Papers by Cesar Luis Girardi
Communications in Plant Sciences
The aim of this study was to evaluate the application of 1-MCP on physicochemical characterizatio... more The aim of this study was to evaluate the application of 1-MCP on physicochemical characterization and antioxidant activity of 'Gala' apples mutants, harvested at two different times and maintained in refrigerated atmosphere (0 °C) during 90 days. 'Mondial Gala', 'Imperial Gala' and 'Galaxy' were obtained from commercial orchards. After harvesting, half of the fruits were treated with 1-MCP, and control fruits were maintained in the same condition, but without the treatment. Skin color, pulp firmness, titratable acidity, total soluble solids, total phenolic compounds, anthocyanin and antioxidant activity were evaluated in peel and pulp. The results show that using 1-MCP, pulp firmness was higher than the control. Titratable acidity analysis showed statistical differences for apple clones, harvest point and treatment with 1-MCP. Total soluble solids content was not influenced by the treatments. Epidermis color was statistically influenced by clone (a*, L* and C*), and by harvest point (L*), but 1-MCP did not affect this parameter. The content of total polyphenols and antioxidant activity was higher in the peel when compared to the pulp. 1-MCP proved to be effective in maintaining postharvest quality in all clones and at two harvest points tested.
O objetivo do presente comunicado é fornecer informações básicas necessárias para o aprimoramento... more O objetivo do presente comunicado é fornecer informações básicas necessárias para o aprimoramento da qualidade da sidra elaborada no Brasil, a qual pode apresentar-se como alternativa de diversificação e agregação de valor na cadeia produtiva da maçã.bitstream/item/48542/1/ComunicadoTecnico-107.pd
O objetivo do estudo foi testar o sensor óptico de fluorescência (MX) para detecção de antocianin... more O objetivo do estudo foi testar o sensor óptico de fluorescência (MX) para detecção de antocianinas em vinhedos da cv. Merlot.bitstream/item/109918/1/anais-IC-2014.37.pd
Communications in Plant Sciences, 2017
Current Agricultural Science and Technology, 2005
Estudaram-se os efeitos do 1-MCP sobre a qualidade macas, cultivar Fuji, armazenadas em ar refrig... more Estudaram-se os efeitos do 1-MCP sobre a qualidade macas, cultivar Fuji, armazenadas em ar refrigerado (AR) e atmosfera controlada (AC). Foram utilizadas macas ‘Fuji’ apresentando medias de firmeza de polpa de 89,6 N, acidez total titulavel de 4,20 meq 100mL-1 de acido malico, solidos soluveis totais de 14,7 oBrix e producao de etileno de 0,10 nL g-1L-1h-1. Macas foram tratadas com 0, 625 e 1250 nL L-1 de 1-MCP durante 48 horas a 20 ± 2 oC e, em seguida, armazenadas em AR e em AC, durante 8 meses. Macas tratadas com 1-MCP e armazenadas em AR apresentaram menor perda da firmeza de polpa e mantiveram maior acidez total titulavel e teor de solidos soluveis totais em comparacao as macas nao tratadas com 1-MCP. Macas que receberam aplicacao de 1-MCP apresentaram taxas de producao de etileno reduzidas em comparacao com macas nao tratadas. No armazenamento em atmosfera controlada as macas tratadas com 1-MCP mantiveram a firmeza de polpa superior ao controle e a producao de etileno inferior...
Current Agricultural Science and Technology, 2013
This paper reviews the recent advances in the understanding of the fruit ripening process and des... more This paper reviews the recent advances in the understanding of the fruit ripening process and describes future challenges. Fruit ripening is a complex developmental process which is orchestrated by the expression of ripening-related genes under the control of a network of signaling pathways. In climacteric fruit components responsible for the production of climacteric ethylene have been identified. Less progress has been made on non-climacteric fruit. Great advances have been made in the characterization of transcription factors (ERFs, RIN, etc…) that induce gene expression through the binding to their promoters. Genetic resources, genome sequencing and “omics” tools have been developed bringing a huge amount of data that will help to draw an integrative network of regulatory and signaling pathways responsible for triggering and coordinating the ripening process. The discovery that some ripening events are controlled at the epigenetic level and not in relation with the DNA sequences...
O quivi e um fruto extremamente sensivel ao etileno. Pequenas concentracoes desse fitohormonio ca... more O quivi e um fruto extremamente sensivel ao etileno. Pequenas concentracoes desse fitohormonio causam amadurecimento e amolecimento precoces nesse fruto. O 1-MCP, um inibidor da acao do etileno, vem sendo utilizado para retardar o processo de amadurecimento em diferentes frutos. Esse inibidor bloqueia temporariamente o acesso do etileno aos receptores, inibindo sua acao nos tecidos vegetais. A resposta ao tratamento com 1-MCP depende da dose, especie, cultivar e do estadio de desenvolvimento em que o produto e aplicado. Diferentes estudos tem sido realizados visando elucidar a acao do 1-MCP em quivis, entretanto, a maioria dos estudos relata o efeito desse inibidor em quivis apos o armazenamento em atmosfera refrigerada e controlada, nao elucidando o papel do 1-MCP em temperatura ambiente, alem disso, os autores nao relatam o efeito do gas sobre a qualidade sensorial de quivis. Nesse sentido, este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar o efeito do 1-MCP durante a evolucao da maturacao d...
BRS Nubia e uma nova cultivar de uva de mesa preta com sementes, que se adapta bem as condicoes d... more BRS Nubia e uma nova cultivar de uva de mesa preta com sementes, que se adapta bem as condicoes de clima subtropical e tropical do Brasil.
O mercado brasileiro de sucos prontos para beber esta em franca expansao, seguindo a tendencia mu... more O mercado brasileiro de sucos prontos para beber esta em franca expansao, seguindo a tendencia mundial de consumo de bebidas saudaveis e saborosas (CARMO; RIBEIRO, 2014). Embora nao existam estatisticas oficiais, PARRA (2016), ao citar um estudo realizado pela Consultoria Marketstrat a pedido da CitrusBR (Associacao Nacional dos Exportadores de Sucos Citricos), destaca que, nos ultimos anos, o consumo de sucos no pais vem crescendo a taxas acima de 10% ao ano. Na ultima decada, especialmente o suco 100% (bebida que contem apenas fruta) cresceu 258,2% em volume. Apesar disso, as quantidades produzidas ainda sao pequenas, chegando a apenas 67 milhoes de litros, o que mostra um grande potencial de ampliacao da oferta em funcao da crescente demanda desse tipo de produto no mercado nacional. Em termos per capita, estima-se que o consumo anual de suco 100% no Brasil e de apenas 0,4 litro, enquanto nos Estados Unidos, Franca, Alemanha e Canada esse consumo e da ordem de 18,0, 21,3, 23,4 e ...
A 'BRS Isis' e uma nova cultivar de uva de mesa vermelha, sem sementes, cujas caracterist... more A 'BRS Isis' e uma nova cultivar de uva de mesa vermelha, sem sementes, cujas caracteristicas vem atender algumas das principais demandas do setor viticola no Brasil. E tolerante ao mildio e se adapta bem as condicoes de clima tropical do Brasil. Destaca-se ainda, pela alta fertilidade de gemas, aderencia das bagas ao engaco e tamanho natural de bagas, que apresentam textura firme e sabor neutro.
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2017
Apple is commercially important worldwide. Favorable genomic contexts and postharvest technologie... more Apple is commercially important worldwide. Favorable genomic contexts and postharvest technologies allow yearround availability. Although ripening is considered a unidirectional developmental process toward senescence, storage at low temperatures, alone or in combination with ethylene blockage, is effective in preserving apple properties. Quality traits and genome wide expression were integrated to investigate the mechanisms underlying postharvest changes. Development and conservation techniques were responsible for transcriptional reprogramming and distinct programs associated with quality traits. A large portion of the differentially regulated genes constitutes a program involved in ripening and senescence, whereas a smaller module consists of genes associated with reestablishment and maintenance of juvenile traits after harvest. Ethylene inhibition was associated with a reversal of ripening by transcriptional induction of anabolic pathways. Our results demonstrate that the blockage of ethylene perception and signaling leads to upregulation of genes in anabolic pathways. We also associated complex phenotypes to subsets of differentially regulated genes.
Comunicata Scientiae, 2017
Apple is, sociocultural and economically, on of the most important species in the world, and stan... more Apple is, sociocultural and economically, on of the most important species in the world, and stands out for its high storage potential. However, the monitoring of factors that could result in fruit quality modifications during postharvest is essential to ensure the acceptability and for the development of new storage technologies in order to increase fruit shelf life. Approaches focused on molecular biology, such as RT-qPCR have been used to better understand the mechanisms involved in fruit development and maturation. In this study the use of RT-qPCR to monitoring apple quality during ripening and development in different postharvest conditions such as room temperature, cold storage with or without control of atmosphere and the 1-methylcyclopropene usage were proposed. The potential of genes involved in ethylene biosynthesis and response, cell wall modification and degradation, sugar and aroma metabolisms for employment as biomarkers of fruit development and quality were evaluated....
Brazilian Journal of Food Technology, 2016
Resumo O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar os efeitos de diferentes tecnologias de armazenam... more Resumo O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar os efeitos de diferentes tecnologias de armazenamento na qualidade físico-química de kiwis da cultivar Tewi. Após a colheita, parte dos frutos foi submetida ao tratamento com 1-metilciclopropeno (1-MCP) e, posteriormente, frutos tratados e não tratados foram submetidos a diferentes condições de armazenamento, conforme segue: armazenamento em temperatura ambiente (20 °C ± 0,5 °C) durante 12 dias; armazenamento refrigerado (0°C ± 0,5°C) com ou sem controle da atmosfera (3 KPa O2 e 5 KPa CO2), e com ou sem absorção de etileno durante dois e quatro meses. Foram avaliadas a firmeza de polpa, o teor de sólidos solúveis e a acidez titulável. Verificou-se que, independentemente da tecnologia de conservação, houve uma diminuição na firmeza de polpa já aos dois meses de armazenamento, sendo a condição atmosfera controlada associada ao uso do 1-MCP a mais eficaz na retenção desse atributo. Frutos mantidos em temperatura ambiente apresentaram rela...
PLOS ONE, 2015
Reverse Transcription quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR) is one of the most important techniques for gene... more Reverse Transcription quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR) is one of the most important techniques for gene expression profiling due to its high sensibility and reproducibility. However, the reliability of the results is highly dependent on data normalization, performed by comparisons between the expression profiles of the genes of interest against those of constitutively expressed, reference genes. Although the technique is widely used in fruit postharvest experiments, the transcription stability of reference genes has not been thoroughly investigated under these experimental conditions. Thus, we have determined the transcriptional profile, under these conditions, of three genes commonly used as reference-ACTIN (MdACT), PROTEIN DISULPHIDE ISOMERASE (MdPDI) and UBIQUITIN-CONJUGATING ENZYME E2 (MdUBC)-along with two novel candidates-HISTONE 1 (MdH1) and NUCLEOSSOME ASSEMBLY 1 PROTEIN (MdNAP1). The expression profile of the genes was investigated throughout five experiments, with three of them encompassing the postharvest period and the other two, consisting of developmental and spatial phases. The transcriptional stability was comparatively investigated using four distinct software packages: BestKeeper, Norm-Finder, geNorm and DataAssist. Gene ranking results for transcriptional stability were similar for the investigated software packages, with the exception of BestKeeper. The classic reference gene MdUBC ranked among the most stably transcribed in all investigated experimental conditions. Transcript accumulation profiles for the novel reference candidate gene MdH1 were stable throughout the tested conditions, especially in experiments encompassing the postharvest period. Thus, our results present a novel reference gene for postharvest experiments in apple and reinforce the importance of checking the transcription profile of reference genes under the experimental conditions of interest.
Food Chemistry, 2015
Fruit texture changes impair the quality of apples submitted to long term storage, especially und... more Fruit texture changes impair the quality of apples submitted to long term storage, especially under cold. The changes are due to cell wall modifications during ripening and senescence and are associated to ethylene. We have investigated the activity of a-L-arabinofuranosidase, a glycosyl hydrolase acting on the side chains of pectin in the cell wall and middle lamella. The transcription of arabinofuranosidase coding sequences 1 and 3 was investigated in plant organs and in response to ethylene, employing hormone application and 1-methylcyclopropene. The transcription of arabinofuranosidase genes is not restricted to fruits, although upregulated by ripening and ethylene. Transcripts of the genes were detected under cold storage up to 180 days. Similarly, arabinofuranosidase activity increased with rising levels of ethylene and under cold storage. Levels of ARABINOFURANOSIDASE3 transcripts were higher than those of ARABINOFURANOSIDASE1, suggesting that the first is an important contributor to enzyme activity and texture changes during cold storage.
Papers by Cesar Luis Girardi