Papers by Christofer Waldenström
Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making, Dec 1, 2010
... Requirements for psychological models to support design: Toward ecological task analysis. In ... more ... Requirements for psychological models to support design: Toward ecological task analysis. In J. Flach, P. Hancock, J. Caird, & K. Vicente (Eds.), Global perspectives on the ecology of human-machine systems (Vol. 1, pp. ... (2005). Doktrin för marina operationer [Naval doctrine]. ...
Naval War College Review, 2013

ieee international multi-disciplinary conference on cognitive methods in situation awareness and decision support, Mar 6, 2012
Presents an microworld for investigating the effects of visualizing expanding search areas to sup... more Presents an microworld for investigating the effects of visualizing expanding search areas to support the building of a naval force's common operational picture. The microworld simulates naval warfare operations, and in it, two participants can play against each other in an operations area where both own units and neutrals may be present. The participants control combat vessels used to locate and attack the enemy, and high value objects that should be protected. The map of the operations area is configurable and the units' weapons and sensors can be defined by the experimenter. The microworld displays an individual operational picture to each player complied from the sensor information provided by that player's units. To investigate visualization, expanding search areas can be added to enhance the operational picture, and algorithms based on these areas can be used to let the computer help the participant identify enemies from neutrals. The integration of expanding search areas into the operational picture is illustrated. The unit classification algorithms based on expanding search areas are explained, and examples of how they work are presented. Experimental setups are presented together with initial evaluations of the microworld.
This paper presents a model of how military commanders estimate the threat posed by the enemy in ... more This paper presents a model of how military commanders estimate the threat posed by the enemy in a tactical situation and how they use own forces to control that threat. The model is based on interviews with nine commanders from the Swedish navy and the purpose is to find automatic and adequate methods for reasoning about strategic issues based on the long-time experience of highly qualified military officers. The results show that the number of enemy units, the types of enemy units, the behavior of the enemy units, and the uncertainties regarding the number, types, and behavior determines the threat in a tactical situation. The own course of action works as a threat altering function to control that threat. When the commander should decide on a course of action, we suggest that it should be selected so it minimizes the expected threat.
This paper presents an exploratory microworld study with the aim to identify individual dierences... more This paper presents an exploratory microworld study with the aim to identify individual dierences between participants, and relate those dierence to how well the participant solves the task. Six oc ...
His dissertation focused on human factors in command and control and investigated a support syste... more His dissertation focused on human factors in command and control and investigated a support system for naval warfare tasks. Currently he is working as lead scientist at the school's war-gaming section, and his research focuses on learning aspects of war games.

This article is concerned with what decision makers perceive as difficult in military sensemaking... more This article is concerned with what decision makers perceive as difficult in military sensemaking. To answer this question interviews with 9 Swedish navy officers were conducted using issues from military planning manuals together with mission activities as basis for the questions. The results show that the respondents perceive difficulties in mainly three areas: the enemy (enemy forces, enemy courses of action); own courses of action; and, initiation of replanning. Looking at the reason for the perceived difficulties, uncertainty emerged as a major cause and the difficulties were linked to uncertainty in two ways: they were either caused by uncertainty or they could cause uncertainty. Sensemaking require two things of people: they have to come up with an idea of what to do, and they have to make sure that the idea accomplishes the mission. This study shows that what is difficult in sensemaking is not coming up with something to do; what is difficult is ensuring that the idea accomp...
Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making, 2010
... Requirements for psychological models to support design: Toward ecological task analysis. In ... more ... Requirements for psychological models to support design: Toward ecological task analysis. In J. Flach, P. Hancock, J. Caird, & K. Vicente (Eds.), Global perspectives on the ecology of human-machine systems (Vol. 1, pp. ... (2005). Doktrin för marina operationer [Naval doctrine]. ...

Today, the military increasingly rely on simulators to support training and education. One reason... more Today, the military increasingly rely on simulators to support training and education. One reason for this is simulators are seen as a cost-effective to achieve realistic training. Modern simulators can replicate almost any aspect of the real world, a development in part driven by the implicit assumption that the better the simulator, the better the training. But does higher fidelity necessarily lead to better learning? Recent research point in an alternative direction -it is not the quality of the simulator that determines the quality of training, but rather how well the simulator is integrated in a larger training setting. This paper presents an attempt along these lines -the simple surface warfare model (SSM). SSM is a low-fidelity naval wargame that has been used for several years to train fleet-level decision making skills at courses on both junior and senior officers levels. The paper begins by discussing the use of simulators in training and education. The SSM is introduced, and its integration in fleetlevel decision-making courses is presented. Evaluations of the use of the wargame are presented. The paper finishes off with a discussion of how low-fidelity simulators can be used to support training and education.

Kes, Sep 12, 2007
Decision-making requires coping with uncertainties. Technical decision-support has traditionally ... more Decision-making requires coping with uncertainties. Technical decision-support has traditionally focused on trying to represent these uncertainties and perform reasoning under uncertain conditions using probability theory or one of its relatives. An alternative method for handling uncertainty is to study what decision-makers actually do when encountering uncertainty and try to develop a system that supports or utilizes those activities. This paper suggests an agent based system that gives the decision-maker an opportunity to evaluate what impact different assumptions have on a plan. The system tracks uncertainties encountered during planning and use these uncertainties to generate a set of scenarios. The scenarios are then tested for workability in a cooperative process between the planners and the system. The purpose of such evaluation is to make sure the plan is workable in a worst-case scenario and to identify the uncertainty(s) that has most impact on the mission.
This thesis investigates a decision aid to support tasks where there is an initial sighting of an... more This thesis investigates a decision aid to support tasks where there is an initial sighting of an object and then the decision maker has to guide some vehicles, either to reestablish contact with t ...

Numerous studies have demonstrated that vegetation canopies affect snow accumulation and ablation... more Numerous studies have demonstrated that vegetation canopies affect snow accumulation and ablation processes. In addition, estimates of remotely sensed snow covered area can be biased by the presence of an overlying vegetation canopy. Consequently, any attempts to measure, model, or map the distribution of snow in a region with heterogeneous vegetation cover would benefit from a more complete understanding of both the relationship between vegetation density and snow cover on the ground as well as the relationship between remotely sensed snow covered area and actual snow covered area under various vegetation densities. The research presented here explores both of these relationships. Chapter 2 describes, qualitatively and quantitatively, the relationship between canopy gap fraction (the inverse of canopy density) and snow accumulation at fine spatial scales in Glacier National Park, Montana. Gap fraction and snow cover data from two winters were compared along eight vegetation-snow transects representing a range of landscape types, including dense forest, variable density forests with openings, forest-grassland mosaics, and burned-unburned forest mosaics. The data suggest that the relationship between gap fraction and snow accumulation depends

This paper investigates a display manipulation designed to support movement tasks where the locat... more This paper investigates a display manipulation designed to support movement tasks where the location of a threat is uncertain and dynamic. The problem is analogous to that of a naval transportation task, where a ship has to move from one port to another under threat from several enemies of which only the initial positions are known. The display manipulation visualizes a time-dependent constraint on the area where an enemy can be, given its initial position and maximum speed, and adjusts the shape to the environment. The region outside this area represents a field of safe travel where the transport ship can move safely. Forty participants without prior knowledge of the task completed sixteen trials in an experiment that contrasted with and without visualization, and controlled for learning effects. The results suggest that the visualization significantly improved performance in the movement task and that it had a large effect. The visualization also significantly reduced variance in performance, which suggests that it generated a more consistent behavior among participants. It was also easy for the participants to make effective use of the visualization, and once exposed to the visualization, the learning transferred to a condition without the visualization. This study have practical utility for designers of combat information systems as the results indirectly suggest that people have difficulties in inferring the locations of targets of which they only have fragmentary information. Including similar visualizations in the design may consequently increase overall system performance.

6th international symposium …, 2009
El presente artículo tuvo como objetivo explorar las formas de vinculación entre la Web Semántica... more El presente artículo tuvo como objetivo explorar las formas de vinculación entre la Web Semántica y las relaciones consumidor-marca como base para la construcción, consolidación y desarrollo del capital de marca, especialmente en el entorno de internet. Para lograr este propósito, se planteó un cuerpo teórico basado en la revisión documental de las características que definen la Web Semántica y el paradigma relacional, como puente para plantear retos para el desarrollo de bases sólidas de la relación consumidormarca en internet. Reconociendo la naturaleza interdependiente de la creación de valor por parte de los clientes que son entendidos como codesarrolladores de sus propias experiencias con la marca; se vislumbran dos futuras tendencias de las relaciones consumidor-marca en internet: por un lado, la naturaleza en sí misma de la relación, ya que en el mundo virtual la "identidad" del consumidor es fragmentada y cambiante, lo que amerita una redefinición de los procesos de segmentación actualmente empleados; y por el otro, el proceso mismo de dicha relación, debido a que el consumidor percibe las relaciones basadas en la web como un medio para llegar a un fin y no un fin en sí misma como hasta ahora se había observado; siendo dichos fines motivaciones individuales dentro del entorno colaborativo de internet.
Papers by Christofer Waldenström