are inserted in the national policy for science, technology and innovation, (ii) the national and international collaborative relationships; (iii) the classification of projects, amount of human resources, partnerships, outcomes and funding agencies; and (iv) the facilities and obstacles identified by the coordinators of the projects. The study was based on the 63 projects, active in 2010, classified in the following categories: Research and Development (R&D), Basic Industrial Technology (BIT) and Energy. The data were obtained from SIGTEC, which is an information system of the INT, and through interviews with the coordinators of the projects. The study identified a set of information and indicators that may contribute to preserve the technical memory of the institution and to provide subsidies for the establishment of scientific and technological policies of local and national coverage.
Anais do XXI Encontro …, 2001
The search for continuous technological innovations for industry is the greater challenge in the ... more The search for continuous technological innovations for industry is the greater challenge in the Organizations competition, among the changes imposed by the Globalization.This work aims to show the directions used in a market research, for interested groups, to define the acceptability, the production and consumption perspectives of a new type of technology for the production of a structural brick, developed in Germany.The high porosity of the structural brick is used in constructions because of three benefits: energy economy in the stages of the productive process; superior quality, considering the most common type of brick; and the thermal isolation, which brings a better ambiental comfort in the edifications. This work shows the partial results of the market research, another part of the Project for Technological Innovation in the Ceramist Industry, of the interchange between CEFET/RJ-CAPES and DAAD-ITT-Fachohochschule of Colony, Germany.
Science and Public Policy, 2015
ABSTRACT his paper aims to model selection criteria of R&D projects for awarding direct s... more ABSTRACT his paper aims to model selection criteria of R&D projects for awarding direct subsidies to the private sector, in order to assist government agencies in improving the way in which they allocate the subsidies. The modeling involved three steps. The first step was a literature review of the criteria used to make the decisions. The second step involved structuring the revised criteria into a hierarchical matrix. The third step involved trialing the proposed matrix by weighting the criteria using the analytic hierarchy process. The results obtained allowed the elucidation of these criteria, the proposal of a valid and detailed hierarchical matrix and the integration of the personal perceptions of the decision-makers with the specific objectives of a public organization. Thus, this model was demonstrated to be an appropriate tool for structuring these criteria. Key words
Papers by Cristina De Souza