Papers by Claudia Caycedo
Since the beginning of the 20th century, psychology started making an appearance in several Latin... more Since the beginning of the 20th century, psychology started making an appearance in several Latin American countries, under the influence of a political and academic environment resulting from specific conditions in each of those countries, but also as a regional response to the arrival of academics and the creation of psychological research institutes. The development of psychology in Colombia was slow compared to other countries in certain areas of Latin America, but led the way compared to certain others. Professionalization, for instance, happened relatively late in Colombia, but it was fostered by pioneering initiatives, such as the creation of the first formal undergraduate psychology programme in Latin America. Though by then other Latin American countries had been producing psychological knowledge in research institutes, the 1st Latin American Conference on Psychology Training was held in Bogotá in 1974, which recognized the dual nature of psychology as a discipline and as a...
El presente estudio no experimental, tuvo como objetivo proponer elemen -tos para los programas d... more El presente estudio no experimental, tuvo como objetivo proponer elemen -tos para los programas de prevencion del consumo de alcohol con universi -tarios, partiendo del analisis de los niveles, situaciones y caracteristicas del consumo. En 10 universidades de Bogota, 2.910 universitarios respondieron la ficha caracteristicas del consumo, el CEAL y el ISCA, y 80 participaron en 15 grupos focales. El consumo es alto, se inicia tempranamente con apro -bacion de los padres y en el influyen las presiones academicas, la soledad y la cultura. Existen indicadores de abuso y dependencia. Las situaciones asociadas al consumo son las emociones y los momentos agradables, la ur -gencia por consumir y la presion social. Los programas preventivos deben ser implementados por jovenes, orientados al consumo responsable, utilizando una variedad de actividades con responsabilidad de los actores.
Suma Psicológica, 2008
This work is part of a bigger study on the convergence between the report of the dentist about an... more This work is part of a bigger study on the convergence between the report of the dentist about anxiety of their patients and patientsi responses to two scales of anxiety referent to dental treatment, conducted with a sample of 132 dentists and their 913 patients in BogotAE, Colombia. We present the data from the responses of the patients to two self report measures about anxiety before dental treatment. Both the scale MDAS (Modified Dental Anxiety Scale) and the SDAI (Dental Anxiety Inventoryis shortened version), helped identify a similar distribution at different levels of severity in the sample of this study. Additionally, it was noted that the contexts that generate more anxiety which include syringes and needles (47,2%), the anticipation of a tooth extraction (34,7%) and the anticipation of the use of dental drill (25, 4%). Moreover, there were anxiety levels slightly higher in females than in males, this aspect is evident both in the outcome of the
Suma Psicológica, Mar 25, 2010
66 Suma Psicológica oportunidad de consumirlo libre en oíros momentos diferentes a la sesión expe... more 66 Suma Psicológica oportunidad de consumirlo libre en oíros momentos diferentes a la sesión experimental (por ejemplo, en la caja de habitación) Esta afirmación permite explicar por que se encuentran resultados lan contradictorios en experimentos que han variado el tipo de ...
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 2008
El presente estudio evaluó la calidad de vida y el bienestar psicológico de pacientes oncológicos... more El presente estudio evaluó la calidad de vida y el bienestar psicológico de pacientes oncológicos con diagnóstico de enfermedad avanzada y que al momento de la evaluación se encontraban en cuidado paliativo en la ciudad de Bogotá. La muestra estuvo constituida por 83 personas mayores de edad de ambos sexos, con diversos tipos de enfermedad oncológica y con diagnóstico de enfermedad avanzada. Previa firma del consentimiento informado, los instrumentos que se aplicaron fueron un Registro de Datos Sociodemográficos, Índice de Bienestar Psicológico (Dupuy, 1984) SF36 (Medical Outcomes Trust, 1992) y el McMaster Quality of Life Scale (Sterkenburg, Woodward y King, 1996), los cuales están diseñados para la medición de la calidad de vida en pacientes con cáncer. Se analizaron los datos en función de variables sociodemográficas, tipo de tratamientos recibidos y tipo de enfermedad avanzada. Palabras clave: paciente oncológico (36970), cuidados paliativos (36219), calidad de vida (42485), bienestar (56603).
Adicciones, 2006
Se presentan los resultados del análisis funcional de seis casos que participaron en la investiga... more Se presentan los resultados del análisis funcional de seis casos que participaron en la investigación de mayor escala sobre juegos de suerte, azar y habilidades y suerte con jóvenes de 10 a 22 en la ciudad de Bogotá, Colombia. Los seis casos representan variabilidad en los juegos, excepto el caso 2 de una joven de 17 años, quien solo juega lotería. Los menores de edad participaron con consentimiento informado de los padres, quienes también fueron entrevistados. Se utilizaron entrevistas, una escala de opinión, una escala de situaciones con el juego, observaciones directas y autoregistros de ocasiones de juego durante un periodo de una semana a diez días. El análisis funcional, como metodología para explicar la conducta de personas o grupos, permitió comprender las variables micro y macro contextuales que en cada caso mantienen relaciones funcionales con la conducta de juego y apuesta; además permitió establecer que la mayoría de los casos corresponden a la categoría de juego problema en riesgo de juego patológico. Algunos resultados son consistentes con los reportados por otros autores desde marcos conceptuales distintos, mientras otros señalan particularidades importantes de tener en cuenta al momento de hacer conclusiones y proponer alternativas para intervenciones y futuras investigaciones. Este estudio es pionero en Colombia y en varios lugares por su metodología desde el marco conceptual del Análisis del Comportamiento.
Suma Psicológica, 1994
... La Teoría de Premack y el análisis motivacional. Carlos Pereira, Claudia Caycedo, Claudia Gut... more ... La Teoría de Premack y el análisis motivacional. Carlos Pereira, Claudia Caycedo, Claudia Gutiérrez, Marithza Sandoval. Resumen. Este artículo revisa el principio de Premack y hace un análisis de sus características fundamentales ...
Suma Psicológica, 2005
An extended review about factors influencing the acquisition of Emotional Regulation and Social P... more An extended review about factors influencing the acquisition of Emotional Regulation and Social Problem Solving abilities in children from five to six years old, and the programs for training them is discussed. The involvement of family and school context through contingency management strategies and other elements to promote the regulatory behaviors especially in the conflict situations is emphasized. Without these components an intervention program will be unlikely to be successful. Implications for further research and applications are discussed.
Suma Psicológica, 1994
Page 1. Suma PfkoMifci Conceptos económicos UNA REVISION DE LOS CONCEPTOS ECONÓMICOS INCLUIDOS EN... more Page 1. Suma PfkoMifci Conceptos económicos UNA REVISION DE LOS CONCEPTOS ECONÓMICOS INCLUIDOS EN LA ECONOMIA CONDUCTUAL Maríthza Sandoval, Claudia Caycedo, Claudia Gutiérrez y Carlos Pereira ...
Universitas Psychologica, 2007
We describe the validation process of a case formulation protocol, based on the theoretical persp... more We describe the validation process of a case formulation protocol, based on the theoretical perspective of Behavior Analysis, in order to contribute to the development of a case formulation model aimed to organize the information coming from evaluation, to reduce clinical judgment bias, and to orient the clinical intervention towards a coherent and consistent way with the analysis categories belonging to the field of Psychological Wellbeing. Validity was defined as a function of the use of a single case design with a time series methodology and the internal validity of the formulations, based on criteria of consistency among the categories and the descriptive and explicative hypotheses, and among these and the intervention plan. The clinical formulation process was finished with six cases, taking the intervention efficacy as the validity criterion. Results point to the high level of inference and hypotheses based on clinical judgment rather than on empirical evidences.
Suma Psicológica, Mar 25, 2010
Globalización e identidad personal y global en universitarios colombianos, chinos, hindúes y nort... more Globalización e identidad personal y global en universitarios colombianos, chinos, hindúes y norteamericanos
Universitas Psychologica
The non - experimental study, aimed to propose from university's students items for preventio... more The non - experimental study, aimed to propose from university's students items for prevention programs of alcohol consumption obtain by examining levels, situations and characteristics of alcohol consumption of 2910 students in ten universities of Bogotá - Colombia who answered the features tab in consumption, the CEAL and the ISCA, participating in 15 focus groups, 80 students. Consumption is high, begins at early ages, approved by parents, associated by academic pressures loneliness and culture. There are indices of abuse and dependence. The situations associated with consumption are emotions and good times, the urge to consume and social pressure. Preventive programs should be implemented by youth-oriented, responsible consumption using a variety of activities with responsibility from the actors.
Universitas psychologica
Some results from a larger research about conceptualizing psychological well-being, as one of the... more Some results from a larger research about conceptualizing psychological well-being, as one of the project'sspecific objectives are presented. After the abstract of the concept's theoretical review, the methodologyof the descriptive study is described. An eleven open-question ...
Universitas …
ABSTRACT The main purpose of this study was to identify the relationship between status of person... more ABSTRACT The main purpose of this study was to identify the relationship between status of personal identity and global identity, and between the experience of globalization and identity development in 717 college student of different nationalities i.e. Colombians, Chinese, Americans and Hindus. The measures used were EIPQ, the inventory of global identity, the experience factor of Globalization and the Inventory of identity distress. The analyses of results revealed significant relationships (Spearman Rho = 0.309, p = O, 01) between the Experiences of Globalization´s factor and the status of personal identity and significant relationships (Chi-square with significance level <0.05) between status and personal identity and the global presence of disorders / problems of identity. Comparisons between samples were performed using Kruskal-Wallis statistic and were significant for all variables. Also, found were significant differences between the Hindus and Chinese samples which were analyzed in light of the empirical background in the discussion.
ABSTRACT This research aim was to evaluate the Burnout syndrome and its association to psychologi... more ABSTRACT This research aim was to evaluate the Burnout syndrome and its association to psychological profile and quality of lifein nurses from urgency, oncology and neonatology services at a third level hospital in Bogotá city. The research pertainsto the investigation group in Psychology and Health of the Psychology Faculty at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana.It is a non-experimental research within a correlational descriptive design. The instruments used were the Catell’s 16Personality Factors Inventory (16PF), the Maslash Burnout Inventory (MBI), a semi-structured interview and anobservational register. Data were analysed by descriptive statistics and Spearman correlation. Additionally, multivariatecovariance analysis (MANCOVA) and Pearson correlation were used in special cases. SSPS programme was used for thisdata analysis. Results showed that the Burnout syndrome was not present in the evaluated nurses but they had somesymptoms, like emotional tiredness and depersonalisation; personality factors as impulsive-prudent, confident-jealousand dominant-submisive were found as predictors of occupational performance.
Revista Javeriana, 2007
... Cambiar. Homosexualidad, ¿elección o destino biológico? Autores: Claudia Caycedo; Localizació... more ... Cambiar. Homosexualidad, ¿elección o destino biológico? Autores: Claudia Caycedo; Localización: Revista Javeriana, ISSN 0120-3088, Nº. 735, 2007 , págs. 12-15; Resumen: El tema de la homosexualidad despierta controversias ...
Universitas …, 2005
This article presents the analysis of relations between juvenile game practices and control strat... more This article presents the analysis of relations between juvenile game practices and control strategies in family andschool, as part of a larger study on game practices in the youth of Bogotá. Interviews of 155 participants between 10to 17 years of age and their parents were analysed. ...
Psicología desde el …, 2007
Papers by Claudia Caycedo