Bibliotecária, especialista em gestão cultural pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação do Senac e em ciênc... more Bibliotecária, especialista em gestão cultural pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação do Senac e em ciência da informação pela Universidade de Brasília. Coordenadora-geral de Ação Cultural do Ministério do Desenvolvimento Agrário e técnica da Câmara Legislativa do Distrito Federal.
The liquid product of the pyrolysis of biomass is a mixture of an organic phase and other aqueous... more The liquid product of the pyrolysis of biomass is a mixture of an organic phase and other aqueous, being the last one rich in phenol monomers which can be used in industrial chemistry as input for plastic and resin production. This work aimed to develop a method for extracting phenols present in the aqueous fraction obtained from the pyrolysis of guava seeds, using ultrasonic assisted liquid-liquid extraction (UALLE) with ethyl acetate and ionic liquids (ILs) as co-solvents (1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl) amide (BMIM.NTF2) and 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolinium hexafluorophosphate (BMIM.PF6)). The percentage IL, ultrasonic bath potency, temperature, and pH were studied. Quantification of twelve phenol monomers was performed using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and the total phenol concentration (TPC) was performed using UV-Vis spectrophotometer. The ionic liquid BMIM.NTF2 was more efficient for phenol extraction than BMIM.PF6. The phenolic extractions were influenced by the pH of the aqueous fraction (higher extraction yields at pH ≤ 7), and thus, presented recoveries above 80% for both ionic liquids.
Hydrological models can help in predicting the behavior of aquatic systems in watershed, and are ... more Hydrological models can help in predicting the behavior of aquatic systems in watershed, and are able to simulate both hydrological processes and nutrient dynamics. The SWAT model is used in water resource management to estimate the production of water, sediments, and nutrients, as well as to identify diffuse sources of pollution. The objective of this work was to evaluate spatial and temporal variability in the dynamics of the nutrients nitrogen and phosphorus derived from agricultural activities, at the sub-basin level, in the watershed of the Poxim-Açu River. The model was subjected to tests of sensitivity, calibration, and validation in terms of the discharge and the behavior of the nutrients. Statistical analysis showed that the performance of the model was satisfactory. It was found that more than 40% of the areas of the main subbasins that produced sediments and nutrients was occupied by pasture, and that the predominant soil types were Red-Yellow Argisols and Gleysols. These...
Ciências Agrárias: Conhecimentos Científicos e Técnicos e Difusão de Tecnologias 4, 2020
Os objetivos do trabalho foram: pesquisar a biometria de aquênios de morango (Fragaria x ananassa... more Os objetivos do trabalho foram: pesquisar a biometria de aquênios de morango (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.) do cultivar 'San Andreas' e determinar o grau de umidade dos aquênios da referida espécie. O experimento foi conduzido no Laboratório de Biodiversidade do Semiárido-LABISA da Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia-UESB-Campus Vitória da Conquista. Aquênios obtidos de frutos de Morango produzidos na Fazenda Rancho Alegre na cidade de Barra da Estiva-Bahia, na região da Chapada Diamantina, cultivados em estufa no sistema tipo semihidropônico suspenso e livre de agrotóxicos, foram beneficiados e armazenados em geladeira. O comprimento, a largura e a espessura média dos aquênios de Fragaria x ananassa Duch foram de 1,41 mm, 0,90 mm, e 0,79 mm, respectivamente. Os valores do grau de umidade obtidos para os lotes de aquênios permitiram que fossem classificados para fim de armazenamento como ortodoxos. Palavras-chave: Fragaria x ananassa Duch, lotes de aquênios, ortodoxos.
In this study, low calorie triacylglycerols (TAG) of MLM type (containing a medium-chain fatty ac... more In this study, low calorie triacylglycerols (TAG) of MLM type (containing a medium-chain fatty acid, M, at positions sn-1,3 and a long-chain fatty acid at position sn-2) were produced by acidolysis of virgin olive oil with caprylic (C8:0) or capric (C10:0) acids, in solvent-free media. The heterologous sn-1,3 regioselective Rhizopus oryzae lipase produced by the methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris (r-ROL) was immobilized in Amberlite IRA 96® (rROL-IRA) and used as biocatalyst. Acidolysis was optimized as a function of temperature and molar ratio (C:8/TAG or C10:0/TAG), by response surface methodology. The production of new TAG, the consumption of C8:0 or C10:0, and triolein were evaluated. From the response-surfaces fitted to the experimental data points, no optimal points were observed inside the experimental region. The highest consumption of TAGs, free fatty acids and triolein (the major TAG) were achieved at 29 °C and molar ratio (MR) of 2:1 at 24 h reaction time. For the syste...
Olive pomace oil (OPO), a by-product of olive oil industry, is directly consumed after refining. ... more Olive pomace oil (OPO), a by-product of olive oil industry, is directly consumed after refining. The novelty of this study consists of the direct use of crude high acidic OPO (3.4-20% acidity) to produce added-value compounds, using sn-1,3-regioselective lipases: (i) low-calorie dietetic structured lipids (SL) containing caprylic (C8:0) or capric (C10:0) acids by acidolysis or interesterification with their ethyl esters, (ii) fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) for biodiesel, and (iii) sn-2 monoacylglycerols (emulsifiers), as by-product of FAME production by methanolysis. Immobilized Rhizomucor miehei lipase showed similar activity in acidolysis and interesterification for SL production (yields: 47.8-53.4%, 7 h, 50℃) and was not affected by OPO acidity. Batch operational stability decreased with OPO acidity, but it was at least three-fold in interesterification that in acidolysis. Complete conversion of OPO into FAME and sn-2 monoacylglycerols was observed after 3 h-transesterification (glycerol stepwise addition) and lipase deactivation was negligeable after 11 cycles.
Direitos para esta edição cedidos à Atena Editora pelos autores. Open access publication by Atena... more Direitos para esta edição cedidos à Atena Editora pelos autores. Open access publication by Atena Editora Todo o conteúdo deste livro está licenciado sob uma Licença de Atribuição Creative Commons. Atribuição-Não-Comercial-NãoDerivativos 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).
A necessidade de tecnologias verdes tem dedicado muitos pesquisadores a busca por solventes alter... more A necessidade de tecnologias verdes tem dedicado muitos pesquisadores a busca por solventes alternativos que substituam os convencionais, a fim de diminuir os impactos ambientais causados por processos industriais. O uso de liquidos ionicos e uma alternativa potencial para aumentar a estabilidade e possibilidade de reutilizacao de biocatalisadores imobilizados (BIs) em processos industriais 1,2 . Os liquidos ionicos a base de fosfonio (LIFs) apresentam propriedades mais interessantes para a biocatalise quando comparados aos liquidos ionico mais comuns, como menor viscosidade e maior estabilidade quimica e termica 3 . Neste contexto, o presente projeto teve como objetivo avaliar os efeitos do uso de diferentes LIFs ([P 444(4) ][Cl], [P 444(14) ][Cl], [P 666(14 )][Cl], [P 666(14 )][Br], [P 666(14 )][Deca], [P 666(14 )][Phosp] e [P 666(14 )][NTf 2 ]) adicionados durante a imobilizacao da lipase Burkholderia cepacia em silica por adsorcao fisica. A fim de se obter resultados mais confi...
A biomassa residual da agroindustria apresenta um crescimento exponencial que representa perdas e... more A biomassa residual da agroindustria apresenta um crescimento exponencial que representa perdas economicas no processo produtivo e, se nao receberem destinacao adequada, geram impactos ambientais negativos. Diversos estudos estao voltados para o aproveitamento dos residuos com diversas aplicacoes, dentre as quais recebe destaque a obtencao de enzimas por fermentacao em estado solido (FES) e o uso como suportes orgânicos naturais no processo de imobilizacao, por ser um suporte de baixo custo e grande disponibilidade. Portanto, este trabalho tem como objetivo utilizar farinha de sementes de mangaba para produzir lipase de Aspergillus niger por fermentacao em estado solido (FES) e comparar a sua eficiencia catalitica em reacoes de transesterificacao de oleo de coco bruto com a lipase comercial de Burkholderia cepacia. Verificou-se o maximo de conversao de 72 % de esteres etilicos utilizando a biocatalisador imobilizado por adsorcao fisica no biochar de semente de goiaba (BI), nas segui...
O leite e um alimento de grande importância nutricional devido a presenca de varios constituintes... more O leite e um alimento de grande importância nutricional devido a presenca de varios constituintes (agua, lactose, solidos totais, gordura, proteinas e minerais). Dentre estes constituintes, a lactose tem se destacado como um produto de grande interesse comercial, em virtude de suas aplicacoes na industria de alimentos; fabricacao de diversos produtos: paes, sorvetes e farinha, na industria farmaceutica; como excipientes ou diluentes de medicamentos e na industria de cosmeticos; como emoliente na fabricacao de batons e cremes. Atualmente uma tecnica que vem sendo empregada no processo de recuperacao da lactose e a tecnica de separacao por membranas, entretanto esse metodo vem enfrentando problemas quanto a sua seletividade. Uma tecnica que tem se mostrado bastante promissora e a cristalizacao, em virtude de apresentar uma elevada pureza do produto final e alta seletividade. O objetivo desse trabalho foi estudar a recuperacao da lactose por meio dapercolacao em fluxo continuo em uma c...
A lipase de Burkholderia cepacia (LBC) foi imobilizada por adsorcao fisica (ADS) e ligacao covale... more A lipase de Burkholderia cepacia (LBC) foi imobilizada por adsorcao fisica (ADS) e ligacao covalente (LC) em suporte hibrido (biochar + silica) O biocatalisador imobilizado (BI) foi utilizado na reacao de hidrolise do oleo de azeite de oliva e foi realizada a caracterizacao bioquimica. O rendimento de imobilizacao por ADS e LC foi 38% e 117%, respectivamente. O pH otimo foi 7,0 e a temperatura otima de 50 °C para BI por ADS e LC. O valor dos V max para a enzima livre foi de 2500 μmol/g.min, ja para os BI por ADS foi de 385 μmol/ g.min e por LC foi de 834 μmol/ g.min. O valor de K m para lipase livre foi 665 mM para BI, por ADS o valor de K m foi de 218 mM e LC 442 mM, sugerindo uma maior afinidade do BI com o substrato para ligacao covalente. No estudo da estabilidade termica os BIs se mostraram estaveis na faixa de temperatura estudada (60°C). Os BIs por ADS e LC foi reutilizado 6 e 3 vezes, respectivamente, ate 50% da sua atividade inicial.
A lactose pode ser definida como um dissacarideo encontrado no leite e produtos lacteos, constitu... more A lactose pode ser definida como um dissacarideo encontrado no leite e produtos lacteos, constituindo-se como a principal fonte de carboidrato. Essa biomolecula tem se destacado como um produto de grande interesse comercial, em virtude de suas aplicacoes na industria de alimentos; fabricacao de diversos produtos: paes, sorvetes e farinha, na industria farmaceutica; como excipientes ou diluentes de medicamentos e na industria de cosmeticos; como emoliente na fabricacao de batons e cremes. Introducao: Atualmente boa parte da lactose utilizada no Brasil e importada proveniente de outros paises principalmente da Alemanha. Uma tecnica que vem sendo empregada no processo de recuperacao da lactose e a tecnica de separacao por membranas, entretanto esse metodo vem enfrentando problemas quanto a sua seletividade. Estudos recentes utilizando a tecnica de adsorcao por impressao molecular tem relatado a eficiencia dessa tecnica no processo de remocao de biomoleculas. Objetivo: O objetivo desse ...
Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology, 2020
BACKGROUND: Rosemary leaves have been widely employed in the food and pharmaceutical industry due... more BACKGROUND: Rosemary leaves have been widely employed in the food and pharmaceutical industry due to the presence of important compounds. However, during the extraction process, in addition to the target biomolecules (chlorophyll-Chl, and rosmarinic acid), other components (phenolic compounds) are also extracted. This work focuses on the development of a sequential and selective protocol for the extraction and concentration of Chl using the aqueous micellar two-phase system, and extraction and purification of rosmarinic acid using the aqueous two-phase systems. RESULTS: Firstly, the extraction and purification of Chls were studied. Chls rich-extract obtained using the best conditions of aqueous solution of Triton X-100 (5 wt%) and phosphate buffer (50 mM), 50 ºC solid-liquid ratio was evaluated at 1:100 and 60 min (Chl a = 69.3 ± 1.9 mg.100 g-1 ; Chl b = 41.1 ± 1.2 mg.100 g-1 and total Chl = 110.5 ± 3.1 mg.100 g-1) were submitted to temperature above cloud point. The Chl b and total Chl were concentrated 3.1 and 1.7 times. Further, the extraction and purification of rosmarinic acid were investigated. Ethanol, methanol, and acetonitrile (80 wt%) at 50 o C were investigated; and after extraction, the rosmarinic acid rich-extract were add in ATPS composed by organic solvent + K3PO4. The extraction efficiencies was observed in the top phase (100%) for all system. The highest purification factor was found using ATPS based on acetonitrile (50 wt%) + K3PO4 (20 wt%). CONCLUSIONS: The sequential protocols to extract Chls and purify rosmarinic acid can be applied.
Abstract Here, we present a biorefinery perspective for biolubricant production with the valorisa... more Abstract Here, we present a biorefinery perspective for biolubricant production with the valorisation of solid waste from Moringa oleifera Lam oil extraction (WMO). To achieve this, WMO, silica (SiO2), and a hybrid (SiO2–WMO) were prepared and employed as supports for the immobilisation of Candida rugosa lipase (CRL) via interfacial adsorption. The matrixes and immobilised biocatalysts were characterised by FTIR and AFM. The SiO2–WMO matrix was the most suitable, providing an immobilisation yield of 86 %. In the optimised conditions of esterification (40 °C, equimolar acid/alcohol ratio, and 22.6 mg/g of immobilised protein loading) in solvent-free medium, SiO2–WMO–CRL presented the best performance (94 % conversion) and retained its original activity after eight cycles. Furthermore, isoamyl esters exhibited physicochemical properties similar to those of commercial lubricants and could favourably be used as biolubricants in hydraulic machines and equipment. This pioneering work provides the opportunity for effective and cleaner production of biolubricants under a zero-waste Moringa oleifera Lam biorefinery approach.
In the present study, we demonstrated the use of molecular docking as an efficient in silico scre... more In the present study, we demonstrated the use of molecular docking as an efficient in silico screening tool for lipase–triglyceride interactions. Computational simulations using the crystal structures from Burkholderia cepacia lipase (BCL), Thermomyces lanuginosus lipase (TLL), and pancreatic porcine lipase (PPL) were performed to elucidate the catalytic behavior with the majority triglycerides present in Licuri oil, as follows: caprilyl–dilauryl–glycerol (CyLaLa), capryl–dilauryl–glycerol (CaLaLa), capryl–lauryl–myristoyl–glycerol (CaLaM), and dilauryl–myristoyl–glycerol (LaLaM). The computational simulation results showed that BCL has the potential to preferentially catalyze the major triglycerides present in Licuri oil, demonstrating that CyLaLa, (≈25.75% oil composition) interacts directly with two of the three amino acid residues in its catalytic triad (Ser87 and His286) with the lowest energy (–5.9 kcal/mol), while other triglycerides (CaLaLa, CaLaM, and LaLaM) interact with only one amino acid (His286). In one hard, TLL showed a preference for catalyzing the triglyceride CaLaLa also interacting with His286 residue, but, achieving higher binding energies (−5.3 kcal/mol) than found in BCL (–5.7 kcal/mol). On the other hand, PPL prefers to catalyze only with LaLaM triglyceride by His264 residue interaction. When comparing the computational simulations with the experimental results, it was possible to understand how BCL and TLL display more stable binding with the majority triglycerides present in the Licuri oil, achieving conversions of 50.86 and 49.01%, respectively. These results indicate the production of fatty acid concentrates from Licuri oil with high lauric acid content. Meanwhile, this study also demonstrates the application of molecular docking as an important tool for lipase screening to reach a more sustainable production of fatty acid concentrates from vegetable oils.
The aim of this study was the valorization of coffee industry residues, namely spent coffee groun... more The aim of this study was the valorization of coffee industry residues, namely spent coffee grounds (SCG) as a source of oil, and silverskin (CS) as a source of both oil and biomass, under the concept of the circular economy. Therefore, crude oil from SCG was used to produce low-calorie structured lipids (SL) for food and pharmaceutical industries, and CS to produce biochar by pyrolysis for biotechnological uses. SL were obtained by acidolysis with caprylic or capric acid, or interesterification with ethyl caprylate or ethyl caprate, in solvent-free media, catalyzed by immobilized sn-1,3 regioselective lipases. Silverskin biochar (BIO) was directly used as enzyme carrier or to produce hybrid organic-silica (HB) supports for enzyme immobilization. Rhizopus oryzae lipase (ROL) immobilized on Amberlite (AMB), silica (SIL), BIO or HB, and the commercial immobilized Thermomyces lanuginosus (Lipozyme TL IM) and Rhizomucor miehei (Lipozyme RM IM) lipases were tested. Lipozyme RM IM showed ...
Bibliotecária, especialista em gestão cultural pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação do Senac e em ciênc... more Bibliotecária, especialista em gestão cultural pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação do Senac e em ciência da informação pela Universidade de Brasília. Coordenadora-geral de Ação Cultural do Ministério do Desenvolvimento Agrário e técnica da Câmara Legislativa do Distrito Federal.
The liquid product of the pyrolysis of biomass is a mixture of an organic phase and other aqueous... more The liquid product of the pyrolysis of biomass is a mixture of an organic phase and other aqueous, being the last one rich in phenol monomers which can be used in industrial chemistry as input for plastic and resin production. This work aimed to develop a method for extracting phenols present in the aqueous fraction obtained from the pyrolysis of guava seeds, using ultrasonic assisted liquid-liquid extraction (UALLE) with ethyl acetate and ionic liquids (ILs) as co-solvents (1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl) amide (BMIM.NTF2) and 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolinium hexafluorophosphate (BMIM.PF6)). The percentage IL, ultrasonic bath potency, temperature, and pH were studied. Quantification of twelve phenol monomers was performed using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and the total phenol concentration (TPC) was performed using UV-Vis spectrophotometer. The ionic liquid BMIM.NTF2 was more efficient for phenol extraction than BMIM.PF6. The phenolic extractions were influenced by the pH of the aqueous fraction (higher extraction yields at pH ≤ 7), and thus, presented recoveries above 80% for both ionic liquids.
Hydrological models can help in predicting the behavior of aquatic systems in watershed, and are ... more Hydrological models can help in predicting the behavior of aquatic systems in watershed, and are able to simulate both hydrological processes and nutrient dynamics. The SWAT model is used in water resource management to estimate the production of water, sediments, and nutrients, as well as to identify diffuse sources of pollution. The objective of this work was to evaluate spatial and temporal variability in the dynamics of the nutrients nitrogen and phosphorus derived from agricultural activities, at the sub-basin level, in the watershed of the Poxim-Açu River. The model was subjected to tests of sensitivity, calibration, and validation in terms of the discharge and the behavior of the nutrients. Statistical analysis showed that the performance of the model was satisfactory. It was found that more than 40% of the areas of the main subbasins that produced sediments and nutrients was occupied by pasture, and that the predominant soil types were Red-Yellow Argisols and Gleysols. These...
Ciências Agrárias: Conhecimentos Científicos e Técnicos e Difusão de Tecnologias 4, 2020
Os objetivos do trabalho foram: pesquisar a biometria de aquênios de morango (Fragaria x ananassa... more Os objetivos do trabalho foram: pesquisar a biometria de aquênios de morango (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.) do cultivar 'San Andreas' e determinar o grau de umidade dos aquênios da referida espécie. O experimento foi conduzido no Laboratório de Biodiversidade do Semiárido-LABISA da Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia-UESB-Campus Vitória da Conquista. Aquênios obtidos de frutos de Morango produzidos na Fazenda Rancho Alegre na cidade de Barra da Estiva-Bahia, na região da Chapada Diamantina, cultivados em estufa no sistema tipo semihidropônico suspenso e livre de agrotóxicos, foram beneficiados e armazenados em geladeira. O comprimento, a largura e a espessura média dos aquênios de Fragaria x ananassa Duch foram de 1,41 mm, 0,90 mm, e 0,79 mm, respectivamente. Os valores do grau de umidade obtidos para os lotes de aquênios permitiram que fossem classificados para fim de armazenamento como ortodoxos. Palavras-chave: Fragaria x ananassa Duch, lotes de aquênios, ortodoxos.
In this study, low calorie triacylglycerols (TAG) of MLM type (containing a medium-chain fatty ac... more In this study, low calorie triacylglycerols (TAG) of MLM type (containing a medium-chain fatty acid, M, at positions sn-1,3 and a long-chain fatty acid at position sn-2) were produced by acidolysis of virgin olive oil with caprylic (C8:0) or capric (C10:0) acids, in solvent-free media. The heterologous sn-1,3 regioselective Rhizopus oryzae lipase produced by the methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris (r-ROL) was immobilized in Amberlite IRA 96® (rROL-IRA) and used as biocatalyst. Acidolysis was optimized as a function of temperature and molar ratio (C:8/TAG or C10:0/TAG), by response surface methodology. The production of new TAG, the consumption of C8:0 or C10:0, and triolein were evaluated. From the response-surfaces fitted to the experimental data points, no optimal points were observed inside the experimental region. The highest consumption of TAGs, free fatty acids and triolein (the major TAG) were achieved at 29 °C and molar ratio (MR) of 2:1 at 24 h reaction time. For the syste...
Olive pomace oil (OPO), a by-product of olive oil industry, is directly consumed after refining. ... more Olive pomace oil (OPO), a by-product of olive oil industry, is directly consumed after refining. The novelty of this study consists of the direct use of crude high acidic OPO (3.4-20% acidity) to produce added-value compounds, using sn-1,3-regioselective lipases: (i) low-calorie dietetic structured lipids (SL) containing caprylic (C8:0) or capric (C10:0) acids by acidolysis or interesterification with their ethyl esters, (ii) fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) for biodiesel, and (iii) sn-2 monoacylglycerols (emulsifiers), as by-product of FAME production by methanolysis. Immobilized Rhizomucor miehei lipase showed similar activity in acidolysis and interesterification for SL production (yields: 47.8-53.4%, 7 h, 50℃) and was not affected by OPO acidity. Batch operational stability decreased with OPO acidity, but it was at least three-fold in interesterification that in acidolysis. Complete conversion of OPO into FAME and sn-2 monoacylglycerols was observed after 3 h-transesterification (glycerol stepwise addition) and lipase deactivation was negligeable after 11 cycles.
Direitos para esta edição cedidos à Atena Editora pelos autores. Open access publication by Atena... more Direitos para esta edição cedidos à Atena Editora pelos autores. Open access publication by Atena Editora Todo o conteúdo deste livro está licenciado sob uma Licença de Atribuição Creative Commons. Atribuição-Não-Comercial-NãoDerivativos 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).
A necessidade de tecnologias verdes tem dedicado muitos pesquisadores a busca por solventes alter... more A necessidade de tecnologias verdes tem dedicado muitos pesquisadores a busca por solventes alternativos que substituam os convencionais, a fim de diminuir os impactos ambientais causados por processos industriais. O uso de liquidos ionicos e uma alternativa potencial para aumentar a estabilidade e possibilidade de reutilizacao de biocatalisadores imobilizados (BIs) em processos industriais 1,2 . Os liquidos ionicos a base de fosfonio (LIFs) apresentam propriedades mais interessantes para a biocatalise quando comparados aos liquidos ionico mais comuns, como menor viscosidade e maior estabilidade quimica e termica 3 . Neste contexto, o presente projeto teve como objetivo avaliar os efeitos do uso de diferentes LIFs ([P 444(4) ][Cl], [P 444(14) ][Cl], [P 666(14 )][Cl], [P 666(14 )][Br], [P 666(14 )][Deca], [P 666(14 )][Phosp] e [P 666(14 )][NTf 2 ]) adicionados durante a imobilizacao da lipase Burkholderia cepacia em silica por adsorcao fisica. A fim de se obter resultados mais confi...
A biomassa residual da agroindustria apresenta um crescimento exponencial que representa perdas e... more A biomassa residual da agroindustria apresenta um crescimento exponencial que representa perdas economicas no processo produtivo e, se nao receberem destinacao adequada, geram impactos ambientais negativos. Diversos estudos estao voltados para o aproveitamento dos residuos com diversas aplicacoes, dentre as quais recebe destaque a obtencao de enzimas por fermentacao em estado solido (FES) e o uso como suportes orgânicos naturais no processo de imobilizacao, por ser um suporte de baixo custo e grande disponibilidade. Portanto, este trabalho tem como objetivo utilizar farinha de sementes de mangaba para produzir lipase de Aspergillus niger por fermentacao em estado solido (FES) e comparar a sua eficiencia catalitica em reacoes de transesterificacao de oleo de coco bruto com a lipase comercial de Burkholderia cepacia. Verificou-se o maximo de conversao de 72 % de esteres etilicos utilizando a biocatalisador imobilizado por adsorcao fisica no biochar de semente de goiaba (BI), nas segui...
O leite e um alimento de grande importância nutricional devido a presenca de varios constituintes... more O leite e um alimento de grande importância nutricional devido a presenca de varios constituintes (agua, lactose, solidos totais, gordura, proteinas e minerais). Dentre estes constituintes, a lactose tem se destacado como um produto de grande interesse comercial, em virtude de suas aplicacoes na industria de alimentos; fabricacao de diversos produtos: paes, sorvetes e farinha, na industria farmaceutica; como excipientes ou diluentes de medicamentos e na industria de cosmeticos; como emoliente na fabricacao de batons e cremes. Atualmente uma tecnica que vem sendo empregada no processo de recuperacao da lactose e a tecnica de separacao por membranas, entretanto esse metodo vem enfrentando problemas quanto a sua seletividade. Uma tecnica que tem se mostrado bastante promissora e a cristalizacao, em virtude de apresentar uma elevada pureza do produto final e alta seletividade. O objetivo desse trabalho foi estudar a recuperacao da lactose por meio dapercolacao em fluxo continuo em uma c...
A lipase de Burkholderia cepacia (LBC) foi imobilizada por adsorcao fisica (ADS) e ligacao covale... more A lipase de Burkholderia cepacia (LBC) foi imobilizada por adsorcao fisica (ADS) e ligacao covalente (LC) em suporte hibrido (biochar + silica) O biocatalisador imobilizado (BI) foi utilizado na reacao de hidrolise do oleo de azeite de oliva e foi realizada a caracterizacao bioquimica. O rendimento de imobilizacao por ADS e LC foi 38% e 117%, respectivamente. O pH otimo foi 7,0 e a temperatura otima de 50 °C para BI por ADS e LC. O valor dos V max para a enzima livre foi de 2500 μmol/g.min, ja para os BI por ADS foi de 385 μmol/ g.min e por LC foi de 834 μmol/ g.min. O valor de K m para lipase livre foi 665 mM para BI, por ADS o valor de K m foi de 218 mM e LC 442 mM, sugerindo uma maior afinidade do BI com o substrato para ligacao covalente. No estudo da estabilidade termica os BIs se mostraram estaveis na faixa de temperatura estudada (60°C). Os BIs por ADS e LC foi reutilizado 6 e 3 vezes, respectivamente, ate 50% da sua atividade inicial.
A lactose pode ser definida como um dissacarideo encontrado no leite e produtos lacteos, constitu... more A lactose pode ser definida como um dissacarideo encontrado no leite e produtos lacteos, constituindo-se como a principal fonte de carboidrato. Essa biomolecula tem se destacado como um produto de grande interesse comercial, em virtude de suas aplicacoes na industria de alimentos; fabricacao de diversos produtos: paes, sorvetes e farinha, na industria farmaceutica; como excipientes ou diluentes de medicamentos e na industria de cosmeticos; como emoliente na fabricacao de batons e cremes. Introducao: Atualmente boa parte da lactose utilizada no Brasil e importada proveniente de outros paises principalmente da Alemanha. Uma tecnica que vem sendo empregada no processo de recuperacao da lactose e a tecnica de separacao por membranas, entretanto esse metodo vem enfrentando problemas quanto a sua seletividade. Estudos recentes utilizando a tecnica de adsorcao por impressao molecular tem relatado a eficiencia dessa tecnica no processo de remocao de biomoleculas. Objetivo: O objetivo desse ...
Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology, 2020
BACKGROUND: Rosemary leaves have been widely employed in the food and pharmaceutical industry due... more BACKGROUND: Rosemary leaves have been widely employed in the food and pharmaceutical industry due to the presence of important compounds. However, during the extraction process, in addition to the target biomolecules (chlorophyll-Chl, and rosmarinic acid), other components (phenolic compounds) are also extracted. This work focuses on the development of a sequential and selective protocol for the extraction and concentration of Chl using the aqueous micellar two-phase system, and extraction and purification of rosmarinic acid using the aqueous two-phase systems. RESULTS: Firstly, the extraction and purification of Chls were studied. Chls rich-extract obtained using the best conditions of aqueous solution of Triton X-100 (5 wt%) and phosphate buffer (50 mM), 50 ºC solid-liquid ratio was evaluated at 1:100 and 60 min (Chl a = 69.3 ± 1.9 mg.100 g-1 ; Chl b = 41.1 ± 1.2 mg.100 g-1 and total Chl = 110.5 ± 3.1 mg.100 g-1) were submitted to temperature above cloud point. The Chl b and total Chl were concentrated 3.1 and 1.7 times. Further, the extraction and purification of rosmarinic acid were investigated. Ethanol, methanol, and acetonitrile (80 wt%) at 50 o C were investigated; and after extraction, the rosmarinic acid rich-extract were add in ATPS composed by organic solvent + K3PO4. The extraction efficiencies was observed in the top phase (100%) for all system. The highest purification factor was found using ATPS based on acetonitrile (50 wt%) + K3PO4 (20 wt%). CONCLUSIONS: The sequential protocols to extract Chls and purify rosmarinic acid can be applied.
Abstract Here, we present a biorefinery perspective for biolubricant production with the valorisa... more Abstract Here, we present a biorefinery perspective for biolubricant production with the valorisation of solid waste from Moringa oleifera Lam oil extraction (WMO). To achieve this, WMO, silica (SiO2), and a hybrid (SiO2–WMO) were prepared and employed as supports for the immobilisation of Candida rugosa lipase (CRL) via interfacial adsorption. The matrixes and immobilised biocatalysts were characterised by FTIR and AFM. The SiO2–WMO matrix was the most suitable, providing an immobilisation yield of 86 %. In the optimised conditions of esterification (40 °C, equimolar acid/alcohol ratio, and 22.6 mg/g of immobilised protein loading) in solvent-free medium, SiO2–WMO–CRL presented the best performance (94 % conversion) and retained its original activity after eight cycles. Furthermore, isoamyl esters exhibited physicochemical properties similar to those of commercial lubricants and could favourably be used as biolubricants in hydraulic machines and equipment. This pioneering work provides the opportunity for effective and cleaner production of biolubricants under a zero-waste Moringa oleifera Lam biorefinery approach.
In the present study, we demonstrated the use of molecular docking as an efficient in silico scre... more In the present study, we demonstrated the use of molecular docking as an efficient in silico screening tool for lipase–triglyceride interactions. Computational simulations using the crystal structures from Burkholderia cepacia lipase (BCL), Thermomyces lanuginosus lipase (TLL), and pancreatic porcine lipase (PPL) were performed to elucidate the catalytic behavior with the majority triglycerides present in Licuri oil, as follows: caprilyl–dilauryl–glycerol (CyLaLa), capryl–dilauryl–glycerol (CaLaLa), capryl–lauryl–myristoyl–glycerol (CaLaM), and dilauryl–myristoyl–glycerol (LaLaM). The computational simulation results showed that BCL has the potential to preferentially catalyze the major triglycerides present in Licuri oil, demonstrating that CyLaLa, (≈25.75% oil composition) interacts directly with two of the three amino acid residues in its catalytic triad (Ser87 and His286) with the lowest energy (–5.9 kcal/mol), while other triglycerides (CaLaLa, CaLaM, and LaLaM) interact with only one amino acid (His286). In one hard, TLL showed a preference for catalyzing the triglyceride CaLaLa also interacting with His286 residue, but, achieving higher binding energies (−5.3 kcal/mol) than found in BCL (–5.7 kcal/mol). On the other hand, PPL prefers to catalyze only with LaLaM triglyceride by His264 residue interaction. When comparing the computational simulations with the experimental results, it was possible to understand how BCL and TLL display more stable binding with the majority triglycerides present in the Licuri oil, achieving conversions of 50.86 and 49.01%, respectively. These results indicate the production of fatty acid concentrates from Licuri oil with high lauric acid content. Meanwhile, this study also demonstrates the application of molecular docking as an important tool for lipase screening to reach a more sustainable production of fatty acid concentrates from vegetable oils.
The aim of this study was the valorization of coffee industry residues, namely spent coffee groun... more The aim of this study was the valorization of coffee industry residues, namely spent coffee grounds (SCG) as a source of oil, and silverskin (CS) as a source of both oil and biomass, under the concept of the circular economy. Therefore, crude oil from SCG was used to produce low-calorie structured lipids (SL) for food and pharmaceutical industries, and CS to produce biochar by pyrolysis for biotechnological uses. SL were obtained by acidolysis with caprylic or capric acid, or interesterification with ethyl caprylate or ethyl caprate, in solvent-free media, catalyzed by immobilized sn-1,3 regioselective lipases. Silverskin biochar (BIO) was directly used as enzyme carrier or to produce hybrid organic-silica (HB) supports for enzyme immobilization. Rhizopus oryzae lipase (ROL) immobilized on Amberlite (AMB), silica (SIL), BIO or HB, and the commercial immobilized Thermomyces lanuginosus (Lipozyme TL IM) and Rhizomucor miehei (Lipozyme RM IM) lipases were tested. Lipozyme RM IM showed ...
Papers by Cleide Soares