Water is a crucial resource for food production and its scarcity associated with frequent drought... more Water is a crucial resource for food production and its scarcity associated with frequent droughts has increased the need for a more efficient use of it along with new irrigation management technologies. This study addressed onion crop responses to continuous deficit irrigation with trigging thresholds of readily available water content. The experiment was conducted on an experimental plot in open field in Morocco. Three water regimes were applied T1 control (100%), T2 (75%) and T3 (50%) of crop evapotranspiration ETc combined with two trigging thresholds (10% and 5%). This is a complete random block device with four repetitions. The measurements concerned the monitoring of vegetative, Eco physiological and yield parameters. The results obtained show that: (i) 100% ETc irrigation at a threshold of 5% of RAW recorded the maximum bulb diameter and weight, thus achieving the best marketable bulb yields. However, in terms of yields, this treatment is not significantly different from the...
Heat and drought stresses have become more frequent and intense in the Mediterranean, strongly in... more Heat and drought stresses have become more frequent and intense in the Mediterranean, strongly influencing arable crop phenology, growth, and grain yield. Agroforestry systems can effectively buffer the adverse climate conditions and stabilize or even increase crop yield under climate change. However, the positive effects of agroforestry remain uncertain due to the possible intense competition between trees and crops, especially for legume crops that have been less studied than cereals in such context. This study aimed to assess the response of the phenology, growth, grain yield, and yield-related traits of chickpea (Cicer arietinum), faba bean (Vicia faba), and lentil (Lens culinaris) to olive-based agroforestry (AFS) as compared to sole crops system (SCS) in the South of the Mediterranean. We conducted a field experiment during two growing seasons marked by an intense drought, either at the beginning (year 1) or at the end (year 2) of the crop cycle. Crop growth and yield were lower in year 1 than in year 2, reflecting the adverse growing conditions caused by the early drought. They were also lower in AFS than in SCS for both years, indicating that trees had competitive effects on crops. In year 1, the yield loss of grains in AFS was 66 % for lentil, 47 % for chickpea, and 43 % for faba bean compared to SCS, confirming the greater shade sensitivity of lentil. In year 2, the reduction was significantly smaller and was about 46 %, 34 %, 38 % for lentil, chickpea and, faba bean, respectively. The number of pods and grains were the most affected yield components by agroforestry and drought timing across the three legumes crops. Similar responses were found when comparing crops at different distances to trees within the AFS field. Crops generally had lower biomass and yield, explained by fewer pods and grains, on the northern side of trees compared to the southern side of trees or the middle of tree inter-rows, causing significant spatial heterogeneity in crops. However, lentil and chickpea had a positive response to shade during the early drought year while a negative response during the late drought year, suggesting that the benefits of the microclimate created by olive trees express depending on drought timing and crop physiology. Our study supports legume integration into AFS, suggesting that chickpea should be considered during high-stress conditions, while faba bean should be preferred during low-stress conditions.
Revue Marocaine des Sciences Agronomiques et Vétérinaires, 2016
Au Maroc, la rarete de l’eau liee au changement climatique, constitue le facteur limitant princip... more Au Maroc, la rarete de l’eau liee au changement climatique, constitue le facteur limitant principal du developpement agricole. Depuis 2008, un programme de reconversion a l’irrigation localisee a ete entrepris par l’etat pour mieux valoriser et economiser l’eau d’irrigation. Un essai a ete conduit durant deux annees sur la canne a sucre dans le Gharb sous un climat mediterraneen avec un sol argilo-limoneux. Les objectifs etaient de determiner les besoins en eau de la culture, d’optimiser l’EUE et d’evaluer la reponse de la culture a differents apports d’eau en mode d’irrigation localisee. L’experimentation a ete conduite en utilisant la variete “CP70-321” avec un dispositif en blocs aleatoires randomises, quatre repetitions et cinq regimes hydriques. Les resultats ont montre un effet hautement significatif du regime hydrique sur les rendements en tiges et en sucre et sur la hauteur de vegetation. Les besoins en eau d’irrigation sont de 7500 m³.ha-1, mais 5000 m³.ha-1 equivalent a 67...
Depuis un siècle, la création de réseaux collectifs d'irrigation a été un moyen au service de... more Depuis un siècle, la création de réseaux collectifs d'irrigation a été un moyen au service de la puissance publique pour atteindre ses objectifs de politique agricole et d'aménagement du territoire. En 1961, l'office national des irrigations s'est fixé une doctrine de l'intervention en matière de développement hydro agricole : priorité à la grande hydraulique, création de grands périmètres irrigués, mise au point d'un modèle d'aménagement, introduction des cultures sucrières et du contrat de cultures entre l'Etat et les agriculteurs, création de structures locales d'intervention plus proches des agriculteurs (les centres de mise en valeur). Ce modèle technique de l'aménagement hydro-agricole, notamment dans le périmètre irrigué du Gharb, résolvait, avec élégance, le problème majeur de l'articulation et de la gestion de nombreuses données dans un aménagement intégré : satisfaction des besoins en eau, disposition des cultures et des propriét...
The subsurface drip irrigation technique is introduced in many agricultural areas of Morocco, par... more The subsurface drip irrigation technique is introduced in many agricultural areas of Morocco, particularly in the forage production systems. This study aims to determine the optimal sowing pattern of forage corn equipped with a subsurface drip irrigation system. A field experiment was carried out on sandy soil. Five rows spacing were evaluated: 40 cm, 55 cm, 70 cm, 85 cm, and 100 cm. The sowing rate was around 120000 plants ha-1. The subsurface irrigation system consisted of drip lines buried at 30 cm and separated by 100 cm with 1 L h-1 emitters and 50 cm as emitters spacing. The results revealed that the fraction of PARi and the accumulated PARi were not influenced by the sowing pattern. The highest corn dry biomass was recorded at 40 cm, 70 cm, and 85 cm row spacing. The biomass increase was mainly attributed to grain yield. The lowest irrigation water use efficiency was recorded at 100 cm row spacing (4.3 kg m-3). Concerning the forage quality, the sowing pattern did not influen...
Revue Marocaine des Sciences Agronomiques et Vétérinaires, 2010
Cette etude multi-site a pour objet de determiner les equations necessaires au raisonnement de la... more Cette etude multi-site a pour objet de determiner les equations necessaires au raisonnement de la fertilisation azotee du ble dur en irrigue dans les Doukkala. La variete "Marzak" a ete utilisee. En 1992-93, huit essais dose d'azote ont ete conduits (0, 60, 120, 180 kgN/ha). En 1993-94, trois essais combinant les densites de semis et les niveaux d'azote ont ete realises. Les resultats ont montre que les reponses aux apports d'azote dependaient de la fertilite initiale du sol. En 1993-94, l'augmentation de la densite de semis aboutit a une amelioration du rendement grain. Une equation de calcul de la dose d'azote a apporter qui tient compte de la difference entre le rendement vise et celui du temoin sans azote, l'efficience de l'azote absorbe (ENA) et le taux de recouvrement apparent de l'engrais (TR) a ete etablie. Le rendement du temoin sans azote a ete hautement correle a la teneur en azote nitrique initiale, au taux de matiere organique e...
Revue Marocaine des Sciences Agronomiques et Vétérinaires, 2016
L’oasis est un ecosysteme dont la structure depend principalement des composantes desert-oasis-ri... more L’oasis est un ecosysteme dont la structure depend principalement des composantes desert-oasis-rivieres. Generalement, elles sont distribuees le long des rivieres non perennes (oueds) et sur les nappes phreatiques peu profondes. Toutefois, la durabilite du systeme oasien est menacee par plusieurs facteurs conjugues (Penurie d’eau, Bayoud, changements climatiques, exode rural, etc..).L’objectif de cet article est de mettre en lumiere l’importance des ressources en eau souterraines qui quoi qu’elles demeurent invisibles, ont joue un role primordial dans la conservation et la durabilite du systeme oasien. Il vise a comprendre et a analyser les differentes interactions entre la nappe souterraine (nappe phreatique) et la dynamique des palmeraies en prenant en consideration l’ensemble des facteurs existants (naturels et humains). Une approche diachronique a ete adoptee pour pouvoir reconstituer l’histoire de l’evolution de la plaine de Tafilalet dans son integralite en effectuant une rech...
Dry leaves of date palms (DPs) are by-products of date cultivation that are often mismanaged in o... more Dry leaves of date palms (DPs) are by-products of date cultivation that are often mismanaged in oasis agroecosystems. Ideally, they should be upcycled in a circular agriculture model before producing and exporting high-value products. Compost inputs enhance soil organic matter and conserve soil. This study investigated composting of four mixtures based on farming system requirements and the availability of organic resources. The DPs were used alone or combined with sheep manure and rock phosphate. We experimented with farm-scale windrow composting to improve understanding and support decision-making. The results showed that temperature increased rapidly to 70 °C at the beginning of composting in the mixtures with manure. Organic matter content decreased by 40% in all windrows during composting, which indicated organic matter mineralisation and loss of volatile solids. Composting DP with or without sheep manure for 136 days with two turnings conserved nitrogen and increased the nitro...
Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe - HAL - Inria, Aug 27, 2018
Rainfed cropping systems are critically affected by climate change in the South Mediterranean, es... more Rainfed cropping systems are critically affected by climate change in the South Mediterranean, especially by increasing rainfall scarcity and irregularity. Agroforestry which consists of the combination of trees and understory crops, can be a key agroecological adaptive innovation that may both mitigate the negative effects of climate change and promote more productive and efficient cropping systems. Inspired by ecological theory, the stress gradient hypothesis (SGH) suggests that positive interactions become more important than negative interactions between trees and crops with increasing environmental stress (e.g. drought intensity). To test the SGH in the context of Mediterranean agroforestry, a field survey was conducted along a rainfall gradient in Northern Morocco to quantify interactions between olive (Olea europaea) and barley (Hordeum vulgare). Three main sites with contrasting mean annual rainfall (534 mm, 560 mm and 655 mm) were selected. The responses of barley in terms of biomass production and grain yield were assessed along the rainfall gradient and compared between agroforestry and barley in sole cropping systems. Using 42 field surveys across the three sites, we determined how farmers manage barley in sole cropping systems, how they manage the interactions between olive and barley in agroforestry systems, and we estimate the final yield of barley at harvest. In agroforestry systems, barley biomass production and grain yield at harvest was significantly higher (4.04 t/ ha and 1.11 t/ha respectively) under the intermediate rainfall level compared to the wettest site (1.85 t/ha and 0.58 t/ha respectively) and (2.37 t/ha et 0.71 t/ha respectively) in the driest one. While barley grain yield at harvest in the sole cropping systems was significantly higher under the driest site (2.37 t/ha) compared to the wettest site (1.31 t/ ha). In all cases, barley biomass production was significantly reduced by its intercropping in olive trees, the gap between barley biomass production in agroforestry and sole cropping systems ranged from 3.36 t/ha under the intermediate rainfall level, 3.52 t/ha under the wettest site to 4.76 t/ha under the driest one. Barley grain yield in agroforestry was significantly reduced under the driest and the intermediate rainfall level compared to barley grain yield in sole cropping systems, where the gap between barley grain yields in agroforestry and sole cropping systems was largest in the driest site 1.65 t/ha and 0.73 t/ha in the intermediate rainfall level. These results suggest that the SGH do not apply in agroforestry systems where other limiting factor and farmers practices may interact with water. For better understanding of tree-crop interactions, the study of different mechanisms by which trees influence crop biomass and yield should be more studied.
Ce travail qui a ete mene dans les trois grandes zones d’action de l’ORMVA du Gharb (Cotiere, Cen... more Ce travail qui a ete mene dans les trois grandes zones d’action de l’ORMVA du Gharb (Cotiere, Centrale et Beht) a pour objectifs la comparaison des indices d’efficiences economiques des exploitations agricoles irriguees. La methode Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) a ete adoptee. Un echantillon de 49 exploitations a servi de base a cette etude. Il englobe des exploitations avec des systemes de production differents (maraichers, cerealiers, agrumicoles et sucriers) et des modes d’irrigation differents (localise, aspersion et gravitaire). L’analyse des donnees montre que parmi les exploitations les plus efficientes on trouve en meme temps celles qui « souffrent » d’un manque d’eau d’irrigation (zone du Beht) et celles qui ont un acces « illimite » a la ressource (pompages prives au niveau de la zone cotiere). La grande majorite (73 %) des exploitations de l’ensemble de l’echantillon sont inefficientes. Ce qui montre que la majorite des agriculteurs ne maitrise pas la technologie disponible
Revue Marocaine des Sciences Agronomiques et Vétérinaires, 2018
Le modele CropSyst a ete utilise pour explorer des scenarios d'irrigation des principales cul... more Le modele CropSyst a ete utilise pour explorer des scenarios d'irrigation des principales cultures fourrageres au Tadla au Maroc. La calibration et la validation du modele CropSyst ont ete realisees precedemment pour la luzerne, le mais d'ensilage et le bersim. Des simulations de plusieurs scenarios impliquant une combinaison des moments d'irrigation et des quantites d'eau appliquees ont ete realisees sur 40 ans avec des donnees climatiques journalieres. Pour la luzerne, les resultats indiquent que l'application de 1600 mm d’eau maximise l’efficience d’utilisation de l'eau (1,21 kg/m 3 ) et permet d’atteindre un rendement de 23,1 t / ha. Dans le cas du mais, l'application de 648 mm a travers 2 irrigations en phase initiale, 2 irrigations en phase lineaire et deux en phase finale permet d'obtenir un rendement eleve en biomasse et une meilleure productivite de l'eau. Sur le bersim, les resultats de simulation confirment que l'adoption du scenar...
Water is a crucial resource for food production and its scarcity associated with frequent drought... more Water is a crucial resource for food production and its scarcity associated with frequent droughts has increased the need for a more efficient use of it along with new irrigation management technologies. This study addressed onion crop responses to continuous deficit irrigation with trigging thresholds of readily available water content. The experiment was conducted on an experimental plot in open field in Morocco. Three water regimes were applied T1 control (100%), T2 (75%) and T3 (50%) of crop evapotranspiration ETc combined with two trigging thresholds (10% and 5%). This is a complete random block device with four repetitions. The measurements concerned the monitoring of vegetative, Eco physiological and yield parameters. The results obtained show that: (i) 100% ETc irrigation at a threshold of 5% of RAW recorded the maximum bulb diameter and weight, thus achieving the best marketable bulb yields. However, in terms of yields, this treatment is not significantly different from the...
Heat and drought stresses have become more frequent and intense in the Mediterranean, strongly in... more Heat and drought stresses have become more frequent and intense in the Mediterranean, strongly influencing arable crop phenology, growth, and grain yield. Agroforestry systems can effectively buffer the adverse climate conditions and stabilize or even increase crop yield under climate change. However, the positive effects of agroforestry remain uncertain due to the possible intense competition between trees and crops, especially for legume crops that have been less studied than cereals in such context. This study aimed to assess the response of the phenology, growth, grain yield, and yield-related traits of chickpea (Cicer arietinum), faba bean (Vicia faba), and lentil (Lens culinaris) to olive-based agroforestry (AFS) as compared to sole crops system (SCS) in the South of the Mediterranean. We conducted a field experiment during two growing seasons marked by an intense drought, either at the beginning (year 1) or at the end (year 2) of the crop cycle. Crop growth and yield were lower in year 1 than in year 2, reflecting the adverse growing conditions caused by the early drought. They were also lower in AFS than in SCS for both years, indicating that trees had competitive effects on crops. In year 1, the yield loss of grains in AFS was 66 % for lentil, 47 % for chickpea, and 43 % for faba bean compared to SCS, confirming the greater shade sensitivity of lentil. In year 2, the reduction was significantly smaller and was about 46 %, 34 %, 38 % for lentil, chickpea and, faba bean, respectively. The number of pods and grains were the most affected yield components by agroforestry and drought timing across the three legumes crops. Similar responses were found when comparing crops at different distances to trees within the AFS field. Crops generally had lower biomass and yield, explained by fewer pods and grains, on the northern side of trees compared to the southern side of trees or the middle of tree inter-rows, causing significant spatial heterogeneity in crops. However, lentil and chickpea had a positive response to shade during the early drought year while a negative response during the late drought year, suggesting that the benefits of the microclimate created by olive trees express depending on drought timing and crop physiology. Our study supports legume integration into AFS, suggesting that chickpea should be considered during high-stress conditions, while faba bean should be preferred during low-stress conditions.
Revue Marocaine des Sciences Agronomiques et Vétérinaires, 2016
Au Maroc, la rarete de l’eau liee au changement climatique, constitue le facteur limitant princip... more Au Maroc, la rarete de l’eau liee au changement climatique, constitue le facteur limitant principal du developpement agricole. Depuis 2008, un programme de reconversion a l’irrigation localisee a ete entrepris par l’etat pour mieux valoriser et economiser l’eau d’irrigation. Un essai a ete conduit durant deux annees sur la canne a sucre dans le Gharb sous un climat mediterraneen avec un sol argilo-limoneux. Les objectifs etaient de determiner les besoins en eau de la culture, d’optimiser l’EUE et d’evaluer la reponse de la culture a differents apports d’eau en mode d’irrigation localisee. L’experimentation a ete conduite en utilisant la variete “CP70-321” avec un dispositif en blocs aleatoires randomises, quatre repetitions et cinq regimes hydriques. Les resultats ont montre un effet hautement significatif du regime hydrique sur les rendements en tiges et en sucre et sur la hauteur de vegetation. Les besoins en eau d’irrigation sont de 7500 m³.ha-1, mais 5000 m³.ha-1 equivalent a 67...
Depuis un siècle, la création de réseaux collectifs d'irrigation a été un moyen au service de... more Depuis un siècle, la création de réseaux collectifs d'irrigation a été un moyen au service de la puissance publique pour atteindre ses objectifs de politique agricole et d'aménagement du territoire. En 1961, l'office national des irrigations s'est fixé une doctrine de l'intervention en matière de développement hydro agricole : priorité à la grande hydraulique, création de grands périmètres irrigués, mise au point d'un modèle d'aménagement, introduction des cultures sucrières et du contrat de cultures entre l'Etat et les agriculteurs, création de structures locales d'intervention plus proches des agriculteurs (les centres de mise en valeur). Ce modèle technique de l'aménagement hydro-agricole, notamment dans le périmètre irrigué du Gharb, résolvait, avec élégance, le problème majeur de l'articulation et de la gestion de nombreuses données dans un aménagement intégré : satisfaction des besoins en eau, disposition des cultures et des propriét...
The subsurface drip irrigation technique is introduced in many agricultural areas of Morocco, par... more The subsurface drip irrigation technique is introduced in many agricultural areas of Morocco, particularly in the forage production systems. This study aims to determine the optimal sowing pattern of forage corn equipped with a subsurface drip irrigation system. A field experiment was carried out on sandy soil. Five rows spacing were evaluated: 40 cm, 55 cm, 70 cm, 85 cm, and 100 cm. The sowing rate was around 120000 plants ha-1. The subsurface irrigation system consisted of drip lines buried at 30 cm and separated by 100 cm with 1 L h-1 emitters and 50 cm as emitters spacing. The results revealed that the fraction of PARi and the accumulated PARi were not influenced by the sowing pattern. The highest corn dry biomass was recorded at 40 cm, 70 cm, and 85 cm row spacing. The biomass increase was mainly attributed to grain yield. The lowest irrigation water use efficiency was recorded at 100 cm row spacing (4.3 kg m-3). Concerning the forage quality, the sowing pattern did not influen...
Revue Marocaine des Sciences Agronomiques et Vétérinaires, 2010
Cette etude multi-site a pour objet de determiner les equations necessaires au raisonnement de la... more Cette etude multi-site a pour objet de determiner les equations necessaires au raisonnement de la fertilisation azotee du ble dur en irrigue dans les Doukkala. La variete "Marzak" a ete utilisee. En 1992-93, huit essais dose d'azote ont ete conduits (0, 60, 120, 180 kgN/ha). En 1993-94, trois essais combinant les densites de semis et les niveaux d'azote ont ete realises. Les resultats ont montre que les reponses aux apports d'azote dependaient de la fertilite initiale du sol. En 1993-94, l'augmentation de la densite de semis aboutit a une amelioration du rendement grain. Une equation de calcul de la dose d'azote a apporter qui tient compte de la difference entre le rendement vise et celui du temoin sans azote, l'efficience de l'azote absorbe (ENA) et le taux de recouvrement apparent de l'engrais (TR) a ete etablie. Le rendement du temoin sans azote a ete hautement correle a la teneur en azote nitrique initiale, au taux de matiere organique e...
Revue Marocaine des Sciences Agronomiques et Vétérinaires, 2016
L’oasis est un ecosysteme dont la structure depend principalement des composantes desert-oasis-ri... more L’oasis est un ecosysteme dont la structure depend principalement des composantes desert-oasis-rivieres. Generalement, elles sont distribuees le long des rivieres non perennes (oueds) et sur les nappes phreatiques peu profondes. Toutefois, la durabilite du systeme oasien est menacee par plusieurs facteurs conjugues (Penurie d’eau, Bayoud, changements climatiques, exode rural, etc..).L’objectif de cet article est de mettre en lumiere l’importance des ressources en eau souterraines qui quoi qu’elles demeurent invisibles, ont joue un role primordial dans la conservation et la durabilite du systeme oasien. Il vise a comprendre et a analyser les differentes interactions entre la nappe souterraine (nappe phreatique) et la dynamique des palmeraies en prenant en consideration l’ensemble des facteurs existants (naturels et humains). Une approche diachronique a ete adoptee pour pouvoir reconstituer l’histoire de l’evolution de la plaine de Tafilalet dans son integralite en effectuant une rech...
Dry leaves of date palms (DPs) are by-products of date cultivation that are often mismanaged in o... more Dry leaves of date palms (DPs) are by-products of date cultivation that are often mismanaged in oasis agroecosystems. Ideally, they should be upcycled in a circular agriculture model before producing and exporting high-value products. Compost inputs enhance soil organic matter and conserve soil. This study investigated composting of four mixtures based on farming system requirements and the availability of organic resources. The DPs were used alone or combined with sheep manure and rock phosphate. We experimented with farm-scale windrow composting to improve understanding and support decision-making. The results showed that temperature increased rapidly to 70 °C at the beginning of composting in the mixtures with manure. Organic matter content decreased by 40% in all windrows during composting, which indicated organic matter mineralisation and loss of volatile solids. Composting DP with or without sheep manure for 136 days with two turnings conserved nitrogen and increased the nitro...
Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe - HAL - Inria, Aug 27, 2018
Rainfed cropping systems are critically affected by climate change in the South Mediterranean, es... more Rainfed cropping systems are critically affected by climate change in the South Mediterranean, especially by increasing rainfall scarcity and irregularity. Agroforestry which consists of the combination of trees and understory crops, can be a key agroecological adaptive innovation that may both mitigate the negative effects of climate change and promote more productive and efficient cropping systems. Inspired by ecological theory, the stress gradient hypothesis (SGH) suggests that positive interactions become more important than negative interactions between trees and crops with increasing environmental stress (e.g. drought intensity). To test the SGH in the context of Mediterranean agroforestry, a field survey was conducted along a rainfall gradient in Northern Morocco to quantify interactions between olive (Olea europaea) and barley (Hordeum vulgare). Three main sites with contrasting mean annual rainfall (534 mm, 560 mm and 655 mm) were selected. The responses of barley in terms of biomass production and grain yield were assessed along the rainfall gradient and compared between agroforestry and barley in sole cropping systems. Using 42 field surveys across the three sites, we determined how farmers manage barley in sole cropping systems, how they manage the interactions between olive and barley in agroforestry systems, and we estimate the final yield of barley at harvest. In agroforestry systems, barley biomass production and grain yield at harvest was significantly higher (4.04 t/ ha and 1.11 t/ha respectively) under the intermediate rainfall level compared to the wettest site (1.85 t/ha and 0.58 t/ha respectively) and (2.37 t/ha et 0.71 t/ha respectively) in the driest one. While barley grain yield at harvest in the sole cropping systems was significantly higher under the driest site (2.37 t/ha) compared to the wettest site (1.31 t/ ha). In all cases, barley biomass production was significantly reduced by its intercropping in olive trees, the gap between barley biomass production in agroforestry and sole cropping systems ranged from 3.36 t/ha under the intermediate rainfall level, 3.52 t/ha under the wettest site to 4.76 t/ha under the driest one. Barley grain yield in agroforestry was significantly reduced under the driest and the intermediate rainfall level compared to barley grain yield in sole cropping systems, where the gap between barley grain yields in agroforestry and sole cropping systems was largest in the driest site 1.65 t/ha and 0.73 t/ha in the intermediate rainfall level. These results suggest that the SGH do not apply in agroforestry systems where other limiting factor and farmers practices may interact with water. For better understanding of tree-crop interactions, the study of different mechanisms by which trees influence crop biomass and yield should be more studied.
Ce travail qui a ete mene dans les trois grandes zones d’action de l’ORMVA du Gharb (Cotiere, Cen... more Ce travail qui a ete mene dans les trois grandes zones d’action de l’ORMVA du Gharb (Cotiere, Centrale et Beht) a pour objectifs la comparaison des indices d’efficiences economiques des exploitations agricoles irriguees. La methode Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) a ete adoptee. Un echantillon de 49 exploitations a servi de base a cette etude. Il englobe des exploitations avec des systemes de production differents (maraichers, cerealiers, agrumicoles et sucriers) et des modes d’irrigation differents (localise, aspersion et gravitaire). L’analyse des donnees montre que parmi les exploitations les plus efficientes on trouve en meme temps celles qui « souffrent » d’un manque d’eau d’irrigation (zone du Beht) et celles qui ont un acces « illimite » a la ressource (pompages prives au niveau de la zone cotiere). La grande majorite (73 %) des exploitations de l’ensemble de l’echantillon sont inefficientes. Ce qui montre que la majorite des agriculteurs ne maitrise pas la technologie disponible
Revue Marocaine des Sciences Agronomiques et Vétérinaires, 2018
Le modele CropSyst a ete utilise pour explorer des scenarios d'irrigation des principales cul... more Le modele CropSyst a ete utilise pour explorer des scenarios d'irrigation des principales cultures fourrageres au Tadla au Maroc. La calibration et la validation du modele CropSyst ont ete realisees precedemment pour la luzerne, le mais d'ensilage et le bersim. Des simulations de plusieurs scenarios impliquant une combinaison des moments d'irrigation et des quantites d'eau appliquees ont ete realisees sur 40 ans avec des donnees climatiques journalieres. Pour la luzerne, les resultats indiquent que l'application de 1600 mm d’eau maximise l’efficience d’utilisation de l'eau (1,21 kg/m 3 ) et permet d’atteindre un rendement de 23,1 t / ha. Dans le cas du mais, l'application de 648 mm a travers 2 irrigations en phase initiale, 2 irrigations en phase lineaire et deux en phase finale permet d'obtenir un rendement eleve en biomasse et une meilleure productivite de l'eau. Sur le bersim, les resultats de simulation confirment que l'adoption du scenar...
Papers by Ahmed Bouaziz