Cafer Ulu
He was born in Aksaray. He graduated from Istanbul Bağcılar High School. He graduated from Marmara University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of History. His master's degree at the Institute of Turkic Studies with a thesis titled "The Western Black Sea in the Period of National Struggle and the Aid That Came by This Way". He received his PhD, History of the Institute of Social Sciences of Istanbul Univ. in 2005. The title of his doctoral thesis is "Armenians in the Republic of Turkey"
Address: Namık Kemal University (Former)
Address: Namık Kemal University (Former)
Papers by Cafer Ulu
rütbe ve madalyaların yanında ülkenin hangi bölgelerinde vazife yaptıkları gibi pek çok bilgiye ulaşılmıştır.
rütbe ve madalyaların yanında ülkenin hangi bölgelerinde vazife yaptıkları gibi pek çok bilgiye ulaşılmıştır.