Papers by Christer Sundström

British Journal of Haematology, Nov 30, 2011
SummaryThe prognostic value of grading follicular lymphoma has been debated since the 1980s. Ther... more SummaryThe prognostic value of grading follicular lymphoma has been debated since the 1980s. There is consensus that World Health Organization (WHO) grades 1 and 2 are indolent, but not whether grades 3A or 3B are aggressive. We retrospectively reviewed the follicular lymphoma diagnoses according to the 2008 WHO classification in all diagnostic specimens from a population‐based cohort of 505 patients with a median follow‐up time of 10·0 years (range, 4·6–16·0). After excluding 43 patients with concomitant diffuse large B‐cell lymphoma, 345 remained with grade 1–2, 94 with grade 3A, and 23 with grade 3B follicular lymphoma. Grades 1–2 and 3A seemed equally indolent, with indistinguishable clinical courses, even in patients receiving anthracyclines. Compared with grades 1–3A and independently of clinical factors, grade 3B correlated with higher mortality (P = 0·008), but outcome was improved after upfront anthracycline‐containing therapy (P = 0·015). In contrast to grade 1–3A patients, grade 3B patients experienced no relapses or deaths beyond 5 years of follow‐up. Furthermore, patients with grade 3B were predominantly male and seldom presented with bone‐marrow involvement. We conclude that follicular lymphoma grade 1–3A is indolent and incurable with conventional therapy. Grade 3B appears to be an aggressive but curable disease.
Onkologie, 2017
The role of Moraxella in the pathogenesis of IgD(+) nodular lymphocyte predominant Hodgkin lymphoma
European Journal of Haematology, Apr 24, 2009
An unusual case of IgE-producing non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) is presented. The patient's history i... more An unusual case of IgE-producing non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) is presented. The patient's history included a 6-year period of increasing IgE level before a low grade NHL was diagnosed. The patient developed lymph node, skin, bone marrow and lung infiltrations. With a cytostatic combination therapy a temporary improvement was achieved, but the patient died from progressive disease after 2 yr. The morphological appearance of the tumour varied between that of LP immunocytoma and a centrocytic lymphoma. Immunophenotype studies showed intracytoplasmic IgE lambda in tumour cells and B-cell surface phenotype (BB-I pos; OKT 10 pos; PCA weakly pos and SIgE lambda).

Blood, Nov 19, 2010
Abstract 3566 Primary systemic T-cell lymphoma of anaplastic large cell type (ALCL) is an aggress... more Abstract 3566 Primary systemic T-cell lymphoma of anaplastic large cell type (ALCL) is an aggressive and predominantly nodal subtype of lymphoma, further subdivided based on expression of the ALK-protein, with ALK-pos ALCL occurring predominantly in younger patients and associated with a favourable prognosis. ALK-neg ALCL is believed to carry a prognosis similar to that of other nodal peripheral T-cell lymphomas and previous studies have shown long-term survival rates below 50%. There is retrospective data suggesting a benefit from ASCT in first-line treatment of this lymphoma subtype. We analyzed the outcome of ALK-neg ALCL patients included in a prospective phase II trial, NLG-T-01, conducted by the Nordic Lymphoma Group. The NLG T-01 trial enrolled 160 patients aged 18–67 years from the Nordic countries with systemic ALK-neg peripheral T-cell lymphoma within the period 2002–2007. The treatment schedule consisted of 6 courses of CHOEP-14 followed by ASCT (BEAM or BEAC) in responding patients. Patients >60 years received CHOP-14 as induction. Altogether, the trial included 31 patients with ALK-neg ALCL (19% of the study population). Median age was 56 years (22-65) with a male:female ratio of 2.4. Stage III-IV was found in 18 patients (58%), B-symptoms in 19 patients (61%) and 6 patients (19%) had a bulky lesion (>10cm). Pre-therapeutic serum lactate dehydrogenase was elevated in 18 patients (58%) and performance score was 2–4 in 10 patients (32%). After 3 and 6 courses of chemotherapy, response status was CR or CRu in 29% and 58% of the patients, respectively. In total, 24 out of 31 patients (77%) underwent BEAM/BEAC therapy followed by ASCT. Four patients did not respond or had disease progression during induction chemotherapy. The remaining 3 patients did not undergo ASCT for other reasons (mobilization failure, lung insufficiency, patient decision, respectively). Overall response rate after ASCT was 74% for the entire initial population and 96% for those undergoing ASCT. Median follow-up was 45 months. Six patients relapsed after ASCT. There was a total of nine deaths (29%): six due to lymphoma, two due to toxicity and one from second malignancy (colon cancer). With a median follow-up of 45 months, 3-year overall and progression-free survival values were 73% and 64%, respectively. Intensive chemotherapy followed by ASCT was feasible in the majority of the patients included in this prospective trial. Long-term outcome appears promising when compared to previously published data, with the survival curve suggesting a plateau. In ASCT eligible patients, intensive induction chemotherapy consolidated by upfront ASCT is an effective treatment that yields outcome results at least as good as those obtained in age-comparable patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. Disclosures: No relevant conflicts of interest to declare.
PubMed, 1977
The histories of two patients with pneumatosis cystoides intestinalis are reported. In the first ... more The histories of two patients with pneumatosis cystoides intestinalis are reported. In the first case a left hemicolectomy was performed because of suspicion of polyposis coli. The other patients was given symptomatic treatment. Conservative treatment is recommended by most authors, but since the disorder is seldom seen, unnecessary surgery is often performed because of incorrect preoperative diagnosis.
Acta pathologica et microbiologica Scandinavica. Section A. Pathology, Aug 15, 2009
A case of scleroderma with manifestations in the oesophagus and both lungs and a concomitant thym... more A case of scleroderma with manifestations in the oesophagus and both lungs and a concomitant thymic lympho-epithelioma is presented. This case represents a further documentation of the well-established association between thymoma and collagen disorders.
PubMed, 1983
Cytologic material was reviewed from 23 mediastinal tumors clinically suspected as thymomas. The ... more Cytologic material was reviewed from 23 mediastinal tumors clinically suspected as thymomas. The thymomas had a characteristic biphasic cell pattern in material obtained by fine needle aspiration biopsy that was easy to recognize and possible to differentiate from carcinoid tumors, malignant lymphomas and oat-cell carcinomas.
Scandinavian journal of haematology, Apr 24, 2009
3 cases of pernicious anaemia in association with gastric carcinoid (in 1 case multiple) are desc... more 3 cases of pernicious anaemia in association with gastric carcinoid (in 1 case multiple) are described. All tumours were rich in argyrophil cells with the Sevier-Munger and Grimelius staining techniques, indicating that they might be of the enterochromaffin-like cell type. The possible causal relationship between pernicious anaemia and this type of argyrophil carcinoid is discussed.
International Journal for Quality in Health Care, Dec 1, 1993
The Annals of Thoracic Surgery, Apr 1, 1977
Fifty-eight patients with myasthenia gravis, including 12 children, underwent thymectomy. Eleven ... more Fifty-eight patients with myasthenia gravis, including 12 children, underwent thymectomy. Eleven of them (19%) had total stable remission and 42 (72%) showed clinical improvement and were able to reduce their anticholinesterase medication. These two groups combined comprised 53 patients (91%). There was no operative or postoperative mortality. Histopathological examination of the resected thymuses revealed a tumor (benign thymoma) in 4 patients (7%), thymitis in 36(62%), and no pathological changes in 18(31%). Patients with few or no germinal centers tended to achieve remission more rapidly than those with numerous germinal centers.
Springer eBooks, 1984
The aim of the study reported in this chapter was to evaluate how ulrestructure can be used to de... more The aim of the study reported in this chapter was to evaluate how ulrestructure can be used to determine the direction and level of differentiation of permanent cell lines derived from patients with acute leukemias. The ultrastructure of the selected cell lines has not been well described until now and to the best of my knowledge no comparative study has been made.
Upsala Journal of Medical Sciences, 1977
Non-infectious, non-neoplastic cysts of the thymus are rare. Most of them give no symptoms, are l... more Non-infectious, non-neoplastic cysts of the thymus are rare. Most of them give no symptoms, are located in the anterior mediastinurn and are seen in young people. This report deals with a 39-year-old man who had had attacks of precordial pain for 7 years. On admission to hospital he had intense pain in the chest which was attributed to an aortic aneurysm. Retrograde aortography was normal, however. At operation a multilocular thymic cyst was found. The cyst was mostly lined with squamous epithelium.

Leukemia & Lymphoma, Dec 27, 2021
BCOR is a component of a variant Polycomb repressive complex 1 (PRC1.1). PRC1 and PRC2 complexes ... more BCOR is a component of a variant Polycomb repressive complex 1 (PRC1.1). PRC1 and PRC2 complexes together constitute a major gene regulatory system critical for appropriate cellular differentiation. The gene is upregulated in germinal center (GC) B cells and mutated in a number of hematologic malignancies. We report BCOR inactivating alterations in 4/7 classic Hodgkin lymphoma (cHL) cell lines, subclonal somatic mutations in Hodgkin and Reed-Sternberg (HRS) cells of 4/10 cHL cases, and deletions in HRS cells of 7/17 primary cHL cases. In mice, conditional loss of Bcor driven by AID-Cre in GC B cells resulted in gene expression changes of 46 genes (>2-fold) including upregulated Lef1 that encodes a transcription factor responsible for establishing T-cell identity and Il9r (interleukin-9 receptor), an important member of the cytokine network in cHL. Our findings suggest a role for BCOR loss in cHL pathogenesis and GC-B cell homeostasis.
Upsala Journal of Medical Sciences, 1976
Upsala Journal of Medical Sciences, 1976
A thymolipoma in an 8-year-old boy is reported. The tumour had appeared on a routine chest X-ray ... more A thymolipoma in an 8-year-old boy is reported. The tumour had appeared on a routine chest X-ray as a broadened heart shadow and a peculiar right heart contour. Cardiac hypertrophy was suspected primarily. At thoracotomy a thymic tumour was found.
Upsala Journal of Medical Sciences, 1973
Cell and Tissue Research, Sep 1, 1985
Leukemia Research, 1987
Purine and pyrimidine enzyme profiles of human cell lines have been investigated. A novel observa... more Purine and pyrimidine enzyme profiles of human cell lines have been investigated. A novel observation was the finding that most of the cell lines showed very low or undetectable levels of cytidine (deoxycytidine)deaminase, while they possessed pyrimidine 5'-nucleotidase, cytidine and deoxycytidine kinase activities. Most cell lines showed high levels of adenosine deaminase and purine nucleoside phosphorylase activities and low levels of purine 5'-nucleotidase. We propose that high adenosine deaminase and purine nucleoside phosphorylase activities and low cytidine deaminase activity may be of importance for immature hematopoietic cells in order to ensure a balanced synthesis of the DNA precursors.
Biology of human malignant lymphomas in vitro : characterization of biopsy cells and established ... more Biology of human malignant lymphomas in vitro : characterization of biopsy cells and established cell lines
Papers by Christer Sundström