Papers by Claudio Brondani

Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira, Dec 31, 2022
The objective of this work was to evaluate the physiological, phenotypic, and gene expression par... more The objective of this work was to evaluate the physiological, phenotypic, and gene expression parameters in genetically modified (GM) rice plants that overexpress the Oryza sativa Vacuolar H +-Pyrophosphatase 1 (OVP1) gene, compared with non-genetically modified (NGM) rice. GM and NGM plants of the BRSMG Curinga cultivar were evaluated in two experiments, in a laboratory and greenhouse, in a randomized complete block design, with four replicates. Agronomic traits of interest were estimated, and transcriptome analysis and gene expression quantification were carried out. GM plants showed a 31 and 21% higher number of spikelets per panicle and total number of grains per panicle, respectively, in comparison with NGM plants. Physiological changes occurred during the grain-filling stage, in which GM plants presented a photosynthetic rate and carboxylation efficiency 61 and 89% higher than those of NGM plants, respectively. The overexpression of the OVP1 gene favors the upregulation of some photosynthesis genes and the increase in the number of spikelets and in the photosynthetic rate, but does not favor the increase in grain yield.

Water deficit significantly affects global crop growth and productivity, particularly in water-li... more Water deficit significantly affects global crop growth and productivity, particularly in water-limited environments, such as upland rice cultivation, reducing grain yield. Plants activate various defense mechanisms during water deficit, involving numerous genes and complex metabolic pathways. Exploring homologous genes that are linked to enhanced drought tolerance through the use of genomic data from model organisms can aid in the functional validation of target species. We evaluated the upland rice OsCPK5 gene, an A. thaliana AtCPK6 homolog, by overexpressing it in the BRSMG Curinga cultivar. Transformants were assessed using a semi-automated phenotyping platform under two irrigation conditions: regular watering, and water deficit applied 79 days after seeding, lasting 14 days, followed by irrigation at 80% field capacity. The physiological data and leaf samples were collected at reproductive stages R3, R6, and R8. The genetically modified (GM) plants consistently exhibited higher ...
Todos os direitos reservados. A reprodução não-autorizada desta publicação, no todo ou em parte, ... more Todos os direitos reservados. A reprodução não-autorizada desta publicação, no todo ou em parte, constitui violação dos direitos autorais (Lei n o 9.610). Dados Internacionais de Catalogação na Publicação (CIP) Embrapa Arroz e Feijão Um estudo comparativo de softwares para alinhamento e detecção de Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) / Marcelo Gonçalves Narciso ...[et al.].

Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira
The objective of this work was to determine whether the overexpression of the nuclear Rubisco lar... more The objective of this work was to determine whether the overexpression of the nuclear Rubisco large subunit (rbcL) improves the drought tolerance of the genetically modified (GM) BRSMG Curinga upland rice (Oryza sativa) cultivar. GM and non-genetically modified (NGM) plants of the same cultivar were compared under the two following water treatments: well watered (WW) and water deficit (WD). The performance of the agronomic traits of GM plants, including grain yield, was superior to that of NGM plants in both treatments. By quantitative polymerase chain reaction, GM plants show a significantly higher expression of the rbcL gene in both WW and WD, as well as a larger amount of abscisic acid. With the RNAseq analysis, almost three times more upregulated genes are identified in GM plants in stage 2 after water restriction, indicating a greater protection against water deficit. The higher expression of genes related to the protection of the cellular metabolism and a series of physiologic...
O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar, através de 24 marcadores SSR fluorescentes, 146 acess... more O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar, através de 24 marcadores SSR fluorescentes, 146 acessos asiáticos de arroz do Banco Ativo de Germoplasma da Embrapa Arroz e Feijão.bitstream/item/31323/1/p44.pd
Este trabalho objetivou auxiliar o desenvolvimento de genótipos de feijoeiro com tolerância ao VM... more Este trabalho objetivou auxiliar o desenvolvimento de genótipos de feijoeiro com tolerância ao VMDF, obtidos por retrocruzamento, através da seleção assistida por marcadores microssatélites dos fragmentos de DNA dos genitores recorrentes, com a finalidade de diminuir os fragmentos de DNA indesejáveis, reduzindo com isto o número de retrocruzamentos a serem realizados.bitstream/CNPAF/24588/1/bolpesq_25.pd
Esse estudo teve como objetivo avaliar quanto a pureza genetica um conjunto de sementes de feijao... more Esse estudo teve como objetivo avaliar quanto a pureza genetica um conjunto de sementes de feijao comum resultantes do processo de multiplicacao da cultivar BRS Campeiro, incluindo as sementes geneticas, sementes basicas e sementes com tipo diferenciado de graos, quando comparados com a cultivar padrao, utilizando um sistema de genotipagem semiautomatizado baseado em marcadores microssatelites.

Australian Journal of Crop Science, 2015
Drought is a major cause of reduced yield in upland rice farming in many regions of the world and... more Drought is a major cause of reduced yield in upland rice farming in many regions of the world and cause an increased production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), followed by activation of a complex antioxidant system. In this study, the superoxide dismutase (SOD) enzymatic activity and the gene expression levels of eight isoforms of SOD were evaluated in drought-tolerant and drought-sensitive varieties of upland rice, 'Oryza sativa' japonica (the Primavera and Dourad o cultivars), including shoot and root tissues in two stages of plant development, grown under normal and restricted irrigation. The SOD activity was determined by 'spectrophotometric method' and the gene expression by qPCR experiments. In the tolerant cultivar, SOD enzymatic activity increased significantly (p <= 0.05) only in the root tissue in the reproductive stage (268.00 SOD UN mg-1), whereas in the sensitive cultivar, SOD increased in the leaf (112.17 SOD UN mg-1) and root (172.56 SOD UN mg-1) ...
A Embrapa Arroz e Feijao utiliza a plataforma de genotipagem BeadXpress Reader (Illumina), que ut... more A Embrapa Arroz e Feijao utiliza a plataforma de genotipagem BeadXpress Reader (Illumina), que utiliza a fluorescencia como metodo de deteccao. A interface grafica foi construida utilizando-se a linguagem JavaScript. Para exemplificar o acesso e o uso do Alchemy Web, foram utilizados dados obtidos em feijoeiro comum (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), no Laboratorio de Biotecnologia da Embrapa Arroz e Feijao, atraves da plataforma BeadXpress (Illumina).
Este trabalho enfoca softwares para alinhamento e identificacao deSNPs e compara estes quanto ao ... more Este trabalho enfoca softwares para alinhamento e identificacao deSNPs e compara estes quanto ao tempo de execucao e qualidadede resultados. Consideracoes sobre SNPs obtidos e que sao falsopositivose SNPs que nao sao obtidos e que existem tambem seraoconsiderados neste trabalho e, para que evite ao maximo a perda deSNPs verdadeiros e minimize a quantidade de SNPs falsos, parâmetrosde execucao dos programas serao tambem discutidos.
Introducao; Colecoes Nucleares; Colecao Nuclear Brasileira do Arroz - CNAE; Experimentos Multi-Lo... more Introducao; Colecoes Nucleares; Colecao Nuclear Brasileira do Arroz - CNAE; Experimentos Multi-Locais da CNAE; Experimento de Goianira (GO); Experimento de Boa Vista (RR); Experimento de Uruguaiana (RS); Qualidade de grao dos acessos da CNAE; Consideracoes Finais.
A Embrapa Arroz e Feijao esta atuando na conducao de acoes de pesquisa voltadas para o desenvolvi... more A Embrapa Arroz e Feijao esta atuando na conducao de acoes de pesquisa voltadas para o desenvolvimento e implementacao de praticas de genotipagem molecular que possibilitem consolidar estrategias mais eficientes de protecao de cultivares e seus derivados. Novos sistemas de genotipagem utilizando analise multiplex e deteccao semi-automatizada encontram-se em fase avancada de desenvolvimento, integrando locos microssatelites com elevado conteudo informativo e poder de discriminacao.

Environmental science and pollution research international, 2018
In the Brazilian wet and dry seasons, common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) are grown under rainfe... more In the Brazilian wet and dry seasons, common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) are grown under rainfed conditions with unexpected episodes of drought and high temperatures. The objective of this study was to evaluate the physiological mechanisms associated with drought adaptation traits in landraces and line/cultivars of beans from the Andean and Mesoamerican gene pools. Twenty-five genotypes, contrasting in terms of drought tolerance, were evaluated in a phenotyping platform under irrigated and rainfed conditions. Agronomic and physiological parameters such as grain yield, shoot structures, gas exchange, water potential, and osmotic adjustment were evaluated. The stress intensity was estimated to be 0.57, and the grain yield reduction ranged from 22 to 89%. Seven accessions, representative of the Andean and Mesoamerican germplasm (CF 200012, CF 240056, CF 250002, CF 900004, CNF 4497, CNF 7382, and SEA 5), presented superior performance in grain yield with and without stresses. The phys...

Genetics and Molecular Research, 2015
differentially expressed (978 upregulated, 1336 downregulated in Douradão). Six genes distributed... more differentially expressed (978 upregulated, 1336 downregulated in Douradão). Six genes distributed across 4 different transcription factor families (bHLH, MYB, NAC, and WRKY) were identified, all of which were upregulated in Douradão compared to Primavera during drought. Most of the genes identified in Douradão activate metabolic pathways responsible for production of secondary metabolites and genes coding for enzymatically active signaling receptors. Quantitative PCR validation showed that most gene expression was in agreement with computational prediction of these transcripts. The transcripts identified here will define molecular markers for identification of Cisacting elements to search for allelic variants of these genes through analysis of polymorphic SNPs in GenBank accessions of upland rice, aiming to develop cultivars with the best combination of these alleles, resulting in materials with high yield potential in the event of drought during the reproductive phase.

BMC plant biology, 2006
Eucalypts are the most widely planted hardwood trees in the world occupying globally more than 18... more Eucalypts are the most widely planted hardwood trees in the world occupying globally more than 18 million hectares as an important source of carbon neutral renewable energy and raw material for pulp, paper and solid wood. Quantitative Trait Loci (QTLs) in Eucalyptus have been localized on pedigree-specific RAPD or AFLP maps seriously limiting the value of such QTL mapping efforts for molecular breeding. The availability of a genus-wide genetic map with transferable microsatellite markers has become a must for the effective advancement of genomic undertakings. This report describes the development of a novel set of 230 EMBRA microsatellites, the construction of the first comprehensive microsatellite-based consensus linkage map for Eucalyptus and the consolidation of existing linkage information for other microsatellites and candidate genes mapped in other species of the genus. The consensus map covers approximately 90% of the recombining genome of Eucalyptus, involves 234 mapped EMBR...
Cropp Breeding and Applied Biotechnology, 2010
Genetic map of the common bean using a breeding population derived from the Mesoamerican gene pool

Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology, 2013
The tall coconut palm was introduced in Brazil in 1553, originating from the island of Cape Verde... more The tall coconut palm was introduced in Brazil in 1553, originating from the island of Cape Verde. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the genetic diversity of ten populations of Brazilian tall coconut by 13 microsatellite markers. Samples were collected from 195 individuals of 10 different populations. A total of 68 alleles were detected, with an average of 5.23 alleles per locus. The mean expected and observed heterozygosity value was 0.459 and 0.443, respectively. The number of alleles per population ranged from 36 to 48, with a mean of 40.9 alleles. We observed the formation of two groups, the first formed by the populations of Baía Formosa, Georgino Avelino and São José do Mipibu, and the second by the populations of Japoatã, Pacatuba and Praia do Forte. These results reveal a high level of genetic diversity in the Brazilian populations.

Plant Molecular Biology Reporter, 2013
Drought stress, particularly during the flowering and grain-filling stages of growth, contributes... more Drought stress, particularly during the flowering and grain-filling stages of growth, contributes to serious yield loss in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). The aim of this study was to identify genes induced in response to drought stress using transcriptome analysis of contrasting genotypes. Using leaf tissues of tolerant (BAT 477) and susceptible common bean genotypes (Pérola), collected at the flowering and grain-filling stages, four complementary deoxyribonucleic acid representational difference analysis subtractive libraries were constructed and then sequenced. A total of 7,203 (77.6 %) sequences with an average sequence size of 570 bp were considered valid, for a combined 4 Mbp sequence. According to a differential display analysis, 802 expressed sequence tags, distributed across 67 contigs, were differentially expressed by the tolerant (37 contigs) and susceptible genotypes (30 contigs) after identification under drought conditions during the two investigated plant developmental stages. Of these differential contigs, the 13 most frequent genes were exclusive to the tolerant genotype. Based on BLAST2GO, 73 % of the gene sequences were annotated and 12 % showed mapping results, with the highest similarity rate corresponding to Glycine max (41 %). According to gene ontology functional analysis, 48 % of the sequences were attributed to cell metabolic processes. Overall, 8.3 % of the transcribed sequences exhibited similarity to transcription factors, predominantly those of the AP2-EREBP family (97.8 %). Of the target sequences validated by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction, most genes showed an expression level that agreed with that predicted by in silico analysis. Thus, the drought transcriptome dataset is a valuable Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article

Molecular Genetics and Genomics, 2002
A novel set of 50 highly polymorphic microsatellite markers were developed and mapped on existing... more A novel set of 50 highly polymorphic microsatellite markers were developed and mapped on existing RAPD framework maps of Eucalyptus grandis and E. urophylla. Together with the twenty previously developed microsatellite markers, these were used to align the existing maps for the two most commercially important Eucalyptus species in the tropics. Sixty-three microsatellite markers were placed on the E. grandis map in 11 linkage groups, and 53 on the E. urophylla map distributed in 10 linkage groups. Approximately 66% of the microsatellite markers segregated in a fully informative fashion, allowing the establishment of colinear syntenic linkage groups between the two maps. The 50 new microsatellite markers were highly informative, with an average of 14 alleles per locus, and average expected heterozygosity between 0.82 and 0.87. Furthermore, within the subgenus Symphyomyrtus, to which the vast majority of commercially important Eucalyptus species belong, these markers display on average 90% transportability. This set of 70 mapped microsatellite markers represents a significant step toward the development of a genus-wide reference linkage map for Eucalyptus. These highly multiallelic and transportable markers constitute a powerful tool for QTL discovery and validation, and can be used in directed searches for QTL allele variation across Eucalyptus pedigrees.
Papers by Claudio Brondani