Papers by Chusharini Chamid
Jurnal Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota
Gunungapi Sinabung mengalami kembali erupsi pada Tahun 2010, sejak erupsi pertama pada Tahun 1600... more Gunungapi Sinabung mengalami kembali erupsi pada Tahun 2010, sejak erupsi pertama pada Tahun 1600. Erupsi tersebut menyemburkan debu vulkanik setinggi 3 sampai 5 kilometer dan gempa bumi vulkanis hingga 100 kilometer di sekitar Gunungapi Sinabung. Letusan tahun 2010 – 2017 telah mengubah sebagian tutupan lahan di kawasan ini. Beberapa lahan pertanian dan permukiman tertutup material letusan gunungapi mencapai sekitar 757 Ha. Mempertimbangkan kondisi tersebut, pemerintah menetapkan radius 3 hingga 5 Km sebagai kawasan lindung yang sebelumnya merupakan kawasan budidaya. Saat ini, penggunaan lahan didominasi oleh kegiatan perkebunan dan hortikultura. Penelitian ini bertujuan merumuskan arahan pemanfaatan ruang yang mampu mendorong upaya pengurangan risiko bencana pada Kawasan Gunungapi Sinabung dan sekitarnya. Dalam mencapai tujuan tersebut, penelitian ini menggunakan analisis analogi, yang kemudian diolah dan dianalisis secara kualitatif deskriptif. Hasil analisis menunjukan bahwa ...
Bandung Conference Series: Urban & Regional Planning
Based on the Regional Regulation of Subang Regency Number 3 of 2014 concerning Spatial Planning f... more Based on the Regional Regulation of Subang Regency Number 3 of 2014 concerning Spatial Planning for the RTRW of Subang Regency in 2011-2031, it explains that Cibogo District is one of the industrial designation areas (KPI) in Subang Regency, this study aims to determine the influence of industry on the socioeconomic conditions of the community by industrial activities in Cibogo District. The object of research is all people who live in Cibogo sub-district with the criteria men and women of productive age and working in industry or being affected by industrial activities. The method used is multiple linear regression. Based on the results of F test, significance value for the influence of the existence of industry (Y) on the socioeconomic conditions of the community (X) is 0.014 < 0.050 and f count 6.242 > f table 3.94 then reject Ho accept Ha means that there is an influence of the existence of industry (X) on the socioeconomic condition of the community (Y) is significant. Based on the table of T test results, significance value for the influence of the existence of industry (Y) on the socioeconomic conditions of society (X) is 0.014 < 0.050, and T count is 2,498 > T table 1,984 then reject Ho accept Ha which means there is an influence of the existence of industry (X) on the socioeconomic conditions of the community (Y) significantly.
Bandung Conference Series: Urban & Regional Planning
Lagadar Village is one of the villages that has the potential in the form of mining, the mining l... more Lagadar Village is one of the villages that has the potential in the form of mining, the mining location is less than 100 meters with settlements below, the impact of environmental degradation and social impacts can be handled, one of which is Willingness To Accept. This study aims to conduct a study using the Willingness To Accept approach to the impact of andesite mining activities in Lagadar Village. The approach method used in this study is mixed methods, with descriptive analysis methods, contingent valuation methods, and multiple linear regression. The results of the study show that there are indirect and direct impacts caused by mining activities, namely the absorption of local labor by 69% of 32 workers, 9.83 ha of mining activities are at a level prone to high ground movement which is at risk of erosion, along 1,296 meters of road conditions to Mining activities suffer damage in the form of bumpy roads, cracks, and potholes. Changes in the landscape of ±14.33 Ha within 10 years, 53% of the people felt the vibrations from the blasting, 51% of the people felt that the noise interfered with hearing and activities, and 18% felt that air pollution had occurred in the form of dust and arid. It shows that 59% of respondents are willing to receive compensation funds and 41% of respondents are not willing to receive compensation funds. The estimated average value of WTA in the radius closest to the impact is 0-100 m of IDR 455,200 / month / family, and the total value of WTA is IDR 3,351,439,800, the amount of WTA value is positively influenced by the number of family dependents and is influenced by factors residence distance negatively.
Prosiding Teknik Pertambangan, Feb 17, 2016
Kegiatan penambangan merupakan kegiatan yang merubah suatu bentuk rona muka bumi tidak terkecuali... more Kegiatan penambangan merupakan kegiatan yang merubah suatu bentuk rona muka bumi tidak terkecuali penambangan kaolin di Kabupaten Belitung. Salah satu perusahaan yang melakukan penambangan kaolin di Kabupaten Belitung adalah PT Aneka Kaoline Utama. Kegiatan penambangan yang dilakukan oleh PT Aneka Kaoline Utama adalah dengan metode tambang terbuka. Penambangan dengan metode tambang terbuka ini menyebabkan terjadinya perubahan pada bentuk lahan yang sangat jelas. Sehingga seiring berjalannya penambangan perlu dilakukan upaya perbaikan lahan melalui kegiatan reklamasi dan revegetasi. Luas area yang akan direklamasi pada penambangan kaolin PT Aneka Kaoline Utama untuk periode 5 tahun sebesar 5.8 hektar. Kegiatan reklamasi dimulai dengan penataan lahan dengan melakukan pengisian kembali lubang tambang (Backfilling) dengan material pengotor pengolahan berupa pasir. Tebal topsoil yang disebar yaitu sebesar 30 cm terdiri dari campuran topsoil dengan tanah penutup. Revegetasi dilakukan dengan jarak 4 meter x 4 meter. Pohon yang akan ditanam yaitu campuran antara Pohon Akasia (Acasia mangium) dan pohon seruk (Schimawalichii horth). Program rencana kegiatan reklamasi PT Aneka Kaoline Utama dibuat dengan jenjang waktu lima tahun untuk satu periode dimulai dari tahun 2015. Total volume material yang dimasukan kembali adalah sebesar 138.000 m 3 .. Total volume topsoil yang disebar untuk kegiatan reklamasi berjumlah 14.400 m 3. Sedangkan jumlah pohon yang akan ditanam yaitu sebanyak 2.875 pohon. Biaya yang digunakan untuk kegiatan reklamasi PT Aneka Kaoline Utama pada tahun pertama tidak ada didikarenakan belum di lakukan kegiatan reklamasi.
Prosiding Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota, Jan 27, 2018
Tourism is now the main goal of the community, especially artificial tourism like lake. Cipule's ... more Tourism is now the main goal of the community, especially artificial tourism like lake. Cipule's Lake is one of the few lake located in Karawang regency that is perceived to have potential and high selling value because it is well known among Karawang even National and Asia. Situ Cipule already has various facilities that already exist for the complete tourism activities. In the beginning of construction until now, there cipule become one of the tourist destinations of water in the form of lake / lake in Karawang regency which is often visited by the community compared to other lake tourism especially on holidays. However, considering Cipule's Lake is often used as a place of water activities / sports on a national scale even asia and will continue to develop, so it will potentially increase the number of visits. Therefore, tourism activities should consider the carrying capacity of tourism in accepting tourists so as not to cause negative impacts for the region. The analytical methods used are calculations based on the modified Muta'ali formula (2015) consisting of Physical Carrying Capacity (PCC), Management Capacity (MC) and Effective Carrying Capacity (ECC). Data collection was done through field observation / survey, literature study. The result of this study is PCC in Cipule's Lake Area of 54.759 persons per day with MC value of 35% and ECC of 19.165 people per day. And the number of real visits (JKr) which on average only 91 people per day. In addition, this tourist area has the availability of high dklasifikasi facilities and low class entry prasana and accessibility value of 49.107.250,8 with Medium classification. So with the value of PCC> ECC, the classification of the availability of facilities and the level of accessibility is good enough to show that the carrying capacity of tourism in Situ Cipule is very good and still very able to accommodate tourists with all the activities of tourism and the balance of environmental conditions with tourism activities can remain sustainable.
Prosiding Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota; Vol 4, No 1, Prosiding Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota (Februari, 2018); 27-33, Jan 24, 2018
Acid rain is rain that has a water with pH <5.6. Acid rain is triggered by a variety of causes su... more Acid rain is rain that has a water with pH <5.6. Acid rain is triggered by a variety of causes such as natural activities and human activities. The impact of acid rain is overwhelming, some of which are the destruction of buildings due to faster corrosion, damaging human health and contamination the water of rivers and lakes. In 2008 Bandung had experienced acid rain. The evidence found by research conducted by the Center of Environmental Geology and also the destruction of copper statue. The rapid growth of Bandung City, the growing use of motor vehicles, and the absence of regulations on the prevention or handling the acid rain are the main reasons why acid rain in Bandung City needs to be studied. The purpose of this study is to see the pH condition of Bandung in 2017, to know the factors causing acid rain in the city of Bandung and look for efforts that can be done to prevent the occurrence of acid rain Metedology that used in this study is, purposive sampling technique to determine the location of the study , rainwater pH identification method to see rainwater pH level in the study area, Pearson correlation analysis methodology, to find trigger factors of acid rain and analysis of regional development. Based on the results of research that has been implemented, District Buah Batu encountered acid rain in a sample of rain water. As for rain water with the average of the lowest pH value is in District Bojongloa Kaler. The high correlation was shown on the correlation between the pH of rain water and SO4 in rainfall> 200mm, this proves that SO4 content dissolved by rain water is one of the factors causing acid rain. The development of industrial land use, settlement land use and population density are other factors that causing acid rain. This is evidenced by the inverse correlation between pH and these factors. The development of land use in the three districts studied, has a development that can trigger acid rain. The addition of Green Open Space and reduction of SO4 levels in the air to be one effort that needs to be done in the city of Bandung in an effort to prevent the occurrence of acid rain
Prosiding Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota, Jan 28, 2018
Losari Beach is one of the beaches that became Ikon Kota in Indonesia. Sea water pollution in Los... more Losari Beach is one of the beaches that became Ikon Kota in Indonesia. Sea water pollution in Losari Beach is already a mild contaminated category. In the control of seawater pollution, it requires the participation of the community to control the contamination of seawater.The presence of sea water pollution that occurred in Losari Beach, whether the surrounding community participate in overcoming the sea water pollution that occurred. This study aims to identify community participation in Pollution Control Activities in Losari Beach of Makassar City.Data collection method in this research is collecting primary data and secondary data. This research uses water pollution index analysis and descriptive quantitative analysis.Based on the water pollution index analysis, losari beaches are classified as moderately polluted, the level of community participation can be measured from the level of community education and the level of community work. From the results that can be known their response to sea water pollution control activities. The communities located in three research sites, Maloku Urban Village, Losari Village and Bulogading Village are at the stage of joint action although the community participating in the marine water pollution control activities in Losari Beach area is still minimal due to several community factors that do not understand the pollution control activities sea water. The community in the three educational research sites that are taken by more elementary school graduates, because it is expected to bring the power of thought or the reasoning power of the population who graduated from elementary school is less to contribute ideas, ideas and opinions as well as a systematic social sensitivity in responding to the dynamics of changes that occur in the surrounding environment , although only a few communities participated but there are still people who continue to participate in such activities.The proposal in this research is the provision of waste facilities and provide education or introduce since kindergarten, elementary and junior high school about the love of environment or the importance of maintaining the environment, so the public awareness of the importance of maintaining the environment so much better, so that losari beach is not included in the category of serious polluted.
Prosiding Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota, Aug 9, 2018
Abstract. Mount Dempo tourism in North Pagar Alam District is a mainstay tour in Pagar Alam City,... more Abstract. Mount Dempo tourism in North Pagar Alam District is a mainstay tour in Pagar Alam City, where this tourism activity causes various other activities to develop. Tourism development that occurs, not only brings positive influence but also negative influence. The method used is descriptive quantitative, using this method can find out how much influence is caused by the existence of tourism activities both from the environmental aspects of water quality and from the economic aspects of the people's income. The results of this study note that the quality of water found around Mount Dempo tourism activities has not affected the water quality but other activities around it. As for the results of the analysis of the index of water pollution upstream of the river 0.81 good condition, the middle part is 0.92 good condition, and the downstream of the river is 3.10 mild pollution. In addition, based on economic aspects, people's income increases with the number before the development of tourism activities, 2,270,000 / month rupiah and after 2,730,000 / month rupiah with a large change in income of 460,000 / month rupiah. So, to maintain the quality of water in the upper reaches of the river, it is necessary to control land use, especially for agricultural activities and for the economy of the community to bring positive influence, it must be further enhanced by utilizing local special products and improving facilities to support tourism activities Keywords: Tourism, Water Quality, Revenue Abstrak: Wisata Gunung Dempo di Kecamatan Pagar Alam Utara merupakan wisata andalan di Kota Pagar Alam, Dimana kegiatan wisata ini menyebabkan berbagai kegiatan lain juga berkembang. Pengembangan wisata yang terjadi, tidak hanya mendatangkan pengaruh positif tapi juga pengaruh negatif. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kuantitatif, dengan menggunakan metode ini dapat mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh yang ditimbulkan dari adanya kegiatan wisata baik dari aspek lingkungan yaitu kualitas air dan dari aspek ekonomi yaitu pendapatan masyarakat. Hasil dari penelitian ini diketahui bahwa kualitas air yang terdapat di sekitar kegiatan wisata Gunung Dempo belum mempengaruhi kualitas air tapi kegiatan lain yang ada di sekitarnya. Adapun berdasarkan hasil analisis indeks pecemaran air bagian hulu sungai 0,81 keadaan baik, bagian tengah yaitu 0,92 keadaan baik, dan hilir sungai yaitu 3,10 cemar ringan. Selain itu, berdasarkan aspek ekonomi maka pendapatan masyarakat meningkat dengan jumlah sebelum berkembangnya kegiatan wisata yaitu Rp. 2.270.000/bulan dan sesudah 2.730.000/bulan dengan besar perubahan pendapatan sebesar Rp. 460.000/bulan. Sehingga, untuk menjaga kualitas air pada bagian hulu sungai diperlukan pengendalian penggunaan lahan khususnya untuk kegiatan pertanian dan untuk ekonomi masyarakat mendatangkan pengaruh positif harus lebih ditingkatkan lagi dengan memanfaatkan produk khas setempat dan meningkatkan fasilitas untuk dapat menunjang kegiatan wisata. Kata Kunci : Wisata, Kualitas Air, Pendapatan
Ethos, Dec 24, 2004
Mercury pollution in the surface water needs a serious attention due to mercury is one of the tox... more Mercury pollution in the surface water needs a serious attention due to mercury is one of the toxic substances. The aim of this study is to reduce mercury concentration in tailing of amalgamation process. The used absorption materials were limestone, phyrite ore and rubber wheel car. The immerse time variables were 2 weeks and 1 month. Phyrite, rubber wheel and limestone could reduce mercury concentration in tailing of 80-86%, 71-76% and 63-74% respectively.
Prosiding Teknik Pertambangan; Vol 2, No 1, Prosiding Teknik Pertambangan (Februari, 2016); 297-306, Feb 16, 2016
Adanya aktivitas pembuangan sampah di TPA Leuwigajah yang menerapkan system open dumping pada pro... more Adanya aktivitas pembuangan sampah di TPA Leuwigajah yang menerapkan system open dumping pada proses penimbunan sampah secara perlahan akan menyebabkan beberapa pencemaran lingkungan, salah satunya adalah pencemaran air tanah di lingkungan sekitar TPA Leuwigajah yang diakibatkan oleh adanya perembesan air lindi. Rembesan air lindi yang masuk kedalam tanah akan menyebabkan penurunan kualitas air tanah baik secara fisika, kimia, maupun biologi air tanah. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah melakukan pengujian kualitas air tanah baik secara langsung di lapangan maupun di laboratorium, membuat arah sebaran kualitas air (peta isoline) dengan menggunakan software Surfer 9 dan memprediksi pola penyebaran TDS dan DHL dari analisis kualitas air dengan menggunakan persamaan regresi. Dari hasil identifikasi dan analisis kualitas air tanah, lokasi sekitar TPA Leuwigajah dikategorikan sebagai zona aman dengan penurunan kualitas air mengikuti keadaan topografinya (berdasarkan peta isoline) yaitu dari arah Timur Laut menuju Barat Daya, dan termasuk ke dalam kategori Kelas I berdasarkan PP RI No. 82 Tahun 2001, dimana kualitas air tanah di sekitar lokasi penelitian dapat dikonsumsi. Zona aman adalah daerah yang memenuhi salah satu penurunan kriteria kualitas air tanah yang ditandai dengan peningkatan TDS yang kurang dari 1.000 mg/L atau DHL kurang dari 1.000 μmhos/cm.
Bandung Conference Series: Urban & Regional Planning, 2022
. One of the resources that is used regularly is water. The water quantity and quality is influen... more . One of the resources that is used regularly is water. The water quantity and quality is influenced by land use. If land use in watersheds are not accompanied by management and maintenance can cause erosion and deposition and increase critical land. Watersheds are ecosystems that have interrelated components either directly or indirectly. Based on the BPLHD of West Java Province in 2012, water quality status in Citanduy Watershed in all locations is heavily polluted. Thus, this study aims to examine the water quality of Citanduy River, Cimuntur River, Ciseel River and identify the impact caused by land use on the water quality of the river. The analysis used in this study is the analysis of clean water quality using the Pollution Index (PI) method and land use classification analysis. The result of this research is dominant land-use area is plantations of 34.3% with an area of 115,924 hectares. The smallest land-use area for residential land is 12.7% with an area of 43,177 hectares. At each site the water quality status is lightly polluted and does not fulfill the river water quality standard class 1. Sub-watershed Citanduy Hulu sites 1 and 2 have PIs 4.32 and 4.82. In Cimuntur Sub-watershed sites 3 and 4 have PIs 4.35 and 4.72. In the Cijolang sub-watershed sites 5 and 6 have PIs of 3.29 and 3.90. The Ciseel sub-watershed sites 7 and 8 have an PI of 3.50 and 4.31 and on the Citanduy River with the Combined Watershed it has an PI value of 3.7. Abstrak. Salah satu sumber daya yang dimanfaatkan secara berkala yaitu air. Kondisi kuantitas dan kualitas air dipengaruhi penggunaan lahan di sekitar sungai. Perubahan tata guna lahan di daerah aliran sungai tidak disertai dengan upaya pengelolaan dan pemeliharaan dapat menyebabkan erosi dan pengendapan serta menambah lahan yang kritis. Daerah aliran sungai merupakan ekosistem yang memiliki komponen saling terkait baik langsung maupun tidak langsung. Berdasarkan BPLHD Provinsi Jawa Barat pada tahun 2012, Status mutu air di Daerah Aliran Sungai Citanduy seluruh lokasi tercemar berat. Maka, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji kualitas air pada Sungai Citanduy, Sungai Cimuntur, Sungai Ciseel dan mengidentifikasi dampak yang disebabkan oleh guna lahan pada kualitas air sungai tersebut. Analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Analisis kualitas air bersih menggunakan metode Indeks Pencemaran (IP) dan analisis klasifikasi guna lahan. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah luas penggunaan lahan dominan adalah kebun sebesar 34,3% dengan luas 115.924 hektar. Luas penggunaan lahan paling kecil guna lahan permukiman sebesar 12,7% dengan luas 43.177 hektar. Pada setiap site status mutu air adalah cemar ringan dan tidak memenuhi baku mutu air sungai pada kelas 1. Sub DAS Citanduy Hulu site 1 dan 2 memiliki IP 4,32 dan 4,82. Pada Sub DAS Cimuntur site 3 dan 4 memiliki IP 4,35 dan 4,72. Pada Sub DAS Cijolang site 5 dan 6 memiliki IP 3,29 dan 3,90. Pada Sub DAS Ciseel site 7 dan 8 memiliki IP 3,50 dan 4,31 serta pada Sungai Citanduy dengan DAS Gabungan memiliki nilai IP 3,7.
Bandung Conference Series: Urban & Regional Planning, 2022
. Critical land is unproductive land and has suffered physical, chemical and water damage. Critic... more . Critical land is unproductive land and has suffered physical, chemical and water damage. Critical land has an impact on decreasing soil quality, decreasing conservation and production functions. In Lagadar Village, Margaasih District, Bandung Regency. Land use is increasing, for various purposes such as the presence of industry in Lagadar Village as the impact of disturbing environmental sustainability and the existence of mines which can trigger erosion due to soil erosion in mining areas, therefore this incident can trigger land criticality. The purpose of this study was to develop a direction for the use of space based on the critical level of land in Lagadar Village, Margaasih District, Bandung Regency. The analytical method for determining land criticality uses a quantitative descriptive research design by describing the conditions observed in the field and being more specific. And to determine the criticality of land by scoring criticality parameters and map overlays referring to the P.4V-Set/2013 guideline regarding technical guidelines for compiling spatial data on critical land. The results of this study, for critical land, the distribution is in the use of land around mining with a critical land area of about 3.1 Ha or equivalent to 0.74%. Some of the land is somewhat critical in areas around mining, agriculture and some are found in residential areas in Lagadar Village with a slightly critical land area of 42.2 Ha or about 9.90%. The direction of land rehabilitation is through vegetative conservation activities and technical civil conservation for handling critical land. Abstrak. Lahan kritis merupakan lahan yang tidak produktif dan telah mengalami kerusakan fisik, kimia, dan tata air. Lahan kritis berdampak kepada penurunan kualitas tanah, penurunan fungsi konservasi serta produksi. Di Desa Lagadar Kecamatan Margaasih Kabupaten Bandung. Penggunaan lahan semakin bertambah, untuk berbagai kepentingan seperti keberadaan industri di Desa Lagadar menjadi dampak terganggunya keberlangsungan lingkungan dan keberadaan tambang yang dapat memicu terjadinya erosi karena terjadi pengikisan tanah pada wilayah pertambangan, maka dari kejadian tersebut dapat memicu terjadinya kekritisan lahan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk menyusun arahan penggunaan ruang berdasarkan tingkat kekritis lahan di Desa Lagadar Kecamatan Margaasih Kabupaten Bandung. Metode analisis penentuan kekritisan lahan menggunakan desain penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif dengan mendekripsikan keadaan yang diamati dilapangan serta lebih spesifik. Dan untuk penentuan kekritisan lahan dengan skoring parameter kekritisan dan overlay peta yang mengacu kepada pedoman P.4V-Set/2013 tentang petunjuk teknis penyusunan data spasial lahan kritis. Hasil dari penelitian ini, untuk lahan kritis sebarannya pada penggunaan lahan sekitaran pertambangan dengan luasan lahan kritis sekitar 3,1 Ha atau setara dengan 0,74%. Lahan agak kritis beberapa pada wilayah sekitar pertambangan, pertanian dan terdapat pada beberapa wilayah permukiman di Desa Lagadar dengan luasan lahan agak kritis 42,2 Ha atau sekitar 9,90%. Arahan rehabilitasi lahan adalah melalui kegiatan konservasi secara vegetatif dan konservasi sipil teknis untuk penanganan kekritisan lahan. Kata Kunci: Lahan Kritis, Rehabilitas, Dampak.
Bandung Conference Series: Urban & Regional Planning, 2022
. This study aims to identify the impact of the existence of the factory on the environment. The ... more . This study aims to identify the impact of the existence of the factory on the environment. The palm oil processing factory was established in 2017, the existence of this palm oil processing has a negative impact on the environment. It is characterized by environmental pollution including: air pollution, river water pollution, and even damage to roads. The analysis used in this research is Land Use Analysis, Scoring Weighting Analysis, Air Quality Analysis, Water Quality Analysis using quantitative descriptive methods. The results of this analysis indicate that the most dominant land use in Pematang Pudu is plantations based on the total area. Air quality conditions based on the results of physical analysis using sentinel 5-P NO2 gas images show that the air quality in Pematang Pudu Village is poor or polluted, this is seen from the 2017 trend of increasing NO2 gas to 2019, while based on public perception, the quality of the air produced Factory chimneys emit thick black smoke and a strong stench. Physical analysis of water quality using the analysis of the pollution index method with laboratory tests showing the results into the heavily polluted category, water sampling was carried out in the upstream and downstream parts of the Pematang Pudu river. Meanwhile, based on the results of community perception by conducting field observations and interviews that the existence of an oil palm processing factory has polluted the pudu river because the waste pool has burst and leads to the river flow. Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi dampak keberadaan pabrik terhadap lingkungan. Pabrik pengolahan kelapa sawit berdiri pada tahun 2017, keberadaan pengolahan kelapa sawit ini menimbulkan dampak negatif terhadap lingkungan. Hal tersebut ditandai dengan adanya pencemaran lingkungan diantaranya : pencemaran udara, pencemaran air sungai , dan bahkan kerusakan pada jalan. Analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu Analisis Penggunaan Lahan, Analisis Pembobotan Skoring, Analisis Kualitas Udara, Analisis Kualitas Air dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil analisis ini menunjukan bahwa penggunaan lahan yang paling dominan di Kelurahan Pematang Pudu adalah perkebunan berdasarkan jumlah luasan. Kondisi kualitas udara berdasarkan hasil analisis fisik menggunakan citra sentinel 5-P gas NO2 menunjukan bahwa kualitas udara di Kelurahan Pematang Pudu buruk atau tercemar, ini dilihat dari tren tahun 2017 mengalami kenaikan gas NO2 hingga 2019, sedangkan berdasarkan persepsi masyarakat menilai bahwa kualitas udara yang dihasilkan cerobong asap pabrik mengeluarkan asap hitam pekat dan bau busuk yang menyengat. Analisis fisik kualitas air dengan menggunakan analisis metode indeks pencemaran dengan dilakukannya uji laboratorium menunjukan hasil kedalam kategori cemar berat, pengambilan sampel air dilakukan di bagian hulu dan hilir sungai pematang pudu. Sedangkan berdasarkan hasil persepsi masyarakat dengan dilakukannya observasi lapangan dan wawancara bahwa keberadaan pabrik pengolahan kelapa sawit membuat sungai pudu tercemar dikarenakan kolam limbah jebol dan mengarah ke aliran sungai.
Pada penelitian sebelumnya, hasil uji laboratorium sampel air di Waduk Jatiluhur menunjukan kuali... more Pada penelitian sebelumnya, hasil uji laboratorium sampel air di Waduk Jatiluhur menunjukan kualitas air sudah melampaui ambang batas atau standar baku mutu. Penilaian ini menggunakan parameter Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) dan Chemical Oxygen Demand COD berdasarkan Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI) masing – masing 6989.72:2009 dan 6989.2:2009. Hasil uji lab BOD menunjukan nilai 6,34 mg/l dan hasil uji lab COD menunjukan nilai 17,6759 mg/l. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi kondisi penggunaan lahan di sekitar Waduk Jatiluhur, mengidentifikasi kondisi kualitas air Waduk Jatiluhur saat ini, dan mengidentifikasi pengaruh penggunaan lahan yang ada di sekitar Waduk Jatiluhur terhadap kualitas air Waduk Jatiluhur. Terdapat empat kecamatan menjadi objek penelitian. Kecamatan tersebut berdekatan dengan Waduk Jatiluhur, yaitu Kecamatan Jatiluhur, Kecamatan Sukasari, Kecamatan Sukatani, dan Kecamatan Tegalwaru. Penelitian ini menganalisis indeks pencemaran (kualitas air) dan ana...
Jurnal Riset Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota, 2021
The coastal zone's Santolo Beach is a place for traditional fishers that would be a great tourist... more The coastal zone's Santolo Beach is a place for traditional fishers that would be a great tourist destination. It also were the areas as a dock (port) fishermen's activities for a vessel or boat is in that area. Based on RT and RW Kabupaten Garut 2011-2031 south of Garut area set down as tourism area, and Pantai Santolo is one of them. How ever condition of Pantai Santolo is full of waste. This condition is disturbing visualization and affect to quality of that environment. This study using a model contamination index (IP) analysis by using the measurement result the quality of coastal waters of Santolo Beach. Based on the analysis using the model, the result is that coastal waters Santolo classified as a middle unclean coast. The research also informed with information obtained using questionnaire for local and tourist respondents. Based on the results of questionnaire the level of public participation of pollution contros strateggy in coastal's Santolo Beach is in the informing step. Pollution control strategy needs invovlvement of several parties which is government, government on that area, and also the peoples for established a productive and suistanable coastal zone.
Jurnal Riset Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota, 2022
The spatial condition of South Tambun District is influenced by its geographical position close t... more The spatial condition of South Tambun District is influenced by its geographical position close to Jakarta as the Central Capital City, so it cannot be denied that urbanization has affected the formation or function of land use, which is dominated by settlements. Seeing the Covid-19 phenomenon that affects all aspects of life, especially public health, it is a challenge to be able to get out of this situation, one of which is to recover or minimize the impact of this disease outbreak. Based on this phenomenon, the problem is formulated, namely how is the influence of space on environmental and physical aspects on the Covid-19 recovery rate in South Tambun District. The researcher uses a quantitative approach with multiple regression analysis methods and the supporting analysis is the entropy index and weighting of environmental quality. The research objects selected for this study were all 10 villages/kelurahan in South Tambun District. Techniques in data collection using secondary data and also satellite imagery. The results of this study are: Spatial variables on environmental and physical aspects of the Covid-19 recovery rate variable still affect the recovery indirectly.
Indonesian Mining Professionals Journal, 2021
Reklamasi pada area bekas tambang merupakan salah satu tantangan untuk merepresentasikan wujud ny... more Reklamasi pada area bekas tambang merupakan salah satu tantangan untuk merepresentasikan wujud nyata manajemen berkelanjutan pada sektor pertambangan Indonesia. Kerangka kerja peraturan reklamasi dan pasca tambang di Indonesia menetapkan berbagai persyaratan untuk melaksanakan kegiatan reklamasi dan pasca tambang. Sebagai langkah awal, para pemangku kepentingan diwajibkan untuk berkonsultasi secara detail tentang peraturan-peraturan yang berlaku. Reklamasi timah alluvial (dan kemungkinan endapan logam alluvial lainnya) merupakan masalah yang pelik dalam mewujudkan program reklamasi pasca tambang yang berkelanjutan. Sering kali program reklamasi gagal karena adanya proses penambangan kembali di lahan yang sudah direklamasi. Masalah utama dalam proses reklamasi timah alluvial adalah bahaya geologi, hidrologi, hidrogeologi dan penambangan kembali. Dengan adanya data-data yang baik maka akan dapat dilakukan rekayasa teknik yang baik untuk mewujudkan reklamasi yang berkelanjutan. Penerap...
Coal mining activity is one kind of open pit mining that cause changes in earth’s landscape and l... more Coal mining activity is one kind of open pit mining that cause changes in earth’s landscape and landform. Reclamation is needed in order to restore earth shapes, thus can be used by local people. Therefore, government issued a regulation (PP 78, 2010). In the regulation, it is stated that every mining company must conduct a reclamation. Based on PT. Andalas Bara Sejahtera’s reclamation plan, a freshwater fish pond will be made plus a tree rubber cultivation from RL-88 – RL-66 in KDP pit area, also analbizia tree on NAL area, with a 4 x 4 m of row spacing distance for tree rubber and 3 x 4 m for albizia tree. Rubber tree will cover 3,6 ha consists of : KDP pit, topsoil, and disposal area. Albizia will cover 1,79 ha consists of : NAL disposal and topsoil area. Thus, the total area to be covered is 5,4263 ha. The reclamation costs needed for reclamation activities (disposal area Nal, Topsoil NAL, Pit KDP, Disposal KDP, Topsoil KDP) PT. Andalas Bara Sejahtera devided into two parts : Di...
Abstract. Organic waste management with BSF larvae is one way to process organic waste by utilizi... more Abstract. Organic waste management with BSF larvae is one way to process organic waste by utilizing black fly larvae to reduce organic waste from households and markets. The result of the research is that the economic value of waste processing is quite good seen from the compost industry tree, BSF larvae, the movement pattern of compost goods and BSF larvae that have been scattered in the Greater Bandung and Sukabumi areas and also seen from (BCR) of the two interest rates, namely 4% and 6%, the yield of both interest rates> 1, meaning that the project proposal is accepted and continued. Then (IRR) has a result> 0, meaning that the project is feasible to implement. And the last (NPV) result is> 0, which means that the project has provided more benefits and is worth continuing. In addition, the strategy in waste processing is to expand the market to potential areas and utilize emerging technologies. Then for the role of stakeholders in waste management, namely involving all ...
Abstract. Andesite mining activities in Kampung Cihandeuleum already have a local government perm... more Abstract. Andesite mining activities in Kampung Cihandeuleum already have a local government permit and has lasted long. The presence of this andesite mining activities become the mainstay of the residents as the main work and the Guess also gives environmental impact especially on groundwater. The formulation of problems in this research is how the water quality in the village Cihandeuleum with the activity of Andesite mine in Sukamulya Village District Tegalwaru Purwakarta District and the purpose of this research is to identify water quality in the village Cihandeuleum with the activity of andesite mines in Sukamulya Village district Tegalwaru Purwakarta Regency. The method in this study with laboratory tests of groundwater samples (wells) belongs to the community of village Cihandeleum around the activities of andesite mines. Data collection techniques are conducted by collecting secondary data from related agencies and documentation. After the test of groundwater samples, found...
Papers by Chusharini Chamid