Papers by Colette Rolland
OFC '98. Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exhibit. Technical Digest. Conference Edition. 1998 OSA Technical Digest Series Vol.2 (IEEE Cat. No.98CH36177)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1997
The new emerging field of Method Engineering acknowledges the need for rapid construction of meth... more The new emerging field of Method Engineering acknowledges the need for rapid construction of methods. In this paper, we propose to define a method as a set of method chunks which contains guidelines for supporting the development process. There are two types of guidelines. One type supports decisions leading to a transformation of schema elements, whereas the second one helps
Requirements Engineering, 2006
Health care is characterized by highly complex processes of patient care that require unusual amo... more Health care is characterized by highly complex processes of patient care that require unusual amount of communication between different health care professionals of different institutions. Sub-optimal processes can significantly impact on the patient's health, increase the consumption of services and resources and in severe cases can lead to the patient death. For these reasons, requirements engineering for the development of information technology in health care is a complex process as well: without constant and rigorous evaluation, the impact of new systems on the quality of care is unknown and it is possible that badly designed systems significantly harm patients. To overcome these limitations, we present and discuss an approach to requirements engineering that we applied for the development of applications for chemotherapy planning in paediatric oncology. Chemotherapy planning in paediatric oncology is complex and time-consuming and errors must be avoided by all means. In the multi-hospital/multi-trialcentre environment of paediatric oncology, it is especially difficult and time-consuming to analyse requirements. Our approach combines a grounded theory approach with evolutionary prototyping based on the constant development and refinement of a generic domain model, in this case a domain model for chemotherapy planning in paediatric oncology. The prototypes were introduced in medical centres and final results show that the developed generic domain model is adequate.
... 447-465. [9] P. Trinidad, A. Ruiz-Cortés, D. Benavides, S. Segura ... [11] Raul Mazo, Camille... more ... 447-465. [9] P. Trinidad, A. Ruiz-Cortés, D. Benavides, S. Segura ... [11] Raul Mazo, Camille Salinesi, Methods ... In: _Tools_for_PLM_Verification.pdf [12] T. von der Maßen, H. Lichter, RequiLine - A ...
Information System Development Process
The area of method engineering has emerged in response to an increasing feeling that methods are ... more The area of method engineering has emerged in response to an increasing feeling that methods are not well suited to the needs of their users, the application engineers. Method engineering aims at developing methods. The paper uses the four worlds framework to investigate the subject of method engineering. It presents a state-of-art survey with a view to identifying the important problems and research directions being followed to solve these. The major problems not yet addressed or which have newly emerged are highlighted
De nombreuses collaborations inter organisationnelles exploitent aujourd’hui l’opportunite offert... more De nombreuses collaborations inter organisationnelles exploitent aujourd’hui l’opportunite offerte par les nouvelles technologies de l’Internet pour developper des services par composition a partir d’autres services deja existants. Les services composites ainsi obtenus peuvent a leur tour, entrer dans d’autres compositions. Cependant, le developpement de tels services composites est ‘ad hoc’ et pose des problemes d’identification, de composition et d’orchestration. Dans cet article, nous proposons une approche orientee but qui permet d’expliciter le besoin de differentes organisations d’un service composite a forte valeur ajoutee et de modeliser le processus cooperatif supportant ce service. Le modele oriente but appele modele de la Carte est utilise pour l’identification, la distribution et l’orchestration de services. L’article presente l’approche et l’illustre par un cas de service cooperatif de E-Pension.
The paper deals with the modelling of Lyee user requirements and guidelines to support their capt... more The paper deals with the modelling of Lyee user requirements and guidelines to support their capture. The Sorbonne contribution to the Lyee collaborative project aims to reduce the software development cycle to two explicit steps, requirements engineering and code generation by coupling the code generation features of LyeeALL with an interface to capture user requirements. The paper presents a 2-layer meta-model relating the set of concepts to capture user requirements to the set of concepts for the formulation of software requirements that are the input of the LyeeALL generation mechanism. It exemplifies the concepts with example and introduces the guidance support for capturing these user centric requirements.
We develop a whole life cycle method, from requirements engineering to system construction, start... more We develop a whole life cycle method, from requirements engineering to system construction, starting from the notion of a Map. A Map represents requirements in terms of intentions and strategies to achieve intentions. We propose to transform these requirements into a Data Flow Diagram. We show that a Map and a DFD are compatible for this transformation and develop transformation rules. The materials management example is used to illustrate the approach. 0. INTRODUCTION A number of approaches for requirements engineering exist: goaloriented [Ant98], [Dar93], [Lam01], scenario-oriented, goal-scenario/ coupling-oriented [Kai00], [Rol98], and the intention/strategy approach of a Map [Rol99]. Similarly, a number of approaches for system design are available [Oll91], process-oriented, data-oriented, behaviouroriented, and Object-oriented. With the emergence of requirements engineering, it is necessary now to develop methods for conversion of requirements to system design. The contribution...
We argue that Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) installations are difficult to align to specific... more We argue that Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) installations are difficult to align to specific requirements of the enterprise because of the low level at which ERP functionality is described. We raise this level from a functional description to a goal-oriented one. We use SAP R/3 to illustrate this. A SAP goal expresses the task that a SAP function carries out and abstracts away from the performance of this task. Since a SAP goal can be achieved in many ways, we introduce the notion of SAP strategies. We organise goals and strategies as a directed graph called a map. We illustrate the map with the Materials Management Module of SAP. In order to evaluate and compare the use of the map with the functional approach, we develop an evaluation framework. The evaluation and comparison are presented. The materials management map is then used to align the SAP module to the stores and purchase department of an academic institute.
Technologies logicielles Architectures des systèmes
La place determinante de l’information et son role critique dans le fonctionnement des organisati... more La place determinante de l’information et son role critique dans le fonctionnement des organisations n’est plus a demontrer. Aujourd’hui comme jamais conscientes de ces aspects, les organisations souhaitent des systemes d’information plus efficaces, flexibles et adaptes pour traiter les problemes informationnels et les assister dans leurs actions aussi bien quotidiennes qu’a plus long terme. Il leur importe de donner a chacun, dans l’organisation, les moyens informationnels pour accomplir professionnellement sa mission et pour prendre opportunement et rapidement les decisions que la situation justifie. La base de donnees est au cœur des systemes d’information actuels. Vaste memoire collective, selective et structuree, repartie et disseminee dans l’organisation, necessairement complementaire de la memoire de chaque acteur de l’organisation, la base de donnees, au moyen de representations adequates, capte, traduit, aide a mettre en coherence et diffuse l’image des faits et actes de celle‐ci. Nous entendons par base de donnees une collection de donnees, representations partielles et operatoires d’aspects pertinents de la vie de l’organisation sur lesquels on souhaite etre renseignes. Ces collections de donnees aussi coherentes que possible, sont memorisees avec une redondance calculee et structurees de maniere a faciliter leur exploitation pour satisfaire une grande variete de demandes de renseignements par des utilisateurs ayant des exigences de reponses compatibles avec leurs conditions et lieux de travail. La base de donnees est une supermemoire au service des decideurs et des acteurs de l’organisation, capable de les renseigner sur la situation actuelle, sur l’historique des faits qui l’ont concernee et qu’elle a enregistres et eventuellement sur les faits previsibles du futur...
Technologies logicielles Architectures des systèmes
La methode de conception orientee objet et evenement des applications bases de donnees est illust... more La methode de conception orientee objet et evenement des applications bases de donnees est illustree dans cet article sur un cas de gestion de prets dans une bibliotheque . Il s’agit d’un exemple typique du domaine de la gestion des organisations auquel la methode s’applique tout particulierement. Cependant, l’integration forte de la conception des donnees et de leur dynamique preconisee par la methode la rend pertinente pour tous les types d’applications interactives et meme temps reel. La modelisation conceptuelle a notamment ete utilisee avec profit dans la specification de logiciels usuellement qualifies de logiciels techniques , tels que les logiciels telephoniques, et dans la construction d’un logiciel de commandes automatiques de trains.
International Journal of Modelling and Simulation
Abstract Despite the fact that the field of software reusability has had a significant impact on ... more Abstract Despite the fact that the field of software reusability has had a significant impact on the engineering of Information Systems (ISs), issues related to the definition of a general purpose reuse model that can serve as a basis of representation for a Repository of Reusable Components (RRC) in generic form for various conceptual modelling techniques of ISs are seldom addressed. A survey of the related research has shown that recent attempts to define reuse models have been limited to those supporting a single ISs methodology. This paper proposes a generic reuse model for taking into account several different ISs methodologies with a single development platform. The generic reuse model not only provides a basis for populating a RRC with reusable components in generic form, but also allows an IS to be conceptualized by reusing the appropriate generic reusable components populated into the RRC through different conceptual models. The generic model provides four concepts for modelling the ideas used in several conceptual models, so that a reusable component extracted through domain analysis with the aid of a conceptual model can be described in generic form or retrieved in the formalism conforming to the appropriate model.
M. AL ABDULSALAM L'intelligence économique coopérative. Une approche par les... more M. AL ABDULSALAM L'intelligence économique coopérative. Une approche par les réseaux . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 ... B. GAY, B. DOUSSET Cartographie de réseaux d'alliances et analyse stratégique . . . . . . . . . . 37 ... F. AMARDEILH, T. FRANCART Enrichissement de bases de connaissances par l'annotation sémantique. Plate-forme web sémantique couplée avec des outils linguistiques pour des activités de veille et d'édition . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 ... N. USUNIER, M.-R. AMINI, P. GALLINARI Résumé automatique de texte avec un algorithme d' ...
Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Pattern Recognition in Information Systems, 2004
In order to remain competitive in a deregulated environment, a group of European Utilities develo... more In order to remain competitive in a deregulated environment, a group of European Utilities developed a prototype of a single Marketplace called e-utilities•com whose mandate is a clear customer centric orientation in the European environment for a successful mid-term multi-utility business via the Web. This paper highlights the concept of e-utilities•com and its implementation in a Web portal.
Our aim is to do an advanced CASE tool for supporting the Requirements Engineering (RE) process. ... more Our aim is to do an advanced CASE tool for supporting the Requirements Engineering (RE) process. The RE process is based on : (1) acquisition of domain dependent knowledge using natural language statements, (2) representation of the semantic contents of natural language statements through a real-world description with graphical notations, easy to understand and to manipulate, and (3) a guided and partly automated mapping of the real-world description to an object-oriented conceptual schema. Our CASE tool has an expert system architecture. These different possibilities are thus achieved by means of a rule base and a user-friendly graphical interface. It is called CARE (Computer Aided Requirements Engineering). In this paper, we introduce the different concepts used in the real-world description, namely: actor, event, entity and their associated relationships. We briefly present the object-oriented conceptual model and some of the mapping rules. We propose different criteria for deducing simple behaviour.
Papers by Colette Rolland