Papers by Christopher Sanocki
Scientific Investigations Map, 2017
For an overview of USGS information products, including maps, imagery, and publications, visit ht... more For an overview of USGS information products, including maps, imagery, and publications, visit Any use of trade, firm, or product names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. Although this information product, for the most part, is in the public domain, it also may contain copyrighted materials as noted in the text. Permission to reproduce copyrighted items must be secured from the copyright owner.

Data series, 2007
WHMI White, Great and Little Miami River Basins (study unit) LULC within 250 meters of the stream... more WHMI White, Great and Little Miami River Basins (study unit) LULC within 250 meters of the stream segment (polygon); frequency of gaps in woody vegetation LULC at the reach scale (arc); stream reaches (arc); longitudinal LULC at the reach scale (arc); frequency of gaps in woody vegetation LULC at the segment scale (arc); stream segments (arc); and longitudinal LULC at the segment scale (arc). LU_CODE LULC Class Explanation B Barren land Bare soil, sand, gravel deposit, rock outcrop C Cropland Row crops, small grains, alfalfa, or other herbaceous crops F Farmstead Farm dwelling, outbuildings, barnyards, livestock yards, or pens G Grassland Grass, pasture, or herbaceous rangeland O Open water Water bodies including ponds, lakes, streams, and canals S Shrubland Shrubs, where able to distinguish U Urban/built-up land Urban residential, commercial, transportation, or industrial land covers W Wetland Both herbaceous and wooded wetlands WV Woody vegetation Trees, shrubs, brushy rangeland (includes orchards and vineyards) U.
Open-file report /, 1998
Data that describe the physical characteristics of stream subbasins upstream from selected sites ... more Data that describe the physical characteristics of stream subbasins upstream from selected sites on streams in the North Fork Crow-Crow River Basin, located in south-central Minnesota are presented in this report. The physical characteristics are the drainage area of the subbasin, the percentage area of the subbasin covered only by lakes, the percentage area of the subbasin covered by both lakes and wetlands, the main-channel length, and the main-channel slope. Stream sites include outlets of subbasins of at least 5 square miles, and locations of U.S. Geological Survey low-flow, high-flow, and continuous-record gaging stations.

Scientific Investigations Report, 2023
Annual peak-flow data collected at U.S. Geological Survey streamgages in Minnesota and adjacent a... more Annual peak-flow data collected at U.S. Geological Survey streamgages in Minnesota and adjacent areas of neighboring states of Iowa and South Dakota were analyzed to develop and update regional regression equations that can be used to estimate the magnitude and frequency of peak streamflow for ungaged streams in Minnesota, excluding the Lake of the Woods-Rainy River Basin upstream from Kenora, Ontario, Canada. Hydraulic engineers use peak-flow frequency estimates to inform designs of bridges, culverts, and dams, and water managers use the estimates for regulation and planning activities. Peak-flow estimates are provided for the 66.7-, 50-, 20-, 10-, 4-, 2-, 1-, and 0.2-percent annual exceedance probabilities (AEPs), which are equivalent to annual flood-frequency recurrence intervals of 1.5-, 2-, 5-, 10-, 25-, 50-, 100-, and 500-years, respectively. The estimates were computed by applying the expected moments algorithm to fit a Pearson Type III distribution to the logarithms of annual peak flows for 298 streamgages based on annual peak-flow data collected through water year 2019. The study area is represented by six hydrologic regions delineated on the basis of a pattern of residuals of statewide regressions, using basin characteristics such as drainage area, main-channel slope, lake area, storage area, and mean annual runoff as explanatory variables. The concept and principles of hydrologic landscape units was used to validate the regions. Residual analysis of the regional regression equations was used to subsequently develop equations relating the peak flow estimates for selected AEPs using 17 characteristics tested as explanatory variables in the regression analysis. The equations developed in this study can be used to produce AEPs within the six regions and to update equations developed in earlier, similar studies in Minnesota. Furthermore, updating the equations in StreamStats, a webbased geographic information system tool developed by the U.S. Geological Survey, will allow hydraulic engineers and water managers to obtain AEPs and basin characteristics for user-selected locations on streams through an interactive map. map number, and data associated with each map number (streamgage) are in Levin (2023, tables 1a-1f). The tables include hydrologic, basin, and climatic characteristics and peak-flow frequency discharges for streamgages from which data were used in the regional regression analysis for Minnesota and the neighboring States of Iowa and South Dakota.

Open-file report /, 1997
Data that describe the physical characteristics of stream subbasins upstream from selected sites ... more Data that describe the physical characteristics of stream subbasins upstream from selected sites on streams in the Lower Minnesota River Basin, located in south-central Minnesota are presented in this report. The physical characteristics are the drainage area of the subbasin, the percentage area of the subbasin covered only by lakes, the percentage area of the subbasin covered by both lakes and wetlands, the main-channel length, and the main-channel slope. Stream sites include outlets of subbasins of at least 5 square miles, outfalls of sewage treatment plants, and locations of U.S. Geological Survey low-flow, high-flow, and continuous-record gaging stations. Thomas E. Kujawa, a graduate student at Mankato State University, did much of the digitizing and assisted in the preparation of this report. The Water Resource Center at Mankato State University provided detailed watershed boundaries, which were used for parts of this report. These contributions were essential for the completion of this report. Methods U.S. Geological Survey 7-1/2 minute series topographic maps were used as source maps to obtain the areas for the subbasin boundaries, lakes, marshes, the main-channel length, and the contour elevation points used in this report. Paper copies of the maps were used. A geographic information system (GIS) was used to define the geographic location and extent of the subbasins, lakes, marshes, main-channels, and elevation points. Data digitized from paper copies were in error by no more than twice the horizontal accuracy of National Mapping Standards of 40 feet (Thompson, 1987, p. 104). All thematic (digitized) data were projected into an Albers Equal-Area projection for storage and analysis. Subbasin boundaries were delineated on the basis of anthropogenic activities and topographic contours. Anthropogenic activities, such as the installation of storm sewers, the drainage of wetlands, and the diversion of streams, may alter the drainage area of a stream. Data from field inspections and recent drainageditch maps, therefore, were transferred to the topographic maps. The subbasin boundaries were digitized by the Minnesota State Planning Land Management Information Center, Mankato State University, and the U.S. Geological Survey Minnesota using a GIS. Lake and marsh data were digitized using a GIS. Lake and marsh boundaries were overlaid on the subbasin boundaries to associate each lake and marsh with a subbasin. The total area of lakes and marshes within each subbasin was calculated by the GIS. Total marsh area plus total lake area is defined as storage area. Lakes and marshes were digitized by the U.S. Geological Survey Minnesota. Main channels were delineated for each subbasin on the 7-1/2 minute topographic maps starting at the outflow of the subbasin and continuing upstream. Whenever the main channel joined with another stream, the stream upstream of the junction that drained the largest area was selected as the main channel. The main channel, which represents the watercourse that drains the greatest area, is continuous and is defined as a single trace that passes through marshes, lakes, and midline of rivers and braided streams from the basin outlet to an endpoint in the basin, generally at the basin divide. The main channels were digitized by the Minnesota Department of Transportation, using a computer aided drafting system and transferred to the GIS. Stream extensions which represent a portion of the main channel from the end of the mapped stream (blue line on 7-1/2 minute topographic maps) to an endpoint within the basin, generally at the basin divide, were digitized by U.S. Geological Survey Minnesota using a GIS. The mam-channel data were overlaid onto the subbasin data to associate each main channel with its subbasin.

Open-file report /, 1994
Data that describe the physical characteristics of stream subbasins upstream from selected points... more Data that describe the physical characteristics of stream subbasins upstream from selected points on streams in the Chippewa River Basin, located in west-central Minnesota, are presented in this report The physical characteristics are the drainage area of the subbasin, the percentage area of the subbasin covered only by lakes, the percentage area of the subbasin covered by both lakes and wetlands, the main-channel length, and the main-channel slope. The points on the stream include outlets of subbasins of at least 5 square miles, outlets of sewage treatment plants, and locations of U.S. Geological Survey low-flow, high-flow, and continuous-record gaging stations. METHODS U.S.GeologicalSurvey7-l/2minuteseriestopographic maps were usedas source mapstoobtaintheareas for lakes, and marshes, the main-channel length, and the contour locations used in this report. Paper copies of the maps were used. Data digitized from paper copies were in error by no more than twice the horizontal accuracy of National Mapping Standards of 40 feet (Thompson, 1987, p. 104). Alters Equal-Area projection was used for storage and analysis of data. Subbasin boundaries were delineated on the basis of human activities and topographic contours. Human activities, such as the installation of storm sewers, the drainage of wetlands, and the diversion of streams may alter the drainage area of the stream. Data from field inspections and recent drainage-ditch maps, therefore, were transferred to the topographic maps. Subbasin boundaries (represented by line segments) and labels were recorded using a geographic information system (GIS). The GIS was used to define the subbasin polygons, recording the line segments that comprise each subbasin andidentifyingthesubbasinwithalabeLTheGIS automatically calculates the area of each subbasin. The subbasin boundaries were digitized by LMIC using a GIS. Lake and marsh data were digitized using a computeraided drafting (CAD) system and transferred to the GIS. The lake data were overlaid onto the subbasin data to associate each lake withasubbasin.Totallakeareaforeach subbasin was calculated by the GIS. The marsh data were overlaid onto the subbasin data to associate each marsh area with a subbasin. Total marsh area for each subbasin was calculated by the GIS. Total marshareaplus total lakeareaisequaltostoragearea.Lakes and marshes were digitized by the U.S. Geological Survey Minnesota District.
Scientific Investigations Report, 2015
tion, diversion, or urbanization. All equations presented in this study will be incorporated into... more tion, diversion, or urbanization. All equations presented in this study will be incorporated into StreamStats, a web-based geographic information system tool developed by the U.S. Geological Survey. StreamStats allows users to obtain streamflow statistics, basin characteristics, and other information for user-selected locations on streams through an interactive map.
Scientific Investigations Report, 2023
For more information on the USGS-the Federal source for science about the Earth, its natural and ... more For more information on the USGS-the Federal source for science about the Earth, its natural and living resources, natural hazards, and the environment-visit or call 1-888-ASK-USGS. For an overview of USGS information products, including maps, imagery, and publications, visit
A soil-water balance model (SWB) was developed to estimate potential recharge to the Interstate 9... more A soil-water balance model (SWB) was developed to estimate potential recharge to the Interstate 94 Corridor surficial aquifer, located in central Minnesota, for the period 2010 through 2014. The model was not calibrated; however, various water budget components from the model output compared reasonably well with other estimates. Furthermore, the model was based upon the statewide Minnesota SWB potential recharge model, described, calibrated, and documented as part of U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2015-5038 ( The model was used to estimate recharge to the surficial aquifer system as part of a preliminary water budget exercise described in the associated report (
Open-file report /, 1998
Data that describe the physical characteristics of stream subbasins upstream from selected. sites... more Data that describe the physical characteristics of stream subbasins upstream from selected. sites on streams in the South Fork Crow River Basin, located in south-central Minnesota are presented in this report. The physical characteristics are the drainage area of the subbasin, the percentage area of the subbasin covered only by lakes, the percentage area of the subbasin covered by both lakes and wetlands, the main-channellength, and the main-channel slope. Stream sites include outlets of subbasins of at least 5 square miles, and locations of U.S. Geological Survey low-flow, high-flow, and continuous-record gaging stations. Brian Schreurs, a graduate student at St. Cloud State University, did much of the digitizing and assisted in the preparation of this report. These contributions were essential for the completion of this report.

Open-file report /, 1995
Data that describe the physical characteristics of stream subbasins upstream from selected points... more Data that describe the physical characteristics of stream subbasins upstream from selected points on streams in the Cottonwood River Basin, located in southwestern Minnesota, are presented in this report. The physical characteristics are the drainage area of the subbasin, the percentage area of the subbasin covered only by lakes, the percentage area of the subbasin covered by both lakes and wetlands, the main-channel length, and the main-channel slop?. The points on the stream include outlets of subbasins of at least 5 square miles, outlets of sewage treatment plants, and locations of U.S. Geological Survey low-flow, high-flow, and continuous-record gaging stations. The Minnesota State Planning Land Management Information Center (LMIC), provided assistance with the digitizing and programming needed to produce this report. Tom E. Kujawa, a graduate student at Mankato State University and Jim L. Krumrie, a student at the University of Minnesota, did much of the digitizing and assisted in the preparation of this report. Their contributions were essential for the completion of this report. Methods U.S. Geological Survey 7-1/2 minute series topographic maps were used as source maps to obtain the areas for the subbasin boundaries, lakes, marshes, the main-channel length, and the contour efevation points used in this report. Paper copies of th e maps were used. A geographic information system (GIS) was used to define the geographic location and exten* of the subbasins, lakes, marsh, main-channels, ani elevation points described below. Data digitized fron^ paper copies were in error by no more than twice the horizontal accuracy of National Mapping Standards of 40 feet (Thompson, 1987, p. 104). All thematic(digitized) data were projected into an Albers Equal-Area projection for storage and analysis. Subbasin boundaries were delineated on the basis of human activities and topographic contours. Human activities, such as the installation of storm sewers, the drainage of wetlands, and the diversion of streams, may alter the drainage area of the stream. Data from field inspections and recent drainage-ditch maps, therefore, were transferred to the topographic maps, "he subbasin boundaries were digitized by LMIC using a GIS. Lake and marsh data were digitized using a computer-aided drafting (CAD) system and transferred to the GIS. Lake and marsh boundaries were overlaid on the subbasin boundaries to associate each hke and marsh with a subbasin. The total area of lakes and marshes within each subbasin was calculated by the GIS. Total marsh area plus total lake area r defined as storage area. Lake data was digitized by the Minnesota Department of Transportation and updated by the U.S. Geological Survey, Minnesota. Marshes were digitized by the U.S. Geological Survey, Minnesota. Main channels were delineated for each subbasin on the 7-1/2 minute topographic maps starting at the outflow of the subbasin and continuing upstream.
Scientific Investigations Report
For more information on the USGS-the Federal source for science about the Earth, its natural and ... more For more information on the USGS-the Federal source for science about the Earth, its natural and living resources, natural hazards, and the environment-visit or call 1-888-ASK-USGS. For an overview of USGS information products, including maps, imagery, and publications, visit

This dataset is part of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Great Lakes Coastal Wetland Restoration... more This dataset is part of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Great Lakes Coastal Wetland Restoration Assessment (GLCWRA) initiative. The GLCWRA initiative uses principles of geodesign to identify coastal wetland areas that have the greatest potential for habitat restoration. The data model uses the following seven primary parameters to identify and rank wetland restoration areas. The parameters are: Parameter 0: Water Parameter 1: Hydroperiod Parameter 2: Wetland Soils Parameter 3: Flowlines Parameter 4: Conservation and Recreation Lands Parameter 5: Impervious Surfaces Parameter 6: Land Use (represents developed areas without impervious surfaces but high societal value) The ancillary data include dikes, degree flowlines, study area and culverts. The resulting composite index raster can be used by ecological managers and planners to assist with the identification and selection of wetland for restoration initiatives.
A soil-water balance model (SWB) was developed to estimate potential recharge to the Interstate 9... more A soil-water balance model (SWB) was developed to estimate potential recharge to the Interstate 94 Corridor surficial aquifer, located in central Minnesota, for the period 2010 through 2014. The model was not calibrated; however, various water budget components from the model output compared reasonably well with other estimates. Furthermore, the model was based upon the statewide Minnesota SWB potential recharge model, described, calibrated, and documented as part of U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2015-5038 ( The model was used to estimate recharge to the surficial aquifer system as part of a preliminary water budget exercise described in the associated report (

Scientific Investigations Report, 2011
During September 22-24, 2010, heavy rainfall ranging from 3 inches to more than 10 inches caused ... more During September 22-24, 2010, heavy rainfall ranging from 3 inches to more than 10 inches caused severe flooding across southern Minnesota. The floods were exacerbated by wet antecedent conditions, where summer rainfall totals were as high as 20 inches, exceeding the historical average by more than 4 inches. Widespread flooding that occurred as a result of the heavy rainfall caused evacuations of hundreds of residents, and damages in excess of 64 million dollars to residences, businesses, and infrastructure. In all, 21 counties in southern Minnesota were declared Federal disaster areas. Peak-of-record streamflows were recorded at nine U.S. Geological Survey and three Minnesota Department of Natural Resources streamgages as a result of the heavy rainfall. Flood-peak gage heights, peak streamflows, and annual exceedance probabilities were tabulated for 27 U.S. Geological Survey and 5 Minnesota Department of Natural Resources streamgages and 5 ungaged sites. Flood-peak streamflows in 2010 had annual exceedance probabilities estimated to be less than 0.2 percent (recurrence interval greater than 500 years) at 7 streamgages and less than 1 percent (recurrence interval greater than 100 years) at 5 streamgages and 4 ungaged sites. High-water marks were identified and tabulated for the most severely affected communities of Faribault along the Cannon and Straight Rivers, Owatonna along the Straight River and Maple Creek, Pine Island along the North Branch and Middle Fork Zumbro River, and Zumbro Falls along the Zumbro River. The nearby communities of Hammond, Henderson, Millville, Oronoco, Pipestone, and Rapidan also received extensive flooding and damage but were not surveyed for high-water marks. Flood-peak inundation maps and watersurface profiles for the four most severely affected communities were constructed in a geographic information system by combining high-watermark data with the highest resolution digital elevation model data available. The flood maps and profiles show the extent and height of flooding through the communities and can be used for flood response and recovery efforts by local, county, State, and Federal agencies.
Scientific Investigations Report, 2013
Inch/Pound to SI Multiply By To obtain Area square mile (mi 2) 259.0 hectare (ha) square mile (mi... more Inch/Pound to SI Multiply By To obtain Area square mile (mi 2) 259.0 hectare (ha) square mile (mi 2) 2.590 square kilometer (km 2) Flow rate cubic foot per second (ft 3 /s) 0.02832 cubic meter per second (m 3 /s) Water year is the 12-month period October 1 through September 30, designated by the calendar year in which the water year ends. Vertical coordinate information is referenced to the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD 88). Horizontal coordinate information is referenced to the North American Datum of 1983 (NAD 83).

Data Series, 2009
This data set was developed as part of the National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program, Nut... more This data set was developed as part of the National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program, Nutrient Enrichment Effects Topical (NEET) study. This report is concerned with three of the eight NEET study units distributed across the United States: Ozark Plateaus, Upper Mississippi River Basin, and Upper Snake River Basin, collectively known as Group II of the NEET study. Ninety stream reaches were investigated during 2006-08 in these three study units. Stream segments, with lengths equal to the base-10 logarithm of the basin area, were delineated upstream from the stream reaches through the use of digital orthophoto quarter-quadrangle (DOQQ) imagery. The analysis area for each stream segment was defined by a streamside buffer extending laterally to 250 meters from the stream segment. Delineation of landuse and land-cover (LULC) map units within stream-segment buffers was completed using on-screen digitizing of riparian LULC classes interpreted from the DOQQ. LULC units were classified using a strategy consisting of nine classes. National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) data were used to aid in wetland classification. Longitudinal riparian transects (lines offset from the stream segments) were generated digitally, used to sample the LULC maps, and partitioned in accord with the intersected LULC map-unit types. These longitudinal samples yielded the relative linear extent and sequence of each LULC type within the riparian zone at the segment scale. The resulting areal and linear estimates of LULC extent filled in the spatial-scale gap between the 30-meter resolution of the 1990s National Land Cover Dataset and the reach-level habitat assessment data collected onsite routinely for NAWQA ecological sampling. The resulting data consisted of 12 geospatial data sets: LULC within 25 meters of the stream reach (polygon); LULC within 50 meters of the stream reach (polygon); LULC within 50 meters of the stream segment (polygon); LULC within 100 meters of the stream segment (polygon); LULC within 150 meters of the stream segment (polygon); LULC within 250 meters of the stream segment (polygon); frequency of gaps in woody vegetation at the reach scale (arc); stream reaches (arc); longitudinal LULC transect sample at the reach scale (arc); frequency of gaps in woody vegetation at the segment scale (arc); stream segments (arc); and longitudinal LULC transect sample at the segment scale (arc).

Scientific Investigations Report, 2009
shed Project, for providing flow and nutrient data for Chetomba Creek and West Fork Beaver Creek.... more shed Project, for providing flow and nutrient data for Chetomba Creek and West Fork Beaver Creek. The authors also thank many USGS personnel and students for the onsite help, data collection, geographic information system (GIS) analysis, and record keeping. Partial support for this study was provided by the Minnesota Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund as recommended by the Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources (LCCMR). The Trust Fund is a permanent fund constitutionally established by the citizens of Minnesota to assist in the protection, conservation, preservation, and enhancement of the State's air, water, land, fish, wildlife, and other natural resources. Currently (2008), 40 percent of net Minnesota State Lottery proceeds are dedicated to building the Trust Fund and ensuring future benefits for Minnesota's environment and natural resources.
Papers by Christopher Sanocki