Este artigo busca pensar o Jornalismo em sua relação com os Estudos de Gênero e, especialmente, a... more Este artigo busca pensar o Jornalismo em sua relação com os Estudos de Gênero e, especialmente, a perspectiva decolonial. A partir da discussão sobre a matriz epistêmica do Jornalismo, calcada em uma racionalidade positivista, aborda movimentos que questionam esta perspectiva, notadamente, de alguns anos para cá, aqueles que se organizam a partir dos Estudos de Gênero. Em seguida, aprofunda esta perspectiva, correlacionando-a aos estudos decoloniais, enfatizando autoras feministas deste campo. Com este arcabouço teórico analisa criticamente textos emblemáticos do site jornalístico Nós, Mulheres da Periferia, pensado enquanto uma produção de resistência de agentes subalternos neste contexto.
Este artigo relata a pesquisa de campo realizada para dissertação de mestrado que olha para a red... more Este artigo relata a pesquisa de campo realizada para dissertação de mestrado que olha para a rede comunicativa de uma associação informal de mulheres migrantes, principalmente bolivianas, residentes na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo, inseridas no nicho laboral da costura. A pesquisa fonte ancora-se em um trabalho de campo etnográfico, que busca investigar como tal rede se estrutura, é acionada e em que medida potencializa a capacidade de agência das mulheres, a partir dos estudos das mídias digitais, da migração feminina, dos estudos decoloniais e de gênero. Este artigo em específico recorta e apresenta o trabalho de campo empreendido, que se iniciou pouco antes do início da pandemia e se desenvolveu em pleno ápice desta, e aponta achados relativos à utilização do WhatsApp pelo grupo.
Journalism education started in Brazil in 1947. Today, it comes under the field of Social Communi... more Journalism education started in Brazil in 1947. Today, it comes under the field of Social Communication, along with Advertising, Public Relations, Film, and Radio & TV. For almost 40 years, from 1970 to 2009, a journalism diploma was mandatory to work in a newsroom. As part of the field of Applied Social Sciences, journalism remains popular among the young generation: The demand for undergraduate bachelor’s programs has attracted fairly high levels of enrollment in the last three decades. For the purposes of this article, we analyze the application of the 2013 Guidelines for Journalism Education to verify whether bachelor’s programs in journalism include or neglect an important axis in the process of instruction: knowledge of the world and the intellectual challenges of journalistic routines, as suggested in the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization’s (UNESCO) Model Curricula for Journalism Education.
RESUMO Este artigo aborda a construção de narrativas que fogem ao padrão heteronormativo em quadr... more RESUMO Este artigo aborda a construção de narrativas que fogem ao padrão heteronormativo em quadrinhos, ao tematizar relações amorosas entre mulheres. Apoiando-se em pesquisadoras/res que discorrem sobre gênero e sexualidade, o trabalho contextualiza a construção de heteronormatividade nas HQs, reflete sobre a autoria feminina nos quadrinhos e depois analisa as narrativas em histórias em quadrinhos de autoras que questionam esta heteronormatividade. O objeto empírico é a HQ "Melaço" em que as nove autoras contam histórias que falam de relações homoafetivas femininas. Ao contrário de boa parte das narrativas que enfocam a homoafetividade, estas histórias têm em comum a ênfase em um final feliz. O objetivo é refletir sobre estas produções e sua potencialidade de desconstrução de estereótipos de gênero e sexualidade dentro de um ícone da cultura pop, as revistas em quadrinhos.
Journalism as a profession in Brazil discusses the professional characteristics of Journalism in ... more Journalism as a profession in Brazil discusses the professional characteristics of Journalism in Brazil under the following aspects: 1) formal conditions of access, 2) conditions and effects of the monopoly on the journalistic activity 3) presence of a distinct culture and ethic, based on the notion of the journalist’s social responsibility and 4) characteristics of the real community of individuals who share the journalistic identity. Based on this scope, we can perceive the singularity of the Brazilian formal access conditions, albeit currently in transition. The university diploma for professional journalists, a recently eliminated mandatory requirement, created in the past a specific access condition and produced a field of specialized journalists with a university diploma. The journalists debate today about the end of their access card and a total lack of professional regulation. At the same time, there is a reduction of formal job positions, which are more concentrated with th...
DELICTAE: Revista de Estudos Interdisciplinares sobre o Delito, 2020
O artigo analisa os discursos sobre gênero nos meios de comunicação, os quais se projetam a parti... more O artigo analisa os discursos sobre gênero nos meios de comunicação, os quais se projetam a partir de uma normatividade binária e discriminatória introjetada na sociedade, bem como seus efeitos atuais.
Feminism, in its numerous facets and perspectives, is reputed as one of the more powerful and cha... more Feminism, in its numerous facets and perspectives, is reputed as one of the more powerful and changing social movements of the twentieth century. And if we no longer refer to feminism in the singular because we question the contradictory definitions of the universal man and woman, if we questions the standards (heterosexuals, binaries, etc), if we incorporate the concept of gender and recognize people separated by a wide range of inequalities (for example, race, ethnicity, social class and others), it is also thanks to these movements that we are able to place ourselves in other poles. These poles reclaim other equal worlds, but also demand other knowledge, using new epistemologies which are no longer based under the auspices of the Western, white, heterosexual man. In contrast with these epistemologies and values that naturalize inequalities, the field of Gender Studies has developed studies that
Since the beginning of its journey, in 2005, Brazilian Journalism Research (BJR) has contributed ... more Since the beginning of its journey, in 2005, Brazilian Journalism Research (BJR) has contributed to the publication of quality in the studies and reflections on Journalism, achieved in Brazil and elsewhere. Disseminating Brazilian researches abroad and also those performed abroad for Brazil is BJR's main goal, even before the word "internationalization" was established as a strategy for the Brazilian scientific production in general. BJR came out ahead incorporating this concern since its very beginnings when it was only edited in English. The goal has been reached thanks to the effort of all/heads and collaborators/, as well as the support of several managements from SBPJor, which always had BJR as the "brainchild" of our entity. After these ten years, BJR will adequate to the new times, deepening its vocation for internationalization. Besides broadening its base of indexers, the magazine starts now to work on continuous flow. Another change is the expansion of its body of collaborators. Besides the countless partners, revisers and translators, BJR opens to renowned researchers in the area who have interest in proposing dossiers about specific topics. The intention is attracting researches with expertise in internationally relevant topics that can act as Guests Editors taking on the task of incentivizing the publication of unpublished articles of authors from Brazil and from abroad. The suggestion of dossiers can be made by researchers doctors, or the international equivalent, and will be appreciated by BJR's Executive Editorial Committee.
Este artigo busca pensar o Jornalismo em sua relação com os Estudos de Gênero e, especialmente, a... more Este artigo busca pensar o Jornalismo em sua relação com os Estudos de Gênero e, especialmente, a perspectiva decolonial. A partir da discussão sobre a matriz epistêmica do Jornalismo, calcada em uma racionalidade positivista, aborda movimentos que questionam esta perspectiva, notadamente, de alguns anos para cá, aqueles que se organizam a partir dos Estudos de Gênero. Em seguida, aprofunda esta perspectiva, correlacionando-a aos estudos decoloniais, enfatizando autoras feministas deste campo. Com este arcabouço teórico analisa criticamente textos emblemáticos do site jornalístico Nós, Mulheres da Periferia, pensado enquanto uma produção de resistência de agentes subalternos neste contexto.
Este artigo relata a pesquisa de campo realizada para dissertação de mestrado que olha para a red... more Este artigo relata a pesquisa de campo realizada para dissertação de mestrado que olha para a rede comunicativa de uma associação informal de mulheres migrantes, principalmente bolivianas, residentes na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo, inseridas no nicho laboral da costura. A pesquisa fonte ancora-se em um trabalho de campo etnográfico, que busca investigar como tal rede se estrutura, é acionada e em que medida potencializa a capacidade de agência das mulheres, a partir dos estudos das mídias digitais, da migração feminina, dos estudos decoloniais e de gênero. Este artigo em específico recorta e apresenta o trabalho de campo empreendido, que se iniciou pouco antes do início da pandemia e se desenvolveu em pleno ápice desta, e aponta achados relativos à utilização do WhatsApp pelo grupo.
Journalism education started in Brazil in 1947. Today, it comes under the field of Social Communi... more Journalism education started in Brazil in 1947. Today, it comes under the field of Social Communication, along with Advertising, Public Relations, Film, and Radio & TV. For almost 40 years, from 1970 to 2009, a journalism diploma was mandatory to work in a newsroom. As part of the field of Applied Social Sciences, journalism remains popular among the young generation: The demand for undergraduate bachelor’s programs has attracted fairly high levels of enrollment in the last three decades. For the purposes of this article, we analyze the application of the 2013 Guidelines for Journalism Education to verify whether bachelor’s programs in journalism include or neglect an important axis in the process of instruction: knowledge of the world and the intellectual challenges of journalistic routines, as suggested in the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization’s (UNESCO) Model Curricula for Journalism Education.
RESUMO Este artigo aborda a construção de narrativas que fogem ao padrão heteronormativo em quadr... more RESUMO Este artigo aborda a construção de narrativas que fogem ao padrão heteronormativo em quadrinhos, ao tematizar relações amorosas entre mulheres. Apoiando-se em pesquisadoras/res que discorrem sobre gênero e sexualidade, o trabalho contextualiza a construção de heteronormatividade nas HQs, reflete sobre a autoria feminina nos quadrinhos e depois analisa as narrativas em histórias em quadrinhos de autoras que questionam esta heteronormatividade. O objeto empírico é a HQ "Melaço" em que as nove autoras contam histórias que falam de relações homoafetivas femininas. Ao contrário de boa parte das narrativas que enfocam a homoafetividade, estas histórias têm em comum a ênfase em um final feliz. O objetivo é refletir sobre estas produções e sua potencialidade de desconstrução de estereótipos de gênero e sexualidade dentro de um ícone da cultura pop, as revistas em quadrinhos.
Journalism as a profession in Brazil discusses the professional characteristics of Journalism in ... more Journalism as a profession in Brazil discusses the professional characteristics of Journalism in Brazil under the following aspects: 1) formal conditions of access, 2) conditions and effects of the monopoly on the journalistic activity 3) presence of a distinct culture and ethic, based on the notion of the journalist’s social responsibility and 4) characteristics of the real community of individuals who share the journalistic identity. Based on this scope, we can perceive the singularity of the Brazilian formal access conditions, albeit currently in transition. The university diploma for professional journalists, a recently eliminated mandatory requirement, created in the past a specific access condition and produced a field of specialized journalists with a university diploma. The journalists debate today about the end of their access card and a total lack of professional regulation. At the same time, there is a reduction of formal job positions, which are more concentrated with th...
DELICTAE: Revista de Estudos Interdisciplinares sobre o Delito, 2020
O artigo analisa os discursos sobre gênero nos meios de comunicação, os quais se projetam a parti... more O artigo analisa os discursos sobre gênero nos meios de comunicação, os quais se projetam a partir de uma normatividade binária e discriminatória introjetada na sociedade, bem como seus efeitos atuais.
Feminism, in its numerous facets and perspectives, is reputed as one of the more powerful and cha... more Feminism, in its numerous facets and perspectives, is reputed as one of the more powerful and changing social movements of the twentieth century. And if we no longer refer to feminism in the singular because we question the contradictory definitions of the universal man and woman, if we questions the standards (heterosexuals, binaries, etc), if we incorporate the concept of gender and recognize people separated by a wide range of inequalities (for example, race, ethnicity, social class and others), it is also thanks to these movements that we are able to place ourselves in other poles. These poles reclaim other equal worlds, but also demand other knowledge, using new epistemologies which are no longer based under the auspices of the Western, white, heterosexual man. In contrast with these epistemologies and values that naturalize inequalities, the field of Gender Studies has developed studies that
Since the beginning of its journey, in 2005, Brazilian Journalism Research (BJR) has contributed ... more Since the beginning of its journey, in 2005, Brazilian Journalism Research (BJR) has contributed to the publication of quality in the studies and reflections on Journalism, achieved in Brazil and elsewhere. Disseminating Brazilian researches abroad and also those performed abroad for Brazil is BJR's main goal, even before the word "internationalization" was established as a strategy for the Brazilian scientific production in general. BJR came out ahead incorporating this concern since its very beginnings when it was only edited in English. The goal has been reached thanks to the effort of all/heads and collaborators/, as well as the support of several managements from SBPJor, which always had BJR as the "brainchild" of our entity. After these ten years, BJR will adequate to the new times, deepening its vocation for internationalization. Besides broadening its base of indexers, the magazine starts now to work on continuous flow. Another change is the expansion of its body of collaborators. Besides the countless partners, revisers and translators, BJR opens to renowned researchers in the area who have interest in proposing dossiers about specific topics. The intention is attracting researches with expertise in internationally relevant topics that can act as Guests Editors taking on the task of incentivizing the publication of unpublished articles of authors from Brazil and from abroad. The suggestion of dossiers can be made by researchers doctors, or the international equivalent, and will be appreciated by BJR's Executive Editorial Committee.
Papers by Claudia Lago