Papers by Cocieru- Virginia
Buletinul AŞM: Ştiinţe medicale, Jun 1, 2023
IP USMF ,,Nicolae Testemițanu”, Medizin Leipzig University, Faculty of MedicineRezumat Osteoartro... more IP USMF ,,Nicolae Testemițanu”, Medizin Leipzig University, Faculty of MedicineRezumat Osteoartroza și bolile cardiovasculare (BCV) sunt două condiții patologii predominante în populația în vârstă de peste 70 de ani. Datele de literatură prezintă rezultate controversate cu privire la interrelația dintre osteoartroza și maladiile cardiovasculare, evidențiindu-se o serie de factori de risc comuni (așa ca obezitatea, sedentarismul etc.), precum și verigi patogenetice intercalate. Osteoartroza și BCV se asociază la un număr mare de pacienți din multe motive: factori de risc comuni (îmbătrânirea și obezitatea), etiologia comună (de exemplu, inflamația cronică) și indirect, prin pierderea funcționalității articulare și dizabilitate, precum și utilizarea de analgezice care conduc la creșterea riscului cardiovascular. Complexitatea interacțiunilor dintre aceste patologii rămâne incomplet elucidată și necesită cercetări suplimentare.Остеоартроз и сердечнососудистые заболевания являются два и...
Socio-economic impact in idiopathic inflammatory miopathiesIntroducere. Micopatiile inflamatorii ... more Socio-economic impact in idiopathic inflammatory miopathiesIntroducere. Micopatiile inflamatorii idiopatice (MII) sunt un grup eterogen de tulburări, caracterizat prin slăbiciune musculară cronică, rezistență musculară scăzută și prin prezența infiltrațiilor celulelor inflamatorii în țesutul muscular, cu leziuni ale organelor și handicap. Obiectivul studiului a fost de a determina statutul socio-economic și gradul de dizabilitate la pacienții cu miopatii inflamatorii idiopatice. Metode. Am efectuat un studiu transversal, din decembrie 2015 până în decembrie 2018, în care au fost incluși pacienții cu MII. Datele demografice și clinice au fost colectate utilizând un chestionar special, inclusiv statutul de angajare și profesional, care susține doza de corticosteroizi. Pentru a estima gradul de invaliditate funcțională la momentul cercetării, am aplicat scara Rankin modificată, cu posibile scoruri de la 0 - nici o dizabilitate la 5 - total dependentă. Rezu...
Osteoartroza și bolile cardiovasculare (BCV) sunt două condiții patologii predominante în populaț... more Osteoartroza și bolile cardiovasculare (BCV) sunt două condiții patologii predominante în populația în vârstă de peste 70 de ani. Datele de literatură prezintă rezultate controversate cu privire la interrelația dintre osteoartroza și maladiile cardiovasculare, evidențiindu-se o serie de factori de risc comuni (așa ca obezitatea, sedentarismul etc.), precum și verigi patogenetice intercalate. Osteoartroza și BCV se asociază la un număr mare de pacienți din multe motive: factori de risc comuni (îmbătrânirea și obezitatea), etiologia comună (de exemplu, inflamația cronică) și indirect, prin pierderea funcționalității articulare și dizabilitate, precum și utilizarea de analgezice care conduc la creșterea riscului cardiovascular. Complexitatea interacțiunilor dintre aceste patologii rămâne incomplet elucidată și necesită cercetări suplimentare
Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases
BackgroundAccording to the recent medical literature, COVID-19 disease can lead to a constellatio... more BackgroundAccording to the recent medical literature, COVID-19 disease can lead to a constellation of clinical syndromes lasting well beyond the first 30 days of infection. The most common post COVID sequalae includes pulmonary, nervous system and neurocognitive, mental, metabolic, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal and several other clinical manifestations. Regarding joint involvement and particularly reactive arthritis (ReA), literature data is limited and describes case reports or series of cases of patients diagnosed with this condition following COVID-19 disease.ObjectivesTo describe the pattern and the management of post-COVID reactive arthritis.MethodsWe have conducted a descriptive study of consecutive adult patients who presented to rheumatology outpatient clinic for joint or peri-articular pain/swelling/stiffness and received a diagnosis of post-COVID 19 reactive arthritis, by excluding other types of rheumatological conditions. The assessed clinical variables were: visual a...
Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova. Medical Sciences
Heart failure has a prevalence of 26 million in the population, making it a global health priorit... more Heart failure has a prevalence of 26 million in the population, making it a global health priority. Current publications show that fragility syndrome reaches 79% in heart failure and is an independent predictor of mortality from cardiovascular disease. The study assessed the fragility by the Edmonton self-reported score and the Charlson comorbidity index in 36 hospitalized patients with chronic heart failure with a mean age of 66.58±1.65(44-86) years, including 20(55.6%) women and 16(44.4%) men. Fragility syndrome of varying severity was found in 16(45.5%) vs 20(55.5%) non-fragile patients with chronic heart failure with mean age 62.25±2.53 vs 70.05±1,87 years in both groups, respectively. We obtained the predominance in the group of fragile patients of women 10(62.5%) vs 6(37.5%) men. Fragile patients more frequently mentioned a decrease in physical activity during the last months 14(87.5%)vs 12(60.0%) non-fragile cases. The quality of sleep was different in the groups, so that fra...
Primary Health Care Research & Development, 2020
SUMMARY Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) are a growing challenge in the Republic of Moldova. A pre... more SUMMARY Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) are a growing challenge in the Republic of Moldova. A previously reported pilot cluster randomized controlled trial aimed to determine the feasibility of implementing and evaluating essential interventions for NCDs (e.g. cardiovascular risk scoring, hypertension management, statin treatment, etc.) in primary health care in the Republic of Moldova, with a view toward national scale up. One-year follow-up data (previously published) demonstrated modest improvements in NCD risk factor identification and management could be achieved. Herein, we report the second-year follow-up data and conclude that sustainable improvements in NCD risk factor control (e.g. hypertension control) can be achieved in primary health care in low resource settings by adapting existing resources (e.g. WHO PEN) and conducting focused clinical training and support. If scaled to a national level, these improvements in risk factor control could significantly translate to redu...
European Journal of Case Reports in Internal Medicine, 2018
This case report describes an unusual form of gout, called miliarial gout, in association with ca... more This case report describes an unusual form of gout, called miliarial gout, in association with carpal tunnel syndrome in a 54-year-old woman. Miliarial gout was first described in 2007 and is a very rare presentation of chronic tophaceous gout. The latter condition can cause carpal tunnel syndrome, but this association has not previously been described in association with miliarial gout. In addition, the authors discuss the use of the parsimony principle in internal medicine whereby a single cause is first sought for different symptoms presenting at the same time. LEARNING POINTS Miliarial gout, a form of chronic tophaceous gout, is a very rare clinical presentation of the disease. Patients with miliarial gout, despite subcutaneous nodules, may present with other organ involvement. Carpal tunnel syndrome in patients with gout may be caused by monosodium urate crystal deposition.
Introduction. Skin involvement in patients with SLE is the second manifestation of lupus, being f... more Introduction. Skin involvement in patients with SLE is the second manifestation of lupus, being found in 93% of patients during the course of the disease. Its problem lies on its potential to cause irreversible lesions (extensive scarring, chronic cicatricial alopecia, persisting ulcers), therefore targeted treatment of these patients is important. To our knowledge, there are no specific treatment recommendations for patients with SLE and skin Rezumat Introducere. Afectarea cutanată la pacienţii cu LES, ca şi frecvenţă a implicării organice, este a doua manifestare a lupusului, prezentă la 93% dintre pacienţi pe parcursul evoluţiei bolii. Problema afectărilor cutanate rezidă din potenţialul acestora de a provoca leziuni cutanate ireversibile (cicatrici extinse, alopecie cronică cicatriceală, ulceraţii trenante), de aceea, tratamentul ţintit al acestor pacienţi are importanţă majoră. Conform cunoştinţelor 10 HCQ în LES cu afectare cutanată noastre, nu sunt recomandări specifice pentr...
Arta Medica Nr. 2(67) / 2018 / ISSN 1810-1852 Disponibil online 20 May, 2018. Descarcări-6. Vizua... more Arta Medica Nr. 2(67) / 2018 / ISSN 1810-1852 Disponibil online 20 May, 2018. Descarcări-6. Vizualizări-225 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Monitorizarea Holter a fibrilației atriale paroxistice. Caz clinic Romaniuc Iuliana12, Matcovschi Sergiu21, Caproş Natalia123, Dogot Marta1, Şveţ Svetlana2, Lupan Mihail2 1 Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu“, 2 Spitalul Clinic Municipal „Sfînta Treime”, 3 Centrul Sănătăţii Familiei „GALAXIA“
European Journal of Public Health, 2020
Background The aim of this study is to determine the feasibility of implementing and evaluating t... more Background The aim of this study is to determine the feasibility of implementing and evaluating the World Health Organization Package of Essential Non-communicable Disease Interventions (WHO PEN) approach in primary healthcare in the Republic of Moldova. Methods According to our published a priori methods, 20 primary care clinics were randomized to 10 intervention and 10 control clinics. The intervention consisted of implementation of adapted WHO PEN guidelines and structured training for health workers; the control clinics continued with usual care. Data were gathered from paper-based patient records in July 2017 and August 2018 resulting in a total of 1174 and 995 patients in intervention and control clinics at baseline and 1329 and 1256 at follow-up. Pre-defined indicators describing assessment of risk factors and total cardiovascular risk, prescribing medications and treatment outcomes were calculated. Differences between baseline and follow-up as well as between intervention an...
BMJ Open, 2019
IntroductionNearly 90% of all deaths in the Republic of Moldova are caused by non-communicable di... more IntroductionNearly 90% of all deaths in the Republic of Moldova are caused by non-communicable diseases, the majority of which (55%) are caused by cardiovascular diseases (CVD). In addition to reducing premature mortality from CVD, it is estimated that strengthening primary healthcare could cut the number of hypertension-related hospital admissions and diabetes-related hospitalisations in half. The aim of this evaluation is to determine the feasibility of implementing and evaluating essential interventions for the prevention of CVD in primary healthcare in the Republic of Moldova, with a view towards national scale-up.Methods and analysisA national steering group including international experts will be convened to adapt WHO Package of Essential NCD Intervention from Primary Healthcare in Low Resource Settings protocols 1 and 2 to the health system of the Republic of Moldova, develop and conduct training of primary healthcare workers and test a core set of indicators to monitor the q...
Archives of the Balkan Medical Union, 2019
L'invalidité chez les patients aux myopathies inflammatoires idiopathiques Introduction. Les myop... more L'invalidité chez les patients aux myopathies inflammatoires idiopathiques Introduction. Les myopathies inflammatoires idiopathiques (MII) sont un groupe hétérogène de troubles caractérisé par une faiblesse musculaire chronique, une faible endurance musculaire et des infiltrats de cellules inflammatoires dans les tissus musculaires, avec des lésions organiques et des conséquences multiples et invalidantes. Le but de l'étude était de déterminer le degré d'invalidité chez les patients atteints de myopathies inflammatoires idiopathiques selon l'échelle de Rankin dans une cohorte moldave. Méthodes. Nous avons effectué une étude transversale de décembre 2015 à décembre 2018, dans laquelle ont été inclus des patients avec des MII. Les données démographiques et cliniques ont été collectées à l'aide d'un questionnaire spécifique, indiquant notamment le statut d'emploi et la dose d'entretien de corticostéroïdes. Pour estimer le degré d'incapacité fonctionnelle et d'invalidité au moment de l'enquête, nous avons appliqué l'échelle de Rankin modifiée, avec des scores ABSTRACT Introduction. Idiopathic inflammatory myopathies (IIMs) are a heterogeneous group of disorders, characterized by chronic muscle weakness, low muscle endurance and by the presence of inflammatory cell infiltrates in muscle tissue, with organ damage and disability. The objective of the study was to determine the degree of disability in a Moldavian cohort of patients with idiopathic inflammatory myopathies, by Rankin's scale. Methods. We performed a cross-sectional study, from December 2015 to December 2018, in which were included patients with IIMs. Demographic and clinical data were collected using a special questionnaire, including employment status, upholding dose of corticosteroids. In order to estimate the degree of functional disability at the time of the research, we applied the modified Rankin's scale, with possible scores from 0-no disability to 5-totally dependent. Results. 65 IIMs patients were enrolled in the study. Male to female ratio was 1:3.3, the patients' mean age was 50.2±11.7 years, the mean disease duration 95.2±6.89 months. According to modified Rankin's
Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, 2013
Objectives To examine associations of knee symptoms with self-reported physical function of indiv... more Objectives To examine associations of knee symptoms with self-reported physical function of individuals with knee osteoarthritis (OA). Methods We examined differences in pain, pain sensitivity, function, psychosocial variables, and physical activity between women and men with knee osteoarthritis. The knee symptoms was defined as pain, aching, or stiffness at least 3 months before inclusion into study. Physical function was assessed by the RAPID 3 (Routine Assessment of Patient Index Data) is a index of only the three Core Data Set patient self-report measures—physical function (from 0- to 3) converted to 0-10, pain 0-10, and patient global estimate (0- 10) for a total of 0-30 points. Separate multivariable logistic regression models examined associations between knee symptoms and physical function measures, by age, sex and geografic locality. The study was approved by local institutional review board, and all subjects gave written informed consent. Results In study cohort were included 123 patients with OA aged 40 years or older. Patients completed the RAPID 3 questionaire and visual analog scale for pain (VAS). Patient characteristics: the mean age was 64.3 years, 69,2% was female. For the entire sample, pain was present in 90.6% of patients. Women had significantly worse pain than men, VAS pain was 61.3 mm and men 58,6 mm, respectivily (p>0.05). The level of physical function did not differ significantly between women 3.7 and men - 4.1 points (p<0.05). The total RAPID 3 score was for men 19.1, and for women -16.0 points (p<0.05). Conclusions Pain is very common in this sample of patients with knee osteoarthritis. Women continue to be as physically active as men even though higher levels of pain. The knee osteoarthritis estimate negatively affect the patient’s condition scoring RAPID 3 generally men worse than women. Disclosure of Interest None Declared
Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, 2020
Systemic lupus erythematosus is an autoimmune disease with a major impact on patient’s quality of... more Systemic lupus erythematosus is an autoimmune disease with a major impact on patient’s quality of life.To evaluate patient’s attitude toward early disease and factors that influence it.Performed case-control study included SLE patients that fulfilled SLICC, 2012 classification criteria. The research included two groups of patients: early SLE – 1stgroup (disease duration ≤24 months) and non-early SLE – 2ndgroup control (disease duration >24 months). The pattern of the disease activity was assessed by patient global assessment (PGA), Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Disease Activity Index 2000 (SLEDAI-2K) and Systemic Lupus Activity Measure (SLAM), for SLE activity, SLICC/ACR Damage Index (DI) for disease irreversible changes and SF-8 for the Quality of Life (QoL).A total of 101 SLE patients with 34 in the 1stgroup (early SLE) and 67 in the 2ndgroup (non-early SLE) was analyzed. The disease activity showed high disease activity in both groups by SLEDAI (7,02±4,16 and 6,26±4,43 points, ...
Disciplina de medicină internă-semiologie, Catedra de urgenţe medicale, Catedra de medicină de fa... more Disciplina de medicină internă-semiologie, Catedra de urgenţe medicale, Catedra de medicină de familie, Disciplina de cardiologie, USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Congresul consacrat aniversării a 75-a de la fondarea Universității de Stat de Medicină și Farmacie „Nicolae Testemițanu” din Republica Moldova, Ziua internațională a științei pentru pace și dezvoltareBackground. The survival rate of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) has improved over the last decades; still the most common cause of death is cardiovascular disease (CVD). Therefore, the appropriate management by CV risk stratification, using clinical tools, is of major importance. Objective of the study. To evaluate and compare the CV risk factors in patients with SLE. Material and Methods. Cross-sectional study of traditional and non-traditional CV risk factors in SLE patients (SLICC,2012). The CV risk stratification was based on SCORE versus SLE CV risk equation. Results. A total of 96 SLE patients were analyze...
Internal Medicine Department, State Medical and Pharmaceutical University "Nicolae Testemita... more Internal Medicine Department, State Medical and Pharmaceutical University "Nicolae Testemitanu”, Chisinau, Republic of MoldovaCase report: We report a case of a 55 old woman presenting complaints of severe and permanent headache with progressive decrease of visual acuity (VA) for 6 months, xerophtalmia, xerostomia and urticarial eruption. The medical history of the patient is marked by autoimmune thyroiditis and active tobacco smoking (10 cigarettes / day during 20 years). The physical examination was remarkable by a normal body mass index and skin lesions specific for urticarial vasculitis. The remainder of examination was normal. The CBC, biochemical, auto-antibodies and radiological examinations were normal too. The evaluations included the assessment of the cephalalgia: complete neurologic examination, fundus examination, MR1 of the brain and a lumbar puncture. The results have revealed a papilledema, a decrease of VA and an elevation of the opening pressure at the lumbar p...
Archives of the Balkan Medical Union, 2021
L'activité de la maladie chez les patients avec arthrite psoriasique : une étude Moldave Introduc... more L'activité de la maladie chez les patients avec arthrite psoriasique : une étude Moldave Introduction. L'arthrite psoriasique (APs) est une maladie articulaire inflammatoire qui atteint un tiers des patients avec psoriasis cutané. Les études sur l'APs ont démontré que les patients supportent une charge importante, mais celle-ci n'a pas été totalement quantifiée en raison de l'évolution variable de la maladie. Toutefois, l'applicabilité des outils cliniques existants dans l'appréciation de l'activité de la maladie doit encore être étudiée. L'objectif de l'étude a été d'évaluer le niveau d'activité de la maladie et d'apprécier la fiabilité et de l'applicabilité des mesures de l'activité de la maladie des patients avec APs. Matériel et méthodes. Nous avons effectué une étude descriptive de 46 patients avec APs. Les indices d'activité de la maladie ont été évalués et comparés. L'activité de la maladie selon chaque indice a été évaluée et l'applicabilité de ces indices a été estimée.
LUMEN Proceedings, 2018
Background: To reduce behavioral risk factors is a priority of health policies in the Republic of... more Background: To reduce behavioral risk factors is a priority of health policies in the Republic of Moldova. However, the promotion of health is a prerogative of the health system and less in educational activities in schools or universities. The aim: to identify medical students' behavioral risks and their perception in health promotion. Materials and methods: A cross-sectional study was performed using the CORT questionnaire (elaborated and validated at UMF "V. Babeş", Timişoara, Romania). Data on demographic and socioeconomic characteristics and student's behaviors were collected: dietary habits, drugs, smoking, family and school environment etc. A structured interview with 473 students was performed. This study was conducted according to the principles of the Helsinki Declaration (1996) and approval of the Nicolae Testemitanu SUMPh ethics committee no.16 from 14.11.2016. Results: There were 473 students integrated into the study, including 359 (75.9%) females and 114 (24.1%) males, mean age 20.42±1.57 years old. The anthropometric indices showed that
Papers by Cocieru- Virginia