Papers by Carol Beck Carter
Creative Arts in Education and Therapy
This paper reviews the title: Jennings, S., & Holmwood, C. (Eds). Routledge International Handboo... more This paper reviews the title: Jennings, S., & Holmwood, C. (Eds). Routledge International Handbook of Play, Therapeutic Play and Play Therapy. Taylor & Francis. This International Handbook is a new, unique, timely examination of play, therapeutic play, play in therapy, and play therapy with chapters from 16 countries. The contributors to the 35 chapters are drawn from therapists, counsellors, and play specialists with vastly different ideas, backgrounds, and beliefs that share a common valuing of play in its different forms.
International Journal for Educational Integrity, 2022
Introduction Enabling education programs, otherwise known as Foundation Studies or Preparatory pr... more Introduction Enabling education programs, otherwise known as Foundation Studies or Preparatory programs, provide pathways for students typically under-represented in higher education. Students in Enabling programs often face distinct challenges in their induction to academic culture which can implicate them in cases of misconduct. This case study addresses a gap in the enabling literature reporting on how a culture of academic integrity can be developed for students and staff in these programs through an educative approach. Case description This paper outlines how an educative approach to academic integrity is implemented within the Enabling programs of two Australian universities. Discussion and reflection This case study reflects upon an approach which makes specific reference to the key elements of ‘support’, ‘approach’ and ‘responsibility’ as highlighted in Bretag and Mahmud’s seminal paper. The paper reports a reduction in misconduct cases at the two institutions suggesting a p...
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Papers by Carol Beck Carter