Papers by Cheikh Sidy Diop
Revue des sciences de l'eau, 2020
The Texas Nutrition Education and Training Program (NET),1 provides: (1) workshops to teach child... more The Texas Nutrition Education and Training Program (NET),1 provides: (1) workshops to teach children about good eating habits in school and in child care facilities; (2) a circulating NET library collection; (3) instructional and promotional materials on nutrition and food service ==-, management; (4) presentations, exhibits, and publications on nutrition education, food service management, and program evaluation; and (5) coordination with related publicly supported programs. This final evaluation report includes data from 1996 evaluations and needs assessments. A study of the Guidelines for Selecting Creditable Foods and Beverages Workshop examined how much the workshop helped participating contractors and program monitors master nutrition related knowledge and how satisfied they were with the training. Evaluation of the 1996 Texas NET found that the program budget decreased slightly from 1995, despite increased numbers of children, and that NET's overall impact was positive. Needs assessment suggests that NET should direct more services to at-risk and minority children. Two appendixes include instruments used to evaluate NET program outreach and to evaluate the program, NET workshops, and the NET library. The library and NET services brochures 2 were translated into Spanish. Two fliers were developed on Healthy School Meals and the Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGA). To provide a source of immediate response to public needs, the NET Nutrition Hotline was initiated in 1992. In 1996 NET received 3,001 calls. Callers requested information on nutrition, NET services and the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) regulations. The total number of materials distributed was 43,207, an 18.1% decrease from their number in 1995. NET distributed 99 different instructional/promotional materials compared to 62 in 1995. Presentations, Exhibits, and Publications Six conference presentations were delivered on the NET program, nutrition, and NET program evaluation, 3 of which were given at national conferences. The contract trainers delivered 9 presentations on Project 2001/ Health Star, the Food Guide Pyramid, Fatty Foods and Childhood Obesity. The total number of participants was 63 educators, 68 food service personnel and 16 parents. They reached 28,100 children compared to 13,239 children in 1995. NET staff and contract trainers gave 14 classroom presentations to 1,346 children, a 22.3% increase over 1995. Presentation topics were the Food Guide Pyramid, health and physical fitness. A total of 7 exhibits were held in 1996, the same as 1995. Exhibit themes were the NET program and library and Project 2001/Health Star curriculum. Seven publications were issued on NET, 4 were on healthy food choices, 2 were on the NET Library and 1 on NET evaluation.
Journal of Applied Biosciences, 2019
Teneurs en métaux traces des eaux et poissons de cinq étangs de Dakar et risques pour la santé hu... more Teneurs en métaux traces des eaux et poissons de cinq étangs de Dakar et risques pour la santé humaine
Http Www Theses Fr, 2007
Qui suis-je ? D’ou viens-je ? Comment je represente mon monde ? Est-ce comme il est, comme je me ... more Qui suis-je ? D’ou viens-je ? Comment je represente mon monde ? Est-ce comme il est, comme je me vois ou comme je regarde les autres ? A ces questions qui ont motive ce travail de recherche, la reponse generale est que toute representation se fait de facon identitaire : mon regard projete sur le monde est ce que je suis et ce que je ne suis pas, le meme et le different. Cette these de litterature et de civilisations comparees montre ainsi qu’une fiction francophone est le filtrage, a partir des aventures de son auteur, des donnees anthropo-historiques du monde qui lui sert de decor. La remontee a la source de l’Histoire des peuples du Sahara et des imaginaires locaux revelent que ces univers socioculturels ont un substrat commun que les evenements (climatiques, politiques, etc. ) ont fragmente. De la sorte les representations identitaires puisent dans l’unique comme dans le multiple pour produire un discours qui fait corps avec d’autres corps. L’analyse de quelques œuvres d’Ahmadou Kourouma, de Tahar Ben Jelloun et d’Abdourahman A. Waberi demontre que la fiction contemporaine peut se preter a une lecture anthropologique ou anthropoetique qui stipule qu’une representation est un echantillon de l’Imaginaire-monde comme le membre d’un corps est indissociable du corps. Les theories litteraires actuelles ont compris que la litterature fait partie des etudes culturelles et sociales qui elles-memes sont une composante de l’anthropologie definie comme « l’ensemble des sciences de l’Homme ». Autrement dit, lire de facon critique une fiction et c’est investir le champ de la transdisciplinarite.
Main Group Metal Chemistry, 1999
Journal of African Civilizations, 1986
The Texas Nutrition Education and Training Program (NET),1 provides: (1) workshops to teach child... more The Texas Nutrition Education and Training Program (NET),1 provides: (1) workshops to teach children about good eating habits in school and in child care facilities; (2) a circulating NET library collection; (3) instructional and promotional materials on nutrition and food service ==-, management; (4) presentations, exhibits, and publications on nutrition education, food service management, and program evaluation; and (5) coordination with related publicly supported programs. This final evaluation report includes data from 1996 evaluations and needs assessments. A study of the Guidelines for Selecting Creditable Foods and Beverages Workshop examined how much the workshop helped participating contractors and program monitors master nutrition related knowledge and how satisfied they were with the training. Evaluation of the 1996 Texas NET found that the program budget decreased slightly from 1995, despite increased numbers of children, and that NET's overall impact was positive. Needs assessment suggests that NET should direct more services to at-risk and minority children. Two appendixes include instruments used to evaluate NET program outreach and to evaluate the program, NET workshops, and the NET library. The library and NET services brochures 2 were translated into Spanish. Two fliers were developed on Healthy School Meals and the Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGA). To provide a source of immediate response to public needs, the NET Nutrition Hotline was initiated in 1992. In 1996 NET received 3,001 calls. Callers requested information on nutrition, NET services and the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) regulations. The total number of materials distributed was 43,207, an 18.1% decrease from their number in 1995. NET distributed 99 different instructional/promotional materials compared to 62 in 1995. Presentations, Exhibits, and Publications Six conference presentations were delivered on the NET program, nutrition, and NET program evaluation, 3 of which were given at national conferences. The contract trainers delivered 9 presentations on Project 2001/ Health Star, the Food Guide Pyramid, Fatty Foods and Childhood Obesity. The total number of participants was 63 educators, 68 food service personnel and 16 parents. They reached 28,100 children compared to 13,239 children in 1995. NET staff and contract trainers gave 14 classroom presentations to 1,346 children, a 22.3% increase over 1995. Presentation topics were the Food Guide Pyramid, health and physical fitness. A total of 7 exhibits were held in 1996, the same as 1995. Exhibit themes were the NET program and library and Project 2001/Health Star curriculum. Seven publications were issued on NET, 4 were on healthy food choices, 2 were on the NET Library and 1 on NET evaluation.
The African Mind a Journal of Religion and Philosophy in Africa, 1989
In African Philosophy in Search of Identity, Masolo offers an expansive and lucidly panoramic vie... more In African Philosophy in Search of Identity, Masolo offers an expansive and lucidly panoramic view of the origin and developments in African philosophy. In what he terms the "rationality debate," the author explores distinguishing features separating Western from non-Western peoples. He clearly provides an historical overview and background to the issues in African philosophy today. Western ethnocentrism, he argues, stemmed partly from slavery and academic expressions. European scholars like Kant and Hegel laid the groundwork for Eurocentrism that has continued with other scholars. Disciplines of philosophy, history, anthropology and subsequently religion were effectively utilized to separate "logocentrism from emotivism," reason from prelogism. African reaction gave rise to various concepts of negritude, Harlem renaissance, African personality and Pan-Africanism. Writings of Aime Cesaire, W. E. B. Du Bois, Leopold Senghor, Edward Blyden, Frantz Fanon, Cheikh Anta Diop, and Martin Bernal demonstrated efforts toward African self-definition and identity. Theirs was a concerted effort to combat racist stereotypes of Africa and people of African descent. Most of these initial writings were political, historical, and sociological. The first piece of literature on African philosophy that would provide a springboard for discussion in the academic institutions was the work of Father Placide Frans Tempels. His work, Bantu Philosophy, provided the setting of what has been subsequently called "Ethnophilosophy." A. Kagame, John Mbiti, and M. Griaule are cardinal disciples of ethnophilosophy. It is highly popular among clerics. This philosophy is seen as an attempt by Tempels to elevate and reform the African mind from its innocent state. Elements in Bantu culture which are similar to those of Christian Europe are pointed out as signs that the African too has a system of thought, though still rudimentary. African critics have variously referred to ethnophilosophy as "philosophy of imperialism," "epistemological slavery," and "culture philosophy." Its severest critics are Paulin Hountondji and Eboussi Boulaga. Masolo echoes the same sentiment.
Data Revues 16310748 00100006 07000136, Feb 14, 2008
Journal De La Societe Ouest Africaine De Chimie, 2007
[(Ph 3 Sn) 2 O 4 Se]1.5H 2 O (1), [(Me 3 Sn) 2 O 4 Se](OH 2 ) 2 (2) et [Me 3 SnO 2 ASMe 2 ]0.5H 2... more [(Ph 3 Sn) 2 O 4 Se]1.5H 2 O (1), [(Me 3 Sn) 2 O 4 Se](OH 2 ) 2 (2) et [Me 3 SnO 2 ASMe 2 ]0.5H 2 O (3) ont ete synthetises et caracterises par spectroscopies infrarouge, Mossbauer et RMN. Les structures de ces composes ont aussi ete determinees par diffraction aux rayons X. Les differentes techniques spectroscopiques utilisees ont permis de montrer la presence d'etain dans un environnement bipyramidal trigonal dans tous les composes. Dans le cristal de 1 les residus Ph 3 Sn sont relies dans des chaines infinies par des ions seleniate pontants. Les seleniates sont a leur tour relies a des groupes Ph 3 Sn(OH 2 ). Les differentes chaines sont liees par des liaisons hydrogenes entre l'oxygene libre des seleniates et les molecules d'eau. La structure moleculaire de 2 est constituee d'unites de [(Me 3 Sn) 2 O 4 Se] discretes, liees par des ponts hydrogenes. La structure de 3 est constituee de chaines infinies contenant des ligands dimethylarseniates pontants, les differentes chaines sont liees par des liaisons hydrogenes par l'intermediaire de molecules d'eau.
Revue des sciences de l'eau, 2012
Les écosystèmes marins côtiers sont des milieux de plus en plus affectés par l’activité humaine à... more Les écosystèmes marins côtiers sont des milieux de plus en plus affectés par l’activité humaine à cause des rejets urbains et l’utilisation de l’océan comme dépotoir pouvant mener à de hauts niveaux de pollution. L’objectif de cette étude était de déterminer les profils de concentration en éléments traces métalliques (Cd, Cr, Cu, Co, Ni, Pb et Zn) des sédiments dans des zones présumées être contaminées par les rejets des eaux usées à Dakar et d’évaluer leur qualité. Pour ce faire, des échantillons de sédiments ont été prélevés au niveau de cinq points d’évacuation des eaux usées vers la mer à Dakar (Sénégal). Les résultats montrent des caractéristiques géochimiques (granulométrie, alcalinité, teneur en carbone organique et en soufre) comparables. L’évaluation de la qualité des sédiments a été effectuée par le calcul de divers indices. Un enrichissement important des sédiments en cadmium et en plomb a surtout été noté. L’Indice de Pollution Sédimentaire (IPS), qui estime le degré de ...
Nuclear Science and Engineering, 2012
In the frame of neutral-particle (neutron, gamma) transport, the uncertainty propagation calculat... more In the frame of neutral-particle (neutron, gamma) transport, the uncertainty propagation calculation regarding the uncertainties on cross sections is often carried out without explicitly taking into account their probabilistic distribution. We investigate a new uncertainty propagation formalism where the cross-section uncertainty distributions are represented by probability tables. This technical note develops this approach for the steady-state slowing-down equation without upscattering and in an infinite medium. This work is based on a deterministic multiband formalism that takes into account multilevel probability tables for cross sections. The first level represents the variation of cross sections versus lethargy (or energy) in each group of the multigroup lethargy mesh and thus corresponds to the classical cross-section probability tables. The higher levels represent the uncertainties on each step of the first-level cross-section probability table. This method is validated against a Monte Carlo calculation in a case of neutron slowing down in a 238 U-hydrogen homogeneous mixture, showing fully consistent numerical results. The main interest of the deterministic multilevel multiband formalism is that it gives not only the mean value and the variance but also a probabilistic distribution of the fluxes. In the near future, we plan to investigate more deeply the robustness of this new approach in relation to high values of cross-section uncertainties and to introduce cross-section uncertainty correlations as well. Meanwhile, the promise of this work is its extension to the general transport steady-state equation solved by the discrete ordinates (S N) or Monte Carlo methods.
Revue des sciences de l'eau, 2012
Les écosystèmes marins côtiers sont des milieux de plus en plus affectés par l’activité humaine à... more Les écosystèmes marins côtiers sont des milieux de plus en plus affectés par l’activité humaine à cause des rejets urbains et l’utilisation de l’océan comme dépotoir pouvant mener à de hauts niveaux de pollution. L’objectif de cette étude était de déterminer les profils de concentration en éléments traces métalliques (Cd, Cr, Cu, Co, Ni, Pb et Zn) des sédiments dans des zones présumées être contaminées par les rejets des eaux usées à Dakar et d’évaluer leur qualité. Pour ce faire, des échantillons de sédiments ont été prélevés au niveau de cinq points d’évacuation des eaux usées vers la mer à Dakar (Sénégal). Les résultats montrent des caractéristiques géochimiques (granulométrie, alcalinité, teneur en carbone organique et en soufre) comparables. L’évaluation de la qualité des sédiments a été effectuée par le calcul de divers indices. Un enrichissement important des sédiments en cadmium et en plomb a surtout été noté. L’Indice de Pollution Sédimentaire (IPS), qui estime le degré de ...
Case Reports in Clinical Medicine, 2014
Strangled rectal prolapse, the rare disease, is a proctological emergency. Its management is cont... more Strangled rectal prolapse, the rare disease, is a proctological emergency. Its management is controversial. When it is not reducible and signs of ischemia are present, the Altemeierperineal rectosigmoidectomy remains the best treatment. This study aimed to report our experience on the management of strangled rectal prolapse about 1 case in a 45-year-old man, a holder of a rectal prolapse for 2 years. On admission, he had strangled prolapse for 24 hours with edema. After a vain attempt of manual reduction and installation of necrosis after 48 hours, he had an Altemeier rectosigmoïdectomy. The postoperative course was uneventful and the patient was discharged on the 6th postoperative day. The results were very good, after one year follow-up.
Case Reports in Clinical Medicine, 2014
Strangled rectal prolapse, the rare disease, is a proctological emergency. Its management is cont... more Strangled rectal prolapse, the rare disease, is a proctological emergency. Its management is controversial. When it is not reducible and signs of ischemia are present, the Altemeierperineal rectosigmoidectomy remains the best treatment. This study aimed to report our experience on the management of strangled rectal prolapse about 1 case in a 45-year-old man, a holder of a rectal prolapse for 2 years. On admission, he had strangled prolapse for 24 hours with edema. After a vain attempt of manual reduction and installation of necrosis after 48 hours, he had an Altemeier rectosigmoïdectomy. The postoperative course was uneventful and the patient was discharged on the 6th postoperative day. The results were very good, after one year follow-up.
In this paper, we review some of the basic ideas of bootstrap inference. The small- sample behavi... more In this paper, we review some of the basic ideas of bootstrap inference. The small- sample behavior of the bootstrap is investigated as a method for estimating P-values in parametric model, with a new approach based on divergence types measures in testing statistical hypotheses. Under the relatively weak conditions needed for a test statistic to be asymptotically pivotal, bootstrap tests should perform better than asymptotic tests. Monte Carlo methods are used to examine the bootstrap test of φ¡divergence statistics and the results suggest that the bootstrap can accurately estimate the rejection probabilities. In this case, bootstrap tests work well, and very few steps are needed.
Main Group Metal Chemistry, 2002
Functionalised organotin tetrazoles R3SnN4C(CH2)(n)PPh2 (n = 2, 3, 6) and o-(Ph2P)C6H4CN4SnR3 (R ... more Functionalised organotin tetrazoles R3SnN4C(CH2)(n)PPh2 (n = 2, 3, 6) and o-(Ph2P)C6H4CN4SnR3 (R = Et, Bu) have been synthesised by a cycloaddition reaction between R3SnN3 and the corresponding Ph2P(CH2)(n)CN or o-(Ph2P)C6H4CN, respectively.
Main Group Metal Chemistry, 2009
Jump to ContentJump to Main Navigation: Log in; Register; Help; German; English; Take a Tour; Sig... more Jump to ContentJump to Main Navigation: Log in; Register; Help; German; English; Take a Tour; Sign up for a free trial; Subscribe. Logo. Advanced SearchHelp. My Content (1) Recently viewed (1). New selenito SnPh3 res... My Searches (0). (0) Shopping Cart. ...
Papers by Cheikh Sidy Diop