The eastern Adriatic coast had been connected from prehistory, antiquity and the Middle Ages with... more The eastern Adriatic coast had been connected from prehistory, antiquity and the Middle Ages with places at the western coast of the Adriatic Sea, but also with certain areas of the Mediterranean Sea. In addition to fishing, exchange of goods and travel, the Adriatic Sea also experienced shipwrecks, as testified by a number of finds. The tradition in Dubrovnik about the shipwreck of St. Paul the Apostle in the waters of Croatian Island of Mljet is almost two millennia old. Is Mljet – Melita in Dalmatia the island of St. Paul’s ship¬wreck? The final say in the determination of the itinerary of St. Paul’s ship from Caesarea to Rome, as well as the place of the shipwreck is the prerogative of the maritime science, whose con¬tri¬bu¬tions were little known and therefore unused by our biblical scholars in the clarification of the problem. At the end let us point out that the dilemma left by the author of the Acts is not easily solved, but that there are numerous in¬di¬cations in favour of the thesis that Pauline shipwreck took place on the Adriatic Melita.
Iako su do danas poznati mnogi mozaici s prikazom Muza, u odnosu na njihov broj u vrijeme kad je ... more Iako su do danas poznati mnogi mozaici s prikazom Muza, u odnosu na njihov broj u vrijeme kad je bio otkriven solinski mozaik Sapfa s Muzama, oni ipak spadaju u rjeđe mozaicke prikaze. Gdje su postavljali Rimljani mozaike s Muzama ? U kojim prostorijama ? U cijem su drustvu bile Muze? Pokusat cemo odgovoriti na postavljena pitanja obrađujuci mozaike s prikazom Muza diljem Rimskog Carstva. Rijec je o razlicitim mozaicima, s raznovrsnim prikazima Muza, koji se datiraju od 2. do po Kr.
U radu su iznesena neka zapažanja o domaćim mozaičkim radionicama na istočnoj obali Jadrana. Pozn... more U radu su iznesena neka zapažanja o domaćim mozaičkim radionicama na istočnoj obali Jadrana. Poznato je i prihvaćeno mišljenje iz stručne literature, da su na istočnoj obali Jadrana radile dvije radionice, i to jedna u Saloni, a druga u Akvileji. Mislim da se danas ipak može govoriti o radu, stilu i ukusu dviju mozaičkih škola, a da je samih radionica bilo više
Roman sculpture as an artistic and sociological phenomenon does not appear before a substantial a... more Roman sculpture as an artistic and sociological phenomenon does not appear before a substantial amount of political and economic interest of Roman society for the territories located in the broader region of Illyricum. The stone monuments or sculptures of stone or marble could be of local origin or could be finished products imported from leading workshop centres. In terms of limestone monuments, clearly these were of local production, as limestone was not imported. The dichotomy of sculpture made of local limestone from that made of imported marble is clearly visible. Local limestone was a material that had enough quality and was easily obtainable at that, and its use became widespread because it was suitable for sculpture even though it did not possess the compactness and shine of marble. It is most unfortunate that marble represented a much sought material that was often employed in a secondary context at a later date, or even used for the production of high-quality mortar, all of which resulted in a modest number of such monuments that somehow survived. A relatively large number of sarcophagi have been found in Pannonia, mostly made of Pohorje marble. They have a tabula in the centre of the coffin, while the lateral fields are roofed over with the so-called Noric volutes. Standing images of the deceased are usually located to the sides of the tabula. The design is closest to that of the Aquileian workshops, but the sarcophagi were produced in Pannonia. However, one relief from Mursa with an image of an unclothed Maenad in the ecstatic dance of a Dionysiac procession comes the reliefs on attic sarcophagi. All Roman marble monuments in Pannonia, sarcophagi included, were sculptured in Noric marbles. The sarcophagus from Bastaji is made of marble from the Pohorje quarries near Ptuj (Poetovio). It can, therefore, reasonably be assumed that it was made in one of the Poetovian workshops, as is also suggested by its artistic style. Since the production and trade of stone (including marble) monuments in the Roman province Pannonia has as yet not been thoroughly investigated, this paper should be considered as a small contribution towards the elucidation of this archaeological problem.
U knjizi se raspravlja opcenito o antickim i ranokrscanskim mozaicima vezanim uz kasnoanticku arh... more U knjizi se raspravlja opcenito o antickim i ranokrscanskim mozaicima vezanim uz kasnoanticku arhitekturu, nalazima antickih i ranokrscanskih mozaika te natpisima na mozaicima. Obrađuju se mozaici iz Istre, Panonije i Dalmacije te mozaicke radionice, paleografija mozaickih natpisa i osobna imena koja se javljaju na mozaicima.
Podrucje Hrvatske bilo je nejednolicno romanizirano i urbanizirano te neravnomjerno podvrgnuto an... more Podrucje Hrvatske bilo je nejednolicno romanizirano i urbanizirano te neravnomjerno podvrgnuto antickom kulturnom utjecaju. Skulptura, poglavito portret, fenomen je urbanih ambijenata. Pojam originala u arheologiji sto to znaci? Ako je neka skulptura kopija, je li grcka ili rimska? Brojni grcki kipovi do nas su dosli kao rimske kopije. Doživljavamo li ih kao originale ili kopije? U radu se na temelju arheoloske bastine pokusava odgovoriti na pitanje sto je original u arheologiji.
The eastern Adriatic coast had been connected from prehistory, antiquity and the Middle Ages with... more The eastern Adriatic coast had been connected from prehistory, antiquity and the Middle Ages with places at the western coast of the Adriatic Sea, but also with certain areas of the Mediterranean Sea. In addition to fishing, exchange of goods and travel, the Adriatic Sea also experienced shipwrecks, as testified by a number of finds. The tradition in Dubrovnik about the shipwreck of St. Paul the Apostle in the waters of Croatian Island of Mljet is almost two millennia old. Is Mljet – Melita in Dalmatia the island of St. Paul’s ship¬wreck? The final say in the determination of the itinerary of St. Paul’s ship from Caesarea to Rome, as well as the place of the shipwreck is the prerogative of the maritime science, whose con¬tri¬bu¬tions were little known and therefore unused by our biblical scholars in the clarification of the problem. At the end let us point out that the dilemma left by the author of the Acts is not easily solved, but that there are numerous in¬di¬cations in favour of the thesis that Pauline shipwreck took place on the Adriatic Melita.
Histria antiqua : časopis Međunarodnog istraživačkog centra za arheologiju, 2010
The luxurious way of life of high-society Romans and massive population increase contributed to t... more The luxurious way of life of high-society Romans and massive population increase contributed to the development of various branches of clothing industry: linen-weaving workshops (lintearii) produced linen cloth, subsequently worked into robes by vestiarii (robe tailors) and soldier's cloaks by sagarii (makers of soldier's cloaks), while footwear was made by specialized artisans sutores and caligarii for men, and fabri solearii for women. Rome, however, rose to particular prominence in the manufacture of luxury goods, required by high standard of living of the nobility, well-off citizens andabove all-the imperial court. The capital was full of skilled goldsmiths, mostly Greeks, who crafted jugs (goblets) and jewellery of exquisite workmanship in precious metals. 1 Mirror-makers (specularii), ring-makers (anularii), goldsmiths (aurifices) and artisans who worked ivory Marija BUZOV APPLIED ARTS IN ROME T he cohesion of the political system allowed unimpeded freedom of movement to enterprising merchants from Asia, Hispania and Gaul, facilitated the widest initiative to contractors from all the provinces, and provided steady supply of all necessary raw materials to the craftsmen from the City-Rome. The ancient industry had an entirely different character, both in the way it developed as well as in the production system: it was an empire of people-often slaves, though-in which every individual had a chance to express their personal talents, and every product bore the mark of the artisan who made it. It is therefore all but impossible in the world of antiquity to set a precise border between industry and craft, because industry, even when diversified and technically organized with a division of labour of some kind, still consists of specialized craftsmen. When we discuss applied arts, we certainly have to point out the role of the craftsmen, regardless of whether they had signed their product or it had been left without a mark, the seal of a workshop or the master craftsman.
Thermae, an original Roman legacy, had hot and cold baths, pools, gymnasiums, gardens, museums an... more Thermae, an original Roman legacy, had hot and cold baths, pools, gymnasiums, gardens, museums and libraries under one complex. But the Romans used and preferred freshwater for bathing – fresh river currents, lakes, shallows and ice springs. The thermae were their pastime, the easiest and the only pastime that could bring to life the renowned proverb – a sound mind in a sound body.
Histria antiqua : časopis Međunarodnog istraživačkog centra za arheologiju, 2003
Kao fenomen kulture određene sredine i grad se mora promatrati u kontekstu razvoja određene kultu... more Kao fenomen kulture određene sredine i grad se mora promatrati u kontekstu razvoja određene kulture, pocevsi od njegove emancipacije iz kruga naselja nekog podrucja ili pak etnickog sklopa pa sve do njegova oblikovanja u tip naselja u datom kulturnom i vremenskom kontekstu. To ujedno znaci da i na proces postanka i razvoja grada utjecu sve one povijesne silnice koje pokrecu opci razvoj nekog drustva.
In the first centuries of Roman rule mosaics were laid on floors of public and private buildings.... more In the first centuries of Roman rule mosaics were laid on floors of public and private buildings. A relatively small number of mosaic pavements were preserved in Croatia, particularly those from the earlier empire. As part of interior decoration, mosaics appear in the buildings of Salona (Orpheus, Apollo, Triton, the poetess Sappho with Muses et. ct.). It is apparent that the most fertile and highest quality mosaic workshop was located in Salona.
Među znacajne i istaknute ljude hrvatske kulturne povijesti koji je zaslužan i za arheologiju val... more Među znacajne i istaknute ljude hrvatske kulturne povijesti koji je zaslužan i za arheologiju valja istaknuti Ivana Krstitelja Tkalcica, svecenika koji je proveo pet godina u Sisku kao kapelan. Pored svoje duhovne službe u župi Sv. Križa te katehizaciju u gradskim skolama, Tkalcic je imao vremena skupljati i proucavati rimske starine te je i stvorio lijepu numizmaticku zbirku. Boraveci i radeci u Sisku Tkalcicevo se duhovno obzorje sve vise sirilo i sve mu je jasnije postajala slika staroga, rimskoga Siska - Siscije. Tkalcic sustavno prati i cita strana djela o rimskim starinama, bavi se rimskom povijescu, proucava rimski domaci i obiteljski život, pomno istražuje sisacke nalaze i spomenike te prati razvoj rimske kulture na nasem podrucju. Kao plod svojih spoznaja o sisackim starinama i životu krscana Tkalcic je objavio citav niz vrlo vrijednih rasprava i radova te prvi nas povijesni roman. Danas s punim pravom možemo govoriti o Ivanu Krstitelju Tkalcicu kao arheologu, jer je njegovo poznavanje povijesti i tadasnje literature bilo na zavidnoj razini, sto napokon dokazuju i njegovi pisani radovi.
The eastern Adriatic coast had been connected from prehistory, antiquity and the Middle Ages with... more The eastern Adriatic coast had been connected from prehistory, antiquity and the Middle Ages with places at the western coast of the Adriatic Sea, but also with certain areas of the Mediterranean Sea. In addition to fishing, exchange of goods and travel, the Adriatic Sea also experienced shipwrecks, as testified by a number of finds. The tradition in Dubrovnik about the shipwreck of St. Paul the Apostle in the waters of Croatian Island of Mljet is almost two millennia old. Is Mljet – Melita in Dalmatia the island of St. Paul’s ship¬wreck? The final say in the determination of the itinerary of St. Paul’s ship from Caesarea to Rome, as well as the place of the shipwreck is the prerogative of the maritime science, whose con¬tri¬bu¬tions were little known and therefore unused by our biblical scholars in the clarification of the problem. At the end let us point out that the dilemma left by the author of the Acts is not easily solved, but that there are numerous in¬di¬cations in favour of the thesis that Pauline shipwreck took place on the Adriatic Melita.
Iako su do danas poznati mnogi mozaici s prikazom Muza, u odnosu na njihov broj u vrijeme kad je ... more Iako su do danas poznati mnogi mozaici s prikazom Muza, u odnosu na njihov broj u vrijeme kad je bio otkriven solinski mozaik Sapfa s Muzama, oni ipak spadaju u rjeđe mozaicke prikaze. Gdje su postavljali Rimljani mozaike s Muzama ? U kojim prostorijama ? U cijem su drustvu bile Muze? Pokusat cemo odgovoriti na postavljena pitanja obrađujuci mozaike s prikazom Muza diljem Rimskog Carstva. Rijec je o razlicitim mozaicima, s raznovrsnim prikazima Muza, koji se datiraju od 2. do po Kr.
U radu su iznesena neka zapažanja o domaćim mozaičkim radionicama na istočnoj obali Jadrana. Pozn... more U radu su iznesena neka zapažanja o domaćim mozaičkim radionicama na istočnoj obali Jadrana. Poznato je i prihvaćeno mišljenje iz stručne literature, da su na istočnoj obali Jadrana radile dvije radionice, i to jedna u Saloni, a druga u Akvileji. Mislim da se danas ipak može govoriti o radu, stilu i ukusu dviju mozaičkih škola, a da je samih radionica bilo više
Roman sculpture as an artistic and sociological phenomenon does not appear before a substantial a... more Roman sculpture as an artistic and sociological phenomenon does not appear before a substantial amount of political and economic interest of Roman society for the territories located in the broader region of Illyricum. The stone monuments or sculptures of stone or marble could be of local origin or could be finished products imported from leading workshop centres. In terms of limestone monuments, clearly these were of local production, as limestone was not imported. The dichotomy of sculpture made of local limestone from that made of imported marble is clearly visible. Local limestone was a material that had enough quality and was easily obtainable at that, and its use became widespread because it was suitable for sculpture even though it did not possess the compactness and shine of marble. It is most unfortunate that marble represented a much sought material that was often employed in a secondary context at a later date, or even used for the production of high-quality mortar, all of which resulted in a modest number of such monuments that somehow survived. A relatively large number of sarcophagi have been found in Pannonia, mostly made of Pohorje marble. They have a tabula in the centre of the coffin, while the lateral fields are roofed over with the so-called Noric volutes. Standing images of the deceased are usually located to the sides of the tabula. The design is closest to that of the Aquileian workshops, but the sarcophagi were produced in Pannonia. However, one relief from Mursa with an image of an unclothed Maenad in the ecstatic dance of a Dionysiac procession comes the reliefs on attic sarcophagi. All Roman marble monuments in Pannonia, sarcophagi included, were sculptured in Noric marbles. The sarcophagus from Bastaji is made of marble from the Pohorje quarries near Ptuj (Poetovio). It can, therefore, reasonably be assumed that it was made in one of the Poetovian workshops, as is also suggested by its artistic style. Since the production and trade of stone (including marble) monuments in the Roman province Pannonia has as yet not been thoroughly investigated, this paper should be considered as a small contribution towards the elucidation of this archaeological problem.
U knjizi se raspravlja opcenito o antickim i ranokrscanskim mozaicima vezanim uz kasnoanticku arh... more U knjizi se raspravlja opcenito o antickim i ranokrscanskim mozaicima vezanim uz kasnoanticku arhitekturu, nalazima antickih i ranokrscanskih mozaika te natpisima na mozaicima. Obrađuju se mozaici iz Istre, Panonije i Dalmacije te mozaicke radionice, paleografija mozaickih natpisa i osobna imena koja se javljaju na mozaicima.
Podrucje Hrvatske bilo je nejednolicno romanizirano i urbanizirano te neravnomjerno podvrgnuto an... more Podrucje Hrvatske bilo je nejednolicno romanizirano i urbanizirano te neravnomjerno podvrgnuto antickom kulturnom utjecaju. Skulptura, poglavito portret, fenomen je urbanih ambijenata. Pojam originala u arheologiji sto to znaci? Ako je neka skulptura kopija, je li grcka ili rimska? Brojni grcki kipovi do nas su dosli kao rimske kopije. Doživljavamo li ih kao originale ili kopije? U radu se na temelju arheoloske bastine pokusava odgovoriti na pitanje sto je original u arheologiji.
The eastern Adriatic coast had been connected from prehistory, antiquity and the Middle Ages with... more The eastern Adriatic coast had been connected from prehistory, antiquity and the Middle Ages with places at the western coast of the Adriatic Sea, but also with certain areas of the Mediterranean Sea. In addition to fishing, exchange of goods and travel, the Adriatic Sea also experienced shipwrecks, as testified by a number of finds. The tradition in Dubrovnik about the shipwreck of St. Paul the Apostle in the waters of Croatian Island of Mljet is almost two millennia old. Is Mljet – Melita in Dalmatia the island of St. Paul’s ship¬wreck? The final say in the determination of the itinerary of St. Paul’s ship from Caesarea to Rome, as well as the place of the shipwreck is the prerogative of the maritime science, whose con¬tri¬bu¬tions were little known and therefore unused by our biblical scholars in the clarification of the problem. At the end let us point out that the dilemma left by the author of the Acts is not easily solved, but that there are numerous in¬di¬cations in favour of the thesis that Pauline shipwreck took place on the Adriatic Melita.
Histria antiqua : časopis Međunarodnog istraživačkog centra za arheologiju, 2010
The luxurious way of life of high-society Romans and massive population increase contributed to t... more The luxurious way of life of high-society Romans and massive population increase contributed to the development of various branches of clothing industry: linen-weaving workshops (lintearii) produced linen cloth, subsequently worked into robes by vestiarii (robe tailors) and soldier's cloaks by sagarii (makers of soldier's cloaks), while footwear was made by specialized artisans sutores and caligarii for men, and fabri solearii for women. Rome, however, rose to particular prominence in the manufacture of luxury goods, required by high standard of living of the nobility, well-off citizens andabove all-the imperial court. The capital was full of skilled goldsmiths, mostly Greeks, who crafted jugs (goblets) and jewellery of exquisite workmanship in precious metals. 1 Mirror-makers (specularii), ring-makers (anularii), goldsmiths (aurifices) and artisans who worked ivory Marija BUZOV APPLIED ARTS IN ROME T he cohesion of the political system allowed unimpeded freedom of movement to enterprising merchants from Asia, Hispania and Gaul, facilitated the widest initiative to contractors from all the provinces, and provided steady supply of all necessary raw materials to the craftsmen from the City-Rome. The ancient industry had an entirely different character, both in the way it developed as well as in the production system: it was an empire of people-often slaves, though-in which every individual had a chance to express their personal talents, and every product bore the mark of the artisan who made it. It is therefore all but impossible in the world of antiquity to set a precise border between industry and craft, because industry, even when diversified and technically organized with a division of labour of some kind, still consists of specialized craftsmen. When we discuss applied arts, we certainly have to point out the role of the craftsmen, regardless of whether they had signed their product or it had been left without a mark, the seal of a workshop or the master craftsman.
Thermae, an original Roman legacy, had hot and cold baths, pools, gymnasiums, gardens, museums an... more Thermae, an original Roman legacy, had hot and cold baths, pools, gymnasiums, gardens, museums and libraries under one complex. But the Romans used and preferred freshwater for bathing – fresh river currents, lakes, shallows and ice springs. The thermae were their pastime, the easiest and the only pastime that could bring to life the renowned proverb – a sound mind in a sound body.
Histria antiqua : časopis Međunarodnog istraživačkog centra za arheologiju, 2003
Kao fenomen kulture određene sredine i grad se mora promatrati u kontekstu razvoja određene kultu... more Kao fenomen kulture određene sredine i grad se mora promatrati u kontekstu razvoja određene kulture, pocevsi od njegove emancipacije iz kruga naselja nekog podrucja ili pak etnickog sklopa pa sve do njegova oblikovanja u tip naselja u datom kulturnom i vremenskom kontekstu. To ujedno znaci da i na proces postanka i razvoja grada utjecu sve one povijesne silnice koje pokrecu opci razvoj nekog drustva.
In the first centuries of Roman rule mosaics were laid on floors of public and private buildings.... more In the first centuries of Roman rule mosaics were laid on floors of public and private buildings. A relatively small number of mosaic pavements were preserved in Croatia, particularly those from the earlier empire. As part of interior decoration, mosaics appear in the buildings of Salona (Orpheus, Apollo, Triton, the poetess Sappho with Muses et. ct.). It is apparent that the most fertile and highest quality mosaic workshop was located in Salona.
Među znacajne i istaknute ljude hrvatske kulturne povijesti koji je zaslužan i za arheologiju val... more Među znacajne i istaknute ljude hrvatske kulturne povijesti koji je zaslužan i za arheologiju valja istaknuti Ivana Krstitelja Tkalcica, svecenika koji je proveo pet godina u Sisku kao kapelan. Pored svoje duhovne službe u župi Sv. Križa te katehizaciju u gradskim skolama, Tkalcic je imao vremena skupljati i proucavati rimske starine te je i stvorio lijepu numizmaticku zbirku. Boraveci i radeci u Sisku Tkalcicevo se duhovno obzorje sve vise sirilo i sve mu je jasnije postajala slika staroga, rimskoga Siska - Siscije. Tkalcic sustavno prati i cita strana djela o rimskim starinama, bavi se rimskom povijescu, proucava rimski domaci i obiteljski život, pomno istražuje sisacke nalaze i spomenike te prati razvoj rimske kulture na nasem podrucju. Kao plod svojih spoznaja o sisackim starinama i životu krscana Tkalcic je objavio citav niz vrlo vrijednih rasprava i radova te prvi nas povijesni roman. Danas s punim pravom možemo govoriti o Ivanu Krstitelju Tkalcicu kao arheologu, jer je njegovo poznavanje povijesti i tadasnje literature bilo na zavidnoj razini, sto napokon dokazuju i njegovi pisani radovi.
Papers by Marija Buzov